Spells (D&D)
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Necromancy (Death) (Sexual)
Level: Alchemist 0, Bard 1, Cleric 0, Druid 0, Imagist 0, Sor/Wiz 1
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 1 minute
Range: Touch
Target: One willing pregnant creature
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Fortitude negates
Spell Resistance: Yes
A willing, pregnant target in the first trimester aborts.
Material component: A boiled nut.
Abortion Curse
Necromancy (Death) (Sexual)
Level: Alchemist 3, Cleric 4, Druid 3, Imagist 3, Sor/Wiz 3
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Close (15 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels
Target: One pregnant creature
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Fortitude negates
Spell Resistance: Yes
A pregnant target aborts. If cast in the second trimester, the mother suffers 1d6 damage. If cast in the third trimester, the mother suffers 1d6 Constitution damage.
Material component: An empty eggshell.
Alter Other
Transmutation (Polymorph)
Level: Sor/Wiz 3
Range: Touch
Target: Willing creature touched
Saving Throw: Fortitude negates (harmless)
Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless)
Except as noted, this is the same a alter self (PH p 197). The target can end the spell at any time as a standard action.
Alter, Mass
Transmutation (Polymorph)
Level: Sor/Wiz 6
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft. /2 levels.
Target: One willing creature/level, no two of which are more that 30 ft. apart.
Saving Throw: Fortitude negates (harmless)
Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless)
Except as noted, this is the same as alter self (PH p 197). Each target can end the spell at any time as a standard action.
Animal Shape
Transmutation (Polymorph) (Special)
Level: Druid 5
This is the same as the polymorph spell except as noted, and in that the assumed form can only be of the animal or vermin type and that the maximum HD is 20.
Conjuration (Creation)
Level: Alchemist 1, Sorcerer/Wizard 1
Components: M
Cast Time: 1 standard action
Range: Touch
Target: Willing creature touched
Duration: 1 hour/level (D)
Save: Reflex negates (harmless)
SR: Yes (harmless)
This creates a brightly colored breastplate on a willing subject that is not wearing any other armor. It counts as light armor, confers an armor bonus of +4 but has no armor check penalty, arcane spell failure chance, or speed reduction, and is not considered metal armor. If the affected creature makes a move to take it off (a standard action), the spell ends.
Material component: A tiny drop of mercury.
This spell was adapted from second edition.
Armor Transformation
Level: Brd 1, Sor/Wiz 1
Components: V, F
Casting Time: 1 swift action
Range: Touch
Target: Willing creature touched
Duration: 1 hour/level
Saving Throw: Will negates (harmless)
Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless)
Touch a creature, that must be wearing some strips of mail or a few buckles, but not be enough to offer any armor bonus. That armor is imbued with magic and gives an armor bonus of +4 with no weight, armor check penalty, or spell failure chance, and is not considered metal armor.
Focus: The show armor to be transformed, which must be worn by the target in the armor slot.
Barren Seed
Abjuration (Sexual)
Level: Alchemist 2, Bard 2, Cleric 2, Druid 2, Imagist 1, Sor/Wiz 2
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Touch
Target: 1 living creature
Duration: 1 day/level
Saving Throw: Fortitude negates
Spell Resistance: Yes
Target is rendered sterile. Any magical fertility enhancement will overcome this spell.
Material component: A boiled seed of grain.
Beauty's Caress
Level: Brd 3, Imagist 3, Clr 4
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Touch
Target: Creature touched
Duration: 1 hour/level
Saving Throw: Will negates (harmless)
Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless)
When touched, the target becomes much more attractive, poised, and self-confident. This improves the attitude of all creatures who start with an attitude of indifferent or better. Indifferent creatures become friendly, friendly creatures become helpful. Creatures immune to mind-affecting effects don't have their attitude improved. See the Diplomacy skill for more on attitude.
Benign Dispel
Level: Brd 0, Clr 0, Drd 0, Sor/Wiz 0
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level)
Target or Area: One spell, creature, or object; or 20-ft.-radius burst
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No
You can use benign dispel to dispel magic you have created or cast yourself. You can choose dispel a single targeted spell, all spells on a single targeted object or creature, or a single spell of your choice on each object or creature in a 20-ft.-radius burst.
A dispelled spell ends as if its duration had expired. Spells that cannot be affected by dispel magic are also immune to benign dispel. Benign dispel can dispel spell-like effects you have created just as it does spells, but not supernatural effects.
Benign dispel cannot affect magic items of any kind.
Benign Dispel, Greater
Level: Assassin 1, Blackguard 1, Brd 1, Clr 1, Druid 1, Ranger 1, Paladin 1, Sor/Wiz 1
Range: Long (400 ft. + 40 ft./level)
Target or Area: One spell, creature, or object
Except as noted this is the same as benign dispel. Greater benign dispel cannot affect an area, but does not require a line of sight or effect; as long as the target is in range you can cast it successfully.
Benign Dispel, Swift
Level: Brd 2, Clr 3, Drd 2, Sor/Wiz 2
Casting Time: 1 swift action
Except as noted above this is the same as benign dispel.
Enchantment (Compulsion) (Mind-Affecting)
Level: Bard 0, Sorcerer/Wizard 0
Components: S
Cast Time: 1 immediate action
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Target: One creature
Duration: Instantaneous
Save: Will negates
SR: Yes
This spell causes the target to burp, fart, say something inappropriate, pick his nose, scratch his genitals, or otherwise do something socially inexcusable, something the target tries to avoid doing but sometimes does anyway. This gives a -4 circumstance penalty on any Charisma roll or Charisma-related skill check the target is performing at the time and can distract a spellcaster (see the Concentration skill).
Conjuration (Creation)
Level: Druid 0, Sorcerer/Wizard 0
Components: V, S
Cast Time: 1 full round
Range: Touch
Target: One fine vermin
Duration: 1 minute/level.
Saving throw: None
SR: No
You make a quick and violent motion as if catching a bug, and a bug magically appears in your hand.
You create a harmless fine vermin, such as a bug, dragonfly, or spider. It appears in your space and can act as soon as it appears, following your empathic commands while within line-of sight. Commanding it is a move action, but you can make it move along with you as a free action. If it strays outside of your line of sight, it gets confused and does nothing.
Size/Type: Diminutive Vermin
Hit Dice: 1/8 d8 (1 hp)
Initiative: +2
Speed: 10 ft. (6 squares), Climb 10 ft., and/or Fly 20 ft. (good)
Armor Class: 20 (+8 size, +2 Dex), touch 20, flat-footed 18
Base Attack/Grapple: +0/-21
Space/Reach: 1/2 ft./0 ft.
Special Attacks: —
Special Qualities: Low-light vision, scent
Saves: Fort +2, Ref +4, Will -2
Abilities: Str 1, Dex 15, Con 11, Int 0, Wis 6, Cha 4
Skills: Hide +18
Illusion (Glamer)
Level: Bard 0, Sorcerer/Wizard 0
Components: V, S
Cast Time: 1 standard action or more; see text
Range: Touch
Target: Part of object or creature touched up to Small size
Duration: 1 hour/level
Save: Will disbelief
SR: No
This spell changes the coloration of a willing creature or object. It can affect a creature or object of up to Small size, or a similarly-sized part of a larger object or about 10 sq. ft. of surface area [1 sq. m.]. This is enough to cover the head of a Large creature. Color gives a +2 competence bonus on Disguise, Forgery, Profession (Groom) and appropriate Craft skills. When used with skills to create more than simple flat colors, the casting time is extended to the time such a craft project would normally take.
Creature Image
Illusion (Figment)
Level: Sorcerer/Wizard 3
Components: V, S, F
Cast Time: 1 standard action
Range: Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level)
Effect: Visual figment, not larger than Large size.
Duration: Concentration + 1 round/level (D)
Saving Throw: Will disbelief
Spell Resistance: No
Creates a visual illusion of a Large or smaller creature, as visualized by the caster. The figment includes visual, auditory, olfactory, and thermal elements, including intelligible speech.
Acts according to the caster's instructions, not unlike a summoned monster. The spell ends if the figment moves out of range.
A bit of fleece.
Level: Sorcerer/Wizard 2
Components: V, S, M, F
Cast Time: 1 minute
Range: Touch
Target: Robe or pouch touched
Duration: 1 hour/level (D)
Save: Fortitude negates (harmless)
SR: Yes (harmless, object)
This spell must be cast on spell component pouch or spell component robe. It creates 1001 small openings into extradimensional space linked to the pockets. 1000 of these are very small; each of these can hold one diminutive item like one arrow, bolt or other ammunition, a wand, scroll, potion bottle, or most material components. Retrieving or storing an item in any of these pockets is a free action. The 1001st pocket opens the lining and allows direct access to all the stored items. This allows large objects to be stored, but storing or retrieving something through the lining is a move action. All of these items are held in a single extradimensional space, whose total capacity is 10 cu. ft. or 100 lbs.
Material component: A needle and some thread.
Focus: A spell component pouch (5 gp) or spell component robe (30 gp).
This spell was adapted from second edition.
Deflect Blow
Level: Cleric 0, Sorcerer/Wizard 0
Components: S
Cast Time: 1 immediate action
Range: Personal
Target: You
Duration: Instantaneous
Seeing the opponent aiming an attack of you, you make a quick warding gesture and his weapon strays.
Cast this spell as you are being attacked. It confers a +2 Dodge bonus to AC against that one attack only.
This pretty much renders Deflect and Lesser Deflect from PH2 obsolete.
Enhance Fertility
Transmutation (Sexual)
Level: Alchemist 4, Clr 4, Drd 3, Imagist 5, Sorcerer/Wizard 5
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Touch
Target: Creature touched
Duration: 1 hour/level or until discharged
Saving Throw: Fortitude negates (see text)
Spell Resistance: Yes
This spell imbues the targets sperm or womb with power. The next time the target copulates with a member of the opposite gender, it results in pregnancy, regardless of racial differences and mundane birth control measures taken. Preventive magic, such as block the seed still function. Both the target and the partner is allowed a Fortitude saving throw to avoid the effect, the target when the spell is cast, the partner when copulating.
Material component: A ripe seed or nut covered in sexual fluid.
Feign Death
Level: Sorcerer/Wizard 3
Components: V, S
Cast Time: 1 immediate action
Range: Touch
Target: Willing living creature touched
Duration: 1 day/level (D)
Save: Will partial (see text)
SR: No
This spell puts the target is a comatose condition resembling death. Besides magical means, only close inspection and a DC 30 Heal check can discover that the target is in fact feigning death.
In this state, the target is immune to attribute damage, bleeding, critical hits, death effects, mind-affecting effects, negative levels, paralysis, and poison. All damage taken is halved. The target can use his senses normally, but is helpless and can take no actions except to end the spell (as a full-round action). Natural healing still occurs.
The casting time is an immediate action; it can be cast as a reaction to an attack but before the attack is executed. The attacker must then make a Will saving throw; if this fails, the attack fails to do damage to the target of feign death and is convinced the attack killed the target. If the saving throw succeeds both the attack and the spell executes normally; the target is under the normal protection of feign death. As it only targets willing targets, saving throw and spell resistance is irrelevant for the target.
This spell was adapted from first edition.
Fetus Theft
Necromancy (Death, Sexual)
Level: Sorcerer/Wizard 4
Components: V, S
Cast Time: 1 standard action
Range: Touch
Target: One or two fetuses
Duration: Instantaneous or 1 day/level; see text
Save: Fortitude negates (see text)
SR: Yes
You transfer a fetus from one carrier to another or between two carriers, who must both be of the same size category. A carrier can either be a pregnant female, a fertilized egg from a creature of the appropriate size, or a specially prepared container worth at least 1,000 gp and with a weight of at least 10 lb for a medium-size creature (apply the normal equipment modifiers for unusual size). In this way you can move a fetus from an expectant female to another, between two expectant females, to, from, or between fertilized eggs or even magical containers.
The transference process itself is instantaneous and does no bodily harm. The fetus will adapt to its new conditions, and can be carried to term normally there (though the mother might be very surprised at what she gives birth to). If the fetus is transferred into a container, it remains alive inside the container for the duration of the spell, ready to be transferred again or carried to term within the container. The spell can be cast repeatedly on a fetus in a container to keep it alive and developing.
If a fetus is transferred to or from a creature, each target gets a saving throw; if either succeeds the entire spell fails. A fetus or fertilized egg is not considered a creature and receives no saving throw.
Fey Gold
Illusion (Shadow)
Level: Bard 2, Druid 3, Sorcerer/Wizard 2
Components: V, S, F
Cast Time: 1 standard action
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels.
Target: Objects up to 1 lb/level.
Duration: 1 hour/level (D) (see text)
Save: Will disbelief (if interacted with)
SR: No
Covering the objects in autumn leaves, you turn it to gold, while spare leaves turn into a pile of gold coins.
This spell turns any object into semi-real gold. Yellow leaves under this spell turn into gold coins; other objects become golden versions of themselves. This seems to be gold to all senses and mundane detections, having the correct weight, softness and so on. One pound of raw gold is worth 25 gp, one pound of gold coins are worth 50 gp, the value of other forgeries seem to be worth a hundred times the object's original value, up to a maximum of 100 gp per caster level. A magical object or one in a creature's possession gets a Will save when the spell is initially cast. When someone cuts the object or touches it with iron there is a chance to disbelieve the illusion; success ends the spell.
Focus: Yellowed leaves.
Fire Spit
Evocation (Fire)
Level: Druid 2, Sor/Wiz 2
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Touch
Effect: Target touched
Duration: 1 hour or until discharged
Saving Throw: Reflex half
Spell Resistance: Yes
You give the target the ability to spit a gout of flame as a standard action. He can do this one time per three caster levels, after which the spell discharges. The fire spit automatically hits a single target at up to 25 ft. for 3d6 points of fire damage. A Reflex save is allowed for half damage.
Based on the elixir of firebreath
Fools Gold
Level: Sorcerer/Wizard 2
Components: V, S, M
Cast Time: 1 full round
Range: Touch
Target: Lead, copper, or bass objects, up to 1 lb/level
Duration: 1 hour/level (see text)
Save: Will negates (object) (see text)
SR: Yes (object)
This spell turns lead, copper, or brass into shining gold. One pound of raw gold is worth 25 gp, one pound of gold coins are worth 50 gp, the value of other forgeries seem to be worth a hundred times the object's original value, up to a maximum of 100 gp per caster level. A magical object or one in a creature's possession gets a Will save when the spell is initially cast. When someone touches these items with untransformed lead, copper, or brass, there is a chance the enchantment will break; a Will save is allowed, and if it succeeds the spell is negated for that particular object.
This spell was adapted from first edition. It can be used to swindle, but a more safe use is to impress with paste jewelry.
Illusion (Phantasm) (Mind-Affecting)
Level: Bard 2, Sorcerer/Wizard 2
Components: V, S
Cast Time: 1 standard action
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Target: One or more creatures, no two of which are more than 20 ft. apart.
Duration: 1 round/level (see text)
Save: Will negates
SR: Yes
This spell impairs the long-term memory of targets. It has no immediate effect, instead it kicks in as the duration runs out and is then considered an immediate effect. When it activates all those affected forget what transpired during the duration and for an equal time beforehand. Lost memories can be recovered using hypnotism or with any effect that restores Intelligence damage (except normal rest).
On the last round of the duration targets are dazed. If there are no immediate concerns or dangers at the end of that round targets are likely to stand down, confused at what transpired and how they got to where they are.
Tim the tax-collector accosts Wolfram the mage. Unwilling to pay the tax, wolfram casts sleep on the tax men, followed by this spell to remove all memory of the incident. Unfortunately, Tim had been trailing Wolfram for a bit; even if he forgets the incident, he still remembers that Wolfram is behind on taxes because he learned about that outside the time span affected by the spell.
Enchantment (Compulsion) (Mind-Affecting)
Level: Bard 1, Sorcerer/Wizard 1
Components: V, S
Cast Time: 1 standard action
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Target: One creature.
Duration: Instantaneous
Save: Reflex negates
SR: Yes
This spell causes the target to fumble. One of the following happens to the target, as selected by the caster. If the event is not applicable, nothing happens.
- Fumbles and drops any items it holds in its hands (or other appendages).
- Trips up and falls prone.
- Blunders and triggers an attack of opportunity from all creatures threatening it; if none do there is no effect.
- Has its vision (or other primary sense) blocked and is blind until it takes a move action to clear it.
- Gets entangled by it’s own armor or a nearby terrain feature such as a bush. Takes a full-round action to clear.
- Loses concentration, breaking any spells cast or maintained trough concentration. Continuous skill attempts (such as scaling a wall) also fail.
Level: Alchemist 5, Sorcerer/Wizard 8
Components: V, S, (XP)
Cast Time: 1 standard action (see text)
Range: Touch
Target: One object or kit touched, up to 10 lb/level
Duration: Instantaneous or 10 minutes/level (see text)
Save: Fortitude negates
SR: Yes
This spell turns, steel, iron, crystal, or glass into a magical substance combining the best qualities of each. Glassteel is transparent, bends light like lead crystal does, is non-conductive and acid resistant like glass, and as hard and pliable as steel. It has a hardness of 10 and 30 hp per inch of thickness. Armor of glassteel still counts as metal armor for druids.
When this spell is cast, the caster can choose to cast it normally or to give it an instantaneous duration, thus creating an item that is inherently and permanently of glassteel. If the instantaneous version is chosen, the casting time is one hour and there is an XP cost, see below.
Material component: A small piece of glass and a small piece of steel.
XP cost: f the spell is to have an instantaneous duration, there is an XP cost of 50.
This spell was adapted from first edition. Items or kits with a weight up to 150 lbs. made of glasteel cost 1,500 gp extra when available. An alchemists lab made of glassteel is highly useful, and confers a +4 circumstance bonus on Craft (Alchemy) checks rather than the normal +2.
Illusion (Shadow)
Level: Bard 0, Sorcerer/Wizard 0
Components: V, S, M
Cast Time: 1 standard action
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Target: Burst out to range
Duration: 10 minutes/level
Save: Will disbelief (if interacted with)
SR: No
This spell causes the affected area to appear vacant, neglected, and unused. This spell creates semi-real dust, cobwebs, thin wisps of mist, eerie but faint lights, rattling and prattling noises, ghostly footsteps, and other mood elements suited to an abandoned or haunted look as desired by the caster. It does not impair visibility in any way, merely making things look like they have been undisturbed for a long time. It cannot change the appearance of living creatures.
Material component: A tattered ribbon of black silk or spider web.
Evocation (Fire)
Level: Druid 0, Ranger 1, Sor/Wiz 0
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft. /2 levels
Effect: 1 target or 5-ft.-radius spread, see text
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Reflex negates
Spell Resistance: Yes
This spell will start a campfire even if it is built of fresh, wet wood. It can ignite several candles, torches, matches, or other items made to be lit, as long as they are all within 5 ft. of each other.
When used against a creature, the targets clothes of fur begins to burn and the target catches on fire. Ignite is not powerful enough to ignite living flesh; a creature that is not itself flammable and does not have flammable hair, fur, or clothing is immune.
On each of his turns, the burning character may make another Reflex saving throw against this spells save DC. Once he succeeds on a saving throw, he’s no longer on fire. In each of your turns when the creature remains on fire he takes 1d6 points of fire damage. In other words, the target receives two saving throws before taking damage the first time, more if he attempts to douse the flame (see below).
A character on fire may automatically extinguish the flames by jumping into enough water to douse himself. If no body of water is at hand, rolling on the ground or smothering the fire with cloaks or the like (a standard action) permits the character another save with a +4 bonus.
Illusion of Invincibility
Illusion (Pattern) (Mind-Affecting)
Level: Bard 2, Sorcerer/Wizard 2
Components: V, S
Cast Time: 1 standard action
Range: Personal
Target: You
Duration: 10 minutes/level
Save: Will disbelief
SR: No
You are covered in an illusion of might, seemingly invincible to attacks. This can in itself convince some opponents to attacks others rather than you. A creature attempting to attack you must make a Will saving throw; a failure means that the attack missed. They can try to attack again, gaining a new saving throw with each attack, and once they pass the saving throw they remain unaffected by the spell. This only affect attacks that require attack rolls.
This spell is as described in the PH or in the SRD except as follows:
- A lock can be enchanted with spell immunity to knock for 9,000 gp.
- A knock spell can open a lock with an Open Lock DC of 30 + caster level or less.
Launch Bullet
Level: Sorcerer/wizard 2
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Target: One or more small missiles
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: No
Spell Resistance: No
You launch rocks, sling bullets or other small item to strike an opponent. You may fire one missile at levels up to 6, two missiles at level 7, and three missiles at level 11 and up. Each missile requires a ranged attack to hit and deals 4d6 points of smashing damage. The missiles counts as being launched from a sling with an enhancement bonus to hit and damage of +1 per 3 caster levels (+1 at third level, +2 at sixth level, +3 at 9th level, +4 at 12th level, +5 at 15th level and +6 at 18th level). Apply the normal rules for special ammunition.
The missiles may be fired at the same or different targets, but all of them must be aimed at targets within 30 feet of each other and fired simultaneously.
Legendary Shape
Transmutation (Polymorph) (Special)
Components: V, S
Level: Bard 5
This is the same as the polymorph spell except as noted, and in that the assumed form can only be of the fey, humanoid, giant, or monstrous humanoid type and that the maximum HD is 20.
Mature Plant
Level: Druid 1, Ranger 2
Components: V, S, M, DF, XP
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Touch
Target: Plant touched
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 round/level
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No
This spell matures a single plant, causing it to grow and mature in a matter of rounds. It can be cast on a newly planted seed or on an immature plant. As the spell is cast, the seed sprouts and the plant grows to tiny size. For each round the plant grows by one size category, up to a maximum size depending on caster level. If the plant reaches its full natural size and the spell is still in effect on the next round, it will then burst into flower and fruit simultaneously regardless of the season. The grown plant is not magical and cannot be dispelled, but if the spell is dispelled while the plant is still growing, growth immediately stops.
The spell can never make the plant to grow larger than it could naturally do in the current location and it will not grow in a way that causes it to damage construction or completely fill an area. It has no effect on plant creatures or plants with challenge rating, such as green slime.
If the plant yields something of value, such as darkwood or herbs with medical or magical effects, the caster pays an XP cost of 1 XP per 5 gp of value that can be harvested. Normal hardwoods, fruit or herbs have no XP cost.
Caster Level | Maximum Size |
1-3 | Small |
4-6 | Medium |
7-9 | Large |
10-12 | Huge |
12-14 | Gargantuan |
15+ | Colossal |
Mirror Image
Illusion (Figment)
Level: Brd 2, Sor/Wiz 2
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Personal; see text
Target: You
Duration: 1 min./level (D)
Several illusory duplicates of you pop into being, making it difficult for enemies to know which target to attack. The figments stay near you and disappear when struck.
Mirror image creates 2 images plus one image per three caster levels (maximum five images total at ninth level). These figments separate from you but (for game purposes) remain in your space. They constantly move trough you and each other and mimic your actions, pretending to cast spells when you cast a spell, drink potions when you drink a potion, levitate when you levitate, and so on.
Enemies attempting to attack you or cast spells at you must select from among indistinguishable targets. Generally, roll randomly to see whether the selected target is real or a figment. Any successful attack against an image destroys it. An image’s AC is the same as your touch AC, which excludes any armor, shield, or natural armor modifiers. They are not protected by your spell resistance and automatically fail all saving throws. Figments seem to react just like you do to area spells and can't be destroyed or discerned in this manner.
An attacker must be able to see the images to be fooled. If you are invisible or an attacker shuts his or her eyes, the spell has no effect. (Being unable to see carries the same penalties as being blinded.)
Mist of Deceit
Illusion (Pattern) (Mind-Affecting)
Level: Sorcerer/Wizard 4
Components: V, S
Cast Time: 1 standard action
Range: Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft. level)
Effect: Fog spreads in 20-ft. radius, 20 ft. high
Duration: 1 round/level
Save: Will partial (see text)
SR: No
A bank of fog billows out from the point you designate and appears similar to a fog cloud to casual observation, although the effect is quite different. The fog prevents all vision into or out of the area. Creatures can see normally inside, but their vision is distorted making position and movement uncertain and friends appear as foes.
Whenever a creature inside the cloud attempts to make an attack or cast a targeted spell at an enemy, a Will save is required; on a failure all attacks in that round are actually directed at the closest friendly creature instead, assuming there are any within sight. If several friends are equidistant the attacker gets to pick whom to attack. If the new target is out of range, the attacker must move 5 ft. to get in position to attack; this is an extra free move, and actually represents the uncertainty of position the spell engenders; the attacker wasn't actually where he was supposed to be. If the attack is not possible after this movement, the attacker does nothing. A new saving throw is required for each attack sequence or targeted spell cast.
Whenever a creature inside the cloud bank tries to leave the cloud under his own power (by walking, teleporting, flying etc), a Will save is required; on a failure, the creature instead stands still or teleports back to the same location.
The caster is immune to the confusion effects of this spell, tough his vision is still impaired.
Mutual Attraction
Enchantment (Charm) (Mind-Affecting)
Level: Bard 0, Sorcerer/Wizard 0
Duration: 10 minutes/level (D)
This is the same as charm person, except as noted above and in that it affects both the caster and the target, charming each in relation to the other. The spell only works as long as it affects both parties; if it is saved against, dispelled, suppressed, or otherwise negated for one part, it ceases for the other as well. The caster can end the spell at any time and need not be in range of the target to do so (the caster is always in range of himself).
Nature's Shape
Transmutation (Polymorph)
Level: Druid 7
This is the same as the polymorph spell except as noted, and in that the assumed form can only be of the animal, fey, magical beast, ooze, plant, or vermin type and that the maximum HD is 25.
Peacock's Beauty
Level: Brd 2, Imagist 2, Sor/Wiz 2
Components: V, S, M/DF
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Touch
Target: Creature touched
Duration: 1 minute/level
Saving Throw: Will negates (harmless)
Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless)
When touched, the target becomes much more attractive. This improves the attitude of all indifferent creatures of the targets type (for example humanoid) who the target interacts with to friendly. See the Diplomacy skill for more on attitude.
Material Component: A handful of water and a drop of blood.
Phantom Armor
Illusion (Shadow)
Level: Sorcerer/Wizard 2
Components: V, S
Cast Time: 1 standard action
Range: Personal
Target: You
Duration: 1 hour/level (D) or until beaten down; see text.
This spell creates the illusion of a suit of full-plate armor on your person. This suit gives an armor bonus of +8 with no weight, chance of arcane spell failure, movement restriction, or armor penalty. It also gives DR 1/-. When this damage reduction has absorbed one hit point per caster level, the spell ends.
Material component: A small bar of steel.
This spell has been adapted from first edition.
Transmutation (Polymorph)
Level: Sor/Wiz 4
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Touch
Target: Willing, living, non-elemental creature touched
Duration: 10 min./level (D)
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No
You change the willing subject into the form of another creature. The target can revert to its own form as a standard action. Swarms, incorporeal, or gaseous creatures are immune to being polymorphed.
If polymorph is used to transform into a creature with an elemental or alignment subtype, it is a spell of that type. For example, using it to transfer into a cloud giant is an (Air) spell.
Material Component: An empty cocoon.
Limitations on Assumed Form
The assumed form must abide by the following limitations:
- The same type as the subject or any of the following types: aberration, animal, dragon, fey, giant, humanoid, magical beast, monstrous humanoid, ooze, plant, or vermin.
- No more Hit Dice than your caster level (or the subject’s HD, whichever is lower), to a maximum of 15 HD at 15th level.
- No physical ability score (Strength, Dexterity, Constitution) can be greater than the the subjects original ability score + your caster level.
- Natural armor bonus cannot be greater than your caster level.
- Cannot have the Swarm subtype.
- Cannot be incorporeal or gaseous.
- The creature is a normal example of the type of creature as given in its description. The creature can be an advanced form, as long as it is advanced by hit dice, not level.
- You must be familiar with the kind of creature chosen. Encountering the creature of that kind in the flesh qualifies, as does a roll of the appropriate Knowledge skill at a DC of 10+CR.
Result of the Change
The subject’s creature type remains the same, but subtype (if any) change to match the new form. You are free to designate the cosmetic appearance of the assumed shape, choosing the hair color, hair texture, eye color, height, and weight, within the normal range for creatures of that kind. The target is effectively disguised as an average member of the new form’s race. If the target uses this spell to create a disguise, the target gets a +10 bonus on its Disguise check.
The target acquires the physical qualities of the new form while retaining its own mind. This requires some clarification. The following are abilities that do not change and are neither lost nor gained as a result of this spell:
- Class and level (including Hit Dice), base attack bonus, base save bonuses, class abilities, and spellcasting.
- Feats, excluding armor proficiencies and racial bonus feats.
- Skill ranks, not including attribute or racial modifiers.
- Supernatural and spell-like special attacks and qualities, except for those the original form had and which requite a body part that the new form does not have (such as a mouth for a breath weapon or eyes for a gaze attack). A creature with the shapechanger subtype retains its ability to change shape.
- Damage reduction, magic immunity, spell resistance.
- Any ability that requires a particular state of mind on the part of the assumed shape
Ability scores: The subject gains the Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution scores of the new form but retains its own Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma scores.
Hit Points: Hit points are recalculated using the creature's new Constitution score. Any damage taken remains.
Abilities: The target loses all extraordinary racial abilities of its original race and gains all of the extraordinary abilities possessed by the new form except as noted above. It does not gain any supernatural or spell-like abilities nor any abilities related to healing, changing shape, reproduction, or growth. It gains the extraordinary senses of the assumed shape.
Speed: Use the assumed form's mundane movement capabilities, such as burrowing, climbing, walking, swimming, and flight with wings, to a maximum speed of 120 feet for flying or 60 feet for nonflying movement.
Speech and spellcasting: If the new form is capable of speech, the target can communicate normally. The target retain any spellcasting ability the target had in its original form, but the new form must be able to speak intelligibly (that is, speak a language) to use verbal components and must have limbs capable of fine manipulation to use somatic or material components.
Skills: The base creature loses any racial skill bonuses to any Strength, Dexterity, or Constitution-based skills, as well as the Listen, Search, and Spot skills. The creature gains any such racial skill bonus possessed by the assumed shape.
Feats and Proficiencies: The base creature loses any racial bonus feats and gains any racial bonus feats of the assumed shape. If the assumed shape is of a different creature type than the base creature, all armor proficiency feats are lost unless the assumed form also has these proficiencies.
Equipment: Equipment can change at the caster's option, either melding into the assumed form or adjusting to it. If the equipment is melded into the assumed shape it is nonfunctional. When the polymorph spell ends, any melded equipment reappears, in the same location on your body and unharmed. The following applies equipment that is not melded:
- If the equipment is the proper size and can be used by the new form "as-is", the equipment is unaffected.
- If the equipment is not the proper size or form, but could otherwise be used, then it grows, shrinks, and molds itself to a usable form with no change in function. When the spell ends, the equipment reverts to its original form, as it does if the creature drops or removes the equipment.
- In all cases, the cosmetic form of the equipment can be changed at the caster's whim, altering style, color, cut, and other non-functional aspects. This is usually done so as to fit the culture of the assumed form. Items cannot be made to look more valuable than normal.
- If the equipment cannot be used in the assumed form, it must either be dropped as a part of the transformation, or melds with the assumed form. This applies mainly to weapons.
Pushing Ray
Level: Sorcerer/Wizard 0
Components: V, S
Cast Time: 1 standard action
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Effect: Ray
Duration: Instantaneous
Save: None
SR: Yes
This ray gives a telekinetic push similar to what an normal human can do. This is sufficient to switch a lever, move small objects, and possibly open a stuck door or push weak creatures around but does not allow fine manipulation. A ranged touch attack is required to hit, and the spell can attempt Strength feats involving pushing (such as opening a stuck door), bull rush, or trip as a Medium size creature with Strength 10 (+0 on strength feat, bull rush or trip rolls).
Repellant, Red's
Abjuration (Electricity)
Level: Sor/Wiz 2
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Touch
Target: Willing creature touched
Duration: 10 minutes/level (D)
Saving Throw: Reflex negates
Spell Resistance: Yes
This spell surrounds the target in a field of static electricity. This gives off a small electric shock to all diminutive or smaller creatures within one foot of the target on the caster's turn and whenever such a creature moves within one foot of the target. To such creatures, or swarms of such creatures, the spell inflicts 1d4 damage per two caster levels, with a maximum of 5d4 at 10th level. A Reflex saving throw negates the damage for the round, but a new save is required on the next round if the creature remains in the area.
Reproduction, Red's
Level: Sorcerer/wizard 2
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Target: Object or objects with images and or writing
Duration: 10 minutes/level
Saving Throw: Will negates (object)
Spell Resistance: Yes (object)
You point at the object and then move your hand holding a stylus or quill. As you intone the spell, a copy appears on a sheet of paper close at hand.
You cause writing and images from one source (such as a book) to be copied into a book, paper, or parchment. This spell copies one square foot (one page in a typical large codex, or approximately 250 words) per minute. It can also copy a miniature version of a large image, copying up to a 10 ft. square image onto a 1 ft. square paper in one minute, but considerable detail is lost this way.
The spell faithfully copies what is there to the limit of it's ability, but subtle clues or hidden details might be lost. What the spell produces is obviously a reproduction, but includes all salient details, similar to what a journeyman artist could produce (equivalent to a Craft roll of 15). The caster can use the Aid Other action to improve the quality of what the spell produces.
The spell copies only nonmagical text and images, not magical writings, symbols or images (such as the text of a spellbook, a spell scroll, or a sepia snake sigil). If the target contains normal and magical imagery (such as a letter with explosive runes), only the normal parts are copied, leaving blank space in the copy where the magic would be expected. The spell triggers (but does not copy) writing and symbol-based magic traps in the material being copied.
Blank paper, parchment, or a book must be provided for the spell to write upon. If the target has multiple pages, the spell automatically turns to the next blank page whenever necessary. If more pages in the target exist than blank pages are available, the spell copies the original until it runs out of blank pages. At any time during the spell’s duration you can redirect the magic to copy from another target, copy onto a different blank source, or resume a duplication that was interrupted by a shortfall of blank pages.
Material component: A quill.
Level: Bard 3, Sor/Wiz 3
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft. /2 levels)
Effect: One creature
Duration: 1 hour/level (D)
Saving Throw: Fortitude negates
Spell Resistance: Yes
The target becomes hideous to gaze upon. This gives a -2 enhancement penalty per caster level (to a maximum of -20) to all Charisma rolls and charisma-related skill checks except Intimidation and Use Magic Device.
Material Component: A shrunken, rotting apple carved with a face.
Riddle Resolver, Red's
Level: Sor/Wiz 1
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Personal
Target: You
Duration: 1 minute/level (D)
This spell lets you envision symbols, working out possible combinations and solutions to riddles, texts and ciphers in your head at a furious rate.
This allows you to use Decipher Script as a full-round action instead of in one minute. It also grants a +4 circumstance bonus on Decipher Script checks.
Material Component: Brown sugar dissolved in water to be drunk.
Second Life
Conjuration (Healing) (Sexual)
Level: Bard 6, Cleric 9, Druid 8
Components: V, S, DF, M
Cast Time: 10 minutes
Range: Touch
Target: One living or formerly living creature
Duration: Instantaneous
Save: Fortitude negates
SR: Yes
This restores the target to complete physical and mental health, combining the effects of the atonement, break enchantment, greater restoration, greater resurrection, heal, remove curse, and virginity spells. The target is reduced two levels of experience (to a minimum of its base hit dice). In addition, the target is reduced to the minimum adult age of his species and restored to physical and mental virginity (as per that spell). Even ideals and alignment fade; the target can freely change his alignment and patron, and the atonement effect of second life negates any penalties, tough he might still lose certain benefits if he adopts an alignment that forbids their use.
Material Component: Any clothes or gear the target is carrying is destroyed, leaving him completely naked. This must include personal gear to a value of at least 1,000 gp. Artifacts cannot be destroyed in this way, and cause the spell to fail.
Seed Shield
Abjuration (Sexual)
Level: Alchemist 0, Bard 0, Cleric 0, Druid 0, Paladin 1, Ranger 1, Sor/Wiz 1
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 1 round
Range: Touch
Target: 1 willing creature
Duration: 24 hours
Saving Throw: Fortitude negates (harmless)
Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless)
Willing target is rendered sterile. Any magical fertility enhancement will overcome this spell.
Material component: A bitter almond.
Shadow Armaments
Illusion (Shadow)
Level: Sorcerer/Wizard 3
Components: V, S
Cast Time: 1 standard action
Range: Touch
Target: One illusory enchanted item
Duration: 10 minutes/level
Save: Will partial (see text)
SR: No
This spell creates one illusory magic item out of shadow; either a weapon or a suit of armor of any kind. This item has an enhancement bonus of +1 per four caster levels and is used exactly like a normal item of its kind, except that the caster of the spell is always considered proficient with shadow arms. An intelligent target is entitled to a Will saving throw when first struck by such a weapon; on a success, the item’s mundane armor bonus or damage value can be ignored, but damage derived from the enhancement bonus applies as normal. Non-intelligent creatures and objects automatically succeed at this saving throw, but note that weapons (including ranged weapons) use the saving throw of their wielder.
Shadow Creation
Illusion (Shadow)
Level: Sorcerer/Wizard 3
Components: V, S
Cast Time: 1 minute
Range: 0 ft.
Target: Unattended, nonmagical object, up to 1 cu. ft./level
Duration: 1 hour/level (D)
Save: Will disbelief; see text
SR: No
You create an unattended item with no magical properties. The volume of the item created cannot exceed 1 cubic foot per caster level.
Items so created are only partially real. When interacting solely with dead matter, they have only 20% of their normal strength or capacity. When interacting with a creature the item functions normally, but that creature can attempt a Will saving throw; success causes the item to disappear.
Jingen creates magical rope. He uses this rope to haul a crate out of a crevice. He chooses to void his Will saving throw, and the shadow creation rope functions normally. Later, Jingen uses part of the rope to repair a bridge and then moves on; in this case the rope has only 20% of its normal strength. Finally, he uses some of it to tie up an opponent; forgetting that the opponent can make a Will saving throw each round he interacts with (in this case makes a roll to to get out of) the rope.
Armor or weapons created in this fashion allow opponents Will saving throws each round to dissipate them .
Attempting to use any created object as a material component causes the spell to fail. Material Component
Shadow Fighting
Illusion (Shadow)
Level: Bard 1, Cleric 1, Sor/Wiz 2
Components: V, S, M/DF
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Touch
Target: Creature touched
Duration: 1 minute/level or until disbelieved
Saving Throw: Will negates and Will disbelief; see text
Spell Resistance: Yes; see text
This spell turns the target's attacks into unreal shadows inflicting illusory damage. The attacks look and feel real enough, but cannot actually kill. This spell can be used to fight mercifully, but it is more commonly used to stage nonlethal duels and arena events or to fake conflicts. As such, it is most effective when cast on a willing target.
Any damage the target does is transformed into nonlethal damage, including damage done by spells and powers. This transformation is done after any modification due to type, like that due to damage or elemental resistance or vulnerability. After the transformation, damage can be further reduced if the target is resistant to nonlethal damage.
The target can make a Will save to disbelieve whenever he inflicts damage. Anyone bandaging or closely studying the illusory wounds can make a Will save to disbelieve. Successful disbelief ends the spell. Any damage remains, but appears as mere bruises.
The initial target can use spell resistance to resist the spell, but a target that takes nonlethal damage because of the spell may not.
This will not affect any damage caused indirectly, such as by a summoned creature or from a fall caused by a bull rush.
Arcane material component: A flimsy miniature weapon.
Shadow Fighting, Mass
Illusion (Shadow)
Level: Bard 3, Cleric 3, Sor/Wiz 5.
Range: Close
Target: One creature/level, no two of which may be more than 30 ft. apart.
Except as noted, this is the same as the shadow fighting spell.
Shadow Heal
Illusion (Shadow)
Level: Bard 6, Sorcerer/Wizard 7
Components: V, S
Cast Time: 1 standard action
Range: Touch
Target: Living creature touched
Duration: 10 minutes/level
Save: Will negates
SR: Yes
You heal a living target 10 hit points per level (maximum of 200 hp at level 20). Half of the healing is unreal and dissipates when the spell ends, which can kill the target. While the spell is in effect, any ability damage, blinded, confused, dazed, dazzled, deafened, diseased, exhausted, fatigued, feebleminded, insanity, nauseated, sickened, stunned, and poisoned effects on the target are suppressed, but the effect resumes once shadow heal ends unless they would normally have run out in the meantime.
Shadow Wounds
Illusion (Shadow)
Level: Sorcerer/Wizard 2
Components: V, S
Cast Time: 1 standard action
Range: Short (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Target: One living creature
Duration: 1 minute/level
Save: Will negates
SR: Yes
You heal or inflict 2d8 + level (maximum +10) hit points to a living creature. The damage or healing is unreal and dissipates when the spell ends. Dissipating healing can kill a target healed by the spell, but a target who has been killed and whose damage dissipates is not restored to life.
Speak with Beasts
Level: Brd 2, Drd 1, Rgr 1
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Personal
Target: You
Duration: 1 minute/level
You can comprehend and communicate with animals and magical beasts. You are able to use interaction skills normally to ask questions of and receive answers from such creatures, although the spell doesn’t make them any more friendly or cooperative than normal. Wary and cunning beasts are likely to be terse and evasive, while the more stupid ones make inane comments. If an animal is friendly toward you, it may do some favor or service for you.
Spectral Wounds
Illusion (Shadow)
Level: Sorcerer/Wizard 4
As shadow wounds, except the spell heals or inflicts 4d8 + level (maximum +20) damage and that one hit point per die is real and does not dissipate once the spell ends.
Enchantment (Compulsion) (Mind-Affecting)
Level: Bard 2, Sor/Wiz 2
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./caster level)
Target: One creature.
Duration: 1 round/level or until broken (D) (see text)
Saving Throw: Will negates
Spell Resistance: Yes
The target is stunned. On each of your later rounds, targets can attempt a new Will Save to break free.
Stagger, Mass
Enchantment (Compulsion) (Mind-Affecting)
Level: Bard 5, Sor/Wiz 5
Target: One creature per level, no two of which can be more than 30 ft. apart.
Except as noted, this is the same as stagger.
Enchantment (Compulsion) (Mind-Affecting)
Level: Bard 1, Sor/Wiz 1
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./caster level)
Target: One creature.
Duration: 1 round/level or until broken (D) (see text)
Saving Throw: Will negates
Spell Resistance: Yes
You toss colored sand in the air, drawing the gaze of your target. The sand freezes to hang motionless in the air, and the targets attention remains riveted to it.
Targets are dazed and can take no actions, tough it defends itself normally, and gets a new saving throw each round to break the spell (which counts as a full-round action). A target that takes any damage is immediately free of the spell.
Material component: A pinch of brightly colored sand.
Stupefy, Mass
Enchantment (Compulsion) (Mind-Affecting)
Level: Bard 3, Sor/Wiz 3
Target: One or more creatures in range, no two of which can be more than 30 ft. apart.
Except as noted, this is the same as stupefy.
Summon Ally
Conjuration (Summoning)
Level: Bard 0, Cleric 0, Druid 0, Sor/Wiz 0
This spell functions like summon nature's ally I, except that you can summon one animal or vermin from the list of possible standard familiars. This is a normal summoned creature, not a familiar and has none of the special advantages familiars get. The spell just uses the same list. This is considered to be both a summon nature's ally spell and a summon monster spell for the purpose of feats and abilities which affect such spells.
Enchantment (Charm) (Mind-Affecting, Language-Dependent)
Level: Bard 1, Sor/Wiz 1
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: 10 ft.
Target: One or more creatures of the same type in range.
Duration: 1 round
Saving Throw: Will negates
Spell Resistance: Yes
You spit a slug at a group of creatures, followed by insults, coaxing them to ignore everything else in order to attack you.
Targets can perform no other standard or full-round action than to attack you in melee. If they do not, they can take no other standard or full-round action. They can spend move, free, and swift actions however they like.
This spell is from 2nd edition.
Transfer Enhancement
Level: Alchemist 2, Bard 4, Cleric 4, Druid 5, Sor/Wiz 3
Components: V, S, F
Casting Time: 1 hour
Range: Touch
Effect: Two items touched
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Fortitude negates
Spell Resistance: Yes
Putting two similar items into the cold-iron cauldron, you laboriously invoke the spell. When you are done, only one item remains.
This spell transfers all magical properties from one item to another, destroying the first item while making the second item magical. The two items must be identical in mundane function; such as two masterwork longswords, but can differ in size and immaterial details such as decoration. The item to receive the enchantment must be nonmagical, but capable of holding the enchantment to be transfered. In the case of arms and armor, it must be a masterwork item.
The magic item gets a saving throw to resist the effect, and if this succeeds, it is immune to further castings of this spell from this caster until the caster advances in caster level.
Focus: A cauldron of cold iron costing no less than 1,000 gp.
Transfer Enhancement, Greater
Level: Alchemist 4, Cleric 6, Druid 6, Sor/Wiz 5
This is the same as transfer enhancement, above, except that items can be different, as long as they are of the same basic kind. A weapon enchantment can be transfered onto another weapon, armor enchantment onto other armor. Wondrous item enhancements can be transfered onto another item capable of holding this enhancement. In no case can an item be given an enchantment not suited to its form.
Unseen Musician
Conjuration (Creation)
Level: Brd 1, Cler 2, Sor/Wiz 2
Components: V, S, (F, See text)
Duration: 10 minute/level
This is the same as unseen servant except as noted above and in that it cannot manipulate objects except musical instruments; the only action it can perform is to play music. The caster must know the tune to be played, and the unseen musician gives only a passing performance, equivalent to a Perform check of 15. It is mostly used as background music or as accompaniment for a lone singer or dancer. The unseen musician can only hum and play instruments; it cannot speak or sing intelligibly.
Focus: The musical instrument to be played. No focus is required for a vocalist performance. The focus is actually carried and played by the unseen musician.
Conjuration (Healing) (Sexual)
Level: Bard 4, Cleric 5, Druid 4
Components: V, S, DF
Cast Time: 10 minutes
Range: Touch
Target: One willing living creature
Duration: Instantaneous
Save: Fortitude negates
SR: Yes
The target is restored to physical and mental virginity, which might make her meet certain prerequisites. A pregnant target aborts. All memory of sexual acts is lost. Any close personal relationships the target might have seem distant and remote; family, friends and loved ones are fondly remembered, but the passion is gone. Dire hostility fades to vague dislike. (In game terms, the target’s attitude to everyone moves one step closer to indifferent.) Both nice and traumatic emotional experiences become distant.
Any clothes or gear the target is carrying is destroyed, leaving her completely naked. Artifacts cannot be destroyed in this way, and cause the spell to fail.
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