Feats (5A)
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Ancestral Artifact
This is a work in progress.
Prerequisite: GM approval, the campaign uses magic item prices like 5A Magic Item prices. This is a plot-heavy feat and gives much power to the GM, something the player must accept. Player and GM should agree on the concept of the artifact so that it does not go outside of what the player's comfort zone.
You possess an artifact somehow linked to your destiny, usually bestowed by your ancestry or a great power such as royalty or a divine agent. This artifact comes in the form of a specific item of equipment, usually a weapon, staff, shield, or set of armor. It is never a consumable. It is a minor artifact and can only be destroyed in special dramatic ways.
This item has the magical abilities of one or several items whose total worth cannot exceed the price of a magic item created by a character one level above your level. You get to choose the abilities of the item, with GM approval. The item can combine the effects of several magic items into one by simply adding the cost of each individual item together. Only one of the combined items can require attunement. If the item has several abilities that confers the same or very similar effect, only the best such ability applies. An item can only have one enhancement bonus and a weapon can only add one type of damage. You need not spend any money or time on improving the item, it is powered by fate and not by the enchanting rules.
If you and the DM agree, your artifact can be a major artifact with a role in the plot of the campaign. This allows the DM to add powers to your item, powers that might only work under certain circumstances and might even be detrimental in certain circumstances. The DM can add any powers of choice, with a recommended budget equal to what you have invested is reasonable.
Example: Jonas plays the fighter Ian Tagor. He has asked the DM to make the sword dark and interesting, giving the DM free hands. Unbeknownst to the player the Tagor heirloom sword Bloodrinker once belonged to a powerful ancestor that was a vampire warlord at odds with the creator of the sword, a lich. As the owner of the sword advances in level the player adds various enchantments to Bloodrinker, and the GM secretly adds other enchantments and curses to give Bloodrinker a grimdark feel, such as the curse from the Spear of Backbiting that only activates when the sword is used against minions of this lich, who is still active and an important villain in the campaign.
Additional Background
Prerequisite: Be naturalized in another background. This is a role-playing requirement.
You gain an additional background, including proficiency with two skills, two proficencies or languages, and the special ability of the chosen background. If you are already trained in a skill, proficiency, or language offered by your chosen background, you can replace that element with another of the same kind, skill, proficiency, or language.
Beast Companion
Prerequisite: Animal Handling
You can have a beast companion, which is in most respects the same as the beast master ranger's Primal Companion. Unlike the Primal Companion, your beast companion is not magically summoned. You must tame and train your companion by other means, the easiest way is to purchase a trained animal. You can have multiple beast companions, but you can only take one of them on travel and adventures, you must lead the others in a pen or wilderness area where they can survive. If you have more than one beast companion accompanying you, neither will take commands as they are marking position against each other.
Familiar Mastery
You learn Find Familiar and can cast it as a ritual. When you cast the spell, you can choose one of the normal forms for your familiar or one of the following special forms: imp, pseudodragon, quasit, or sprite. The DM may allow you to have other creatures of similar power and utility as a familiar.
Add your Proficiency Bonus to the familiar's AC, attack bonus, damage, and to its trained skills. Use 4 x your level as the familiar's Hit Points if it has less Hit Points than this.
You can take a bonus action to order the familiar to Attack or take a hostile action. If you do not give your familiar an order, it can only perform the Dash, Dodge, Hide, or Search actions.
When you are looking through the familiar's eyes, your familiar can use your ability check when it uses the Deception, Perception, Performance, SleightofHand, and Stealth skills.
Fast Draw
This is a work in progress.
Your Dexterity score increases by 1.
You have advantage on initiative checks. When you attack a creature that has not yet acted in this combat, you have advantage on attack rolls and may add your initiative modifier to damage rolls made against that creature this round.
You can instantly draw and/or sheathe weapons and other hand-held gear at any time without expending an action. The exception is shields, you have to wield shields normally.
Martial Power
You can sacrifice accuracy for more powerful weapon attacks. Unlike more specialized feats for various weapons, this works with all weapon, but it does not add any other benefits besides the increased damage.
When you make a weapon attack, you can choose to take a +5 penalty on the attack roll. If the attack hits, you add +10 to the damage roll.
Martial Versatility
You can switch between using martial arts and armor at will. Barbarians have this ability as a part of their class, with some restrictions.
- Increase your Dexterity or Constitution by +1, to a maximum of 20.
- Select one style of Martial Arts Defense. When fulfilling the prerequisites of your style, you gain the benefits of the style.
- You can wear any armor you are proficient with, but when you do, you cannot use your style of martial arts.
This is a work in progress.
Source: En5ider 35.
- A longsword gains the finesse quality while you wield it.
- You can use a longsword, rapier, scimitar or short sword that you are wielding as a spellcasting focus. I the weapon is a +1, +2, or +3 weapon, you add this bonus to your spell attack rolls and to the save DC of your spells.
- When you use the Cast a Spell action, you can use your bonus action to attack with a longsword, rapier, scimitar or short sword that you are wielding.
This is a work in progress.
Increase any ability score by one, to a maximum of 20.
You learn two Talents of your choice whose prerequisites you fulfill, or one talent whose prerequisites you do not fill. The DM can veto talents choices that do not make sense.