Quirks (FiD)
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Quirks are special abilities that come with a disadvantage as well as an advantage. A character can take one quirk as a freebie, later quirks count as special abilities, but they are not connected to any specific playbook. Take quirks
You have problems making yourself understood and understanding others.
This opens up a realm of new consequences involving your lack of understanding of others.
You suffer bouts of compulsive, ecstatic dancing. You must dance when casting and preparing spells. You cannot use the Stealth skill. You must move your entire body to use powers. You cannot carry more than a light load.
This allows you to dodge hits in combat. This is your inherent resistance, it does not require any activity on your part. Roll Finesse when subject to harm a weapon. 6: Negate all harm.
You believe in something that is false. Select a pretty broad opinion you have that is very controversial. Examples might include that the world is cylindrical, that ageing is a myth, or that a different sun rises each day, not the same old sun.
This opens up a realm of new consequences based on your misguided beliefs.
You have a vision you believe is true but the world disagrees. No matter what you say, people will not take your words to heart, and your advice goes unheard. You have some oracular vision that is doomed not to be believed. This should be a "doom and gloom" type of prophecy, such as "the world will end in sand". Depending on the style of the game this might be predestined to happen or just an ominous possibility. Some with this strange sign are believed by their closest friends but not by strangers; for the other player characters it is a role-playing decision whether to believe you or not.
You cannot use the Help action and you suffer disadvantage on Charisma checks to convince someone of anything. You absolutely cannot convince an NPC that your vision is true. You can still use Charisma skills to influence peoples attitudes normally. People may well like you, but they don't take your predictions or suggestions seriously.
You can cast Divination once and regain the ability after you finish three long rests.
Destiny constantly hampers you, but also preserves you for future misery.
Up to three times per day you have to re-roll a lucky d20 roll. Normally, this happens when you roll a natural die result of 20, but the GM can invoke this effect at other times, as desired. After three detrimental re-rolls, you need not re-roll any more successful rolls that day. You gain proficiency in a saving throw of your choice and never have to re-roll a successful save.
Your confidence depends on having others around to emulate and support. You suffer disadvantage on Dexterity checks for initiative. Whenever you cannot perceive an ally within 30 ft., you suffer disadvantage on ability checks and attack rolls, and enemies gain advantage on saving throws against spells you cast.
You can use Help as a bonus action or a reaction and can do so at 30 feet range. You can decide to to use this ability after the action you are helping is rolled for.
You cannot lie or dissemble, and you cannot use the Deceit skill. If asked a question and not prevented from answering (any distraction or a simple say-so from your allies suffices), you will give a honest and exhaustive answer. If an ally tells what you know to be a lie, onlookers who can see your face gain advantage on Insight due to your grimaces.
You gain advantage on Persuasion checks.
You have one or more physical deformities, that clearly mark you as different. While clearly noticeable, your body is fully functional. You might have bird legs, the ears of a donkey, one single leg with a huge foot, your face on your chest and no head, or other similar weird form. Even if you magically change your shape, your deformity remains, adjusted to your assumed shape.
You cannot disguise your identity, and creatures gather information about you have advantage. Humanoid NPCs who are not of good alignment normally start normally with a hostile attitude to you.
You can choose one of the following abilities, as appropriate to your deformity: advantage on Perception checks based on hearing, advantage on Perception checks based on scent, add 1d8 feet to both your long and high jumps, blindsense 10 ft., climb speed 30 ft., darkvision 60 ft., swim speed 30 ft.
Healing Icon
Anyone who touches you is healed. This saps your spiritual energy, forcing you into seclusion to avoid harm.
You learn the Cure Wounds spell and can cast it once as if you used a spell slot of half your level, regaining the ability on a long or short rest.
Your healing powers trigger when you are touched by a living creature, regardless of if you want to or not. Even casual contact can do this to you, which means you need to abstain from touching and have to avoid crowds. Even light crowds count as difficult terrain for you, and dense crowds (those that cost other people additional movement) are impassable. Each foot moved through occupied squares cost an additional foot of movement. You can ignore this limitation, but each round that you do, you lose one spell slot of your choice. In a round when you are grappled or hit by an unarmed or natural attack, you lose a spell slot. A creature can make a melee attack that does no damage to touch you and forcibly trigger this effect. You can only lose one spell slot each round in this fashion. If you run out of spell slots, touch instead inflicts 1d6 points of necrotic damage per round.
A living or undead creature that touches you as outlined above is healed of a number of hit points equal to your level. A creature can only benefit once per round, but several different creatures can be healed in the same round, and you still only lose one spell slot that round. You cannot heal yourself in this fashion, but you can deliberately touch another to give them the benefit as an action, bonus action, or reaction. You can touch another to deliver a touch spell without triggering this ability.
It is against your nature to do violence to other creatures, even simple bugs, requiring an act of will for you to do so. You cannot take attacks of opportunity. When you have more than half hit points, you have disadvantage on attack rolls. This allows you to devote more attention to protecting yourself from the violence of others, giving disadvantage on opportunity attacks against you and giving you advantage on Constitution saves to maintain concentration.
Phantom Arm
You lost one arm in a freak accident. The arm has never re-grown, and no power short of a god’s direct intervention can restore it or make any magic or mechanical replacement function in its place. You cannot wield a weapon or shield in this hand. You cannot wield two-handed weapons. You can ignore the somatic components of spells, and your missing arm functions as a spell focus for you. You learn the Mage Hand cantrip.
You are possessed by a spirit that is an Aberration, Celestial, Dragon, Fey, Fiend, or Undead, hereafter called your spirit. Choosing spirit with an outlook similar to yours makes for less conflict, but also less interesting powers.
You and your spirit can communicate mentally. Normally you are in control, but the spirit can attempt to seize control by proposing a course of action. If you refuse to act on this, the spirit inflicts necrotic damage on you equal to your level. Once your spirit inflicts damage this way, it cannot do so again until you finish a long rest.
You gain advantage on all Charisma saving throws and on all saving throws against spells and abilities used by creatures of the same creature type as your spirit.
Your appearance elicits desire in all creatures, no matter how they try to conceal it. This can desire can be physical or social as the situation and creature warrants. Foes gain advantage on Athletics checks to grapple you. Your provocative nature gives you advantage on Charisma checks. If you abandon a creature you have interacted with, rudely ignore their advances, or fail your very first Charisma check against a particular creature this day, the target of the check feels spurned and its attitude changes to hostile.
You are constantly writing messages from sources beyond your ken.
Your hand moves by itself, writing messages or drawing pictures, especially in times of stress. If you have no writing implement, you will mimic writing in empty air. You need not look at your hand or otherwise focus attention to do this, only your hand is involved. One of your hands must constantly be reserved for this and cannot be used to hold a weapon, shield, holy symbol, or other equipment except for a writing tool, with one exception—it can still be used for somatic spell components. You can write in any language, even ones you don't know, but have no special ability to read languages, even text you've written yourself.
By taking a minute to write out a text on a specific topic, you can retry an Intelligence check to recall information with advantage.
You are addicted to magic.
You are poisoned at all times except when under the effects of a spell or concentrating on a spell. You gain advantage on Constitution saves.
Reverse Aging
You perversely age backwards. You begin your career as an ancient, and grow younger as you gain experience.
You behave oddly for your age, suffering disadvantage on Charisma (Persuasion) checks. In addition you gain benefits and penalties depending on your level. These are not cumulative, use only the effect listed for your level.
- At level 1-5 you are old. You suffer disadvantage on Perception checks and your speed is reduced by 5 ft., but gain advantage on Intelligence and Wisdom saves.
- At level 6-10 you are middle aged. You gain advantage on Constitution saves.
- At level 11-15 you are young adult. You gain advantage on Dexterity saves.
- At level 16-20, you become a child. Your speed is reduced by 5 ft., but you gain advantage on Dexterity saves and Wisdom (Perception) checks.
You are only half in this world. Not only do you have a hard time taking the real world seriously, the real world also has trouble interacting with you.
You suffer disadvantage on the Investigation skill and with all tools. You have advantage on skill checks and saving throws to avoid environmental dangers and traps. Environmental dangers and traps suffer disadvantage on attacks against you. This includes spells and magical effects generated by traps or the environment, but not spells cast by creatures that create a dangerous environment. If an Investigation or tool proficiency check would let you avoid a danger created by a trap or the environment, such as an illusion, you do not suffer disadvantage on the check and instead have advantage.
The line between being asleep and awake is not at all clear to you. You walk around when sleeping, and may fall asleep when walking around.
You suffer bouts of somnambulism both when asleep and awake. Whenever you roll a "1" on an attack roll or skill check, you momentarily fall asleep, move your speed in a random direction, and then wake up. This is in addition to any normal movement for the round. You cannot take any voluntary actions when sleepwalking, but have your normal defenses. You do not trigger attacks of opportunity and can move through enemy occupied spaces, but must end movement in an unoccupied space. If somnambulism would move you into obviously impassible terrain (such as a wall or open pit) you instead move along the edge of that terrain.
You can sleep in armor or on uncomfortable ground at no penalty, and even sleep standing up. Your Wisdom (Perception) skill functions normally while you are asleep.
You cannot stand to see your actions cause the ruin of another’s flesh, spill blood, or cause burns and scars. If you deal hp damage to a target within 30 feet of you, you are frightened of that creature until the end of your next turn. Causing damage to Constructs, Elementals, and Undead do not trigger this reaction.
Your sensitive nature does make you more alert to the needs of the injured, granting you advantage on Wisdom (Medicine) checks. When you use an ability that rolls dice to heal Hit Points, you add one point to each die of healing.
Your inner demons are stronger than the magic of others.
You suffer disadvantage on Wisdom and Charisma saves. When you suffer the Frightened condition, you are afraid of yourself rather than any other creature and can thus move freely, but your speed is halved. When you fail a Wisdom or Charisma save, you become Frightened rather than suffering the normal effect. The duration remains the same. If you are allowed additional Wisdom or Charisma saves in later rounds to negate an effect, you do not suffer disadvantage on these checks and you are always allowed to do such an additional save.
Where others are lions, you are a mouse.
Whenever another creature is using the Bluff, Diplomacy, or Intimidate skills, you cannot use any of these skills at the same time and for the next minute. This applies even if you began your skill use first but are interrupted. You gain advantage on Wisdom (Insight) checks.
Your blood is a dark purple and you have am alien vitality. You bleed and bruise easily, reduce your number of Hit Points by one per level. You gain proficiency with Constitution and Charisma saving throws.
You appear to be of venerable age. You suffer disadvantage on ability checks using your Acrobatics, Athletics, and Perception skill, even if you lack the respective proficiency. You are immune to magical aging and gain proficiency in Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma saving throws.
Clothes are for folk; animals, spirits, and gods are rarely dressed, and you share this quality.
Your body won't carry armor and very few objects. You cannot carry more than 5 lbs. per point of Strength, and you cannot wear vests, vestments, or any armor, but you can use weapons and shields normally. Surplus items simply fall right through you, as if you were insubstantial.
You should select a type of Martial Arts Defense. You can use Freedom of Movement on yourself as a bonus action, but the effect only lasts one minute. You can use this ability a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus, regaining all uses at the end of a long rest.
Animal Aspect
Your head (and at your option other parts, commonly hands, feet, and tail) is that of an animal. While clearly noticeable, this body part is fully functional. Some people might be shocked or reviled at your appearance, while others treat you as a divine avatar.
You gain the ability to sense the presence (but not location) of aberrations, celestials, fey, fiends, and undead within 60 ft. by scent. You can identify what type of creature you are catching the scent of.
Animal Transformation
Are you a humanoid miraculously transformed into a small animal, or the other way around? This is an invasive ability unsuited to games with a lot of combat.
Pick a tiny or small beast of challenge rating zero. You can transform into the shape of this creature, as the spell Polymoph. When you are affected by a harmful effect you can opt to transform into your animal form as a reaction. This negates that harmful effect. If you would suffer the Frightened, Incapacitated, or Restrained, condition, or if you are affected by a successful Charisma (Intimidation) check, you automatically transform in this manner (no action required), whether you want to or not. After transforming you cannot transform again using this ability for 1 minute.
You are not a full shapechanger, but in stressful situations and combat you undergo a minor change, where you grow more muscular and gain bestial traits such as fur, scales, fangs, and claws. You stay in this form during the period of stress and for 1 minute afterward. A creature who sees you in this form must make a Wisdom (Insight) check (DC 15) to recognize you. Close associates have advantage on this check. On a failure people are liable to treat you as a monster.
When transformed your hands become natural weapons with the finesse and light properties dealing 1d6 slashing damage. You can use your claws with two-weapon fighting if you have both hands free. They can still function as hands.
You permanently suffer the Blinded condition. You gain blindsight with a range of 20 ft. Your blindsight can perceive things in the Ethereal Plane.
Celestial Mark
You have the mark of celestial favor, making you glow and shed bright light in a 10 ft. radius and dim light a further 10 ft. This light cannot be overcome by darkness magic, and you cannot benefit from concealment or invisibility. The mark works as a spell focus for you, regardless of class. You cannot use spells or abilities to create or summon fiends or undead.
You are constantly bound in magical chains. This imposes disadvantage on all Strength and Dexterity checks and you cannot use weapons with the versatile or two-handed properties or take the Dash action. You are immune to the Grappled and Restrained conditions.
You appear to be a child. You are lighter and shorter than the norm for your race, but not to the extent that your size changes. You suffer disadvantage on Strength checks and Strength-based attacks. You cannot use weapons with the heavy property. You gain proficiency with Constitution and Charisma saving throws.
You have only a single large eye in the middle of your brow.
Your eye puts a great demand on your body, consuming enormous amounts of energy. You eat as much as two normal people of your race. You are instantly recognizable because of your eye, and suffer a -10 penalty on all Charisma checks to disguise your appearance. People gathering information about you have advantage.
You have flashes of prophetic vision. You can choose to roll 20 on any one ability check, attack roll, or saving throw. You can use this ability once and regain it on a long rest.
You have gills on your neck and webbed fingers and toes. Reduce your land speed by 5 ft. You gain a swim speed of 40 feet and can breathe water.
You are translucent and appear to be insubstantial. You are easily mistaken for an undead creature. You count as undead for effects that have specific effect against such creatures, like holy water and the turn undead ability. You have resistance to necrotic and poison damage.
You normally express yourself only in animal sounds. You can use words, but very slowly and not in situations of stress. You suffer disadvantage on Deception and Persuasion checks. This does not interfere with spellcasting but hinders spells that require a common language. You can Speak With Animals. A creature able to Speak With Animals can understand you, and you can communicate with such characters normally.
You suffer confusing visions of things unreal, unrealized, or just plain weird.
You suffer disadvantage on all Investigation and Perception checks.
You learn the Minor illusion cantrip and the Silent Image, Phantasmal Force, Major Image, and Phantasmal Killer spells. You can use Minor illusion right away, but to cast the other listed spells you must gain spell slots from a class and you use that class' spellcasting ability with these spells. If you lack a spellcasting ability, use Charisma as the spellcasting ability for these spells.
You are haunted by certain kind of spirits, generally Fey but some touched are haunted by Fiends, Celestials, Aberrations or other kinds. The spirits are invisible and cannot be interacted with. They do annoying but non-lethal things like tying your shoelaces together or tracing an icy touch down your back. You suffer a -4 penalty on Dexterity checks for initiative. The spirits haunting you go noticeably silent in tense situations, making you immune to surprise.
You have been touched by hell. You are surrounded by a faint smell of burnt sulfur, and your eyes look afire when you are angry. You suffer disadvantage on Charisma (Persuasion) checks against good creatures, and if there is a witch-hunt you are likely to be a suspect. You learn the Create Bonfire, Friends, and Toll the Dead cantrips and the Hellish Rebuke spell. You can cast Hellish Rebuke once without using a spell slot as if you used a spell slot of half your level (rounded up). You use these as spells from your spellcaster class. If you are not a spellcaster, use Charisma as the spellcasting ability. You regain the ability to cast Hellish Rebuke when you finish a long rest.
Mark of Evil
You carry a birthmark in the form of a blasphemous sign on your face. You cannot use spells or abilities to summon celestials. The mark works as a spell focus for all classes.
You have permanent burn marks, especially on your hands. You suffer vulnerability to cold damage. You learn the Bonfire, Control Fire, and Fire Bolt cantrips. You learn the Burning Hands spell, and you can cast this spell once without using a spell slot as if you used a spell slot of half your level (rounded up). You use these as spells from your spellcaster class. If you are not a spellcaster, use Charisma as the spellcasting ability. You regain the ability to cast Burning Hands when you finish a long rest.
You cannot use the Deception skill or illusion spells, and this limitation is obvious to anyone who hears you speak. You learn the Charm Person spell, and can cast it once without using a spell slot. You regain the ability to cast Charm Person when you finish a long rest. The spell does not count against your limit on spells know and spells prepared.
You have permanent bruise marks, especially on your face and hands. You suffer vulnerability to thunder damage. You learn the Blade Ward, Magic Stone, Mending, and Mould Earth cantrips. You learn the Earth Tremor spell, and you can cast this spell once without using a spell slot as if you used a spell slot of half your level (rounded up). You use these as spells from your spellcaster class. If you are not a spellcaster, use Charisma as the spellcasting ability. You regain the ability to cast any spells with a limited number of uses when you finish a long rest.
You constantly drip water, even when your clothes and equipment is dry. You suffer vulnerability to radiant damage. You learn the Acid Splash, Ray of Frost, and Shape Water cantrips. You learn the Tasha's Caustic Brew spell, and you can cast this spell once without using a spell slot as if you used a spell slot of half your level (rounded up). You use these as spells from your spellcaster class. If you are not a spellcaster, use Charisma as the spellcasting ability. You regain the ability to cast any spells with a limited number of uses when you finish a long rest.
You carry permanent bloody wounds on your body that resist all attempts at healing. Reduce your number of Hit Points by one per level. You learn the Spare the Dying and Word of Radiance cantrips. You learn the Cure Wounds spell, and you can cast this spell once without using a spell slot as if you used a spell slot of half your level (rounded up). You use these as spells from your spellcaster class. If you are not a spellcaster, use Charisma as the spellcasting ability. You regain the ability to cast any spells with a limited number of uses when you finish a long rest.
You are blind when exposed to sunlight (treat areas in sunlight as darkness) and treat bright light as if it was dim light (you suffer advantageous on Perception checks against creatures in bright light). You gain darkvision 60 ft. If you already have darkvision, you instead add 30 ft. to that darkvision.
You are constantly tempted by sacrilegious voices trying to lure you into sin.
You constantly have nagging voices at the back of your head that encourage you to break faith with your ideals. These voices are distracting, making you suffer -4 penalty on Dexterity checks for initiative. You gain proficiency in Deception. As an action you may bargain with your voices for information, using your Charisma (Deception) check as if it was Intelligence (Religion).
You can only ever speak in Aklo, Celestial, Draconic, Druidic, Infernal, Primordial, Shadowtongue, or Sylvan. You learn one of these languages. You understand any spoken language, but not code or Theive's Cant.
You are constantly surrounded by a choir of voices that advice and guide you. These voices are distracting, making you suffer -2 penalty on Dexterity checks for initiative.
At least once per session, they urge you to go to extreme lengths in pursuit of the ideals of your creed. The player or GM should voice this advice at least once per session. Not following the advice of your voices means you must use a bonus action each round argue with them until you come to an agreement or one minute has passed.
You can ask the advice of your voices as an action. They have a bonus of +10 in Intelligence (Religion). You gain proficiency in Religion and the voices and always Help you (giving you advantage) when you roll check using your proficiency bonus in Religion.
Wild Magic
When you cast a spell of the highest spell level you can cast, you roll on the Wild Magic Surge table (see the Wild Magic Sorcerer). This Wild Magic Surge can never inflict more dice of damage than your level. You only need to roll on the Wild Magic Surge table once, regaining the effect in a long or short rest. You learn the Chaos Bolt spell, and you can cast this spell once without using a spell slot as if you used a spell slot of half your level (rounded up). You use these as spells from your spellcaster class. If you are not a spellcaster, use Charisma as the spellcasting ability. You regain the ability to cast Chaos Bolt when you finish a long rest.
You are surrounded by gusts and static electricity. You suffer vulnerability to force damage. You learn the Gust, Lightning Lure, and Thunderclap cantrips. You learn the Catapult spell, and you can cast this spell once without using a spell slot as if you used a spell slot of half your level (rounded up). You use these as spells from your spellcaster class. If you are not a spellcaster, use Charisma as the spellcasting ability. You regain the ability to cast any spells with a limited number of uses when you finish a long rest.
You are addicted to a recreational drug like alcohol.
This is a cinematic adaptation of addiction. Don't push this to where it becomes uncomfortable and check with other players they are ok with this theme.
- You are able to function normally in combat and similar stressful situations. Whenever you are not in danger, you suffer the Poisoned condition, either from the effects of your addiction, or from withdrawal.
- Your addiction can be recognized with a Wisdom (Medicine) check against your passive Charisma (Deception). Any Charisma skill used against you that involves your addiction has advantage.
- Your addiction doubles your living expenses.
- The thing you are addicted to has no effect on you, and you are immune to further addiction of any kind.
- Your blood is mildly toxic. Creatures cannot drink your blood and you are immune to drugs, poison, and parasitic infection.
Blind Eye
You are blind in one eye. Halve the range of any weapon or spell you use. You see invisible creatures and objects within 30 ft. as if they were visible.
Crippled Arms
Your arms are severed or useless. You have trained your feet to overcome these limitations, when you are prone you can use your feet as if they were hands. You do not suffer disadvantage or give advantage on attack rolls when prone. You learn the Mage Hand cantrip and can cast it using your normal spellcasting ability. If you are not a spellcaster, use Dexterity as the spellcasting ability of your Mage Hand.
You suffer from diabetes. You need to keep a very strict diet consisting mainly of fat and lots and lots of water. You have to live at least a Modest lifestyle to afford this. Failure to do so prevents long rest and gives you a level of exhaustion each day. You tire easily, and gain a level of exhaustion for each full minute you keep up strenuous activity, such as combat. You can manage several shorter periods of hard work as long as you rest at least a minute between each. Your body greedily absorbs anything you ingest, which makes potions more efficient for you. Any potion that cures damage cures twice as much for you. Any potion with a duration lasts twice as long for you.
You permanently suffer the Deafened condition. You have learned to lip-read any language you know as long as you can see the speaker and is within 30 feet and you can see their lips.
Hook Hand
One of your hands is severed and has been replaced with a hook. You cannot wield a weapon in this hand or use a two-handed weapon, but you can do the following with the hook.
- You can satisfy the somatic components of spells and the hook hand counts as a spell focus for all classes.
- You can use the hook hand to reload a one-handed weapon with the ammunition property held in your other hand.
- You can use the hook as melee weapon that does 1d4 slashing damage and has the finesse quality. You can use a bonus action to attack with your hook hand.
- You can make a Strength (Athletics) check to grapple as a bonus action.
You carry a prodigious infestation of vermin such as worms, lice, and ticks. This infestation is obvious and disgusting, making others fear to be near you and barring you entrance to most civilized places. Any creature that ends their turn adjacent to you takes 1 poison damage. This damage increases to 1d4 at level 5, 1d8 at level 11, and 1d12 at level 17.
Your legs are maimed or paralyzed. You need a wheelchair or similar conveyance to move around. Double the movement penalties for difficult ground. You suffer disadvantage on most Acrobatics and Athletics checks, as determined by the DM. Your steady position increases the range of any ranged attack or spell you use by half (+50%).
This explores the consequences of prejudice. It should only be selected if all players are comfortable with it.
You suffer from some obvious and frightening medical condition that can never be cured. This need not be leprosy, it can be any horrid-looking ailment. This condition is not contagious or debilitating, but looks obviously unhealthy. Most NPCs have a hostile attitude to you and harass you or treat you as if you weren't there. They will not provide you services or lodging at any price. The hostile attitude only applies to you; your companions are not affected, and might even impress others by their benevolence in being willing to be around you. You gain proficiency in Survival and are immune to disease.
You have a leg injury that reduces your land speed to 20 ft. This speed cannot be reduced by encumbrance or armor. You are immune to caltrops, Grease spells, and similar floor hazards.
Missing Leg
You cannot walk without using a crutch, and even then your land speed is halved. If you do not constantly use one arm to hold yourself upright when standing, you fall prone. You have developed your upper-body muscles to compensate, gaining a +2 bonus to Strength.
You cannot speak in more than a whisper. You cannot make yourself understood to a creature more than 5 ft. away or be heard at all beyond 15 ft. This restricts your social interactions and the range of spells that require targets to hear you, but also makes it easy for you to cast spells without being noticed.
You cannot use or benefit from the Help action. You are immune to the Charmed condition and are never surprised.