Maimed Curse (Apath)

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Unofficial rules compendium


Publisher: Legendary Games.

You are permanently maimed, an injury you were born with or have had so long it can no longer be cured. This is a mundane handicap, less fantastic that many other curses. Select one or more of the following impairments. The listed penalties assume you are using a simple prosthetic (such as a peg leg) when possible. You cannot take the same handicap in different degrees of severity, such as maimed eye and blind.

  • Blind You permanently suffer the blinded condition. All opponents are considered to have total concealment (50% miss chance). You gain Blind-Fight as a bonus feat. You have adjusted to your condition to the point where you take no penalty on Armor Class or skills except that you take a -4 penalty on Perception checks and all checks and activities that rely on vision (such as reading and Perception checks based solely on sight) automatically fail. You automatically pinpoint an opponent within 30 ft. unless that opponent successfully uses Stealth against you, and you can cast targeted spells against pinpointed opponents. You have developed your other senses to such a degree that you are never flat-footed or flanked.
  • Blind Eye You are blind in one eye. When you are adjacent to two opponents, you are flanked. You cannot take the Point Blank Shot feat, but you count as if you had this feat for the purpose of prerequisites.
  • Deaf You permanently suffer the deafened condition. You have adapted to your contrition to the point that you only take a –2 penalty on initiative checks, automatically fail Perception checks based on sound, take a –4 penalty on opposed Perception checks, and do not suffer from spell failure on spells with verbal components. You gain a +2 bonus on Will saving throws.
  • Hoarse You cannot speak in more than a whisper. You cannot use language-based effects, Bluff, Diplomacy, or Intimidate against anyone more than 5 ft. away from you. You can still satisfy verbal components. The DC to hear you speaking (including using social skills and spells with verbal components) increases by 15 (from the usual DC 0).
  • Internal Injury You suffer a -4 penalty on Swim checks made to resist nonlethal damage from exhaustion; Constitution checks made to continue running; Constitution checks made to avoid nonlethal damage from a forced march; Constitution checks made to hold your breath; Constitution checks made to avoid nonlethal damage from starvation or thirst; Fortitude saves made to avoid nonlethal damage from hot or cold environments; and Fortitude saves made to resist damage from suffocation. You gain a +2 bonus on Fortitude saving throws.
  • Limp You have a leg injury that halves all your speeds. You are immune to caltrops, grease spells, and similar floor hazards.
  • Maimed Hand One of your hands is severed or useless. You cannot wield a weapon in this hand or use it to satisfy the somatic components of spells, but you can make unarmed attacks and wield a hook hand or shield by strapping it on. You gain the Two-Weapon Fighting feat, ignoring prerequisites, but this feat is only usable with a shield or a hook hand in the off-hand. Any feat using this bonus feat as a prerequisite also gains this limitation.
  • Missing Arm One of your arms is severed or useless. You cannot wield a weapon in this hand or use it to satisfy the somatic components of spells. You cannot wield two-handed weapons. You have trained your feet so that you can overcome this handicap when prone or sitting down. You suffer no penalty on attack rolls or Armor Class when prone. You gain a +5 bonus on Escape Artist checks.
  • Missing Ear(s) You can hear, but the altered acoustics makes you suffer a -2 penalty on Acrobatics, Disguise, Perception, and Perform checks. You gain a +2 bonus on saving throws against sonic and language-dependent effects.
  • Missing Leg You cannot walk without using a crutch, and even then your land speed and carrying capacity is halved. If you do not constantly use one arm to hold yourself upright when standing, you fall prone. You have developed your upper-body muscles, gaining a +2 bonus to Strength.
  • Missing Teeth You have very bad breath and cannot eat solid food. This means that you consume twice as much water, needed to make broth for your consumption. You count as two people when Survival is used to forage and take a -4 penalty on Diplomacy checks.
  • Scalped You are missing most head hair, and any remaining hair and the skin on your head flakes and is torn, ugly, and often bleeds. You suffer a -5 penalty on Disguise checks and the DC to track you is reduced by 5. You gain a +2 bonus on CMD against grapple checks.

At 5th level, you have learned to play on your disability for tricks, pity, and to scare others. You gain a +2 bonus on Bluff, Diplomacy, and Intimidation checks and these skills become class skills for you. The bonus stacks with any bonuses or penalties provided by the disability itself.

At 10th level, you develop an uncanny luck. Whenever something inflicts a condition on you (including going unconscious from damage), there is a 20% chance that attack or effect somehow fails to affect you at all, often striking the empty spot left by your injury.

At 15th level, you have overcome or healed the maiming and suffer no penalties, tough you retain all benefits and often choose to act the part.

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