Wardens (FiD)

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Wardens are the stalwart protectors and explorers of uncharted lands. They tread the line between guardian and pioneer, dedicating themselves to both safeguarding their territories and expanding into the unknown. As sentinels of the frontier, they ensure the safety of new settlements and the preservation of their domains.


Colonization: During downtime, roll dice equal to your Tier. You earn coin equal to the highest result, minus your heat. Customers pay well for you to show your flag. Camps: +1d to Command and Consort outside scores. Helping immigrants and refugees settle in. Land Grab: You get +2 coin in your payoff for scores that involve exploration and expanding your lands. Barracks: Your Thugs cohorts get +1 scale. An expansive training ground and armory allows for a larger, well-equipped company. Supply Lines: You get +1d to acquire asset rolls. You have established contacts with distant suppliers.
Hospital: You get +1d to healing treatment rolls for the entire population. Sheriffs: You get +1d to the engagement roll for Probe and Social plans. The law keeps track of your people. Capital: Your fortified stronghold where plans are made and spoils are secured. Claims start here and can extend horizontally or vertically, but not diagonally. Lookout Beacons: You get +1d to Hunt or Survey on your land. Vigilant sentries keep watch for threats and opportunities. Confederates: You get +1d to the engagement roll for Assault and Transport plans. Allies provide support.
Infirmary: You get +1d to healing treatment rolls. An experienced medic and proper facilities help your warriors recover quickly. Shrine: You get -2 heat per score. Dedication to a deity or cause grants your actions divine sanction. Border Guard: You get +2 coin in your payoff for scores that involve developing and protecting your land. Hunting Lodge: +1d to Hunt and Sway outside scores. Impressive quarters boost morale and loyalty. Land Tax: Any time during downtime, roll dice equal to your Tier. You earn coin equal to the highest result, minus your heat. Training others' troops is lucrative.

Heat & Wanted Level

☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐ | ☐☐☐☐


☐☐☐☐ | Vault ☐☐☐☐ | Vault 2 ☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐

Special Abilities

  1. Sentinels: Each PC may add +1 action rating to Hunt, Skirmish, or Survey (up to a max rating of 3).
  2. Ancestral Claims: When you stake a claim, gain 2 reputation.
  3. Expanding Capital: When you add a feature to your lair, gain 1 coin.
  4. Militia: When you defend your lands, cohort gangs gain +1 scale.
  5. Minutemen: All of your cohorts get the Thugs type for free (if they're already Thugs, add another type).
  6. Oath of Loyalty: Each PC has been toughened by oaths. You get +1d to resistance rolls.
  7. Vassal: When you advance your Tier, it costs half the coin it normally would. You owe obedience to your sponsor.
  8. Additional Playbook: Select another crew playbook. From now on, you can choose its Claims, Special Abilities, Crew Contacts, and Upgrades. You gain immediate access only to the Crew XP.

Crew XP

At the end of each session, for each item below, mark 1 xp (or instead mark 2xp if that item occurred multiple times).

  1. Explore, develop, and defend your lands.
  2. Contend with challenges above your current station.
  3. Bolster your crew's reputation or develop a new one.
  4. Express the goals, drives, inner conflict, or essential nature of the crew.


  1. Darrin, a seasoned mercenary captain.
  2. Lucinda, a wealthy noble with a penchant for hiring warriors.
  3. Magnus, a blacksmith who forges custom weapons.
  4. Soraya, a healer with battlefield experience.
  5. Cedric, a tavern owner who knows everyone’s secrets.
  6. Beatrix, a spy who trades in military intelligence.

Crew Upgrades

☐ Warriors' rigging (1 carried weapon or armor item is concealed and has no load) ☐ Bluecoat Contacts (+1 Tier in interactions with guards or city watch) ☐ Elite Thugs ☐ Elite Rovers ☐-☐-☐ Hardened (+1 trauma box)

Lair ☐☐ Carriage ☐☐ Boat ☐ Hidden ☐ Quarters ☐☐ Secure ☐☐ Vault ☐ Workshop

Training ☐ Insight ■ Prowess ☐ Resolve ■ Personal ☐-☐-☐-☐ Mastery

Quality ☐ Documents ☐ Gear ☐ Implements ☐ Pet/Special ☐ Supplies ☐ Tools ☐ Weapons

Cohort upgrade costs

New Cohort: ☐-☐
Add Type: ☐-☐



Gang ☐ or Expert ☐.

Weak ☐, Impaired ☐, Broken ☐, Armor ☐

Adepts ☐ Rooks ☐ Rovers ☐ Skulks ☐ Thugs ☐

Elite ☐ Fearsome ☐ Independent ☐ Loyal ☐ Principled ☐ Animal ☐ Savage ☐ Unreliable ☐ Wild ☐


Gang ☐ or Expert ☐.

Weak ☐, Impaired ☐, Broken ☐, Armor ☐

Adepts ☐ Rooks ☐ Rovers ☐ Skulks ☐ Thugs ☐

Elite ☐ Fearsome ☐ Independent ☐ Loyal ☐ Principled ☐ Animal ☐ Savage ☐ Unreliable ☐ Wild ☐


Gang ☐ or Expert ☐.

Weak ☐, Impaired ☐, Broken ☐, Armor ☐

Adepts ☐ Rooks ☐ Rovers ☐ Skulks ☐ Thugs ☐

Elite ☐ Fearsome ☐ Independent ☐ Loyal ☐ Principled ☐ Animal ☐ Savage ☐ Unreliable ☐ Wild ☐


Gang ☐ or Expert ☐.

Weak ☐, Impaired ☐, Broken ☐, Armor ☐

Adepts ☐ Rooks ☐ Rovers ☐ Skulks ☐ Thugs ☐

Elite ☐ Fearsome ☐ Independent ☐ Loyal ☐ Principled ☐ Animal ☐ Savage ☐ Unreliable ☐ Wild ☐


  1. A rebel faction has begun encroaching on your territory. What will you do to defend your land and people?
  2. A series of mysterious disappearances in a border village suggests something unnatural. Investigate the cause.
  3. A neighboring lord challenges your authority and claims your territory as their own. How will you respond?
  4. A valuable resource has been discovered in a contested area. Secure it before others claim it.
  5. A band of marauders has been attacking caravans along the border. Track them down and put an end to their raids.
  6. An ancient fortress, long abandoned, has been rediscovered in your region. What secrets does it hold?
  7. A noble seeks refuge in your lands, claiming they are being pursued by an enemy. Decide whether to protect or turn them away.
  8. Strange symbols have been appearing on the borders of your territory. They seem to be part of a larger puzzle.
  9. A local village is suffering from a mysterious plague. Investigate its origin and find a cure.
  10. An old ally has been captured by an enemy force. What will you do to rescue them?
  11. A rival warden claims that you have overstepped your boundaries. Defend your position or negotiate a settlement.
  12. A once-quiet border town is experiencing unexplained supernatural phenomena. What is causing the disturbances?
  13. A secret entrance to an ancient underground network has been found. Explore it for potential benefits or threats.
  14. A rare and dangerous beast has been sighted in your lands. Track it down and ensure it doesn’t pose a threat.
  15. A local leader is suspected of treason. Investigate their activities and determine their loyalty.
  16. A historic artifact, linked to your region's past, has gone missing. Find it before it falls into the wrong hands.
  17. A rival faction is inciting unrest among your people. Discover their motives and quell the rebellion.
  18. A series of natural disasters has struck your territory. Manage the crisis and aid those affected.
  19. An enemy has begun spreading false rumors about you. Address the misinformation and restore your reputation.
  20. A long-forgotten prophecy relates to your region. Investigate its meaning and potential implications.
  21. A valuable trading route has been jeopardized by hostile forces. Protect it to ensure continued commerce.
  22. An old alliance with a neighboring land is in danger of unraveling. Reaffirm the pact or face the consequences.
  23. A group of deserters from an opposing force seeks asylum. Decide their fate and the impact on your own forces.
  24. A hidden cache of ancient weapons has been discovered. Determine its worth and how to use it.
  25. A series of inexplicable attacks on your outposts has left them vulnerable. Fortify and defend your positions.
  26. A powerful sorcerer claims to have insight into a looming threat. Seek their counsel or challenge their claims.
  27. A local noble’s land is under siege. Offer aid or risk their animosity.
  28. A long-lost relative of a prominent figure in your lands has resurfaced. Investigate their motives and potential claims.
  29. A covert operation to infiltrate a rival's stronghold has been proposed. Will you take the risk?
  30. A secretive group has started building fortifications near your borders. Uncover their intentions and plans.
  31. A legendary beast from local folklore has been spotted. Whether real or myth, it could impact your territory.