Unofficial rules compendium
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Feat Skill Buffs
Feat bonuses to skills are increased by 50%, rounded up.
- +2 becomes +3
- +3 becomes +5
- +4 becomes +6
Magic Skill Buffs
Magic skill bonuses are reduced to 50%, rounded up.
- +1 becomes +1
- +2 becomes +1
- +3 becomes +2
- +5 becomes +3
- +10 becomes +5
Magic Buff Benchmarks
A benchmark for skill buffs from magic has been requested. Examining existing spells, it seems the limit on skill enhancement is +10 regardless of spell level, and that one skill per spell level can be so enhanced. The selection of which skills can be enhanced is very limited. Druids and Rangers are the best at skill enhancement. Other classes seem fairly restricted in what skills they can buff. No existing spell affects the meta-magic skills, like Concentration or Spellcraft.
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