Liaison Kit (Dragonstar)

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The following is the standard equipment kit provided to a support personnel of the Imperial Marine Corps while on active duty. It comes in two standard varieties, for small and medium-size characters.

This kit also gives access to the Marine Magic program.

Marine Liason Kit

Item Price Weight (S) Weight (M)

Laser Machine Pistol

1000 1.5 3
Minicell (2) 30 1 1
Flight Suit, camouflaged 70 3 6
Datapad 300 1 1
Datachip (20), agricultural science, arcanist's lorebook, art collector's price guide, desktop physician, imperial biological survey, imperial encyclopedia, military surplus guide, language and linguistics, survival guide, unification bible, languages: Celestial, Dwarf, Elven, Giant, Gnoll, Gnome, Goblin, Halfling, Ork, Sylvan 1000 - -
Language Translator 200 1 1
Behavior analyzer, handheld 400 2 2
Personal Communicator 100 - -
Medikit 120 1 1
Drug Implant: Counteragent (2), Stabilizer (1), Stim (1), delay poison, cure moderate wounds 1215 - -
Emergency Beacon 75 - -
Filter mask 65 0.25 1
Flashlight 15 1 1
Total 4,590 11.75 17

Marine Equipment | MOS
