Erypt (Greyhawk)
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Also known variously as Osirians depending on their original setting.
One of the oldest human civilizations on Oerth, Erypt has passed through several ages, with interegnumsn and long periods of occupation. One such period began when the river Sphinx changed its course dramatically, causing the lands of old Erypt to turn into pur desert. This is now a land of the undead, where skeetons plow and reap harvests of dust. Erypt is recently risen from a long period under Q'dran domination, the people of Erypt are trying to reconnect with their cultural heritage.
Strong Abilities
Constitution, Intelligence, Wisdom.
Cultural Traits
Indulgent, Hierarchical, Pacifist, Traditional.
Real-World Models
Eryptians are lawful, hidebound people. At the same time, the "unwashed masses" try to get away from their obligations when they can, and their strict society creates a number of outcasts and rebels, but even these are more likely to seek to re-join society at a higher social level than to be true revolutionaries. Instead, chaotic Eryptians tend to be free-thinking intellectuals, religious mystics, or artists. Eryptians have the usual spread of good and evil, and consider such differences minor.
Adoption, Arranged marriages, Polygamy/Polyandry, Preventives, Prostitution. Eryptians figure that the rich and powerful have sexual privileges; basically anything goes if you can pay for it. It is not usual for a powerful individual of either sex to have a formal marriage but a small harem of concubines on the side.
Eryptians are not big on free competition. Rather, they stage rehearsed displays, where a single person or team shows off their skill. Informal competition still happens, and when there are witnesses they can have a great impact on a person status - and create long-standing feuds.
The strongest taboo most Eryptians have is about leaving their country; all other places in the world are considered poor places to live and worse to die in.
Being a warrior is not taboo, but it is certainly looked down on as a low-status profession; soldiers of quality are generally foreign mercenaries.
Formalized. Upper-class families are often two separate adjacent households. Marriage between the classes is not unusual, as it is a way for an upper-class Eryptian to avoid the open nature of same-status marriages. Inheritance is strictly by favoritism; an Eryptian is free to designate anyone as an heir, offspring or not.
Eryptians are very focused on magic, especially divine magic. They are not devout as other people understand the term, but consider the observance of ritual extremely important. Any Eryptian of quality is likely to use at least some magic. Divine magic is highly regarded and everpresent in public life, public figures are very often divine spellcasters. Occult magic is common in private life and a perfectly legitimate profession. Arcane magic is regarded as wild and uncouth, possibly related to the reality-altering powers of Apep, and frowned upon. It is still respectable practiced by the naturally talented and by scribes and engineers. Witches and hedge magicians are frowned upon, but also greatly feared.
The Eryptians have an ancient and powerful pantheon, but it has been persecuted for hundreds of years and is only slowly reemerging.
Abject Belief (Faith)
Source Faiths and Philosophies
You cling tenaciously to a faith that is doubted by many, perhaps based around a god who has vanished, or was never a god in the first place. You refuse to forsake your beliefs despite all evidence, perhaps due to a need to belong, respect for tradition, or a religious experience. As a result, it is nearly impossible to convince you of your deity’s absence. You gain a +2 trait bonus on Will saving throws against fear effects.
Virtually every Osirian tomb contains images of the jackal-headed god Anubis, the god of mummification and protector of tombs. He presides over funerals and embalming, and guides souls to Osiris to await their judgment in the afterlife, punishing tomb robbers and defending the dead on their journeys. Anubis is the son of Osiris and Nephthys, and assisted Isis with Osiris's mummification. Like his father, Anubis frequently comes into conflict with Set, particularly regarding that god's association with undeath. As a guardian of the dead and their tombs, Anubis frequently works with Isis, Neith, Nephthys, and Selket, who protect the canopic jars containing the organs of the deceased. Anubis usually appears as a man with jet-black skin and the head of a jackal, though he sometimes takes the entire form of a jackal.
Taking the form of the jackals who threatened him as an infant, Anubis protects the soul on its decent to his father Osiris and guards the resurrected soul just as he guarded his father from Set.
Clerics and paladins of Anubis dedicated to destroying undead creatures wherever they find them. Anubis is the patron of embalmers, and priests and embalmers typically wear wolf masks that cover their entire heads in honor of their god.
Alignment: LN god of burial, the dead, funeral rites, mummification, and tombs.
Weapon: Flail.
Symbol: Black jackal head.
Animal: Jackal.
Pathfinder Domains
Death (Undertaker), Earth (Metal), Law (Inevitable), Protection (Defense, Purity), Repose (Ancestors, Gravekeeper).
Pathfinder Traits
Eyes and Ears of the City Your religious training was entwined with your work serving the city watch of a large city, the primary duty of which was standing sentinel on a city wall. You gain a +1 trait bonus on Perception checks, and Perception is always a class skill for you.
Slayer's Oath You have sworn your life to stopping the propagation of the undead; your patron has heard and approved your choice. You gain a +1 trait bonus on weapon damage rolls when battling the undead.
External Links
- Anubis at Pathfinder Wiki.
Born in the waters of primeval chaos before creation, the malevolent serpent Apep stands in sharp contrast to the more benevolent serpent goddess Wadjet. Apep is the personification of chaos and darkness, the hidden dangers that lurk just beneath the surface, the deadly whorls and eddies that drown and swallow, and the hungry river snakes that prey on those who venture too far from the water's edge. Apep is the raging rapids, the boundles s flood that inundates and sweeps away all that mortals seek to build. He is the darkness in the water's depths that swallows light and life, devouring the sun and plunging the world into eternal night.
Said to dwell in the Tenth Region of Night, Apep is the great enemy of the sun god Ra, and ancient Osirians believed each sunrise was but a temporary victory, for the Devourer of the Dawn always waits to seize and consume the sun again and again, until one day the sun shall rise no more and all shall be ended.
Apep is a great golden serpent miles long, and his crushing coils encircle the world. He also appears as a fearsome dragon with night-black scales, and evil dragons of Osirion venerate him in this form.
All life, all hope, all the gods are but a temporary aberation in the universe of chaos and darkness. Apep shall one day devour the sun and restore the original chaos.
Apep's human cults are secretive, usually meeting at night or under the cloak of darkness . These evil sects keep themselves hidden from the public eye lest they attract the wrath of those who follow the more benevolent and helpful gods.
Alignment: CE god of chaos, darkness, destruction, and snakes.
Weapon: Dagger.
Symbol: Coiled serpent.
Animal: Snake.
Pathfinder Domains
Chaos (Demon, Entropy), Darkness (Night), Destruction (Catastrophe), Evil (Demon, Fear), Scalykind (Dragon).
Pathfinder Traits
Enemy of Man Your god has given you the power to kill those who uphold civilization. You gain a +1 trait bonus on damage against humans.
Feat of Strength You have trained long and hard to be able to do amazing feats of strength. You get a +2 trait bonus on Strength checks, but not on Strength-based skill checks (including untrained ones) or other Strength-related rolls, such as damage.
External Links
- Apep at Pathfinder Wiki.
Bastet was a popular deity in Ancient Osirion, worshiped as a goddess of cats and a deity of celebration, pleasure, and secrets. While her sister Hathor is a goddess of love, Bastet is one of desire and sensuality. She also guards against contagious diseases, evil spirits, and snakes , and is associated with protective ointments and perfumes. A beautiful woman with the head of a cat, Bastet is often depicted holding a rattle-like sistrum-a musical instrument associated with her worship-and a small shield called an aegis, usually decorated with the head of a lion, as a symbol of her protective role.
Bastet is the daughter of Ra, and the sister of Hathor, Maat, and Sekhmet. Normally indolent and relaxed, Bastet can be fierce when roused to anger, and she has often faced off against the great serpent Apep on behalf of Ra. A promiscuous goddess, Bastet has no mate, but numerous stories detail her liaisons with other deities.
Let the stirrings inside you forth, live life to the fullest, and when roused to anger, fight!
Bastet is a popular goddess among bards and women of all classes, and she is the patron of spies, rogues , and thieves. Most of her clerics are women, though men are welcome in the priesthood, and both genders work as sacred prostitutes in Bastet's temples, which host elaborate festivals, replete with dancing, drinking, and revelry. Devotees of Bastet often keep cats as pets, and these sacred animals are reverently mummified and buried alongside their masters upon death.
Alignment: CN goddess of cats, pleasure, and secrets.
Weapon: cat's claws (tekko-kagi)
Symbol: Golden cat, cat mask.
Animal: Cat.
Pathfinder Domains
Animal (Fur), Chaos (Protean), Charm (Lust), Protection (Defense), Trickery (Deception, Thievery).
Pathfinder Traits
Born Free You were introduced to an individualistic belief as a youth. Thriving under the promise of control of your own destiny, you soon began to demonstrate the truth of this ideal. Though others may mock you for your unwillingness to go along with a group or accept the easy security and comfort promised by more ecclesiastical faiths, you know that the revelations and destiny you seek can only be brought about through your own actions and individual search for meaning. Once per day, after you roll a saving throw against a compulsion effect, you can choose to roll again as an immediate action before the result of the saving throw is announced. You must keep the new roll, even if it is worse.
Ear for Music You spent countless hours of your youth in temples, listening to wonderful musicians and singers. You gain a +1 trait bonus on one category of Perform checks and on Knowledge (local).
Pathfinder Obedience
Play the sistrum as a part of some kind of Perform skill or with Acrobatics used to perform. Then either collect tips from the crowd, or chase some kind of small prey (rat or mouse most commonly) and kill it. Using a trap or lure is acceptable. You get a +4 dodge bonus to Armor Class against attacks of opportunity caused when you move out of or within a threatened area.
- Honey Charm (Sp) keen senses 3/day, blur 2/day, or beast shape II (cat only) 1/day
- Cat Swarm (Sp) Animal shapes (cat form only) 2/day.
- Cat's Warning (Sp) Constant foresight.
External Links
- Bastet at Pathfinder Wiki.
As the guardian of marriage and a protector of households, Bes had a wide appeal through all levels of Osirian society, and most houses, rich or poor, had a statue or carving of Bes to watch over the family and household. An amiable and inclusive deity, Bes encompasses all types of families under his protection, and is both a god of childbirth and a defender of children. He is the guardian of sleep, protecting against evil spirits and all manner of dangerous beasts, from scorpions and snakes to lions and crocodiles.
Bes appears as an ugly, bandy-legged dwarf, with a large head, big eyes, a full beard, and an open mouth with a comically protruding tongue. He wears a headdress of ostrich feathers and a lion skin cloak. In contrast to the other gods of Ancient Osirion, who were usually shown in profile, Bes was always depicted facing forward. Bes is friendly with most of the other Ancient Osirian gods, but always keeps a watchful eye out for Apep and Set and their servants.
The fool finds pleasure in life and protects those who shun responsibility—making the responsible seem the fools.
Bes has few temples and ordained priests, but his joviality makes him popular among bards, professional performers, and serving boys and girls, who also view him as a patron of music, dance, and sexual pleasure, and such worshipers frequently wear small tattoos of Bes for protection and luck. Pregnant women and new mothers also pray to him to watch over their children. Though Bes has few proper temples, simple shrines to the Guardian Fool can be found in many Osirian cities, particularly in entertainment districts.
Alignment: NG god of households, luck, marriage, and protection
Weapon: hunga munga
Symbol: Bearded dwarf face seen frontal.
Animal: Lion.
Pathfinder Domains
Community (Family, Home), Earth (Caves), Good (Agathion), Luck (Imagination), Protection (Defense).
Pathfinder Traits
Inspired A positive force, philosophy, or divine presence fills you with hope, and is a guiding force of inspiration. Once per day as a free action, roll twice and take the better result on a skill check or ability check.
Sacred Fool When you throw caution to the winds, your patron is by your side. When you use Climb, Bluff, Disguise, Disable Device, Sleight of Hand, or Stealth, a natural die roll of 1 always succeeds, no matter the DC. Your success might be very temporary if the task is one you have to continue rolling for.
External Links
- Bes at Pathfinder Wiki.
The cow-headed goddess Hathor was worshiped from the earliest days of Ancient Osirion, and remained a popular deity throughout its history. A divinity of air and sky, Hathor is also a goddess of beauty and love, happiness and merriment. She is the queen of the dance, the mistress of music, and the sovereign of song. Hathor is a wife, a mother, and a lover, a goddess of fertility, sexuality, and motherhood . She is also a goddess of trade and goods that bring wealth from foreign lands. Hathor is the daughter of Ra, and sister to Bastet, Maat, and Sekhmet. She is the consort of Horus, and as he is a god of kings, so is she a goddess of queens, though she is venerated by royalty and commoners alike.
Hathor appears as a voluptuous cow-headed woman with the solar disk of her father Ra between her horns and carrying a sistrum. Sometimes she is depicted as a human woman with a horned headdress. More rarely, she is depicted as a great wild cow whose milk nourishes the living.
Rejoice in the generosity and love of the open sky.
Hathor is a patron and protector of women, and is worshiped by mothers, wives, and lovers of all ages. She also serves as a patron of bards, dancers, musicians, and performers, which makes her a popular deity in thriving cities and their playhouses. In her role as a goddess of trade, Hathor is also a patron of miners, particularly those who mine for precious stones. Hathor's priesthood is predominantly female, and her temples hold great festivals full of music and dance where worshipers consume large amounts of beer and wine and revel for days on end.
Alignment: CG goddess of dance, joy, love, music, and the sky.
Weapon: Short sword.
Symbol: Solar disk with horns.
Animal: Cow.
Pathfinder Domains
Air (Cloud), Chaos (Azata, Revelry), Charm (Love), Good (Azata), Travel (Exploration, Trade).
Pathfinder Traits
Alluring You have the art of turning a passing glance into love. You receive a +2 trait bonus on Diplomacy checks with those who find you sexually attractive.
Fair Trade You know that treating all alike is the best way to profit. You gain a +1 trait bonus on Appraise and Sense Motive.
Pathfinder Obedience
Scatter a handful of grain and then pick up each grain and place it in a single pile. Gain a +4 sacred bonus to AC against attacks of opportunity provoked by moving out of a threatened space.
- Herder (Sp) calm animals 3/day, calm emotions 2/day, or beast shape I 1/day
- Divine Flock (Sp) You can cast summon stampede three times per day. This ability is the equivalent of a 7th-level spell.
- Spirit Herd (Su) You and up to one ally per HD can transform into an ethereal cows (as beast shape I) as long as all of you are within 30 feet of one another. Your herd travels as if under the effects of an etherealness spell. In addition, you and the other members of the herd are connected telepathically for the duration of the effect.
External Links
- Hator at Pathfinder Wiki.
Horus is the god of the sky, the celestial falcon whose eyes are the sun and moon, whose speckled feathers are the stars, and whose wings are the sky. He is also a sun god, and in the form of Horakhty, or "Horus of the Two Horizons," he is a deity of both the rising and setting suns. The posthumous son of Osiris and Isis, Horus faced off against the usurper Set, and with his victory over the Lord of the Dark Desert, Horus became the rightful heir of Osiris. Horus took his father's place as king and ruled Osirion with his consort Hathor during the Age of Anguish, becoming also a god of kings and pharaonic rule.
Horus appears as a man with the head of a falcon wearing the traditional double crown of pharaohs called the pschent. He is also sometimes represented as a great celestial falcon. His symbol, the eye of Horus, is used to ward off evil, and the symbol commonly appears on protective amulets and trinkets. As a sun deity and god of kings, Horus lends his support to Ra, and aids him in his continuous battles against Apep. An ally of Osiris and Isis, Horus is a steadfast enemy of Set, and the two have fought countless battles over the ages.
Horus is worshiped by kings and pharaohs , as well as by hunters, paladins, rangers, and warriors. He is sometimes venerated as part of a triad with Osiris and Isis, or as one-half of a royal couple with his consort Hathor, but there are temples dedicated solely to Horus as well.
Alignment: LN god of ruler ship, the sky, and the sun.
Weapon: Kopesh.
Symbol: Eye of Horus.
Pathfinder Domains
Air (Wind, Animal (Feather), Law (Inevitable), Nobility (Leadership), Sun (Day, Light).
Pathfinder Traits
Zealot’s Bearing Your fiery passion for your faith or philosophy is obvious to everyone around you. Those who share your convictions automatically find themselves wanting to defer to your zealous authority, making you a natural leader of your faith. Unfortunately, your scorn for those who haven’t yet seen the wisdom of converting is equally obvious, and makes you a poor ambassador or missionary to the “ignorant masses” (as you not-so-secretly think of them). You gain a +2 bonus on Diplomacy and Intimidate checks when dealing with adherents of your faith or philosophy, but a –2 penalty on Diplomacy and Intimidate checks when dealing with anyone else.
A Shining Beacon You carry a burning hatred in your heart for all things demonic, and have studied their weaknesses carefully. You gain a +1 trait bonus on weapon damage against demons.
Pathfinder Obedience
Find and observe a mouse or rat from no more than 30 feet away. Continue watching the creature, unseen, for 100 breaths. Catch the mouse and release it in an area where falcons hunt. Gain a +4 sacred bonus on saving throws against light effects and effects that would hinder your sight.
- Desert Lord (Sp) calm animals 3/day, eagle eye 2/day, or daylight1/day
- Hawk's Eye (Su) You take no range penalties to Perception checks based on vision.
- Hunter's Edge (Su) You gain sneak attack +3d6. This increase to sneak attack damage stacks with sneak attack damage you may have from other sources. You can sneak attack a target at any range.
External Links
- Horus at Pathfinder Wiki.
When Set killed his brother Osiris, it was their sister Isis who recovered Oiris's body, and using her magic, conceived a son, Horus, with her dead husband. Enraged, Set then dismembered Osiris's corpse and scattered the remains, but Isis gathered up all of the pieces of her husband's body and with a magic spell resurrected Osiris.
Isis ruled as queen alongside Osiris during the Age of Legend, and like him, she is a fertility and nature goddess, viewed as the ideal mother and wife. She is a goddess of rebirth and resurrection, and the protector of the canopic jar that holds the deceased's liver. She is also a deity of magic, both arcane and divine. Isis appears as a beautiful human woman with winged arms, wearing a crown shaped like a throne. She is the loyal wife and partner of Osiris, and is fiercely protective of her son Horus. Isis is close to her sister Nephthys, but is a sworn enemy of her brother Set.
Isis is worshiped by sorcerers, wizards, and witches as a patron of magic, but also by mothers, wives, and druids in her role as a goddess of fertility. The vast majority of her clerics are women, but men and women both are initiated into her mystery cults to learn her secret and sacred rites.
Alignment: NG goddess of fertility, magic, motherhood, and rebirth.
Weapon: Quarterstaff.
Symbol: Knot of Isis.
Pathfinder Domains
Charm (Love), Community (Family), Good (Agathion), Healing (Resurection), Magic (Arcane, Divine).
Pathfinder Traits
Devoted Healer Raised in the company of skilled healers, you were always encouraged to devote your time and energy to the welfare of others. Whenever you take 20 on a Heal check to treat deadly wounds, you restore an additional 1d4 hit points to those you aid.
Mystery Initiate You were initiated into a mystery cult in your youth, and learned secrets that turned your understanding of your faith and the world on its head. This experience has given you a knack for lateral thinking. Once per day, you may reroll any Knowledge skill check. You must decide to use this ability after the first roll is made but before the results are revealed. You must take the second result, even if it is worse.
External Links
- Isis at Pathfinder Wiki.
Perhaps the most popular of the old gods among the common folk of Osirion is Khepri, who takes the form of a scarab or dung beetle. Khepri is the god of the rising sun in the eastern horizon, and the scarab rolling a ball of dung across the ground is seen as a symbol of Khepri pushing the sun across the sky.
As the sun rises in the morning, so do the peasants who work all day with little reward, and Khepri is their divine embodiment, promising freedom from toil and reward for their labor in the afterlife. He is also a mischievous prankster, breaking up the tedium of the long days with his antics and poking fun at those who consider themselves the commoners' betters.
Khepri is typically represented as a scarab beetle, or as a man with a scarab beetle for a head. As a solar deity, Khepri works closely with Ra and Horus, is friendly with Hathor, and is opposed to Apep and Set and their evil machinations. As a trickster, Khepri is close friends with Bes, and he relishes the distaste that his strange appearance, his pungent aroma, and all that he represents elicit in more refined and civilized gods such as Bastet, Maat, and Thoth.
A day's work for just reward is a day well spent.
Khepri seldom has dedicated temples, but as the patron of peasants, his priests can be found anywhere the common folk labor. Temporary shrines to the scarab god often spring up next to fields or at building sites, where workers make small offerings of a bite of their food or a sip of their beer, and ask Khepri to grant them an easy and productive day of work.
Alignment: NG god of freedom, the rising sun, and work.
Weapon: Sling.
Symbol: Blue scarab.
Pathfinder Domains
Artifice (Toil), Good (Agathion), Liberation, Sun (Day), Trickery (Deception).
Pathfinder Traits
Hard Worker Existence is unending toil. By laboring unto exhaustion, greatness can be achieved. You receive a +2 trait bonus when retrying a previously failed skill check or ability check, as well as when taking 20 on skill checks and ability checks.
Mud's Bounty You have a gift for rich harvests well fermented. You gain a +2 trait bonus on Profession (cook), Profession (farmer), and Profession (brewer).
External Links
- Khepri at Pathfinder Wiki.
The death that lives on the hearts of men
Kherty appears as a mummified ram, a man with the head of a ram, or a mummified or skeletal body with the skeletal head of a ram.
Kherty is both the one that slaughters and the guardian of the soul. Depicted devouring human hearts while preserving the soul through mummification, Kherty is the god of undeath and eternal unlife. He also has an aspect as a god of herdsmen and the slaughter of herd animals that brings life.
Kherty was a god of rulership and the earth in the North River in the very earliest history of Erypt. In this ancient kingdom, there came to be a war between the earth, represented by Kherty, and the sky represented by Ra. Kherty seduced the first line of pharaohs and became the god of kings, but the other gods intervened and changed the route of the River Sphinx, causing it to take a new course and condemning the kingdom of Kherty to starvation. Most of the people fled trough the desert to the new land, but the most faithful stayed. The god took his subjects into his hand and turned them all into undead; the lowest peons becoming skeletons and the higher ranks gaining correspondingly more powerful undead forms. This River of Death endures as an undead realm to this day.
Leave your heart in tribute, and Kherty will grant you life eternal.
Kherty is still worshiped as a herding god and protector of the dead, and propitiated as a god of famine and undeath. His temples are secret affairs in hidden locations or old tombs frequented by the undead, but he has altars among other funerary gods and in the temples of Osiris. His main enemies are Anubis, Bastet, and Ra, but he is also a fierce enemy of Apis and Set as gods of entropy..
Alignment: LE god of herds, slaughter, and undeath.
Weapon: Kukri (slaughter knife).
Symbol: Rams horns, or hieroglyph thereof (T28), or ram-horned skull.
Pathfinder Domains
Animal, Death (Undead), Earth, Evil (Cannibalism, Kyton), Law (Kyton, Slavery).
Pathfinder Traits
Deathspeaker The dead respect you as a servant of their ultimate lord. Your experience gives you a +2 trait bonus on Diplomacy checks when dealing with undead, as well as a +2 trait bonus on Charisma checks made to influence undead (for example, as part of the command undead spell).
Unnatural Presence Your prolonged association with alien forces leaks from your pores. You can use your Intimidate skill to change the attitude of animals and vermin; Intimidate is a class skill for you.
Pathfinder Obedience
You must eat the heart of a formerly living creature; the body upon which you feed must either be at least a week old or be eaten while atop a grave. If this is not possible, you must repast on sand; doing so inflicts 1 point of Constitution damage to a living creature. Gain a +4 profane bonus on all saving throws against paralysis and against disease effects from undead.
- Kiss of the Grave (Sp) detect undead 3/day, ghoul touch 2/day, or speak with dead 1/day
- Undead Minion (Sp) You can cast create undead once per day. The undead that is created obeys you without question. If you use this ability to create a new undead minion, the previous undead minion is destroyed.
- Ghoulish Apotheosis (Ex) The next time you die, you rise as a ghoul after 24 hours. Your type changes to undead and you lose all the abilities of your previous race, replacing them with +2 natural armor, darkvision 60 feet, channel resistance +2, and a ghoul’s physical attacks. You do not change your total Hit Dice or alter your ability scores. If you achieve this boon when you’re already an undead creature, you instead gain a +4 profane bonus to Charisma.
External Links
- Kherty at Wikipedia.
The feather of truth
When the universe was created, it was given an innate harmony, and the goddess Maat is the guardian of this cosmic order. She is a deity of balance, justice, law, and truth, and is responsible for the uniform movement of the celestial bodies through the sky and the ordered procession of seasons. Ancient Osirians believed that the legitimacy and efficacy of a pharaoh's reign were dependent on upholding the concepts embodied by Maat, and to prevent the universe from dissolving into chaos, this order must be constantly renewed and preserved by both humans and the gods.
Maat is the daughter of Ra, sister of Bastet, Hathor, and Sekhmet, and the wife of Thoth. Maat presides over the councils of the gods, being impartial, honest, and fair, and she assists Osiris in the judgment of souls as they pass on into the afterlife. As the upholder of cosmic order, Maat is opposed to both Set and Apep, who work to bring about chaos and entropy. Maat usually appears as a woman with a blue ostrich feather on her head. She is often depicted with winged arms, holding an ankh and a was scepter, symbols of life and power, respectively. Her sacred animal is the leopard, because the pattern on its coat represents the stars in the night sky.
Truth is light as a feather; sins weight down the heart. How will you fare on the scale of justice?
Maat is more a creed than an actual religion. Honored in the worship of other gods of law, she has few temples or priests of her own. Paladins often worship Maat as the embodiment of justice, and monks and oracles revere the cosmic truth she embodies.
Alignment: LN goddess of justice, law, order, and truth.
Weapon: Starknife.
Symbol: Blue ostrich feather.
Pathfinder Domains
Knowledge (Thought), Law (Inevitable, Judgement), Protection (Purity), Void (Stars), Weather (Seasons).
Pathfinder Traits
Ambassador Your natural abilities at mediation and compromise manifested at a young age. For as long as you can remember, you were always more able to solve disputes and carefully settle violent disagreements than others.
You gain a +2 trait bonus to Diplomacy checks.
Principled You hold yourself to a strict code of behavior that guides all of your decisions and actions. You take a –2 penalty on Bluff checks and gain a +2 trait bonus on saving throws against charm, compulsion, and emotion effects.
External Links
- Maat at Pathfinder Wiki.
Neith is a goddess of war and hunting, but also of domestic arts such as weaving. She stands guard over the bodies of fallen soldiers and is responsible for teaching humanity how to make the weapons of war. From her loom, she also weaves bandages and shrouds for wounded or slain warriors, and in this aspect she is venerated as a funerary goddess. Neith is the protector of the stomach, and guards the canopic jar that holds this organ. A divinity of creation, Neith is said to weave the world on her loom every day, though Ptah and Ra are more usually venerated as creators.
Neith is also a water deity, and as Wadjet is the embodiment of the River Sphinx, Neith is goddess of the oceans that surround Osirion. While on a long hunt in the desert, Neith encountered Set, and their meeting resulted in the birth of a son, the crocodile god Sobek. Neith is respected for her wisdom, and on many occasions has served as a mediator between Horus and Set. Neith appears as a woman wearing a red deshret crown. She is occasionally depicted wearing armor, and always carries a bow and arrows.
Hunters, rangers, sailors, smiths, soldiers, and warriors all worship Neith as their patron. Clerics of Neith are usually skilled smiths or weavers, or both, and like their goddess, they do not marry.
Alignment: NG goddess of hunting, war, and weaving.
Weapon: Shortbow (normal or composite).
Symbol: A shield and two crossed arrows.
Animal: Bee.
Pathfinder Domains
Animal (Feather, Fur), Artifice (Construct), Good (Agathion), Water (Oceans), War (Tactics).
Pathfinder Traits
Alpha Hunter You are the top predator in your area. You get a +4 trait bonus to initiative in the wilderness.
Tireless Avenger You restlessly pursue your enemies. The DC for the Constitution check to avoid taking lethal damage during a forced march is 10 + 1 per extra hour, instead of 10 + 2 per extra hour.
Pathfinder Obedience
Spend an hour working at a craft of your choice, contemplating how you and the thing you craft fit into the goddess' weave and the world. You gain a +2 sacred bonus on Craft and Perception checks.
- Champion of Neith (Sp) hunter's lore 3/day, make whole 2/day, tactical acumen 1/day
- Peacemaker (Ex): When you use Diplomacy to make a request to start a negotiation, creatures with an attitude of hostile or unfriendly count as indifferent when calculating the difficulty.
- Faithful Archer (Ex) You are particularly skilled at using Neith’s favored weapon. When using a shortbow, you add your Wisdom bonus on attack and damage rolls against targets within 30 feet.
External Links
- Neith at Pathfinder Wiki.
Mistress of the Mansion
The ancient Osirians placed great importance on the safety of their deceased loved ones, and Nephthys was a funerary deity who protected the dead and mourned their loss. In particular, Nephthys is the guardian of the lungs and the canopic jar that contains them.
As her husband and brother Set is the god of darkness and deserts, Nephthys is the goddess of night and the edge of the desert, the border between civilization and wilderness. Nephthys is the sister of Isis and Osiris and the sister-wife of Set. Following Osiris's murder at the hands of Set, Nephthys grieved along with Isis, and helped her sister gather the scattered pieces of Osiris's dismembered body. She also nursed and protected the young Horus.
Although she is Set's wife, Nephthys does not normally support her husband, instead siding with Isis and Osiris in most conflicts. Having conceived no children with Set, Nephthys plied Osiris with wine and seduced him, later giving birth to a son, Anubis.
Nephthys appears as a woman with winged arms wearing a headdress in the shape of a basket atop a tower-a representation of the hieroglyphic symbol of her name, and also her holy symbol.
Night is the time of recuperation The goddess protects the sleeper and the dead fro the terrors of night.
Nephthys does not usually have temple s of her own, though she is often represented in churches of Anubis, Isis, and Osiris, or more rarely, alongside her husband Set in his temples . These small shrines are available for worshipers to leave their goddess small offerings and offer her prayers. Clerics of Nephthys assist other priests at funerals and work as professional mourners.
Alignment: CN goddess of mourning, night, and protection of the dead.
Weapon: Light mace.
Symbol: A basket atop a palace.
Animal: Kite
Pathfinder Domains
Charm (Lust), Community, (Cooperation), Darkness (Night), Protection (Defense).
Pathfinder Traits
Professional Mourner You worked as a professional mourner and companion, and you know how to comfort, please, and listen. You gain a +1 trait bonus on Sense Motive checks and Diplomacy checks, and one of these skills (your choice) is always a class skill for you.
Ward Undead You have learned the secrets of an ancient prayer that wards off the attacks of undead. Once per day as a standard action, you can forcefully present your holy symbol and recite a holy chant that affects undead as if you were under the effect of a sanctuary spell cast at your character level as caster level. The save DC equal to ½ your Hit Dice + your Charisma modifier. This is a supernatural ability.
External Links
- XXX at Pathfinder Wiki.
Lord of the living
Myths say that during the Age of Legend, Osiris ruled Osirion as its king. But his brother Set was jealous of Osiris's power and coveted his throne, so Set killed Osiris, dismembered his brother's body, and scattered the pieces across the world. Isis gathered up the pieces, and using her magic, she brought her husband back to life. Now free from death, Osiris became a god of death and life after death, whose resurrection mirrors the rebirth of souls in the afterlife.
Osiris is also a fertility god, a deity of nature and growth who dies each year with the harvest and is reborn again in the spring when vegetation sprouts again.
Osiris always appears wrapped up like a mummy, but with green skin symbolizing his role as a god of fertility. He wears a white atef crown with two ostrich feathers and carries a crook and flail, the symbols of pharaonic rule. Osiris is the brother of Nephthys and Set. His sister Isis is also his wife, and he is the father of Horus.
As a death god, O siris is tightly aligned with Anubis, but his brother Set remains his sworn enemy.
Clerics, druids, and paladins make up the bulk of Osiris's priesthood . Many mystery cults are also dedicated to Osiris; the initiates of these cults are said to learn the secrets of life and death. Clerics of Osiris who choose the Souls sub domain replace the domain spell animate dead with speak with dead instead.
Alignment: LG god of afterlife, fertility, rebirth, and resurrection.
Weapon: Flail.
Symbol: Crook and flail.
Animal: Ram.
Pathfinder Domains
Good (Archon), Healing (Restoration, Resurection), Law (Archon), Plant (Growth), Repose (Ancestors, Gravekeeper).
Pathfinder Traits
Mystery Initiate You were initiated into a mystery cult in your youth, and learned secrets that turned your understanding of your faith and the world on its head. This experience has given you a knack for lateral thinking. Once per day, you may reroll any Knowledge skill check. You must decide to use this ability after the first roll is made but before the results are revealed. You must take the second result, even if it is worse.
Sacred Touch You were exposed to a potent source of positive energy as a child, perhaps by being born under the right cosmic sign, or maybe because one of your parents was a gifted healer. As a standard action, you may automatically stabilize a dying creature merely by touching it.
External Links
- Osiris at Pathfinder Wiki.
Lord of Eternity
According to ancient Osirian mythology, Ptah is the demiurge who created the universe through his thought and creative word. He is the artisan of the gods, a deity of creation and the arts, of architecture, invention, metalworking, and sculpture. Such is Ptah's creative power that alone among the ancient Osirian gods, he created himself. He is the fire beneath the earth, and earthquakes and tremors are said to be signs of his disfavor.
Ptah is the husband of Sekhmet, and an ally of Ra and Maat. Although he normally remains aloof from divine politics , he has come into conflict with Apep and Set when those gods attempt to destroy his creations.
Ptah normally appears as a man wearing the wrappings of a mummy, with a simple skullcap on his head, and holding a staff in his hands composed of three combined symbols of his creative power-the ankh, representing life; the djed pillar, signifying stability; and the was scepter, symbolizing power. At other times, Ptah is depicted as a naked and deformed dwarf, and it is in this form that the Pahmet dwarves of Osirion venerate him.
Just as Ptah fashioned us, it is our task to fashion new things.
Ptah is the patron of alchemists, architects, artisans, artists, bards, builders, carpenters, masons, metalworkers, shipbuilders, and anyone else who is involved in creative endeavors. Additionally, Ptah is said to hear the prayers of all mortal worshipers, and he often intercedes with the other gods on behalf of humanity.
Alignment: N god of architecture, craftsmanship, creation, and metalworking.
Weapon: Quarterstaff.
Symbol: staff composed of the ankh, djed, and was.
Animal: Bull.
Pathfinder Domains
Artifice (Construct), Earth (Metal), Fire (Ash, Smoke), Knowledge (Thought).
Pathfinder Traits
Master Smith You forge the weapons of heroes. You can use Craft (weaponsmith) and Craft (armorer) as if you possessed the Craft Magic Arms and Armor feat to create magic weapons and armor with a caster level equal to your ranks in the skill. You cannot use Spellcraft to create items this way. Unless you are a spellcaster, or work with one, you will usually take crafting penalties because you lack spell prerequisites.
Patient Calm As a child, you struggled to suppress a sharp temper, but the care and patient respect of a trusted community leader rubbed off on you. As you grew older, you developed a remarkable ability to keep calm and collected when performing a task you are familiar with. Choose one Craft or Profession skill. Whenever you take 10 with that skill, determine the result as if you had rolled a 12 instead of a 10.
Pathfinder Obedience
Perform the motions of your preferred method of creation while letting your mind center on the teachings of Ptah. Follow any creative thoughts that arise to their conclusion. Gain a +4 sacred bonus to AC against attacks made by constructs and a +4 sacred bonus on saves against spells and effects cast by constructs.
- Inventor's Tools (Sp) crafter's fortune 3/day, fox’s cunning 2/day, or heart of the metal 1/day
- Improve Item (Su) Three times per day, you can enhance the effects of a magic item that either is consumed during use or has charges. As a swift action, you can enhance a held expendable item’s effects as if using either the Empower Spell, Enlarge Spell, or Extend Spell metamagic feat. You must use the item during the same round you improve it in order to gain the benefits of the selected metamagic feat.
- Instant Crafting (Sp) You can cast fabricate three times per day.
External Links
- Ptah at Pathfinder Wiki.
King of the Heavens
Ra is the god of the sun, particularly the midday sun, and travels on a great solar barge through the heavens. He created most of the ancient Osirian gods and ruled as their king during the Age of Creation. The ancient Osirians believed they were created from Ra's tears, and like the sun, Ra watches over all the earth and his creations.
Ra is the ruler of the heavens, a deity of kings and royalty. He represents fair and just rule in accordance with the principles of honor and truth. Ra is depicted as a powerful man with the head of a falcon and a blazing solar disk above his head. He is the father of Bastet, Hathor, Maat, and Sekhmet, though he created many of the other Osirian gods as well. His archenemy is Apep, and every night Ra must defend the sun against the great serpent who seeks to consume it. That the sun rises in the morning is seen as proof of Ra's victory over the Devourer of the Dawn.
Kings and pharaohs worship Ra as their patron, as do paladins and warriors battling against the forces of darkness . As the god of the sun, Ra is also venerated by commoners and farmers. Ra's temple s are open to the sky and decorated with obelisks representing petrified sun's rays, and services are held in daylight under Ra's watchful eye.
Alignment: LN god of creation, rulership, and the sun.
Weapon: Spear.
Symbol: Solar disc.
Animal: Falcon.
Pathfinder Domains
Glory (Heroism, Honor), Law (Inevitable), Nobility (Leadership), Sun (Day, Light).
Pathfinder Traits
Strength of the Sun You take solace in the purifying light of the sun. In direct sunlight, you gain a +1 trait bonus on all Charisma-based checks.
Scholar of the Great Beyond Your greatest interests as a child did not lie with current events or the mundane— you have always felt out of place, as if you were born in the wrong era. You take to philosophical discussions of the Great Beyond and of historical events with ease. You gain a +1 trait bonus on Knowledge (history) and Knowledge (planes) checks, and one of these skills (your choice) is always a class skill for you.
Pathfinder Obedience
Offer prayers to Ra during an hour-long ritual of obeisance—the ritual must end at noon. If this obedience does not take place under the light of the sun, you must end the ritual by swallowing a handful of sand and salt. Gain a +4 profane bonus on all Fortitude saving throws against effects that cause fatigue or exhaustion, or that damage, drain, or penalize ability scores.
- Desert's Embrace (Sp) endure elements 3/day, scorching ray 2/ day, or daylight 1/day
- Eye of Ra (Sp) You can cast sunbeam once per day—the beam of sunlight created by this ability issues from your eyes.
- Desiccating Pulse (Sp) You can cast horrid wilting three times per day.
External Links
- Ra at Pathfinder Wiki.
Lady of Slaughter
When the sun god Ra grew old, his human subjects rebelled against him, so he sent his daughter Sekhmet to punish them. Going further than was planned , Sekhmet took on the task with such fury that Ra feared she would exterminate the human race. In order to save humanity and end the destruction, Ra filled jugs with a mixture of beer and pomegranate juice and scattered them across the battlefield. Thinking the red liquid was human blood, Sekhmet greedily consumed every drop she could find, quickly becoming so drunk that she was unable to continue the slaughter.
Although primarily a goddess of war and vengeance, Sekhmet has another side as a goddess of healing who wards off plagues and pestilence. She heals warriors of their wounds and is especially revered for curing fractures . As the daughter of Ra, Sekhmet is also a goddess of fire. She is the sister of Bastet, Hathor, and Maat, and the wife of Ptah.
Sekhmet appears as a woman with the head of a lioness, wearing a long dress soaked red with blood and rosettes over each breast. Occasionally she is depicted with the solar disk of her father Ra atop her head.
Barbarians revere Sekhmet for her destructive rages, and fighters and magi worship her as their patron in battle. Sekhmet's priests are both male and female, and are skilled warriors as well as healers.
Alignment: CN goddess of fire, healing, vengeance, and war.
Weapon: Battleaxe.
Symbol: Seven arrows.
Animal: Lion.
Pathfinder Domains
Chaos (Revelry), Destruction (Rage), Fire (Ash), Healing (Restoration), War (Blood).
Pathfinder Traits
Sacred Surgeon Blood speaks to you. Heal becomes a class skill for you, and you can use the treat deadly wounds aspect of the skill 1 additional time per creature per day.
Sudden Rage Your anger flares sudden and hot, but fades just as quickly. Intimidate is a class skill for you. You can attempt to influence a target's attitude in a sudden burst. This is a full-round action and works like the Influence Attitude ability of Intimidation except as noted here. It does not work on people with a hostile attitude. A target whose attitude you have adjusted returns to their old attitude (does not become hostile) after 1d6 + your Charisma modifier minutes. Repeated or abusive use of this ability can worsen attitudes.
Pathfinder Obedience
Mark your arms and legs with white chalk, drawing patterns that mirror the flow of spiritual energy you experience as you meditate on the teachings of Sekhmet. Trace over these lines once again with a lion’s fang, but do not break the skin. Gain a +2 sacred bonus on attacks of opportunity.
- Dauntless (Sp) remove fear 3/day, darkvision 2/day, or heroism 1/day
- Courageous Roar (Sp) You can cast still greater heroism three times per day. This ability is the equivalent of a 7th-level spell.
- Holy Terror (Sp) Once per day you can inscribe a symbol in the air that acts like a symbol of fear. The symbol appears as the glowing outline of Shekmet's hieroglyph and hovers stationary wherever you inscribe it. This spell requires no material components and has a casting time of only 1 minute. You can attune up to 10 creatures to the symbol without extending its casting time.
External Links
- Sekhmet at Pathfinder Wiki.
Mistress of the Beautiful House.
The deserts of Osirion contain many species of venomous scorpions, and the scorpion goddess Selket is both a protective and punitive deity, healing venomous bites and stings and afflicting the wicked with her own deadly sting. Like many of the ancient Osirian gods, she is a funerary deity, and she is responsible for protecting the canopic jar that holds the deceased's intestines.
Selket is the goddess of embalming, and her epithet, Mistress of the Beautiful House, refers to the embalming pavilion where bodies are prepared for burial.
Along with Isis, Neith, and Nephthys, Selket assists Anubis in protecting the dead. She is often paired with Neith, as Isis is with Nephthys, and in the form of seven scorpions, she guarded Isis when Isis was pregnant with Horus. When a woman later refused the expectant mother shelter, it was Selket who punished the woman for turning Isis away.
Selket also guards the other ancient Osirian gods against the poisonous bite of Apep, and has assisted Ra on numerous occasions in his battles against the Devourer of the Dawn. Selket normally appears as a woman wearing a scorpion with a raised tail on her head, or more rarely, as a lustrous black scorpion with the head of a woman.
Selket's priests are commonly found working as healers and embalmers in towns and villages. The goddess has few temples, but she is sometimes worshiped in the shrines of Anubis, Isis, Neith, or Nephthys.
Alignment: CG goddess of embalming, healing, and scorpions.
Weapon: Scorpion whip.
Symbol: Red scorpion.
Animal: Scorpion.
Pathfinder Domains
Chaos (Azata), Good (Azata), Healing (Restoration), Repose (Ancestors, Gravekeeper), Protection (Purity).
Pathfinder Traits
Child of the Temple You have long served at a temple in a city, and not only did you pick up on many of the nobility’s customs, you spent much time in the temple libraries studying your faith. You gain a +1 trait bonus on Knowledge (local), Knowledge (nobility), and Knowledge (religion) checks, and one of these skills (your choice) is always a class skill for you.
Defy Madness Your direct involvement with supernatural and alien forces has left you less vulnerable to the insanity they cause. You gain a +1 trait bonus on any saving throws against confusion, insanity, madness, and Wisdom damage and drain.
Pathfinder Obedience
Meditate in an embalming parlor or lying on a coffin. Roll and unroll stretches of linen while reciting prayers from the book of the dead. Gain a +4 profane bonus against effects that cause slowness or magical aging, or poison.
- Blessing of the Beautiful House (Sp) ray of enfeeblement 3/day, gentle repose 2/day, or slow 1/day
- Curse of Brittle Bones (Sp) Once per day, you can use a powerful bestow curse, heightened to a 7th-level spell. This special curse causes the creature cursed to suddenly grow to venerable age. This curse imparts a –6 penalty to Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution, but does not grant any bonus to Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma. This ability is the equivalent of a 7th-level spell.
- Emperor Scorpion (Sp) You can summon a celestial giant emperor scorpion once per day, as summon monster IX.
External Links
- Selket at Pathfinder Wiki.
Lord of the Dark Desert.
Of all the deities of the Ancient Osirian pantheon, none is as hated and reviled as Set. He represents the foreign invader, the desert that encroaches upon the verdant banks of the River Sphinx, the storms that destroy crops and sink ships, and the dead that rise from their graves. He is evil personified, the enemy of all that is good, a god of sickness and disease, confusion and madness, rebellion and strife. He is a usurper, a murderer, and a stealer of souls.
Set is the brother of Isis, Osiris, and Nephthys, who is also his consort. With Neith, Set is the father of Sobek. Set murdered Osiris, mutilated the body and scattered the pieces, and tried to steal his brother's throne, ushering in the Age of Darkness. Set is the enemy of both his brother Osiris and his nephew Horus. Set is opposed to Anubis as well, and the two war over the souls of the Osirian dead-Anubis seeks to guide them safely to the Boneyard, and Set to steal their souls or turn them into undead abominations.
Set appears as a lean Osirian man with the head of a sha, or "Set beast".
Kinslayers, murderers, and usurpers all pay homage to Set, but he is also venerated by kings and pharaohs who value the god's cunning, strength, and power. Set is a patron of assassins, rogues, and necromancers, and he is worshiped by barbarians, warriors, and evil druids as well.
Alignment: NE god of darkness, deserts, murder, and storms.
Weapon: Spear.
Symbol: Sha head.
Animal: Sha.
Pathfinder Domains
Darkness (Loss), Death (Undead), Evil (Daemon), Madness (Nightmare), Weather (Storms).
Pathfinder Traits
Battlefield Caster Your faith protects you even as you unleash spells in the thick of battle. You receive a +2 trait bonus on concentration checks to cast spells defensively or in a grapple.
Wanderer's Shroud Your wanderings often go unnoticed. Efforts to use the Diplomacy skill to gather information about you take a –5 penalty, and you gain a +2 trait bonus on all saving throws against divination effects that allow saving throws.
Pathfinder Obedience
You must cavort naked atop a hill, rooftop, or mountaintop, or else ritualistically sever the fingers, toes, then arms and legs of a nonevil being, burning each severed fragment to ash and letting the ash blow away in the wind before moving on to the next. Gain a +4 profane bonus on all saving throws against weather-related, air, electricity, and sonic effects and spells.
- Storm Breath (Sp) obscuring mist 3/day, gust of wind 2/day, or call lightning 1/day
- Strife (Sp) You can cast confusion once per day, but affected creatures always attack the nearest creature. This ability is the equivalent of a 7th-level spell.
- Invoke the True Storm (Sp) You can cast storm of vengeance once per day.
External Links
- Set at Pathfinder Wiki.
The Raging Torrent.
The crocodile god Sobek is a god of rivers, marshes, and fertility of both creatures and vegetation. Violent, aggressive, and prone to primal urges, Sobek is also a god of battle, venerated for his ferocity, strength, and military prowess.
Sobek appears as a muscular man with the head of a mighty crocodile, wearing a headdress with tall plumes, curling horns, and a solar disk. He is the son of Neith and Set, and while he occasionally supports his father, Sobek more often stands alone. He has no wife, but he lusts after the war goddess Sekhmet and expends great effort trying to impress her with his strength and potency.
Sobek sometimes accompanies Ra on his solar barge, joining the sun god in his nightly battles against A pep. Kings venerate Sobek as a symbol of pharaonic potency and might. He is a patron of soldiers and armies, and he is worshiped by barbarians, druids, fighters, rangers, and warriors as well. Farmers often give offerings to Sobek so that he will enrich their fields and protect their livelihood. Sobek's temples are almost always situated on riverbanks, and are rarely found more than a few miles from a river. The crocodiles living in the neighboring rivers are exalted by the priesthood and the faithful as the direct offspring of the god, or are even seen as living incarnations of Sobek himself. Most of his temples contain pools holding crocodiles sacred to Sobek, and their regular feeding is incorporated into worship. These honored reptiles are mummified and interred upon their deaths with all the respect and esteem that marks human burials.
Alignment: CN ,god of crocodiles, fertility, military prowess, and rivers.
Weapon: Falchion.
Symbol: Green crocodile.
Animal: Crocodile.
Pathfinder Domains
Chaos (Protean), Scalykind, Strength (Ferocity, Resolve), War, Water (Rivers).
Pathfinder Traits
Defensive Strategist Your knowledge of history and religion gives you an excellent mind for defensive strategy and tactics. You are not flat-footed when you are an unaware combatant. This includes a surprise round that you don’t get to act in, and before you get to act at the start of a battle.
Destructive Blows You call on your faith to destroy. You gain a +2 trait bonus on Strength checks made to break things, as well as on combat maneuver checks to sunder.
Pathfinder Obedience
In a river, trap a living sacrifice so that the creature can just barely breathe, or trap it in a watery pit it cannot climb out of. Chant prayers to Sobek, taking time every 10 minutes to push the creature further down into the water. If a reptile attacks the creature while you are performing the obedience, that is a special sign of favor from Sobek and successfully ends the obedience. Gain a +4 profane (or sacred if good) bonus on saving throws against special attacks and spells originating from reptilian and aquatic creatures.
- Sobek's Blessing (Sp) charm animal (reptiles only) 3/ day, slipstream 2/day, or greater magic fang 1/day
- Children of the River (Sp) Once per day you can use summon monster IX as a spell-like ability, but only to summon 1d3 elasmosauruses, or 1d4+1 ankylosauruses or dire crocodiles. These creatures have the fiendish template unless you are of good alignment, then they have the celestial template.
- Primeval Might (Ex) You become infused with primeval power, and gain a +4 profane (or sacred if good) bonus to Constitution and your natural armor.
External Links
- Sobek at Pathfinder Wiki.
Lord of Divine Words
All knowledge and wisdom comes from Thoth, the god of science, mathematics, history, philosophy, religion, and wisdom. He is also god of the moon and magic, particularly arcane magic. Thoth is also the patron of language, literature, and writing, and is said to have invented the hieroglyphs first used by Ancient O sirian scribes and that are still used, in modified form, in the modern Osiriani language. He is the reckoner of years, recording the passage of time and details of all the events of life, from the honorable reigns of kings to the simple daily lives of peasants.
Thoth normally takes the form of a man with the head of an ibis, though occasionally his form is that of a seated baboon or even a man with the head of a baboon. He is the husband of Maat, the goddess of order and truth, and he serves as secretary and counselor to Ra. It was Thoth who gave Isis the magic words she used to resurrect her dead husband Osiris. He is the scribe of the gods, and mediates between them fairly in their disputes.
Thoth taught us the sacred letters reveal the secrets of the universe.
Thoth is the patron of archivists, scribes, researchers, and scholars, and alchemists, witches, and wizards all worship him as the god of magic and spells. His temples usually include well-stocked libraries and archives , a n d often include orders of monks who venerate him for his knowledge and wisdom.
Alignment: LN god of magic, the moon, wisdom, and writing.
Weapon: Sickle.
Symbol: Staff with lunar disk and crescent.
Animal: Ibis, baboon.
Pathfinder Domains
Darkness (Moon), Knowledge (Memory), Law (Inevitable), Magic (Arcane), Rune (Language, Wards).
Pathfinder Traits
Focused Disciple When weaker wills falter, you keep a clear mind. You gain a +2 trait bonus on saving throws against charm and compulsion effects.
Arcane Depth You have studied the great masters of spellcraft, and your knowledge is exceptional. You gain a trait bonus of either +2 on Spellcraft checks or Knowledge (arcana) checks. Which bonus you receive is chosen when you take the trait and may not be changed.
Pathfinder Obedience
Write the names of 12 different gods on a slate or in sand. Wipe the slate and write it again ad again for a full hour. Gain a +4 bonus on Concentration checks.
- Calligrapher's Talent (Sp) comprehend languages 3/day, share language 2/day, or glyph of warding 1/day
- Divine Inscription (Su) Three times per day, when using a scroll to cast a spell that deals hit point damage, you can change half the spell’s damage to holy damage. If you lack the ability to cast a particular spell from a scroll, you may attempt a Use Magic Device check with a bonus equal to your HD plus your Charisma modifier (or your regular Use Magic Device bonus, whichever is better).
- Warding Sigils (Su) Once per day, you can summon 2d6 shimmering sigils that trail in your wake. The cards dart around you during combat, intercepting deadly attacks. At your discretion, each card can absorb a single damage die from either a sneak attack or a critical hit that would normally hit you. For example, if you would be hit by a sneak attack dealing an extra 3d6 points of damage and you had two cards remaining, you could reduce the sneak attack damage to 1d6 (these dice are removed before being rolled). Once a card absorbs a damage die, it disappears. Unused cards disappear at the end of each day.
External Links
- Thoth at Pathfinder Wiki.
The Green Empress.
The great River Sphinx, the heart of Osirian life in both ancient and modern times, is embodied in the snake goddess Wadjet, who is said to dwell in the papyrus marshes in the river's delta. Wadjet is the patron and protector of Osirion, and she nourishes the kingdom as the River Sphinx sustains the land and its people.
A teacher and giver of wisdom, Wadjet is the mother of the uraeuses, the race of two -headed winged serpents who are her emissaries and spirits of caution, guidance, and protection.
Wadjet appears as a woman with the head of a cobra, with winged arms outspread in a protective pose, or as a winged cobra with a woman's face, raised and ready to strike in defense of her land and people.
A protector of kings, Wadjet supports Ra and Horus as deities of rulership, but as the guardian of all Osirion, she works with Khepri to protect the common folk as well.
The river speaks, and the wise listen.
Wadjet is a patron of pharaohs, and the uraeus is part of the royal regalia of Osirion. Although she has temples in many of Osirion's major cities, countless smaller shrines to Wadjet stand along the banks of the River Sphinx. Oracles are particularly common in Wadjet's priesthood, and the pharaohs of Osirion have long looked to them for insight and counsel.
Alignment: LG goddess of good serpents, the River Sphinx, and wisdom.
Weapon: Light mace.
Symbol: Uraeus.
Animal: Uraeus.
Pathfinder Domains
Good (Archon), Law (Archon), Protection (Defense, Purity), Travel (Exploration, Trade), Water (Flotsam, Flowing, Rivers).
Pathfinder Traits
Devotee of the Green Your faith in the natural world or one of the gods of nature makes it easy for you to pick up on related concepts. You gain a +1 trait bonus on Knowledge (geography) and Knowledge (nature) checks, and one of these skills (your choice) is always a class skill for you.
River Acumen Your connection with the river and its tributaries has blended with your reverence for the gods of the river passages so much so that you seem divinely blessed while plying river waters. You gain a +2 trait bonus on Swim checks in rivers or streams, and a +2 trait bonus on Survival checks to forage for food in or near a river or stream.
Pathfinder Obedience
Fill your mouth with fresh, fragrant herbs. Recline in calm water and meditate on the teachings of Wadjet for 1 hour. Gain a +4 sacred bonus on saves against disease and poison.
- Grower of Herbs (Sp) cure light wounds 3/day, barkskin 2/ day, or lily pad stride 1/day
- Healing River (Sp) You can cast empowered heal 1/day.
- Vine Caller (Su) Once per day you can summon a Large mass of living plant matter. The plant matter has the statistics of a viper vine (Bestiary 2 279), but is chaotic good. The viper vine follows your commands perfectly for 1 minute per HD before vanishing.
External Links
- Wadjet at Pathfinder Wiki.
Eryptian Amulet (Racial)
You have an amulet that provides you with a +1 trait bonus on one type of saving throws. A scarab (sacred to Ra) provides a +1 trait bonus on Fortitude saves, a feline amulet (sacred to Bast) provides a +1 bonus on Reflex saves, and a water lily amulet (sacred to Nefertem) provides a +1 trait bonus on Will saves. If you lose or replace your amulet, it takes a week before a new amulet gains power. The amulet can be worn in the head (headband), neck, wrist, or foot (anklet) slot and can be enchanted with a resistance bonus to further enhance all kinds of saving throws.
Eryptian Geometry (Racial)
You gain a +2 trait bonus on Knowledge (geography) and this skill becomes a class skill for you.
Eryptian Scribe (Racial)
You gain a +1 trait bonus to Linguistics and to the scroll's caster level when using magic scrolls.
Mudfoot (Racial)
You ignore difficult terrain caused by mud or water up to 3 ft. deep. This is a trait bonus.
Porter (Racial)
You carry and pull weight as if your Strength was 2 points higher than it actually is. This is a trait bonus.