Eidolons (Apath)
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Friends, allies, and more, eidolons are the first and last power of the summoner. Many summoners find their calling when first reaching out for their eidolon, and breathe their last breath in the eidolon’s arms. The unchained eidolon developed the original idea in new directions, giving eidolons an origin that suggests both powers and motivations. But there are still many subtypes of outsiders not covered and numerous other extraplanar creatures that summoners can potentially ally with.
When a summoner first gains contact with the creature or spirit that will become his eidolon, it is generally a small, puny creature starved for magical power and direction in life. These things the summoner can provide; a share in his natural magical ability, and the direction and guidance a new planar creature needs. Whether the nascent summoner is homegrown talent, a sorcerer in being, or a student wizard , the contact with the eidolon forever changes his fate and channels part of his magical power to the eidolon. The two develop together over many years of life, and when the summoner finally passes on, the eidolon is usually ready to become a full-fledged extraplanar creature in its own right.
The eidolon is the muscle and the summoner is the brains, that is how things usually work out. The eidolon has the physical might to win fights, especially when it has the summoner’s support. Summoners have magic of their own and fall-back monsters they can summon when their eidolon is out of action or just not the right creature for the job. It is possible to change this relationship of brain and brawn, some eidolons are fit for other roles, like scouts or even socialites, but rarely get as good at these tasks as the summoner could be. This can be a bit of a trap; by developing the eidolon’s secondary abilities, its fighting abilities are weakened, forcing the summoner to rely on less capable summoned minions. This can work, as long as the summoner is aware of the trade-off, but it is important for the summoner to know what he’s doing.
Eidolon Rules
An eidolon that has a certain evolution as a base evolution are considered to fill any type, subtype, or base for requirements of that evolution. It must still fulfill any other requirements, such as level or other evolutions.
If an eidolon has a base form that grants an evolution it does not fulfill the requisites for, it still gains that evolution, but it still counts against the limit if the eidolon wants to gain more of that evolution.
An eidolon speaks the same languages its summoner does. Eidolons can also speak the native tongue of their race. But a summoner unable to speak the eidolon’s native tongue is looked down on, and the eidolon is unlikely to offer to act as a translator. The eidolon expects the summoner to learn the eidolon’s native tongue at first opportunity.
Personality Conflict (Optional Rule)
Outsider eidolons are absolutely true to their alignment and to the nature of its subtype. Eidolons who are not outsiders are less strict about their alignment and allegiance, but often has desires or impulses of its own. If the summoner is not true to that alignment or contests the eidolon's nature, personality conflict—eidolon against summoner—results. Naturally, such conflict is unlikely when harmony reigns between the character's and eidolon's alignments or when their purposes and personalities are well matched. A displeased eidolon might make the following demands, and refusing to concede can result in a personality conflict.
- Put the eidolon’s agenda ahead of the summoner’s.
- Free or dismiss creatures controlled with summon or planar binding spells, either because they are distasteful to the eidolon, or because the eidolon thinks the summoner is not a worthy master.
- Choose allies and enemies based on the eidolon’s alignment and preferences.
- Take immediate action instead of planning, resting, or otherwise procrastinating.
When a personality conflict occurs, the eidolon makes a Will saving throw (DC 10 +1/2 the summoner's class level + the summoner's Charisma modifier). If the eidolon succeeds, it is free to act as it pleases for the next hour. During this time, the summoner can only summon or dismiss the eidolon with its permission, or by using spells. If it fails, the eidolon cannot attempt another personality conflict until the next time the summoner prepares spells.
Base Forms
Each eidolon has a base form that determines its starting ability scores, which saving throw categories are good and bad, and certain other features dependent on type. All eidolons start as Medium size, with a natural armor bonus of +2, and a land speed of 20 ft.
Any one of these base forms can be used to make a Small eidolon. If the eidolon is Small, it gains a +2 bonus to Dexterity. It takes a –4 penalty to Strength and a –2 penalty to Constitution. It also has a +1 size bonus to AC and on attack rolls, a –1 penalty on combat maneuver checks and to CMD, a +2 bonus on Fly checks, and a +4 bonus on Stealth checks. Reduce the damage of all of its attacks by one step (for example, 1d6 becomes 1d4, and 1d4 becomes 1d3). If this choice is made, the eidolon can be made Medium whenever the summoner can change the eidolon's evolution pool (which causes it to lose these modifiers for being Small). Likewise, a Medium eidolon can be made Small whenever the summoner can change the eidolon's evolution pool.
Starting Statistics: Size Medium; Speed 20 ft., swim 20 ft.; AC +2 natural armor; Saves Fort (good), Ref (good), Will (bad); Ability Scores Str 16, Dex 12, Con 13, Int 7, Wis 10, Cha 11. Aquatic eidolons gain the aquatic and amphibious subtypes.
Starting Statistics: Size Medium; Speed 30 ft., fly 30 ft. (good); AC +2 natural armor; Saves Fort (bad), Ref (good), Will (good); Ability Scores Str 12, Dex 16, Con 13, Int 7, Wis 10, Cha 11. Avian eidolons improve their flight maneuverability by one category.
Starting Statistics: Size Medium; Speed 30 ft.; AC +2 natural armor; Saves Fort (good), Ref (poor), Will (good); Ability Scores Str 16, Dex 12, Con 13, Int 7, Wis 10, Cha 11. Biped eidolons gain increased reach when they become Large or larger.
Starting Statistics: Size Medium; Speed 20 ft.; AC +2 natural armor; Saves Fort (good), Ref (good), Will (bad); Ability Scores Str 14, Dex 14, Con 13, Int 7, Wis 10, Cha 11. Cacti are variant biped creatures and gain increased reach when they become Large or larger.
Starting Statistics: Size Medium; Speed 20 ft.; AC +2 natural armor; Saves Fort (good), Ref (bad), Will (good); Ability Scores Str 14, Dex 12, Con 15, Int 7, Wis 10, Cha 11. Conifers are variant biped creatures and gain increased reach when they become Large or larger.
Starting Statistics: Size Medium; Speed 20 ft.; AC +2 natural armor; Saves Fort (good), Ref (poor), Will (good); Ability Scores Str 14, Dex 12, Con 15, Int 7, Wis 10, Cha 11.
Starting Statistics: Size Medium; Speed 10 ft.; AC +2 natural armor; Saves Fort (good), Ref (good), Will (bad); Ability Scores Str 14, Dex 14, Con 13, Int 7, Wis 10, Cha 11.
Starting Statistics: Size Medium; Speed 40 ft.; AC +2 natural armor; Saves Fort (good), Ref (good), Will (poor); Ability Scores Str 14, Dex 14, Con 13, Int 7, Wis 10, Cha 11. Quadruped eidolons have double the normal carrying capacity.
Starting Statistics: Size Medium; Speed 20 ft., climb 20 ft.; AC +2 natural armor; Saves Fort (poor), Ref (good), Will (good); Ability Scores Str 12, Dex 16, Con 13, Int 7, Wis 10, Cha 11. Serpentine eidolons from Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Pathfinder Unchained gain climb as a free evolution.
Size Medium; Speed 40 ft.; AC +2 natural armor; Saves Fort (good), Ref (bad), Will (good); Ability Scores Str 16, Dex 14, Con 13, Int 7, Wis 10, Cha 11. Tauric eidolons are variant quadrupeds and have double the normal carrying capacity
Undersized Arms (Ex): Any natural weapons on a tauric eidolon’s arms and head deal damage as if the eidolon were one size category smaller than its actual size, and it wields weapons as if it were one size category smaller than the eidolon’s actual size.
Size Medium; Speed 20 ft.; AC +4 natural armor; Saves Fort (good), Ref (good), Will (bad); Ability Scores Str 16, Dex 12, Con 13, Int 7, Wis 10, Cha 11. Trees are variant biped creatures and gain increased reach when they become Large or larger.
Outsider Eidolons
Hailing from the far flung reaches of reality, outsiders are beings that are at least partially composed of the essence of a plane. Each outsider eidolon is summoned from its home plane by the summoner and called to his side, returning from whence it came whenever it is dismissed or slain. Outsider eidolons follow all of the standard rules for eidolons described in the summoner section of Chapter 1 in Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Pathfinder Unchained unless noted otherwise.
Mysterious creatures claiming bondage to monad, or “the condition of all that represents the transcendental undersoul of all living beings”, aeons seek to maintain balance between all of reality’s diverse creations. Incapable of malice or compassion, aeons embody the duality of the Cosmic Fire and its counterpart, the destructive void. Incapable of speech in the common sense, aeon eidolons guide their summoners towards equilibrium in their actions while guiding them towards goals that help stave off planar atrophy or serve the esoteric goals of Monad.
Alignment: Neutral.
Base Form: Biped (slam, limbs [arms], limbs [legs]), horror (bite, flight, slam) or serpentine (bite, climb, improved damage [bite], tail, tail slap).
Base Evolutions: Starting at 1st level, aeon eidolons gain the resistance (cold) evolution as well as a +4 bonus on saves against poison. In addition, they also gain the envisaging ability (see the aeon subtype in Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Bestiary 2).
At 4th level, aeon eidolons gain electricity resistance 10 and fire resistance 10.
At 8th level, aeon eidolons lose the +4 bonus on saving throws against poison and gain immunity to poison instead. They also gain the extension of all aeon ability.
At 12th level, aeon eidolons gain the flight evolution (4 points, using magic).
At 16th level, aeon eidolons lose the resistance (cold) evolution and instead gain the immunity (cold) evolution. They also gain immunity to critical hits.
At 20th level, aeon eidolons can tamper with fate as an immediate action, forcing a creature within 30 feet to reroll any one d20 roll that it has just made before the results of the roll are revealed. The creature must take the result of the reroll, even if it’s worse than the original roll. Once a creature has been targeted by this ability, it cannot be the target of it again for 24 hours.
Rooted in rejection and destruction, asura are living blasphemies risen from mistakes made by the gods themselves. In possession of horrible life through these unspeakable errors, asuras feel that all of creation is thusly a mistake and seek to sow doubt among mortals while systematically destroying all things that the gods have had a hand in creating. Asura eidolons use their summoner as a gateway into the Material Plane from where they enjoy unfettered access to the destruction and devastation they crave, including the eventual unmaking of their summoner.
Alignment: Lawful Evil.
Base Form: Biped (limbs [arms], limbs [legs]), serpentine (climb, limbs [arms], tail).
Base Evolutions: At 1st level, asura eidolons gain immunity to curses, disease, and poison.
At 4th level, asura eidolons gain acid resistance 10 and electricity resistance 10. They also gain a +2 racial bonus on saving throws against enchantment spells.
At 8th level, asura eidolons gain the elusive aura ability (see the asura subtype in Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Bestiary 3). The caster level for this aura is equal to the asura eidolon’s Hit Dice. They also gain the weapon training evolution, and an asura eidolon’s natural weapons, as well as any weapon it wields, is treated as lawful and evil for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction.
At 12th level, asura eidolons gain DR 5/good. They also gain the spell resistance evolution.
At 16th level, asura eidolons the fast healing evolution. They also gain telepathy (100 ft.).
At 20th level, asura eidolons lose the fast healing evolution and instead gain regeneration 5 (good weapons, good spells). They are still banished to Hell as normal for eidolons if they take enough damage.
Servants and spawn of thanatotic masters, demodands are twisted beings whose hatred for the divine is second only to their hate of the deific beings that mortals worship. Known to take slaves for themselves despite their chaotic natures, demodands revel in slowly breaking the faith of a once pious mortal before setting her lose among mortals to denounce the teachings of her former religion. Ultimately, demodands want nothing more than the complete perversion of mortal worship and annihilation of the faithful. Demodand eidolons often tempt their summoners into worshiping one of their thanatotic masters while encouraging the defilement and destruction of whatever cults and clergies they happen upon.
Alignment: Chaotic Evil.
Base Form: Biped (slam, limbs [arms], limbs [legs]).
Base Evolutions: Starting at 1st level, demodand eidolons gain the resistance (acid) evolution as well as a +4 bonus on saving throws against poison. In addition, they also gain the heretical soul ability (see the demodand subtype in Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Bestiary 3).
At 4th level, demodand eidolons gain cold resistance 10 and fire resistance 10.
At 8th level, demodand eidolons lose the +4 bonus on saving throws against poison and gain immunity to poison instead. They also gain the energy attacks (acid) evolution.
At 12th level, demodand eidolons gain DR 5/good. They also add 1 point to their evolution pools.
At 16th level, demodand eidolons lose the resistance (acid) evolution and instead gain the immunity (acid) evolution. They also gain the faith-stealing strike ability (see the demodand entry in Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Bestiary 3). The saving throw DC is 10 + ½ the demodand’s Hit Dice + the demodand Charisma modifier.
At 20th level, demodand eidolons gain detect good, detect magic, and see invisibility as constant spell-like abilities.
Deep within the Ethereal Plane is a place known as the Dimension of Dreams, a plane where the minds of all dreamers congregate when they dream. Within the Dimension of Dreams, powerfully imaginative sleepers sometimes leave fragments of their dreams behind when they awake, creating an animated dream. These animated dreams are completely dependent upon mortal minds for sustenance, for they need the power of living will, imagination, and emotion to sustain them. Most animated dreams seek out sleeping mortals upon the Material Plane and wreck powerful emotions upon those dreams they prey upon, sating their lust. Particularly cunning animated dreams seek to form a lasting, symbiotic bond with one particular mortal, awakening arcane potential within the dreamer and transforming the animated dream into an eidolon.
Alignment: Any.
Base Form: Aquatic (bite, gills, tail, tail slap, swim), avian (bite, flight, limbs [legs]), biped (claws, limbs [arms], limbs [legs]), cactus (limbs [arms], reach [sting], slam, sting, tail), conifer (claws, improved natural armor, limbs [arms], reach [claws]), horror (bite, tentacle [2 points], improved damage [tentacle], reach [tentacle]), mushroom (bite, claws, limbs [arms], poison [bite]), quadruped (bite, limbs [legs, 2]), serpentine (bite, climb, grab [tail slap], tail, tail slap), tauric (claws, limbs [arms], limbs [legs, 2]), or tree (bite, improved natural armor, limbs [arms], slam).
Base Evolutions: Starting at 1st level, dream eidolons gain immunity to sleep effects and a +4 bonus on saving throws against illusions.
At 4th level, dream eidolons gain the increased speed† and skilled (Intimidate) evolutions.
At 8th level, dream eidolons gain Dazzling Display as a bonus feat, even if they don’t meet the feat’s prerequisites. A dream eidolon counts as having selected each of its natural weapons with the Weapon Focus feat for the purpose of using Dazzling Display.
At 12th level, dream eidolons can use Dazzling Display as a standard action instead of a full-round action. When a dream eidolon confirms a critical hit with one of its natural weapons, it can use Dazzling Display as an immediate action.
At 16th level, dream eidolons automatically succeed on Will saves they make to disbelieve illusions that they interact with.
At 20th level, dream eidolons can lull an opponent into a deep, magical sleep as a standard action. If the dream eidolon hits the target with a melee touch attack, the target falls asleep for 1 minute unless it succeeds on a Will save (DC equals 10 + 1/2 the eidolon’s Hit Dice + the eidolon’s Charisma modifier). This ability otherwise functions like sleep, except it affects any living creature. Whether or not the save is successful, a creature cannot be the target of this ability again for 1 day. They also can cast any combination of dream or nightmare as spell-like abilities up three times per day, using their Hit Dice as the spell’s caster level.
When a warrior dies a glorious death in battle, powerful outsiders known as valkyries occasionally bring their souls to gods in need of their skill and prowess directly into their courts, transforming them into beings known as einherji. Einherji pride themselves upon their unmatched battle prowess, and fight in the name of their patron deity across countless conflicts upon a million worlds. Forever seeking to prove themselves in battle, they constantly seek and challenge worthy foes to combat. Einherji eidolons seek little more than a chance to find glorious combat, and ally themselves with summoners that seek glorious battle. Certain summoners are able to instead call upon einherji that were formed from the souls of ancestors or found the favor of other spirits.
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral. At the GM’s discretion, an einherji may be of any alignment so long as it is directly related to its summoner by virtue of family, blood, or honor.
Base Form: Biped (limbs [arms], limbs [legs], weapon training), tauric (limbs [arms], limbs [legs, 2], weapon training).
Base Evolutions: At 1st level, einherji eidolons gain the resistance (cold) evolution as well as a +4 bonus on saves against disease, fear effects, and poison.
At 4th level, einheriar eidolons gain acid resistance 10, electricity resistance 10, and fire resistance 10.
At 8th level, einheriar eidolons gains the challenge of single combat ability (see the einherji entry in Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Bestiary 4) and the blood frenzy evolution. In addition, einheriar eidolons can cast rage as a spell-like ability three times per day, using its Hit Dice as the spell’s caster level.
At 12th level, einheriar eidolons gain DR 5/lawful. During any round that an einheriar eidolon makes an attack roll or actively participates in battle, it gains fast healing 5. The eidolon loses this fast healing outside of combat or after being knocked unconscious.
At 16th level, einheriar eidolons lose the +4 bonus on saving throws against disease, fear effects, and poison and instead gain immunity to disease, fear effects, and poison. They also lose the resistance (cold) evolution, and instead gain the immunity (cold) evolution.
At 20th level, einheriar eidolons gain constant deathwatch and freedom of movement, and can cast their rage spell-like ability at will.
Foo Creature
Guardians over that which is sacred and holy, foo creatures are extraplanar beings that use their stony skin to imitate statues. Despite their often intimidating appearance, aggression is not in a foo creature’s nature, and they instead act as protectors rather than aggressors. Particularly good-natured summoners sometimes attract the service of a foo creature eidolon, who answers the summoner’s call for no other reason than to defend him with its life.
Alignment: Any good.
Base Form: Aquatic (bite, gills, tail, tail slap, swim), avian (bite, flight, limbs [legs]), biped (limbs [arms], limbs [legs], slam), quadruped (bite, limbs [legs, 2]), serpentine (bite, climb, grab [tail slap], tail, tail slap), or tauric (limbs [arms], limbs [legs, 2], slam).
Base Evolutions: At 1st level, foo eidolons gain the freeze and improved natural armor evolutions.
At 4th level, foo creature eidolons gain a +2 bonus on Will saves.
At 8th level, foo creature eidolons gain paired protectors (see the foo creature entry in Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Bestiary 3). A foo creature eidolon treats its summoner as if it were a foo creature for the purpose of determining if it gains a benefit from this ability. Its summoner, however, doesn’t gain any benefits from paired protectors unless he is also a foo creature.
At 12th level, foo creature eidolons gain DR 5/bludgeoning. In addition, they gain the improved natural armor evolution.
At 16th level, foo creature eidolons gain stony defense (see the foo creature entry in Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Bestiary 3).
At 20th level, foo creature eidolons ascend into imperial foo creature eidolons, granting them limited spellcasting ability. Imperial foo creature eidolons gain the ability to cast sorcerer spells as if they were 11 HD creatures with the sorcerer simple class template (see the modifying monsters appendix in Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Monster Codex). Imperial foo creature eidolons gain no other benefit from the sorcerer simple class template, and they cannot cast spells with the evil descriptor or use spell completion or spell trigger items of sorcerer/wizard spells.
The nobility of the Elemental Planes, genies are diverse creatures that have developed unique abilities and cultures based upon their native planes. Proud to a fault, a genie can be begrudgingly persuaded into servitude. Ultimately, genie eidolons react differently to their summoner based upon their alignment.
Alignment: Chaotic Good (djinni), Chaotic Neutral (marid), Lawful Evil (efreeti), Lawful Neutral (shaitan), Neutral (janni).
Base Form: Biped (limbs [arms], limbs [legs], slam).
Base Evolutions: At 1st level, genie eidolons gain the weapon training evolution. In addition, djinni eidolons gain the air subtype and the immunity (acid) evolution. Efreeti eidolons gain the fire subtype, vulnerability to cold damage, and the ability to cast produce flame as a spell-like ability at will, using their Hit Dice as the spell’s caster level. Janni eidolons gain the resistance (fire) evolution, and the ability to cast any combination of enlarge person or reduce person as a spell-like ability three times per day, using their Hit Dice as the spell’s caster level. Marid eidolons gain the water subtype and the swim evolution with 2 evolution points spent. Shaitan eidolons gain the earth subtype and the immunity (electricity) evolution.
At 4th level, genie eidolons gain a second slam attack, even if they don’t possess the required number of arms evolutions.
At 8th level, djinni eidolons gain the flight evolution with 4 evolution points spent. Efreeti eidolons gain the energy attacks (fire) evolution and fire damage caused by this evolution ignores an amount of fire resistance equal to the eidolon’s Hit Dice. Janni eidolons gain the ability to cast invisibility (self only) as a spell-like ability three times per day. Marid eidolons lose the swim evolution and instead gain the swim evolution with 4 evolution points spent. They also gain the gills evolution. Shaitan eidolons gain the burrow and climb evolutions.
At 12th level, genie eidolons gain the large evolution.
At 16th level, genie eidolons gain the ability to cast plane shift as a spell-like ability three times per day, using their Hit Dice as the spell’s caster level. They can only target willing creatures with this spell-like ability, and it is limited to the following destinations: any elemental plane, the Astral Plane, or the Material Plane. In addition, they also gain telepathy (100 ft.).
At 20th level, genie eidolons gain the ability to cast limited wish once per day as a spell-like ability. They can only use this ability to grant the wishes of their summoner. When using this spell-like ability to replicate a spell with a material component, that material component must be provided.
Ancient and mystical beyond mortal comprehension, kami are otherworldly spirits originally created as guardians of the natural world. Traditionally, kami protect that which cannot protect itself, but they are remarkably adaptive and as the nature of reality changes, so do the kami and the wards they protect. Today, virtually every type of animal, plant, object, and location could be served by a unique type of kami. Kami eidolons often take their summoners or someone or something in their summoner’s possession or care as their ward, allying with mortals only when necessity mandates the partnership.
Alignment: Any neutral.
Base Form: Aquatic (bite, gills, tail, tail slap, swim), avian (bite, flight, limbs [legs]), biped (limbs [arms], limbs [legs], slam), quadruped (bite, limbs [legs, 2]), serpentine (bite, climb, grab [tail slap], tail, tail slap), or tauric (claws, limbs [arms], limbs [legs, 2]).
Base Evolutions: At 1st level, kami eidolons gain the ward and merge with ward abilities (see the kami subtype in Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Bestiary 3). A kami eidolon must choose the summoner, a creature or object in the summoner’s possession or a location no larger than 10 cubic feet per summoner level to be its ward. Unlike most kami, a kami eidolon can choose its summoner to be its ward regardless of the summoner’s Intelligence score. Whenever the summoner changes the kami eidolon’s evolutions, he can also change his eidolon’s ward.
At 4th level, kami eidolons gain acid resistance 10, electricity resistance 10, and fire resistance 10. They also gain a +4 bonus on saves against mind-affecting effects, petrification, and polymorph effects.
At 8th level, kami eidolons gain the fast healing evolution. This evolution only functions while the kami eidolon is within 120 feet of its ward. They also add 1 point to their evolution pools.
At 12th level, kami eidolons gain DR 5/adamantine. They also lose the +4 bonus on saves against petrification and polymorph effects and gain immunity to bleed, petrification, and polymorph effects.
At 16th level, kami eidolons gain immunity to mind-affecting effects. They also gain telepathy (100 ft.).
At 20th level, kami eidolons increase the fast healing granted by their fast healing evolution to 5 while the kami eidolon is within 120 feet of its ward.
At all other times, they gain fast healing 1 instead. This ability alters the base evolution gained at 8th level.
Kytons are a race of lawful evil outsiders native to the Plane of Shadow who feed on fear and pain. Unlike other outsider races, kyton possess few gradiose goals for the multiverse and its inhabitants; they strive solely for self-perfection, and do so by vivisecting body parts off of other creatures and incorporating them into themselves. As a result, kytons eidolons find themselves most useful to the sickest, most depraived summoners for whom pain and violence are bonuses, rather than necessities.
Alignment: Lawful Evil.
Base Form: Avian (bite, claws, flight, limbs [legs]), biped [bite, claws, limbs [arms], limbs [legs], or horror (claws [2], limbs [arms, 2]).
Base Evolutions: At 1st level, kyton eidolons gain the resistance (cold) evolution. They also gain a +4 armor bonus to their AC as their hide becomes wrapped in chains, covered by scarred calluses, or evolves some other equally horrific defense.
At 4th level, kyton eidolons gain the unnerving gaze ability (see the kyton subtype in Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Bestiary 2). A kyton eidolon’s unnerving gaze causes one of the following effects, chosen when the evolution is gained: shaken for 2d4 rounds, sickened for 1d6 rounds, or staggered for 1d3 rounds. Whether or not the save is successful, a creature cannot be the target of this ability again for 1 day. This ability is a mindaffecting fear effect. Whenever the summoner changes the kyton eidolon’s evolutions, he can also change the condition inflicted by its unnerving gaze ability.
At 12th level, kyton eidolons gain DR 5/good and silver. They lose the resistance (cold) evolution and gain the immunity (cold) evolution.
At 16th level, kyton eidolons gain regeneration 5 (good spells, good weapons, or silver weapons). They are still banished to the Shadow Plane as normal for eidolons if they take enough damage.
At 20th level, kyton eidolons gain an improved version of the unnerving gaze ability. They can target a creature with uncanny gaze as often as they please each day, and creatures that fail their Will save against unnerving gaze take a –4 penalty on attack rolls against the kyton eidolon for the condition’s duration and for 2d4 minutes after it ends. Additionally, the conditions caused by a kyton eidolon’s unnerving gaze can stack in severity as follows: shaken to frightened, sickened to nauseated, and staggered to paralyzed.
Benevolent and compassionate beyond mortal understanding, the enigmatic beings known as the manasaputras are entities comprised entirely of Cosmic Fire. Formed from souls not yet born fused with the potential of those who have learned from liftetimes of reincarnation, Manasaputras seek oneness with the universe. Manasaputra eidolons find summoners that they can teach to overcome the challenges that are inherent in a world overrun by cruelty and chaos and do what they can to assist and better those privileged individuals.
Alignment: Lawful Good.
Base Form: Biped (ability increase [Wisdom], limbs [arms], limbs [legs])
Base Evolutions: At 1st level, manasaputra eidolons add their Wisdom bonus (if any) to their AC and CMD. For every 4 Hit Dice they attain, manasaptura eidolons gain an additional +1 bonus to AC and CMD. These bonuses function like those from the monk’s AC bonus class ability. In addition, manasaputra eidolons gain the monk’s unarmed strike class ability, using their Hit Dice as their effective monk level.
At 4th level, manasaputra eidolons can adapt quickly to energy damage. Anytime they take acid, cold, fire, electricity, negative energy, or sonic damage, a manasaputra eidolon can grant itself the resistance evolution against energy damage of that type for a number of rounds equal to its Wisdom bonus (minimum 1 round). Using this ability is an immediate action.
At 8th level, manasaputra eidolons gain immunity to disease and poison. In addition, they gain the no breath evolution and a +2 racial bonus on saves against enchantment spells.
At 12th level, manasaputra eidolons gain the magic attacks evolution. In addition, they gain subjective appearance (see the manasaputra subtype in Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Bestiary 5).
At 16th level, manasaputra eidolons gain positive energy affinity (see the manasaputra subtype in Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Bestiary 5). In addition, they gain telepathy (100 ft.).
At 20th level, manasaputra eidolons gain formless (see the manasaputra subtype in Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Bestiary 5). In addition, they gain the ability to create an effect similar to limited wish as a spell-like ability once per day. Unlike the spell, manasaputra eidolons can only use limited wish to duplicate psychic class spells of 7th level or lower, and if the duplicated spell has a material component, that material component must be provided.
Devoted servants of the elemental lords, mephits are childlike and mischievous creatures wholly comprised of one or more of the classical elements. The summoner of a mephit eidolon must often work to curb and control his eidolon’s whimsical and carefree nature, and as a result the bond between a summoner and a mephit eidolon resembles that of a parent and child.
Alignment: Neutral.
Base Form: Biped (claws, flight, limbs [arms], limbs [legs]).
Base Evolutions: At 1st level, mephit eidolons gain one elemental subtype (air, earth, fire, or water) and become mephits of the chosen element, granting it additional evolutions. Mephits with the air subtype gain the resistance (electricity) evolution. Mephits with the earth subtype gain the resistance (acid) evolution. Mephits with the fire subtype gain the resistance (fire) evolution. Mephits with the water subtype gain the resistance (cold) evolution.
At 4th level, mephit eidolons gain the flight evolution. They also gain a minor breath weapon; a ray attack with a range of 30 ft., which deals 1d6 damage of the same type as their immunity base evolution from 1st level. The damage of this ray attack increases by 1d6 every 4 levels after level 4.
At 8th level, mephit eidolons gain the breath weapon evolution with an energy type matching the resistance they choose at level 1. In addition they may choose a second elemental subtype, gaining the resistance evolution against a second type of energy. Each time such a mephit eidolon uses either of its breath weapons, it deals half of its damage as the first energy type and the rest as the second energy type.
At 12th level, mephit eidolons gain DR 5/magic. They also lose the resistance evolution gained at level 1 and 8 and instead gain the immunity evolution against the same kind(s) of energy.
At 16th level, mephit eidolons can choose a second elemental subtype, gaining the benefits of both their subtypes as described. In addition, each time such a mephit eidolon uses its breath weapon, it chooses which of its two available elements for its breath weapon and energy ray to deal its damage as. Instead of choosing a second element, a mephit eidolon may choose to focus its elemental powers upon its original element instead, increasing its breath weapon and energy ray damage dice from d6s to d8s; Whenever the summoner changes the mephit eidolon’s evolutions, he can also change his eidolon’s secondary element (including whether it focuses on its original element or expands into a secondary element).
At 20th level, mephits gain the fast healing evolution. Their total fast healing increases by 4 whenever the mephit is within an area of elemental activity that matches one of its subtypes; for example, an air mephit would gain this ability while within the area of a thunderstorm while a fire mephit would gain this ability while near an area saturated with lava.
Physical manifestations of fallen spirits, oni believe that the Material Plane is a realm fit only for domination and consumption. Oni often weasel their way into positions of power so they can gorge themselves on sensory experiences; the more such consumption deprives or wounds another, the better. Oni eidolons use their summoners as gateways to the Material Plane and seek to break those same summoners to their will, using them simply as a means to corporeality.
Alignment: Neutral Evil.
Base Form: Biped (limbs [arms], limbs [legs], slam) or tauric (limbs [arms], limbs [legs, 2], slam).
Base Evolutions: At 1st level, oni eidolons choose one humanoid subtype. They gain the change shape (humanoids with the chosen subtype, alter self) ability and the shapechanger subtype. An oni eidolon can only transform into creatures of its subtype that are of its size or smaller. Whenever the summoner changes the oni eidolon’s evolutions, he can also change the eidolon’s humanoid subtype. In addition, oni eidolons gain the weapon training evolution.
At 4th level, oni eidolons count as humanoids of their chosen humanoid subtype for the purpose of meeting the prerequisites of feats and eidolon evolutions. They also lose the weapon training evolution and instead gain the weapon training evolution with 4 evolution points spent.
At 8th level, oni eidolons gain the large evolution. Alternatively, they can choose to gain the ability increase (Dexterity) and the ability increase (Constitution) evolutions. Whenever the summoner changes the oni eidolon’s evolutions, he can also change which set of evolutions his eidolon gains.
At 12th level, oni eidolons gain DR 5/good. They also gain the spell resistance evolution.
At 16th level, oni eidolons gain the ability to cast gaseous form as a spell-like ability three times per day, using their Hit Dice as the spell’s caster level. They also gain the fast healing evolution.
At 20th level, oni eidolons lose the fast healing evolution and instead gain regeneration 5 (acid damage or fire damage). They still dissipate into incorporeal spirits and are banished as normal for eidolons if they take enough damage.
Qlippoths are outsiders from the Abyss’ primeval past, now forced to reside within the deepest, most dangerous parts of their former dominion. Fueled by an intense hatred of demons, qlippoth conspire to stop the flow of sinful souls from which all demons spring. Qlippoth consider the elimination of all mortal life the most expedient path to this goal. Qlippoth eidolons loathe their summoners, but revel in the opportunity to bring a violent end to their summoner’s enemies.
Alignment: Chaotic evil.
Base Form: Quadruped (bite, claws, limbs [legs, 2]), horror (tentacle [2], grab [tentacle], reach [tentacle, 2]), mushroom (bite, claws, limbs [arms], poison [bite]), or serpentine (bite, climb, improved damage [bite], reach [bite], stinger, tail).
Base Evolutions: At 1st level, qlippoth eidolons gain the resistance (cold) evolution, as well as a +4 bonus on saving throws against mind-affecting effects and poison.
At 4th level, qlippoth eidolons gains acid resistance 10, fire resistance 10, and electricity resistance 10.
At 8th level, qlippoth eidolons gain horrific appearance (see the qlippoth subtype in Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Bestiary 2). A qlippoth eidolon’s horrific appearance causes one of the following effects of the summoner’s choice: confused for 1d4 rounds, nauseated for 1 round, shaken for 2d4 rounds, sickened for 2d4 rounds, or stunned for 1 round. Whenever the summoner changes the qlippoth eidolon’s evolutions, he can also change the effect caused by horrific appearance.
At 12th level, qlippoth eidolons gain DR 5/good. They also lose the +4 bonus on saving throws against poison and gain immunity to poison.
At 16th level, qlippoth eidolons lose the +4 bonus on saving throws against mind-affecting effects and gain immunity to mind-affecting effects. They also gain the monster ability telepathy (100 ft.).
At 20th level, qlippoth eidolons add the following effects to the list of effects that they can choose for their horrific appearance ability to inflict: bleed for 2d6 points of damage, confused for 2d4 rounds, nauseated for 1d4 rounds, paralyzed for 1 round, shaken for 1 minute, sickened for 1 minute, or stunned for 1d4 rounds. Bleed damage caused by horrific appearance doesn’t stack.
Reincarnated spirits of manipulators, traitors, and tyrants, rakshasa are physical manifestations of materialistic evil and are thusly obsessed with earthly pleasures. Sometimes called “earthbound evils,” rakshasa come into being through the couplings of rakshasa and non-rakshasa. As a result, many rakshasa eidolons partner with summoners of a compatible gender if only to experience carnal pleasure and birth more of their insidious kind into the world. As native outsiders, rakshasa reside deep within the summoner's soul when not physically manifest, rather than returning to another plane.
Alignment: Lawful Evil.
Base Form: Biped (claws, limbs [arms], limbs [legs]) or serpentine (bite, climb, grab [tail slap], tail, tail slap).
Base Evolutions: At 1st level, rakshasa eidolons gain the resistance (fire) evolution) and the skilled (Disguise) evolution. They also gain the change shape (any humanoid, alter self) ability and the shapechanger subtype.
At 4th level, rakshasa eidolons gain the skilled (Bluff) evolution. They also gain limited spellcasting ability, granting them the ability to cast sorcerer spells as if they were creatures with the sorcerer simple class template (see the modifying monsters appendix in Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Monster Codex). A rakshasa eidolon uses 1 + half its Hit Dice to determine the number of spells per day and spells known that it possesses.
At 8th level, rakshasa eidolons gain the ability increase evolution and add 1 evolution point to their evolution pools.
At 12th level, rakshasa eidolons gain DR 5/good and piercing. They also gain the spell resistance evolution.
At 16th level, rakshasa eidolons lose the resistance (fire) evolution and gain the immunity (fire) evolution. They also gain detect thoughts as a spell-like ability at will, using their Hit Dice as the spell’s caster level.
At 20th level, rakshasa eidolons increase their damage reduction to DR 10/good and lose the detect thoughts spell-like ability, instead gaining detect thoughts as a supernatural ability with a caster level of 18th. A rakshasa eidolon can suppress or resume detect thoughts as a free action, and they always gain information from detect thoughts as if they had spent 3 rounds concentrating.
Former psychopomps who have sworn to never again serve what they see as a ruined reality, sahkil are beings of pure dread that feed upon the hopelessness and despair of mortals, relenting only when their playthings are dead and their souls bleeding in their maws. Nihilistic and cruel, sahkil eidolons often drive their summoners to near insanity before manifesting before them, guiding the broken shell that their summoner has become to perform unspeakable acts of cruelty to his terrified victims before obliterating the summoner’s soul.
Alignment: Neutral Evil.
Base Form: Biped (claws, limbs [arms], limbs [legs]), horror (tentacle [2 points], improved damage [tentacle], reach [tentacle, 2]), or serpentine (bite, climb, grab [tail slap], tail, tail slap).
Base Evolutions: At 1st level, sahkil eidolons gain immunity to death effects, disease, and poison.
At 4th level, sahkil eidolons gain cold resistance 10, electricity resistance 10. They also gain the look of fear ability (see the sahkil subtype in Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Bestiary 5).
At 8th level, sahkil eidolons gain the spirit touch ability (see the sahkil subtype) and add 1 point to their evolution pools.
At 12th level, sahkil eidolons gain DR 5/good. They also add +2 to the save DC of their look of fear ability (see above).
At 16th level, sahkil eidolons gain the spell resistance evolution. They also gain telepathy (100 ft.).
At 20th level, sahkil eidolons increase their damage reduction to 10/good and gain the skip between ability (see the sahkil subtype in Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Bestiary 5).
Aberration Eidolons
Monsters in the truest sense of the word, aberrations are alien beings that hail from places where mortals dare not tread. Whether invaders from the vast reaches of space, inhabitants from unknowable worlds, or horrific beings that dwell within the dark, aberrations are far from natural entities. Aberration eidolons ally with summoners for unknowable reasons, though the majority of these beings enjoy the carnage and chaos that they can potentially inflict upon the mortal world under their summoner’s command. Aberration eidolons follow all of the standard rules for eidolons described in Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Pathfinder Unchained except as noted below.
'Type: Aberration eidolons are aberrations for the purpose of determining which spells and effects affect them. An aberration eidolon gains a number of skill ranks equal to 4 + its Intelligence modifier per Hit Dice, but it uses the values shown on Table: Eidolon Base Statistics in the unchained summoner section of Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Pathfinder Unchained unless it has an Intelligence score above the base value for its base form. This replaces the eidolon’s outsider type.
Class Skills: The following skills are class skills for an aberration eidolon: Acrobatics (Dex), Climb (Str), Escape Artist (Dex), Fly (Dex), Intimidate (Cha), Knowledge (any one) (Int), Perception (Wis), Spellcraft (Int), Stealth (Dex), Survival (Wis), and Swim (Str). This replaces the eidolon’s list of class skills.
Aberration Breed: The summoner of an aberration eidolon doesn’t choose a subtype for his eidolon. Instead, he chooses one of the aberration breeds noted below. An aberration eidolon’s choice of breed functions exactly like a standard eidolon’s choice of subtype, except an aberration eidolon doesn’t gain a subtype as a result of this choice unless noted otherwise as a base evolution.
Hailing from the dark places between the stars, alien aberrations embody the terrifying truth that those created by the gods aren’t alone in the Material Plane. Utterly unable to comprehend human concerns, fears, or morality, alien aberrations have been known to perform unspeakable acts upon mortals for their own, twisted reasons. Few summoners willingly mingle with alien eidolons; while some are jailers of cosmic horrors, most have been utterly broken by some alien force and now serve the whims of some terrible being.
Alignment: Chaotic Evil.
Base Form: Aquatic (bite, gills, tail, tail slap, swim), avian (bite, flight, limbs [legs]), biped (claws, limbs [arms], limbs [legs]), horror (bite, tentacle [2 points], improved damage [tentacle], reach [tentacle]), quadruped (bite, limbs [legs, 2]), serpentine (bite, climb, grab [tail slap], tail, tail slap), or tauric (claws, limbs [arms], limbs [legs, 2]).
Base Evolutions: At 1st level, alien eidolons count as having all types and subtypes as well as all base forms for the purpose of meeting the prerequisites of evolutions and they gain 1 evolution point.
At 4th level, alien eidolons gain the resistance evolution with one energy type of their choice. Whenever the summoner changes the alien eidolon’s evolutions, he can also change the energy type for resistance.
At 8th level, alien eidolons gain the frightful presence evolution.
At 12th level, alien eidolons can cause creatures that fail their Will save against their frightful presence ability to become confused instead of frightened.
At 16th level, alien eidolons gain the immunity evolution with one energy type of their choice. Whenever the summoner changes the alien eidolon’s evolutions, he can also change the energy type for resistance.
At 20th level, alien eidolons gain the starflight ability (see the mi-go entry in Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Bestiary 4). They also become immune to radiation. If a creature with 4 or less Hit Dice than the alien eidolon becomes confused by frightful presence, it also gains a random, permanent insanity (see the sanity and madness section in Chapter 8 in Pathfinder Roleplaying Game GameMastery Guide).
Disgusting, loathsome, and hungry, the wretches known as gibbering mouthers lurk in underground caves, sewers, and nightmares. Lacking any form of culture, these beings care for nothing knowable to mortals. Gibberer eidolons serve only the most insane of summoners, as only a demented mind would ever think to call such a being to his side. Gibbering mouthers are examples of gibberer eidolons.
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral.
Base Form: Horror (bite [2], swim).
Base Evolutions: At 1st level, gibberer eidolons gain the bite evolution, and they can spend 3 evolution points in order to gain an additional bite attack. They can purchase additional bite attacks multiple times. They also gain the aberrant anatomy evolution.
At 4th level, gibberer eidolons gain the grab evolution, tied to an attack type of the summoner’s choice. Whenever the summoner changes the gibberer eidolon’s evolutions, he can also change the attack type for grab.
At 8th level, gibberer eidolons gain the frightful presence evolution. They can activate frightful presence as a free action instead of as part of an offensive action, and creatures that fail their Will save become confused for 1 round instead of shaken. A creature that succeeds on its Will save becomes immune to that gibberer eidolon’s frightful presence for 24 hours. They also lose the aberrant anatomy evolution and instead gain the aberrant anatomy evolution with 4 evolution points spent.
At 12th level, gibberer eidolons deal 1 point of Constitution damage to any opponent that they successfully maintain a grapple against using a bite attack. They also gain DR 5/ bludgeoning and magic.
At 16th level, gibberer eidolons gain the engulf evolution. Each round, they automatically deal bite damage to engulfed opponents, plus 1 point of Constitution damage.
At 20th level, gibberer eidolons increase the range of their frightful presence to 60 feet and opponents that succeed on their Will save against the gibberer eidolon’s frightful presence no longer become immune to it for 24 hours.
Lurking Ray
Stalkers of the darkest caves and caverns of the world, lurking rays feed upon the weak and unwary. Appearing similar to manta rays, lurking rays are ambush hunters that wrap themselves around their victim, mercilessly choking the life from it before feeding. Lurking ray eidolons are easy for summoners to attract. Possessing bestial intelligence and a feverous love of fresh meat, many lurking ray eidolons can be persuaded into service simply through continual offerings of fresh food.
Alignment: Neutral.
Base Form: Horror (climb, grab [slam], skilled [Stealth], slam).
Base Evolutions: At 1st level, lurking ray eidolons can use their grab evolution to grapple creatures up to two size categories larger than it. A lurking ray eidolon only benefits from this evolution if it is able to reach its opponent’s head. In addition, they can purchase the slam evolution multiple times without needing to possess the limbs (arms) evolution, though doing so costs 3 evolution points.
At 4th level, lurking ray eidolons gain cold resistance 10 and fire resistance 10. They also gain the ability increase (Constitution) evolution.
At 8th level, lurking ray eidolons gain the smother ability, allowing them to forgo the usual +5 circumstance bonus on checks made to maintain a grapple in order to form an airtight seal around the grappled target, preventing it from speaking or casting spells with verbal components for 1 round. While grappled in this way, the opponent must hold its breath for as long as the lurking ray eidolon continues to grapple its target in this way (see the suffocation rules in Chapter 13 in the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Core Rulebook).
At 12th level, lurking ray eidolons gain DR 5/magic and piercing or magic and slashing. They also gain the constrict (slam) evolution
At 16th level, lurking ray eidolons gain blindsense out 10 feet. They also gain the skilled (Perception) evolution.
At 20th level, lurking ray eidolons lose the blindsense ability and instead gain blindsight out 10 feet. In addition, they can use their smother ability without sacrificing the +5 circumstance bonus on checks made to maintain a grapple.
Warped by radiation, magic, or something far more sinister, mutants appear as piecemeal creatures, noteworthy for their jumbled body parts and distorted features. Formerly members of some other race, mutants have been physically warped and ultimately cast out from their former lives. Desperate for companionship, many mutants partner with summoners as eidolons in a desperate attempt to give their lives purpose; a motivation that most summoners will attempt to exploit to their own ends.
Alignment: Any.
Base Form: Horror (bite).
Base Evolutions: At 1st level, mutant eidolons choose a second base form. They count as if they had the chosen base form for the purpose of meeting the prerequisites of evolutions and they gain additional evolutions based on the chosen subtype as follows: aquatic (gills, swim), avian (flight), biped (limbs [arms], limbs [legs]), cactus (sting, tail), conifer (claws, resistance [cold]), mushroom (poison), quadruped (limbs [legs, 2]), serpentine (improved reach [bite], tail), or tree (improved natural armor, limbs [arms]). They also add 1 evolution point to their evolution pools. Eidolons that chose avian as their second base form gain the limbs [legs] evolution instead of adding an additional evolution point to their evolution pools.
At 4th level, mutant eidolons gain the ability increase (Constitution) and improved natural armor evolutions.
At 8th level, mutant eidolons choose a third base form from among those listed by the base evolution gained at 1st level. They also gain a +4 bonus on saves against disease and poison.
At 12th level, mutant eidolons choose one eidolon subtype or one eidolon type, such as humanoid or plant. The eidolon counts as the chosen type for the purpose of meeting the prerequisites of evolutions. They also add 1 evolution point to their evolution pools.
At 16th level, mutant eidolons increase the duration of any spell cast on them using the share spells ability by 50%. This doesn’t stack with the effects of the Extend Spell feat.
At 20th level, mutant eidolons are treated as having all base forms and all eidolon types and subtypes for the purpose of meeting the prerequisites of evolutions. Once per day, the summoner can fully change a mutant eidolon’s evolutions as if using transmogrifyAPG.
Animal Eidolons
Existing alongside mortals on virtual every world, animals comprise virtually every nonmagical creature that isn’t human. While animals are often mundane (if terrifyingly dangerous) on the Material Plane, animals from other planes are often suffused with the essence of those otherworldly realms and possess abilities far beyond those of their Material Plane cousins as a result. Animal eidolons are fairly common companions to summoners, especially those just learning to wield conjuration magic for the first time. They make powerful yet familiar servants and often do not possess an agenda beyond the summoner’s will. Animal eidolons follow all of the standard rules for eidolons described in Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Pathfinder Unchained except as noted below. Type: Animal eidolons are animals for the purpose of determining which spells and effects affect them. An animal eidolon gains a number of skill ranks equal to 2 + its Intelligence modifier per Hit Dice, and as a result it gains only a single skill ranks at each level unless it has an Intelligence score of 10 or higher, at which point it gains skill ranks as normal instead of using the values on Table: Eidolon Base Statistics. This replaces the eidolon’s outsider type.
Class Skills: The following skills are class skills for an animal eidolon: Acrobatics (Dex), Climb (Str), Perception (Wis), Stealth (Dex), Survival (Wis), and Swim (Str). Animal eidolons with a fly speed gain Fly (Dex) as a free class skill, even if they do not gain a fly speed until a later level. In addition, the summoner can choose four additional skills to be class skills for his animal eidolon. This replaces the eidolon’s list of class skills.
Animal Species: The summoner of an animal eidolon doesn’t choose a subtype for his eidolon. Instead, he chooses one of the animal species noted below. An animal eidolon’s choice of species functions exactly like a standard eidolon’s choice of subtype, except an animal eidolon doesn’t gain a subtype as a result of this choice unless noted otherwise as a base evolution.
Aligned Animal
Aligned animals dwell on every Outer Plane that is associated with an alignment. Summoners favor aligned animal eidolons for their ability to smite foes with their home plane’s energy.
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral, Lawful Neutral, Neutral Evil, or Neutral Good.
Base Form: Aquatic (bite, gills, tail, tail slap, swim), avian (bite, flight, limbs [legs]), biped (claws, limbs [arms], limbs [legs]), quadruped (bite, limbs [legs, 2]), or serpentine (bite, climb, grab [tail slap], tail, tail slap).
Base Evolutions: The base evolutions of an aligned animal eidolon depend on its alignment. When first summoning an aligned animal eidolon, the summoner must select chaotic, evil, good, or law. Once chosen, the choice cannot be changed. The eidolon gains the chosen alignment and alignment subtype as well as the following evolutions and abilities, which can vary depending on its alignment. Starting at 1st level, chaotic aligned animals gain the resistance (acid) and resistance (fire) evolutions. Evil eidolons gain the resistance (cold) and resistance (fire) evolutions. Good eidolons gain the resistance (acid) and resistance (electricity) evolutions. Lawful eidolons gain the resistance (acid) and resistance (cold) evolutions.
At 4th level, aligned animal eidolons gain the smite special attack. As a swift action, the eidolon can add its Charisma bonus on attack rolls and gains a damage bonus equal to its Hit Dice against one target of a particular alignment. Chaotic aligned animal eidolons can smite lawful creatures. Evil aligned animal eidolons can smite good creatures. Good aligned animal eidolons can smite evil creatures. Lawful aligned animal eidolons can smite chaotic creatures. This effect persists until the target dies or the aligned animal eidolon rests or is dismissed. An aligned animal eidolon can use this ability once per day.
At 8th level, aligned animal eidolons can use their smite ability twice per day. They also add 1 evolution point to their evolution pools.
At 12th level, all aligned animal eidolons can use their smite ability three times per day. They also gain damage reduction of a specific type, based upon their alignment subtype. Chaotic animal eidolons gain DR 5/lawful. Evil animal eidolons gain DR 5/good. Good animal eidolons gain DR 5/evil. Lawful animal eidolons gain DR 5/chaotic.
At 16th level, aligned animal eidolons treat their natural weapons, as well as any weapon they wield, as having its alignment for the purpose of overcome damage reduction. For example, good aligned animal eidolons treat their weapons as good weapons. This benefit only applies to attacks made against the target of their smite, and they can use smite four times per day. They also gain the spell resistance evolution.
At 20th level, aligned animal eidolons ignore all damage reduction that the target of their smite possesses and they can use smite five times per day. In addition, an aligned animal eidolon adds twice its Hit Dice as a damage bonus on the first attack it makes against the target of its smite if the target is an outsider with an alignment subtype that is opposed to the eidolon’s subtype.
Elemental Animal
Elementally-infused versions of nearly every animal roam the elemental planes, living as their Material counterparts do. Summoners often choose to bind elemental animal eidolons because they are easier to command than true elementals.
Alignment: Neutral.
Base Form: Aquatic (bite, gills, tail, tail slap, swim), avian (bite, flight, limbs [legs]), biped (claws, limbs [arms], limbs [legs]), quadruped (bite, limbs [legs, 2]), or serpentine (bite, climb, grab [tail slap], tail, tail slap).
Base Evolutions: The base evolutions of an elemental animal eidolon depend entirely on its chosen element. When first summoning an elemental animal eidolon, the summoner must select air, earth, fire, or water. Once made, this choice cannot be changed. The eidolon gains the following evolutions and abilities, which can vary depending upon its element. At 1st level, air elemental animal eidolons gain the immunity (electricity) evolution. Earth elemental animal eidolons gain the immunity (acid) evolution. Fire elemental animal eidolons gain the immunity (fire) evolution. Water elemental eidolons gain the immunity (cold) evolution.
At 4th level, all elemental animal eidolons gain the elemental attacks evolution with the energy type that corresponds to their immunity evolution.
At 8th level, air elemental eidolons gain the flight evolution (using magic) with a speed equal to their base speed. Earth elemental animal eidolons gain the burrow evolution. Fire elemental animal eidolons deal 1d6 points of fire damage to any creature that hit it with a natural weapon, an unarmed strike, or a melee weapon without reach. Water elemental eidolons gain the gills and swim evolutions, addung 1 evolution point to their swim evolution of each of these evolutions that the eidolon already possesses.
At 12th level, elemental animal eidolons gain the ability increase (Constitution) evolution and increase their movement speed with all of their movement types by 10 feet.
At 16th level, all elemental animal eidolons increase the amount of additional damage inflicted by the energy attacks evolution to 2d6 points.
At 20th level, all elemental animal eidolons multiply the additional energy damage dealt by the energy attacks evolution by their weapon’s critical multiplier whenever they confirm a critical hit against an opponent.
Fey Animal
Born from the reality’s blueprints, fey animals represent bestial grace and power in its truest form. Summoners with close bonds to nature often befriend fey animal eidolons.
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral.
Base Form: Aquatic (bite, gills, tail, tail slap, swim), avian (bite, flight, limbs [legs]), biped (claws, limbs [arms], limbs [legs]), quadruped (bite, limbs [legs, 2]), or serpentine (bite, climb, grab [tail slap], tail, tail slap).
Base Evolutions: At 1st level, fey animal eidolons gain the improved natural armor and skilled (Stealth) evolutions.
At 4th level, fey animal eidolons gain the ability to cast charm person and faerie fire as spell-like abilities once per day, using their Hit Dice as the spell’s caster level. They also gain 2 additional skill ranks per Hit Die they possess. These skill ranks aren’t modified by the eidolon’s Intelligence.
At 8th level, fey animal eidolons can inflict a death curse onto opponents that grievously wound them. Whenever a fey animal eidolon is critically hit or killed, the creature that critically hit or killed the eidolon becomes cursed with bad luck unless it makes a successful Will saving throw to resist the curse (DC 10 + 1/2 the eidolon’s Hit Dice + the eidolon’s Charisma modifier). If it fails to resist, the victim takes a permanent –2 penalty on all attack rolls, ability checks, skill checks, and saving throws. The total penalty from multiple fey animal eidolon death curses stack, but the multiple death curses count as a single curse overall for the purpose of removing its effects.
At 12th level, fey animal eidolons gain DR 5/cold iron. They also gain the spell resistance evolution.
At 16th level, fey animal eidolons gain the ability to cast tree shape and transport via plants as spell-like abilities once per day using their Hit Dice as the spell’s caster level. They also gain the flight evolution (using magic).
At 20th level, fey animal eidolons gain the ability to cast polymorph as a spell-like ability once per day using their Hit Dice as the spell’s caster level, and their damage reduction increases to DR 10/cold iron and magic.
Shadow Animal
Shadowy animals lurk the darkest pits of the Shadow Plane. Much as the Shadow Plane mocks all of the Material Plane’s creations, shadow animals appear as bleak renditions of normal animals. Shadow animal eidolons are favored by summoners in need of servants without agendas of their own.
Alignment: Neutral Evil.
Base Form: Aquatic (bite, gills, tail, tail slap, swim), avian (bite, flight, limbs [legs]), biped (claws, limbs [arms], limbs [legs]), quadruped (bite, limbs [legs, 2]), or serpentine (bite, climb, grab [tail slap], tail, tail slap).
Base Evolutions: At 1st level, shadow animal eidolons gain the resistance (cold) and resistance (electricity) evolutions.
At 4th level, shadow animal eidolons gain the shadow blur ability, which grants them concealment (20% miss chance) in any illumination other than bright light. This ability can be suspended or resumed as a free action, and the concealment cannot be used to make Stealth checks.
At 8th level, shadow animal eidolons gain the energy attacks (cold) and the skilled (Stealth) evolutions.
At 12th level, shadow animal eidolons gain DR 5/magic. They also can use the concealment gained from their shadow blur ability to make Stealth checks.
At 16th level, shadow animal eidolons gain the spell resistance evolution and they add 1 evolution point to their evolution pools.
At 20th level, shadow animal eidolons increase the concealment gained from their shadow blend ability from 20% to 50% if they already have concealment while in an area of illumination other than bright light. They also increase their damage reduction from DR 5/magic to DR 10/magic. 26
Construct Eidolons
Built by other creatures to perform specific tasks or functions for their masters, constructs literally exist to serve mortals. Whether as guardians of sacred sites or as testaments to a wizard’s powers, constructs fulfill the task they were constructed to do silently and without question, making them ideal servants for many a spellcaster. Like any other spellcaster, summoners see great value in an unquestionably obedient servant, and build construct eidolons for themselves by suffusing the eidolon’s body with an elemental spirit that acts as the eidolon’s animating force, granting the construct a servile intelligence and allowing him to summon it at his whim. Construct eidolons follow all of the standard rules for eidolons described in Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Pathfinder Unchained except as noted below.
Type: Construct eidolons are constructs for the purpose of determining which spells and effects affect them. Construct eidolons do not have a Constitution score and instead gain an Intelligence score equal to their base form’s Constitution. Construct eidolons gain bonus hit points based upon their base size, as noted on Table: Construct Eidolon Hit Points. Construct eidolons are immune to bleed, disease, poison, positive or negative energy (including healing), sleep effects, and any effect that requires a Fortitude save (unless the effect also works on objects, or is harmless), and are never at risk of death from massive damage. They otherwise do not gain any construct traits. A construct eidolon gains a number of skill ranks equal to 2 + its Intelligence modifier per Hit Dice. This replaces the eidolon’s outsider type.
Class Skills: The following skills are class skills for a construct eidolon: Craft (Int), Heal (Wis), Knowledge (arcana) (Int), Knowledge (dungeoneering) (Int), Knowledge (engineering) (Int), Knowledge (nature) (Int), Knowledge (religion) (Int), and Perception (Wis). This replaces the eidolon’s list of class skills.
Construct Model: The summoner of a construct eidolon chooses one of the construct models noted below. A construct eidolon’s choice of model functions exactly like a standard eidolon’s choice of subtype, except a construct eidolon doesn’t gain a subtype as a result of this choice.
Animated Object
Animated objects are mundane items given automation by a spellcaster through complex spells or rituals. Highly customizable, animated objects can be built to suit virtually any task and are favored eidolons of summoners who lack the skill or resources to build more complex constructs.
Alignment: Any.
Base Form: Aquatic (bite, gills, tail, tail slap, swim), avian (bite, flight, limbs [legs]), biped (claws, limbs [arms], limbs [legs]), cactus (limbs [arms], reach [sting], slam, sting, tail), conifer (claws, improved natural armor, limbs [arms], reach [claws]), horror (bite, tentacle [2 points], improved damage [tentacle], reach [tentacle]), mushroom (bite, claws, limbs [arms], poison [bite]), quadruped (bite, limbs [legs, 2]), serpentine (bite, climb, grab [tail slap], tail, tail slap), tauric (claws, limbs [arms], limbs [legs, 2]), or tree (bite, improved natural armor, limbs [arms], slam).
Base Evolutions: At 1st level, animated object eidolons gain the construct materials and resistance (fire) evolutions. They must choose their construct material from the following list: adamantine, alchemical, bone, brass, clay, coral, fossil, glass, ice, iron, junk, mithral, stone, wax, or wood.
At 4th level, animated object eidolons gain a number of bonus hit points equal to the total number of points in their evolution pool. They also add 2 evolution points to their evolution pools.
At 8th level, animated object eidolons gain bonus hit points, as indicated on Table: Construct Eidolon Bonus Hit Points, as if they were one size category larger than their actual size. In addition, they gain the improved natural armor evolution.
At 12th level, animated object eidolons gain hardness equal to half their Hit Dice. They also add 2 evolution points to their evolution pools.
At 16th level, animated object eidolons gain the large evolution. Alternatively, they can gain the ability increase evolution with two ability scores of their choice.
At 20th level, animated object eidolons increase their hardness by 5. They also gain bonus hit points, as indicated on Table: Construct Eidolon Bonus Hit Points, as if they were two size categories larger instead of one size category larger.
Magically crafted automatons of great power, golems stand apart from other constructs because of the nature of their animated force–golems are granted their magical life via an elemental spirit that suffuses their otherwise mundane bodies. Summoners with golem eidolons use their magic to permanently bond vessel and spirit together, creating a golem far more stable than others of its kin.
Alignment: Any.
Base Form: Biped (limbs [arms], limbs [legs], slam).
Base Evolutions: At 1st level, golem eidolons gain the double slam evolution† and the construct materials evolution. They can choose from any of the construct material types listed on Table: Construct Materials..
At 4th level, golem eidolons gain resistance and vulnerabilities to certain kinds of magic, based upon the construct material type they’ve chosen with the construct materials evolution. Certain spells and effects function differently against the eidolon, as noted by the immunity to magic ability associated with the golem type that shares the same special material as the golem eidolon’s chosen construct material. For example, a golem eidolon with the construct material (blood) evolution would reference the immunity to magic ability of a blood golem. This ability doesn’t grant the eidolon immunity to spells or spell-like abilities that allow spell resistance. The Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Bestiary where type of golem referenced on Table: Construct Materials can be found is listed below: adamantineB2, alchemicalB2, bloodB4, boneB3, brassB3, cannonB3, carrionB2, clayB1, clockworkB2, coralB4, flesh B1, fossilB3, glassB2, iceB1, ironB1, junkB4, mithralB2, stoneB1, waxB4, woodB1.
At 8th level, golem eidolons gain the advanced golem evolution that corresponds with the construct material that they’ve chosen with the construct material evolution. For example, a golem eidolon with the construct material (blood) evolution gains the advanced blood golem evolution. In addition, the golem gains the improved natural armor evolution.
At 12th level, golem eidolons gain DR 5/adamantine and the spell resistance evolution.
At 16th level, golem eidolons gain the ability increase (Strength) evolution and they add 1 evolution point to their evolution pools.
At 20th level, golem eidolons increase their damage reduction to DR 10/adamantine. They also lose the spell resistance evolution and gain immunity to all spells and spell-like abilities that allow spell resistance except for those spells that function differently for the golem, as noted by its immunity to magic ability.
Automatons built with advanced technology, robots are far more intelligent than most constructs and can upgrade themselves with a number of advanced weapon types and defenses. Often seen as the pinnacle of technological achievement and wonder, summoners create robot eidolons by infusing lightning elementals into mechanical bodies, bonding the elemental spirit to the construct eidolon’s mechanical body.
Alignment: Any.
Base Form: Aquatic (bite, gills, tail, tail slap, swim), avian (bite, flight, limbs [legs]), biped (claws, limbs [arms], limbs [legs]), cactus (limbs [arms], reach [sting], slam, sting, tail), conifer (claws, improved natural armor, limbs [arms], reach [claws]), horror (bite, tentacle [2 points], improved damage [tentacle], reach [tentacle]), mushroom (bite, claws, limbs [arms], poison [bite]), quadruped (bite, limbs [legs, 2]), serpentine (bite, climb, grab [tail slap], tail, tail slap), tauric (claws, limbs [arms], limbs [legs, 2]), or tree (bite, improved natural armor, limbs [arms], slam).
Base Evolutions: At 1st level, robot eidolons gain the ability to project a force field the sheaths them in a thin layer of shimmering energy, granting them a number of temporary hit points equal to 5 x their Hit Dice. All damage dealt to a robot eidolon with an active force field is reduced from these temporary hit points first. The eidolon regains these temporary hit points at a rate of 1 per minute, but once the force field’s temporary hit points are reduced to 0, it shuts down and does not reactivate for 24 hours.
At 4th level, robot eidolons gain the integrated weaponry and slam evolutions. If the robot eidolon has a slam attack from its base form, it instead gains the double slam evolution†. A robot eidolon can select the integrated weaponry evolution a number of times equal to the number of slam attacks it possesses, each time integrating a different weapon into its body.
At 8th level, robot eidolons gain the laser weaponry evolution, tied to one integrated weapon of the summoner’s choice. Whenever the summoner changes the robot eidolon’s evolutions, he can also change the attack type for laser weaponry. A robot eidolon can select the laser weaponry evolution more than once, up to the number of integrated weaponry evolutions the eidolon possesses.
At 12th level, robot eidolons gain DR 5/adamantine and the temporary hit points granted by their force field return at a rate of 1 per round. If the robot eidolon has the fast healing evolution, it can choose to apply that evolution to its force field instead of itself, increasing the rate at which its force field’s temporary hit points return by 1, plus an additional 1 for every 2 additional evolution points spent.
At 16th level, robot eidolons gain the plasma weaponry evolution, tied to one integrated weapon of the summoner’s choice. The robot eidolon can only apply this evolution to an integrated weapon that it has also selected with the laser weaponry evolution. Whenever the summoner changes the robot eidolon’s evolutions, he can also change the attack type for plasma weaponry. A robot eidolon can select the plasma weaponry evolution more than once, up to the number of laser weaponry evolutions the eidolon possesses.
At 20th level, robot eidolons increase their damage reduction to DR 10/adamantine and increase the rate at which they regain temporary hit points from their force shield to 5 per round. If a robot eidolon is struck by an attack that fails to reduce its force field to 0 hit points, the attack is treated as a miss for the purpose of determining whether any abilities tied to that attack affect the eidolon.
Table: Construct Eidolon Bonus Hit Points Size Bonus Hit Points Tiny – Small 10 Medium 20 Large 30 Huge 40 Gargantuan 50
Dragon Eidolon
Lords of all they survey, dragons are consistently among the most powerful beings within the multiverse. Arrogant and incredibly ancient, dragons often believe themselves to be above the happenings of mortals and possess little tolerance for their groveling, let alone demands of servitude. More often then not, summoners that manage to acquire dragon eidolons typically have the service of a youngling that seeks to use the summoner’s arcane powers to hasten its acquisition of power, wealth, or influence. For more information on dragon companions and their motivation for allying with mortals, refer to the Dragon Companion Handbook by Everyman Gaming, LLC. Dragon eidolons follow all of the standard rules for eidolons described in Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Pathfinder Unchained except as noted below.
Type: Dragon eidolons are dragons for the purpose of determining which spells and effects affect them. This replaces the eidolon’s outsider type.
Class Skills: The following skills are class skills for a dragon eidolon: Appraise (Int), Bluff (Cha), Climb (Str), Diplomacy (Cha), Fly (Dex), Heal (Wis), Intimidate (Cha), Knowledge (all) (Int), Linguistics (Int), Perception (Wis), Sense Motive (Wis), Spellcraft (Dex), Stealth (Dex), Survival (Wis), Swim (Str), and Use Magic Device (Cha).This replaces the eidolon’s list of class skills.
Dragon Sept: The summoner of a dragon eidolon doesn’t choose a subtype for his eidolon. Instead, he chooses one of the dragon septs noted below. A dragon eidolon’s choice of sept functions exactly like a standard eidolon’s choice of subtype, except a dragon eidolon doesn’t gain a subtype as a result of this choice unless noted otherwise as a base evolution.
Chromatic Dragon
Scourge of the Material Plane and beyond, chromatic dragons are universally wicked wyrms that care only for death, destruction, and gluttonous pride. Summoners of chromatic dragon eidolons must often barter with the dragon to gain its support, tempting it with promises of power or riches.
Alignment: Varies by color (see below).
Base Form: Quadruped (bite, limbs [legs, 2]).
Base Evolutions: The base evolutions of a chromatic dragon eidolon depend entirely on its color. When first summoning a chromatic dragon eidolon, the summoner must select black, blue, green, red, or white. Once made, this choice cannot be changed. A number of the eidolon’s base evolutions are based upon its color, as noted on the following table. For all effects relating to age category, the eidolon has an effective number of age categories equal to half its Hit Dice (minimum 1).
Color | Alignment | Energy Type | Breath Shape |
Black | Chaotic Evil | Acid | Line |
Blue | Lawful Evil | Electricity | Line |
Green | Lawful Evil | Acid | Cone |
Red | Chaotic Evil | Fire | Cone |
White | Chaotic Evil | Cold | Cone |
At 1st level, all chromatic dragon eidolons gain the claws and flight evolutions. In addition, chromatic dragon eidolons gain the resistance evolution corresponding to their energy type (as indicated on the above chart).
At 4th level, all chromatic dragon eidolons gain one or more abilities based upon their dragon color; see the entry for chromatic dragons of the eidolon’s color in Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Bestiary for abilities marked with an asterisk (*). Black dragon eidolons gain the swamp stride* ability and the gills evolution. Blue dragon eidolons gain the desert thirst* and sound imitation* abilities. They can use desert thirst to create water at will, but they can only use this ability to destroy liquids a number of times per day equal to 3 + their Charisma modifier (minimum 1). Green dragon eidolons gain trackless step* and woodland stride, as the druid class abilities. Red dragon eidolons gain the smoke vision* ability and can cast detect magic as a spell-like ability at will. White dragon eidolons gain the ice shape*, ice walking*, and snow vision* abilities, and can use ice shape up to three times per day.
At 8th level, all chromatic dragon eidolons gain the breath weapon evolution. The energy type and shape of the breath weapon is determined by the eidolon’s color (as indicated on the above chart).
At 12th level, all chromatic dragon eidolons gain DR 5/ magic and the improved natural armor evolution.
At 16th level, all chromatic dragon eidolons lose the resistance evolution and instead gain the immunity evolution against their energy type (as indicated on the above chart). In addition, they gain the energy attacks evolution with that same energy type.
At 20th level, all chromatic dragon eidolons gain an addition ability based upon their dragon color; see the entry for chromatic dragons of the eidolon’s color in Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Bestiary for abilities marked with an asterisk (*). Black dragon eidolons gain the acid pool* ability. Blue dragons gain the storm breath* ability. Green dragon eidolons gain the miasma* ability. Red dragon eidolons gain the melt stone* ability. White dragon eidolons gain the blizzard* ability.
Imperial Dragon
Regal guardians of ancient lands, imperial dragons are servants of the cosmic balance and therefore take a far more active role in the livelihood of the mortal races who dwell within (or encroach into) their territory. Summoners of imperial dragons often must prove their worth to these beings before they will agree to join them as eidolons; those who fail are often gobbled up without so much a second thought.
Alignment: Varies by domain (see below).
Base Form: Quadruped (bite, limbs [legs, 2]).
Base Evolutions: The base evolutions of an imperial dragon eidolon depend entirely on its domain. When first summoning an imperial dragon eidolon, the summoner must select forest, sea, sky, sovereign, or underworld. Once made, this choice cannot be changed. A number of the eidolon’s base evolutions are based upon its color, as noted on the following table. For all effects relating to age category, the eidolon has an effective number of age categories equal to half its Hit Dice (minimum 1).
Domain | Alignment | Energy Type | Breath Shape |
Forest | Chaotic Evil | Piercing | Cone |
Sea Chaotic | Good | Electricity | Line |
Sky Lawful | Good | Electricity | Cone |
Sovereign | Neutral | Sonic | Cone |
Underworld | Lawful Evil | Fire | Line |
At 1st level, all imperial dragon eidolons gain the claws evolution and the flight evolution (using magic). In addition, imperial dragon eidolons gain the resistance evolution corresponding to their energy type (as indicated on the above chart). Instead of the resistance evolution, forest dragons gain a +4 bonus on saves against poison.
At 4th level, all imperial dragon eidolons gain one or more abilities based upon their domain; see the entry for imperial dragons of the eidolon’s domain in Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Bestiary 3 for abilities marked with an asterisk (*). Forest dragon eidolons gain woodland stride, as the druid class ability, and can cast entangle as a spell-like ability three times per day, using their Hit Dice as the spell’s caster level. Sea dragon eidolons gain the gills and swim evolutions. Sky dragon eidolons gain the cloud sight* ability. Sovereign dragon eidolons gain the dogmatic discordance* ability, which applies only on saves against the eidolon’s evolutions. Underworld dragons gain the burrow evolution.
At 8th level, all imperial dragon eidolons gain the breath weapon evolution. The energy type and shape of the breath weapon is determined by the eidolon’s domain (as indicated on the above chart).
At 12th level, all imperial dragon eidolons gain DR 5/magic and the improved natural armor evolution.
At 16th level, all imperial dragon eidolons lose the resistance evolution and instead gain the immunity evolution against their energy type (as indicated on the above chart). Forest dragon eidolons lose the +4 bonus on saves against poison and instead gain immunity to poison. In addition, they gain the energy attacks evolution with that same energy type. Forest dragons instead gain the bleed (1d6) special attack.
At 20th level, all imperial dragon eidolons gain an additional ability based upon their domain; see the entry for imperial dragons of the eidolon’s domain in Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Bestiary 3 for abilities marked with an asterisk (*). Forest dragon eidolons gain the elemental breath* ability, summoning a large earth elemental under the eidolon’s control as if using summon nature’s ally V with a caster level equal to the eidolon’s Hit Dice. Sea dragon eidolons gain the sea strider* ability. Sky dragon eidolons gain the grounding breath* ability. Sovereign dragon eidolons gain the violent retort* ability. Underworld dragon eidolons gain the lava eruption* ability.
Countless types of dragon-like creatures exist, although true dragons are loathe to admit any sort of camaraderie with such creatures. Though they often lack a true dragon’s sophistication and magical ability, dragonoid creatures are no less arrogant, vain, or destructive then their true dragon cousins. Summoners can acquire dragonoid eidolons in a variety of fashions, each specifically tailored to the likes and goals of the specific monster that the dragonoid eidolon represents. Drakes, pseudodragons, and wyverns are examples of dragonoid eidolons.
Alignment: Any.
Base Form: Aquatic (bite, gills, swim [3]), avian (bite, flight, limbs [legs]), biped (claws, limbs [arms], limbs [legs]), quadruped (bite, limbs [legs, 2]), serpentine (bite, climb, reach [bite], poison [bite]), or tauric (claws, limbs [arms], limbs [legs, 2]).
Base Evolutions: At 1st level, dragonoid eidolons gain the flight evolution. Eidolons with the aquatic base form instead increased speed [2] evolution.
At 4th level, dragonoid eidolons gain the ability increase (Constitution) evolution and they add 1 evolution point to their evolution pools.
At 8th level, dragonoid eidolons gains their choice of either the breath weapon evolution or the poison [stinger], stinger, and tail evolutions.
At 12th level, dragonoid eidolons gain DR 5/magic. They also gain the improved natural armor evolution.
At 16th level, dragonoid eidolons gain the improved natural armor evolution and they add 1 evolution point to their evolution pools.
At 20th level, dragonoid eidolons increase their damage reduction to DR 10/magic and they add 4 evolution points to their evolution pool.
Primeval dragons found in the northern reaches of the world, linnorms thrive almost solely on their hatred for those they deem to be lesser to their own superiority, and seek to inflict as much suffering as possible onto these unfortunate victims. Although they aren’t true dragons, linnorms possess incredible strength and deadly powers that rival the might of authentic dragons. Linnorms seldom serve summoners willingly, and instead must be bested and subdued before they will begrudgingly answer a summoner’s call.
Alignment: Chaotic Evil.
Base Form: Serpentine (bite, claws, improved reach [tail slap], tail, tail slap).
Base Evolutions: At 1st level, linnorm eidolons gain the flight (using magic) evolution. They also gain the resistance evolution tied to an energy type of the summoner’s choice. Whenever the summoner changes the linnorm eidolon’s evolutions, he can also change the energy type for resistance.
At 4th level, linnorm eidolons gain the ability increase (Strength) evolution and the poison evolution, tied to their bite attack.
At 8th level, linnorm eidolons gain the ability to inflict a death curse with their dying breath before returning from whence they came. When a creature slays a linnorm, it becomes permanently cursed as if by bestow curse, using the linnorm eidolon’s Hit Dice as the spell’s caster level. A successful Will save negates this effect (DC 10 + 1/2 the eidolon’s Hit Dice + the eidolon’s Charisma modifier). The summoner chooses the penalties inflicted by his linnorm’s death curse each time the curse is triggered.
At 12th level, linnorm eidolons gain DR 5/cold iron and the breath weapon evolution.
At 16th level, linnorm eidolons can unfetter itself from physical hindrances, functioning like freedom of movement. Activating this ability is a free action. The linnorm eidolon can use this ability for a number of rounds per day equal to its Hit Dice. These rounds don’t need to be consecutive.
At 20th level, linnorm eidolons gain true seeing as a constant spell-like ability.
Metallic Dragon
Champions of good in a world wrought with evil, metallic dragons are righteous beings that propagate good wherever they are able. That they are often truly good creatures does not necessarily make them benevolent towards mortals, however. The priorities of metallic dragons are squarely set upon the big picture, and many deem the affairs of mortals to be beneath their notice. Metallic dragons often pair up with summoners who are like-minded sentinels against evil forces, becoming their eidolons for the greater good.
Alignment: Varies by metal (see below).
Base Form: Quadruped (bite, limbs [legs, 2]).
Base Evolutions: The base evolutions of a metallic dragon eidolon depend entirely on its metal type. When first summoning a metallic dragon eidolon, the summoner must select brass, bronze, copper, gold, or silver. Once made, this choice cannot be changed. A number of the eidolon’s base evolutions are based upon its metal type, as noted on the following table. For all effects relating to age category, the eidolon has an effective number of age categories equal to half its Hit Dice (minimum 1).
Metal | Alignment | Energy Type | Breath Shape |
Brass | Chaotic Good | Fire | Line |
Bronze | Lawful Good | Electricity | Line |
Copper | Chaotic Good | Acid | Line |
Gold | Lawful Good | Fire | Cone |
Silver | Lawful Good | Cold | Cone |
At 1st level, all metallic dragon eidolons gain the claws evolution and the flight evolution. In addition, metallic dragon eidolons gain the resistance evolution corresponding to their energy type (as indicated on the above chart).
At 4th level, all metallic dragon eidolons gain one or more abilities based upon their metal type; see the entry for metallic dragons of the eidolon’s metal type in Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Bestiary for abilities marked with an asterisk (*). Brass dragon eidolons gain the desert wind* ability, usable three times per day. Bronze dragon eidolons gain the gills and swim evolutions. Copper dragon eidolons gain trapfinding, as a rogue with a level equal to their Hit Dice. Gold dragons gain the detect gems* ability and can cast detect evil as a spell-like ability at will, using the dragon’s Hit Dice as the spell’s caster level. Silver dragon eidolons gain the fog vision* and graceful flight* abilities.
At 8th level, all metallic dragon eidolons gain the breath weapon evolution. The energy type and shape of the breath weapon is determined by the eidolon’s metal type (as indicated on the above chart).
At 12th level, all metallic dragon eidolons gain DR 5/magic and the improved natural armor evolution.
At 16th level, all metallic dragon eidolons lose the resistance evolution and instead gain the immunity evolution against their energy type (as indicated on the above chart). In addition, they gain the energy attacks evolution with that same energy type.
At 20th level, all metallic dragon eidolons gain an additional ability based upon their metal type; see the entry for metallic dragons of the eidolon’s metal type in Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Bestiary for abilities marked with an asterisk (*). Brass dragon eidolons gain the sleep breath* ability. Bronze dragon eidolons gain the repulsion breath* ability. Copper dragon eidolons gain the slow breath* ability. Gold dragon eidolons gain the weakening breath* ability. Silver dragon eidolons gain the paralyzing breath* ability.
Primal Dragon
Denizens of the Inner Planes, primal dragon eidolons are forces of nature in their respective domains. In rare cases, primal dragon parents may willingly give one of their brood to a summoner in order to help him accomplish esoteric deeds upon the Material Plane or beyond.
Alignment: Varies by element (see below).
Base Form: Quadruped (bite, limbs [legs, 2]).
Base Evolutions: The base evolutions of a primal dragon eidolon depend entirely on its element. When first summoning a primal dragon eidolon, the summoner must select brine, cloud, crystal, magma, or umbral. Once made, this choice cannot be changed. A number of the eidolon’s base evolutions are based upon its element, as noted on the following table. For all effects relating to age category, the eidolon has an effective number of age categories equal to half its Hit Dice (minimum 1).
Nature | Alignment | Energy Type | Breath Shape |
Brine | Lawful Neutral | Acid | Line |
Cloud | Chaotic Neutral | Electricity | Cone |
Crystal | Chaotic Neutral | Sonic | Cone |
Magma | Chaotic Neutral | Fire | Cone |
Umbral | Chaotic Evil | Negative* | Cone |
At 1st level, all primal dragon eidolons gain the claws and flight evolutions. In addition, primal dragon eidolons gain the resistance evolution corresponding to their energy type (as indicated on the above chart). Umbral dragon eidolons instead gain negative energy affinity and gain a +4 bonus on saves against energy drain and death effects.
At 4th level, all primal dragon eidolons gain one or more abilities based upon their dragon element; see the entry for primal dragons of the eidolon’s element in Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Bestiary 2 for abilities marked with an asterisk (*). Brine dragon eidolons gain the gills and swim evolutions. Cloud dragon eidolons gain the mist vision* and cloud form* abilities. Crystal dragon eidolons gain the razor sharp* ability and gain the increased speed evolution†. Magma dragon eidolons gain a constant endure elements spell-like ability, using their Hit Dice as the spell’s caster level, and the energy attacks (fire) evolution. Umbral dragons gain the ghost bane* ability and the resistance (cold) evolution.
At 8th level, all primal dragon eidolons gain the breath weapon evolution. The energy type and shape of the breath weapon is determined by the eidolon’s metal type (as indicated on the above chart). An umbral dragon eidolon’s breath weapon doesn’t heal undead or creatures with negative energy affinity despite dealing negative energy damage.
At 12th level, all primal dragon eidolons gain DR 5/magic and the improved natural armor evolution.
At 16th level, all primal dragon eidolons lose the resistance evolution and instead gain the immunity evolution against their energy type (as indicated on the above chart). Umbral dragon eidolons instead lose the +4 bonus on saves against energy drain and death effects and gain immunity to energy drain and death effects. In addition, they gain the energy attacks evolution with that same energy type. Magma dragon eidolons instead add their age category to the amount of fire damage that they deal with the energy attacks (fire) evolution.
At 20th level, all primal dragon eidolons gain an addition ability based upon their element type; see the entry for primal dragons of the eidolon’s metal type in Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Bestiary 2 for abilities marked with an asterisk (*). Brine dragon eidolons gain the desiccating bite* ability. Cloud dragon eidolons gain the cloud breath* ability. Crystal dragon eidolons gain the scintillating aura* ability. Magma dragon eidolons gain the magma breath* ability. Umbral dragon eidolons gain the shadow breath* ability.
Fey Eidolons
Nature spirits that dwell in perfect harmony with the natural world, fey are well known as capricious tricksters throughout the folklore and mythology of mortal races. Impossibly beautiful and with equal parts kindness and cruelty, fey stoically protect the natural world from the machinations of mortals, either by seeking to enlighten and inspire them or by invading and annihilating them. Summoners with fey eidolons often acquire the services of these creatures by swearing themselves to causes that the fey support, such as the defense of a natural place or the general well-being of nature at large. That said, fey are often fiercely independent and serve summoners for their own, often poorly understood reasons. Such summoners must often make significant bargains with fey in order to win their support, such as by agreeing to forever serve their aims or desires whenever the eidolon wills it. Other summoners, however, use cunning magic and devious rituals to bind fey to shackles forged from cold iron, forcing them into eternal servitude against their consent. Fey eidolons follow all of the standard rules for eidolons described in Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Pathfinder Unchained except as noted below. Type: Fey eidolons are fey for the purpose of determining which spells and effects affect them. This replaces the eidolon’s outsider type.
Class Skills: The following skills are class skills for a fey eidolon: Acrobatics (Dex), Bluff (Cha), Craft (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Disguise (Cha), Escape Artist (Dex), Fly (Dex), Knowledge (geography) (Int), Knowledge (local) (Int), Knowledge (nature) (Int), Perception (Wis), Perform (Cha), Sense Motive (Wis), Sleight of Hand (Dex), Stealth (Dex), Swim (Str), and Use Magic Device (Cha). This replaces the eidolon’s list of class skills.
Fey Lineage: The summoner of a fey eidolon doesn’t choose a subtype for his eidolon. Instead, he chooses one of the fey lineages noted below. A fey eidolon’s choice of lineage functions exactly like a standard eidolon’s choice of subtype, except a fey eidolon doesn’t gain a subtype as a result of this choice.
Beautiful Fey
Fey often manifest in humanoid guises that appear stunningly beautiful to mortals, as they embody the actualized perfection that mortal life could have taken had it not abandoned the natural world in favor of civilization. Such fey are otherworldly in their beauty and are often embodiments of fertility, growth, and seduction. Whimsical in spirit, beautiful fey eidolons care little for the long-term plans and goals of mortals, and often serve out of curiosity or adoration for their summoner. Dryads, nymphs, and satyrs are examples of beautiful fey eidolons.
Alignment: Any nonlawful.
Base Form: Biped (ability increase [Charisma], limbs [arms], limbs [legs]), or tauric (ability increase [Charisma], limbs [arms], limbs [legs, 2]).
Base Evolutions: At 1st level, beautiful fey eidolons gain the fey magic evolution, the skilled evolution with one Charisma-based skill of their choice, the ability increase (Charisma) evolution, and gain proficiency with one simple or martial weapon.
At 4th level, beautiful fey eidolons gain the otherworldly beauty ability as a supernatural ability, allowing them to addle the minds and senses of mortals. As a free action, the eidolon can use this ability to cause any humanoid creature within 30 feet that can either see or hear the eidolon to become fascinated and gain one other condition; blinded, deafened, nauseated, or staggered if it fails a Will save (DC 10 +1/2 the eidolon’s Hit Dice + the eidolon’s Charisma modifier). The summoner must choose whether this ability has visual or audible components and which additional condition is inflicted when the eidolon gains the evolution. This ability can only inflict blindness if it has visual components and it can only inflict deafness if it has audible components. Whenever the summoner changes his eidolon’s evolutions, he can change which components and conditions are tied to his eidolon’s otherworldly beauty ability. The effects of otherworldly beauty last for as long as the target is within 30 feet of the eidolon and for 1d4 rounds after leaving this area. A creature that succeeds on its save is immune to that eidolon’s otherworldly beauty for 24 hours. The eidolon can use this ability once per day.
At 8th level, beautiful fey eidolons gain the ability increase (Charisma) evolution and can use otherworldly beauty three times per day.
At 12th level, beautiful fey eidolons gain DR 5/cold iron and magic. They can also use their otherworldly beauty ability five per day and can affect any creature with an Intelligence of 3 or higher with otherworldly beauty instead of just humanoids.
At 16th level, beautiful fey eidolons gain the spell resistance and ability increase (Charisma) evolutions, and they can use their otherworldly beauty ability ten times per day.
At 20th level, beautiful fey eidolons gain the fast healing evolution and can use their otherworldly beauty ability at will.
Fearsome Fey
Although most are spirits of nature, some fey manifest as beings of pure instinctual fear. Appearing in horrific forms and taking cruel delight in terrorizing mortals, these fey lurk in unseen places in the dead of night, waiting for a chance to strike at their prey. Most fearsome fey delight in the torment they cause to the point of gaining physical nourishment from their victim’s anguished cries, feeding gleefully until their victim literally dies of fright. Fearsome fey have few qualms with partnering with summoners who are willing to supply them with a constant stream of victims, though this means that only the most depraved summoners are willing to accept the service of a fearsome fey eidolon. Boogeymen, chaneque, and cold riders are examples of fearsome fey eidolons.
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral or Chaotic Evil.
Base Form: Aquatic (bite, gills, tail, tail slap, swim), avian (bite, flight, limbs [legs]), biped (claws, limbs [arms], limbs [legs]), quadruped (bite, limbs [legs, 2]), serpentine (bite, climb, grab [tail slap], tail, tail slap), or tauric (claws, limbs [arms], limbs [legs, 2]).
Base Evolutions: At 1st level, fearsome fey eidolons gain the skilled (Intimidate) and skilled (Stealth) evolutions and they are treated as being one size category larger when determining any bonuses or penalties that they take on Intimidate checks due to size.
At 4th level, fearsome fey eidolons gain Dazzling Display as a bonus feat, ignoring its prerequisites. They can use Dazzling Display as a standard action instead of a full-round action, and they can use Dazzling Display while wielding any manufactured weapon that they are proficient with or with any natural weapon they possess.
At 8th level, fearsome fey can demoralize an opponent as a swift action immediately after hitting that same opponent with a manufactured weapon that they are proficient with or with any natural weapon that they possess. In addition, the eidolon gains a +2 morale bonus on attack rolls against opponents with the shaken, frightened, panicked, or cowering condition. Eidolons with the tiny evolution increase their reach by 5 feet against such opponents, stacking with the reach evolution. Eidolons with the scent evolution treat all such opponents as having a strong scent, allowing the eidolon to detect them at double the usual range (or triple the usual range if that opponent also has a strong scent).
At 12th level, fearsome fey gain DR 5/cold iron and the frightful presence evolution. In addition, if the eidolon successfully demoralizes an opponent that was already shaken by its frightful presence evolution and its demoralize attempt’s result is high enough that the attempt would increase the number of rounds that the target is shaken for by 4 or more rounds, the eidolon can instead decide to make the target cower for 1 round.
At 16th level, fearsome fey eidolons ignore any cover or concealment that opponents who are shaken, frightened, panicked, or cowering possess when making attacks with manufactured weapons that it is proficient with or any natural weapons that it possesses. This ability does not allow the eidolon to ignore total cover or total concealment. In addition, they can deliver a coup de grace to panicked or cowering targets as a full-round action that provokes an attack of opportunity. If the eidolon is hit and dealt damage by such an attack, its coup de grace automatically fails to deal damage to its target
At 20th level, fearsome fey eidolons gain the fast healing evolution. Their fast healing is doubled whenever they are threatening an opponent who is shaken, frightened, panicked, or cowering.
Trickster Fey
Fey have fearsome reputations as tricksters, although this perception applies to only a small number of fey in truth. These fey tricksters are renowned for their guile and often seek to make mortals the butt of their life-threatening and often spiteful jokes and jests. Summoners often gain the companionship of trickster fey by besting them in jests of their own, earning their respect and service of these beings through cunning and guile. Gremlins, pixies, and sprites are examples of trickster fey eidolons.
Alignment: Any nonlawful.
Base Form: Biped (claws, limbs [arms], limbs [legs]) or tauric (claws, legs [arms], limbs [legs, 2]).
Base Evolutions: At 1st level, trickster fey eidolons must be Small eidolons, and they can choose to replace the claws from their base form for the weapon training evolution by spending 1 evolution point. They also gain the tiny evolution. Alternatively, fey eidolons can gain the ability increase (Dexterity) and flight evolutions instead of the tiny evolution.
At 4th level, trickster fey eidolons gain the ability to strike a vital spot to deal extra damage against an opponent that is unable to defend itself effectively from its attack. This ability functions like the rogue’s sneak attack class ability, dealing an additional 1d6 damage at 4th level and increasing by 1d6 every 4 levels thereafter. They can also spend 3 evolution points to gain a rogue talent that adds an effect to a sneak attack (those marked with an asterisk [*]) as though it were an evolution, up to a total number of rogue talents equal to its Dexterity modifier (minimum 1).
At 8th level, trickster fey can cast vanish as a spell-like ability, with a caster level equal to the eidolon's Hit Dice. After using this ability, the eidolon cannot use it again until 5 minutes has passed, but it can use vanish an unlimited number of times per day.
At 12th level, trickster fey eidolons gain DR 5/cold iron and magic and they gain the skilled (Stealth) evolution. They can also select the speed surge evolution, ignoring its prerequisites.
At 16th level, trickster fey eidolons can choose to cast either invisibility or greater invisibility using their 8th-level base evolution.
At 20th level, trickster fey eidolons gain the ability to make incredibly deadly attacks against unaware opponents. Each time the eidolon deals sneak attack damage, it can choose one of the following two effects: the target can be put to sleep for 2d6 rounds or paralyzed for 1d6 rounds. Regardless of the effect chosen, the target can attempt a Fortitude save to negate the additional effect. The DC for this save is equal to 10 + 1/2 the eidolon’s Hit Dice + the eidolon’s Dexterity modifier. Once a creature has been targeted by this attack, regardless of whether or not the save is successful, that creature is immune to this ability for 24 hours. Creatures immune to sneak attack damage are also immune to this ability.
Humanoid Eidolons
The primary inhabitants of the Material Plane, humanoids make up the bulk of all civilized races in the world. In many aspects, the phrase “humanoid” is a humanocentric term, as it implies traits similar to those of humans. True to its name, all humanoid creatures possess a similar, bipedal body structure and behave socially in a manner that is often more similar to humanity than it is different. Most humanoids live in communities of varying sizes, take mates for themselves, grow old, and eventually die. However, traits vary immensely between individual races of humanoids, to the point where most humanoid races have tenuous alliances with one another, with blatant mistrust or all-out war being an unfortunate but common consequence of the intermingling of humanoid races. With countless otherworldly wonders available to them, one might wonder why a summoner would ever choose to take a humanoid eidolon as a companion. In truth, humanoid eidolons make better company for humanoid summoners then virtually any other eidolon race as a result of their close relations to the summoner. Furthermore, humanoid eidolons are often more loyal than other eidolons and often sympathize or flat-out support their summoner’s goals on a personal level,. Humanoid eidolons follow all of the standard rules for eidolons described in Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Pathfinder Unchained except as noted below.
Type: Humanoid eidolons are monstrous humanoids for the purpose of determining which spells and effects affect them. This replaces the eidolon’s outsider type.
Class Skills: The following skills are class skills for a humanoid eidolon: Climb (Str), Craft (Int), Handle Animal (Cha), Heal (Wis), Profession (Wis), Ride (Dex), and Survival (Wis). In addition, the summoner can choose six additional skills to be class skills for his eidolon. Once made, this choice cannot be changed. This replaces the eidolon’s list of class skills.
Humanoid Subtype: The summoner of a humanoid eidolon chooses one of the subtypes below. This functions exactly like a standard eidolon’s choose of subtype, and the humanoid gains the subtype of the associate creature unless noted otherwise by its base evolutions.
Ancestral Spirit
Whether summoning a long-forgotten relative or an idealized version of the summoner’s self, ancestral spirit eidolons are inherently tied to the summoner they serve by blood. These eidolons often are formed from psychic imprints left behind on the Ethereal Plane when a soul passes to the afterlife or from the scattered memories and dreams found upon the Dimension of Dreams. The end result is an eidolon that is uncannily mortal in appearance, mannerisms, and abilities.
Alignment: Any.
Base Form: Biped (limbs [arms], limbs [legs], skilled [any one skill], tauric (limbs [arms], limbs [legs, 2], skilled [any one skill).
Base Evolutions: At 1st level, all ancestral spirit eidolons choose one specific 0-Hit Die humanoid race, such as elf or human. This race must be one whose blood runs directly within the summoner’s lineage, subject to the GM’s decision. The eidolon gains any subtypes that the chosen race possesses, as well as racial traits with a total race point cost of 4 rp or fewer, excluding ability racial traits (see the creating races rules in Chapter 4 of Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Advanced Race Guide). If the eidolon gains the shapechanger subtype from this ability, it instead gains the change shape ability of its chosen race, exactly as described in the chosen race’s racial traits.
At 4th level, all ancestral spirit eidolons gain an ability representative of their abilities in life. The summoner chooses one of the following roles for his eidolon: adept, expert, or warrior. Adept eidolons gain the fey magic evolution and count as fey eidolons for the purpose of meeting the evolution’s requirements, as well as the requirements of any evolution that lists fey magic as a requirement. Adept eidolons use the adept spell list instead of the fey magic spell list when determining the spells they can learn and cast using these evolutions. Expert eidolons gain the sneak attack ability, functioning like the dark folk eidolon’s 4th-level base ability (see below). Warrior eidolons gain a bonus combat feat. Whenever the summoner changes the ancestral spirit eidolon’s evolutions, he can also change his eidolon’s role, as well as any base evolutions he possesses that are tied to his eidolon’s role. A warrior or expert eidolon can purchase an additional bonus feats or dice of sneak attack for every 4 levels after level 4, at a cost of two evolution points each.
At 8th level, all ancestral spirit eidolons choose racial traits with a total race point cost of 4 rp or fewer that belongs to the specific 0-Hit Die humanoid race that they choose at 1st level. In addition, the eidolon can gain additional racial traits from that race by spending a number of evolution points equal to half the sum of the racial trait’s rp cost, rounded up to the nearest whole number. Ability racial traits cannot be chosen or purchased with this ability.
At 12th level, all ancestral spirit eidolons gain DR 5/magic. They also gain the ability increase evolution with all ability scores that the specific 0-Hit Die humanoid race that the eidolon chose at 1st level has a bonus in. For example, an ancestral spirit eidolon that chose “elf ” at 1st level gains the ability increase (Dexterity) and ability increase (Intelligence) evolutions. If no ability score is listed or the chosen race has no ability bonuses, the eidolon instead gains the ability increase evolution with an ability of the summoner’s choice. The eidolon can gain up to two ability increase evolutions from this evolution.
At 16th level, adept eidolons add 4 evolution points to their evolution pools, sneak attack dice, or . These evolution points must be spent on evolutions that list fey magic as a requirement. Expert eidolons gain the skilled evolution with two skills of the summoner’s choice. In addition, any skill that the eidolon chooses with the skilled evolution is added to the eidolon’s list of class skills. In addition, the ancestral expert eidolon gains the rogue's uncanny dodge ability. Warrior eidolons gain two bonus combat feats, and for these two feats only he can select fighter-only feats as if it was a fighter of it's Hit Dice..
At 20th level, all ancestral spirit eidolons gain the ability to cast greater evolution surgeAPG three times per day as a spell-like ability, using their Hit Dice as the spell’s caster level. The eidolon targets itself with this ability, as if it were its own eidolon.
Dark Folk
Mysterious humanoids that dwell in the world’s darkest caverns, dark folk loathe the light and seldom take kindly to trespassing from those illuminated by its warmth. Hardened by a lifetime of struggle and a touch of madness, few dark folk would ever consider partnering with a summoner. Those that do, however, form a mystic partnership with the summoner that binds them to his will while simultaneously stripping them of their vulnerability to light’s caress.
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral.
Base Form: Biped (limbs [arms], limbs [legs], weapon training).
Base Evolutions: At 1st level, dark folk eidolons gain the skilled (Craft [alchemy]) evolution as well as the poison use ability, functioning like the slayer talentACG of the same name.
At 4th level, dark folk eidolons gain the sneak attack ability, functioning like the rogue class ability. A dark folk eidolon’s sneak attack deals +1d6 damage
At 4th level and increases by 1d6 damage at 8th level and every 4 levels thereafter, to a maximum of +5d6 damage at 20th level.
At 8th level, dark folk eidolons gain the death throes† evolution, ignoring its prerequisites and tied to fire damage. They also gain the see in darkness ability (see the dark stalker entry in Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Bestiary).
At 12th level, dark folk eidolons gain the blindsense evolution. They also gain the ability to cast deeper darkness as a spell-like ability three times per day, using their Hit Dice as the spell’s caster level.
At 16th level, dark folk eidolons gain the camouflage evolution, tied to underground terrain. They also add 1 evolution point to their evolution pools.
At 20th level, dark folk eidolons gain the blindsight evolution and can cast their deeper darkness spell-like ability at will.
Creatures of monstrous size and girth, giants are humanoids that are categorized simply because of their titanic proportions. Although the phrase “giant,” is typically used as a racial label, in truth giants are remarkably diverse physically and culturally. Although their societal and intellectual capabilities vary, all giants assert that they are superior to other, “puny” humanoids, and few are willing to serve summoners as eidolons. Those that do are often young or physically stunted, and see a summoner’s eldritch magic as a way to rapidly increase their strength.
Alignment: Any.
Base Form: Biped (limbs [arms], limbs [legs], slam).
Base Evolutions: At 1st level, giant eidolons gain the skilled (Intimidate) and weapon training evolutions They also add Intimidate (Cha) to their list of class skills.
At 4th level, giant eidolons gain the large evolution.
At 8th level, giant eidolons gain the rock throwing evolution.
At 12th level, giant eidolons gain DR 5/magic and the rock catching evolution.
At 16th level, giant eidolons lose the rock throwing evolution and instead gain the rock throwing evolution with 6 evolution points spent.
At 20th level, giant eidolons lose the large evolution and instead gain the large evolution with 10 evolution points spent.
Lycanthropes are shapeshifters with a human form, an animal form, and a hybrid form. Polite company one moment, raging beasts the next, lycanthropes make good allies because of their flexibility.
Alignment: Any.
Base Form: Aquatic (bite, gills, swim [3 points]), avian (bite, flight [4 points, +40 ft.]), biped (bite, limbs [arms], limbs [legs]), quadruped (bite, limbs [legs, 2]), or serpentine (bite, climb, improved damage [bite], tail, tail slap).
Base Evolutions: Starting at 1st level, lycanthrope eidolons gain the weapon training and and scent evolutions. In addition they gain the shape change lycanthrope ability. For all lycanthrope abilities, see the lycanthrope entry in Pathfinder® Roleplaying Game Bestiary™. Lycanthrope eidolons are natural lycanthropes. A lycanthrope eidolon changing shape gains only the abilities outlined here. In humanoid form, lycanthrope eidolons do not have access to any evolutions or base evolutions except shape change, increased attribute, and those that grant feats or proficiencies. In hybrid form, lycanthrope eidolons have the biped base form instead of their selected base form. If they are Small or smaller in size, they become Medium-sized in hybrid form. In animal form, they have their selected base form and gain the scent evolution, but cannot use the weapons.
At 4th level, lycanthrope eidolons gain the curse of lycanthropy (su) and lycanthropic empathy (ex) lycanthrope abilities. They also gain the increased attribute (Wisdom) evolution.
At 8th level, lycanthrope eidolons lose the weapon training evolution and gain the weapon training (4 points) evolution.
At 12th level, lycanthrope eidolons gain DR 5/silver and the increased attribute (Constitution) evolution.
At 16th level, lycanthrope eidolons can use the shape change lycanthropic ability as an immediate action and increase their DR to 10/silver.
At 20th level, lycanthrope eidolons increase their DR to 15/silver.
Incredibly vicious and dangerous, trolls have long been the subject of mortal folktales and legends. Capable of regenerating from nearly any wound, they are often viewed as insurmountable and terrifying combatants, unkillable by ordinary folk. It is no surprise that summoners should want to seek such powerful allies, though trolls are convinced of their own superiority to most other humanoid races and would sooner devour a summoner than join him.
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Base Form: Biped (claws, limbs [arms], limbs [legs]).
Base Evolutions: At 1st level, troll eidolons gain the bite evolution. They also gain limited regeneration, granting them the ability to tap into their troll blood for a number of rounds per day equal to their Hit Dice. While doing so, the eidolon gains regeneration 1 (acid damage, fire damage). Using this ability is a swift action. Furthermore, the resistance and immunity evolutions cost twice as many evolution points for the eidolon if either evolution is tied to acid or fire damage.
At 4th level, troll eidolons gain the weapon training evolution and the regeneration gained from using their 1stlevel base evolution increases to regeneration 2 (acid damage, fire damage).
At 8th level, troll eidolons gain the rend evolution and the regeneration gained from using their 1st-level base evolution increases to regeneration 3 (acid damage, fire damage).
At 12th level, troll eidolons gain the benefit of the Improved Critical feat with their bite and claw attacks and the regeneration gained from using their 1st-level base evolution increases to regeneration 4 (acid damage, fire damage).
At 16th level, troll eidolons gain the grab evolution, tied to the eidolon’s bite attack, and the regeneration gained from using their 1st-level base evolution increases to regeneration 5 (acid damage, fire damage).
At 20th level, troll eidolons gain regeneration 5 (acid damage, fire damage). This regeneration stacks with the regeneration gained from their 1st-level base evolution. 36
Magical Beast Eidolons
Although most lack the sophistication of humanoid culture and societies, countless intelligent beasts roam the world, often possessing a plethora of unique magical features in addition to a keen intellect. Known collectively as magical beasts, these creatures are often the subject of humanoid myths and legends, making them a tantalizing eidolon choice for prospective summoners looking to inspire awe and fear in other humanoids. Magical beast eidolons often have an animal’s outlook on ethics and morality; that is, they are almost completely apathetic of such concerns, provided they can comprehend them in the first place. As a result, summoners looking for eidolons with flexible morality and simple motivations often choose magical beast eidolons, if only because they have spectacular powers without much of the cosmic baggage that outsider eidolons carry. Magical beast eidolons follow all of the standard rules for eidolons described in Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Pathfinder Unchained except as noted below.
Type: Magical beast eidolons are magical beasts for the purpose of determining which spells and effects affect them. This replaces the eidolon’s outsider type.
Class Skills: The following skills are class skills for a magical beast eidolon: Acrobatics (Dex), Climb (Str), Perception (Wis), Stealth (Dex), Survival (Wis), and Swim (Str). In addition, the summoner can choose four additional skills to be class skills for his eidolon. Once made, this choice cannot be changed. This replaces the eidolon’s list of class skills.
Magical Beast Species: The summoner of a magical beast eidolon doesn’t choose a subtype for his eidolon. Instead, he chooses one of the magical beast species noted below. A magical beast eidolon’s choice of species functions exactly like a standard eidolon’s choice of subtype, except a magical beast eidolon doesn’t gain a subtype as a result of this choice.
Released from their home in the world of fey into the Material Plane, bandersnatches are powerful apex predators that hunt with otherworldly grace and fearsome intelligence. Only the most ambitious summoners dream of attempting to acquire a bandersnatch eidolon, and those who secure the companionship of a bandersnatch eidolon are, as a result, rightfully feared by those who grasp the bandersnatch’s destructive fury.
Alignment: Neutral.
Base Form: Quadruped (bite, limbs [legs, 2])
Base Evolutions: At 1st level, bandersnatch eidolons gain the planar acclimation ability (see the bandersnatch’s entry in Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Bestiary 3) as well as the claws and tail evolutions.
At 4th level, bandersnatch eidolons gain the quill defense† and tail slap evolutions. The eidolon’s quill defense is tied to its tail slap.
At 8th level, bandersnatch eidolons gain the limbs (legs) and quills evolution†.
At 12th level, bandersnatch eidolons gain the pain extraordinary ability, causing any creature that takes damage from the eidolon’s tail slap, quills, or quill defense evolutions to become sickened as one of the eidolon’s quills snaps off from its body and embeds itself within the target. A successful Reflex save negates this effect (DC 10 + 1/2 the eidolon’s Hit Dice + the eidolon’s Dexterity modifier). The sickened condition lasts until the quill is removed. Removing one quill requires a DC 20 Heal check made as a full-round action. For every 5 by which the check exceeds the DC, one additional quill can be removed. On a failed check, a quill is still removed but the process deals damage to the victim equal to the eidolon’s tail slap damage.
At 16th level, bandersnatch eidolons gain the fast healing evolution and immunity to fear, paralysis, poison, and sleep.
At 20th level, bandersnatch eidolons can recover with frightening speed. If the eidolon starts its turn affected by any of all of the following conditions, these conditions end at the end of its turn: confused, dazed, exhausted, fatigued, nauseated, sickened, and stunned. Furthermore, if the eidolon is affected by ability damage, ability drain, or a mind-affecting effect that allows a save, it receives a single additional save against one such effect of its choice at the original DC at the end of its turn. If its save succeeds, resolve the effect as if the eidolon had succeeded on its initial save against it. The eidolon can use this ability three times per day.
Best known for their many heads, hydras are feared across the known world for their ferocity and tenacity. Folklore often depicts hydras as engines of destruction, harbingers of wrath sent by angry gods to destroy insolent mortals. In truth, however, hydras are simple beasts with animal like motivations and intelligence. As a result, they make a tantalizing, if dangerous to acquire, eidolon choice for summoners wishing to rain devastation down upon their foes.
Alignment: Neutral.
Base Form: Quadruped (bite, limbs [legs, 2]).
Base Evolutions: At 1st level, hydra eidolons gain the head evolution. Fore each head the hyrdra has, it gains a free bite evolution. An opponent can sever a hydra eidolon’s head by making a sunder attempt against it with a slashing weapon and inflicting hit points equal to the eidolon’s Hit Dice in one round. Severing a head deals damage to the eidolon’s body equal to the eidolon’s Hit Dice. The eidolon can’t attack with a severed head, but takes no other penalties until all of its heads are severed, at which point the eidolon immediately dies and returns from whence it came. Area attacks and attacks with bludgeoning or piercing weapons cannot severe a hydra eidolon’s head. A severed head recovers when the summoner prepares spells.
At 4th level, hydra eidolons gain the head and pounce evolutions.
At 8th level, hydra eidolons gain the fast healing evolution.
At 12th level, hydra eidolons gain the rend evolution, tied to their bites instead of their claws.
At 16th level, the eidolon gains the breath weapon and multi-headed breath weapon evolutions.
At 20th level, when one of the eidolon’s heads is destroyed, two heads with the bite evolution regrow in 1d4 rounds. A hydra eidolon cannot have more than twice its original number of heads (its base head, plus the number of head evolutions it possesses). An opponent can prevent the eidolon’s heads from regrowing by dealing acid or fire damage to the stump left behind from severing its head before new heads regrow. This can be done by making a touch attack against the stump using a source of acid or fire damage, such as a vial of acid or a torch, or by hitting the eidolon’s body with an area attack that deals acid or fire damage. The eidolon no longer dies from losing its heads until all are cut off and the stumps seared by acid or fire. Heads in excess of the hydra's normal maximum wither after 1 minute.
Hunting Eidolon
Creatures of the hunt include magical hounds, raptors, and steeds. Aquatic hunters include seals, fish, and sea serpents. They are obsessed with pursuit, either as mount, hunter, or prey. Unwilling to remain in one place for long, they return to hunt their native lands when their summoner stays in one place for more than a day, but ask to be summoned at the first sign of a chase.
Alignment: Any.
Base Form: Aquatic (bite, gills, swim [4 points]), avian (claws, flight (3 points, +20 ft.), limbs [legs]), biped (gore, limbs [arms], limbs [legs]), quadruped (bite, claws, limbs [legs, 2]), serpentine (bite, climb, increased speed, swim, trip [bite]), or tauric (slam, limbs [arms], limbs [legs, 2]).
Base Evolutions: Starting at 1st level, hunting eidolons gain the scent and woodland stride (see fey variant type) evolutions and Endurance as a bonus feat.
At 4th level, hunting eidolons gain the increased speed and trackless step (see fey variant type) evolutions.
At 8th level, hunting eidolons gain Spring Attack as a bonus feat without needing to fulfill the prerequisites. If carrying a rider, the rider also benefits from this feat.
At 12th level, hunting eidolons gain DR 5/magic and the supernatural ability to conceal the tracks of up to one creature per Hit Dice that remains within 100 ft. of the eidolon.
At 16th level, hunting eidolons can move up to twice their normal speed in a round in which they are using Spring Attack.
At 20th level, hunting eidolons can use fly (mass)APG (sp) 1/day.
Desert-dwelling birds of legend, phoenixes are best known for their ability to rebirth themselves from the ashes of their own dead bodies. Righteous souls and accomplished scholars, it is the dream of many a summoner to have a phoenix as his eidolon, though they only associate themselves with the most kindly and good-hearted mortals. As a result, summoners with phoenix eidolons are paragons of righteousness or heirs to a destiny of importance befitting the presence of such a legendary being.
Alignment: Neutral Good.
Base Form: Avian (bite, flight, limbs [legs]).
Base Evolutions: At 1st level, phoenix eidolons gain the claws and resistance (fire) evolutions.
At 4th level, phoenix eidolons gain the energy attacks (fire) evolution and any creature that hits the eidolon with a natural attack, unarmed strike, or a non-reach melee weapon takes 1d6 points of fire damage each time it successfully hits the eidolon. This ability can be activated or suppressed as a free action.
At 8th level, phoenix eidolons gain the fast healing and ability increase (Charisma) evolutions.
At 12th level, phoenix eidolons gain DR 5/evil and can cast continual flame, detect evil, see invisibility, and wall of fire three times per day as spell-like abilities, using their Hit Dice as the spell’s caster level. They lose the resistance (fire) evolution and instead gain the immunity (fire) evolution.
At 16th level, phoenix eidolons gain the spell resistance evolution. They also gain the self-resurrection ability (see the phoenix’s entry in Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Bestiary 3). Unlike a true phoenix’s self-resurrection, the eidolon’s ability allows it to immediately resummon itself in the square that it died in 1d4 rounds after it was reduced to 0 or fewer hit points and forced to return to Nirvana. An eidolon cannot use this ability if its body was completely destroyed by an effect before it returned to Nirvana, such as disintegrate. The eidolon can use this ability once per day.
At 20th level, phoenix eidolons lose the fast healing evolution and instead gain regeneration 5 (evil weapons, evil spells, cold damage). They are still banished to Nirvana as normal for eidolons if they take enough damage.
Enigmatic scholars that dwell in warm desert climates, sphinxes comprise a number of distinct, single-gendered races that depend upon one another for continued survival. Sphinxes sport the heads of many different animals, with the most powerful and wise of their kin possessing humanoid faces. Sphinxes generally loathe company, but summoners who impress them with a particularly challenging riddle or an esoteric bit of lore can potentially win one’s service, provided the sphinx doesn’t decide to devour him instead.
Alignment: Any.
Base Form: Quadruped (bite, limbs [legs, 2]).
Base Evolutions: At 1st level, sphinx eidolons gain the claws evolution and the skilled evolution, tied to a Knowledge skill of the summoner’s choice. Whenever the summoner changes the sphinx eidolon’s evolutions, he can also change the Knowledge skill for skilled. Sphinx eidolons can replace the bite from their base form with the gore evolution (this still costs 1 evolution point).
At 4th level, sphinx eidolons gain the powerful charge evolution, tied to their bite attack (or their gore attack, if they replaced their base form’s bite attack with the gore evolution).
At 8th level, sphinx eidolons gain the breath weapon evolution. Their breath weapon deals sonic damage instead of the energy types listed by the evolution and when using their breath weapon, they can alter its shape to deal damage in a 30- foot radius-burst.
At 12th level, sphinx eidolons gain DR 5/magic. They also gain tongues as a constant spell-like ability.
At 16th level, sphinx eidolons gain the spell resistance evolution.
At 20th level, sphinx eidolons cause creatures that fail their saves against their breath weapon to gain one of the following conditions, chosen by the summoner when this evolution is gained: permanently deafened, sickened for 2d6 rounds, or paralyzed for 1d6 rounds.
Monstrous Humanoid Eidolon
The subject of countless horror tales and mythic exploits, monstrous humanoids are creatures that appear vaguely humanoid, but are often more beast than man. Whether they lurk in unchecked alleys or build massive cities within extraplanar paradises, monstrous humanoids lack many basic aspects of humanoid culture and society. Different races of monstrous humanoids fall short of their humanoid brethren in different ways. Some utterly lack societal constructs and stalk the dark places of the world while others simply have a mind set that is so jarringly alien that they couldn’t possibly be human. Many see humanoids as lesser beings and exploit or even consume them for their own benefit without much of a second thought. Because while humanoids might label them as monsters, monstrous humanoids simply see themselves as being superior to humanoid races in every possible way, much as how humans often view themselves as being superior to livestock. Monstrous humanoid eidolons follow all of the standard rules for eidolons described in Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Pathfinder Unchained except as noted below.
Type: Monstrous humanoid eidolons are monstrous humanoids for the purpose of determining which spells and effects affect them. This replaces the eidolon’s outsider type.
Class Skills: The following skills are class skills for a monstrous humanoid eidolon: Climb (Str), Craft (Int), Fly (Dex), Intimidate (Cha), Perception (Wis), Ride (Dex), Stealth (Dex), Survival (Wis), and Swim (Str). In addition, the summoner can choose four additional skills to be class skills for his eidolon. Once made, this choice cannot be changed. This replaces the eidolon’s list of class skills.
Monstrous Humanoid Race: The summoner of a monstrous humanoid eidolon doesn’t choose a subtype for his eidolon. Instead, he chooses one of the monstrous humanoid races noted below. A monstrous humanoid eidolon’s choice of race functions exactly like a standard eidolon’s choice of subtype, except a monstrous humanoid eidolon doesn’t gain a subtype as a result of this choice unless noted otherwise by one of its base evolutions.
Strange beings that can take on the shapes of those they encounter, a doppelganger is more or less humanoid in its true form, possessing a slender, frail frame and gangling, misshapen features. Doppelgangers infiltrate humanoid societies to indulge in their personal lusts and desires, be it wealth, power, or even entertainment. Summoners with doppelganger eidolons are typically bonded by an allegiance of convenience or necessity; most doppelgangers are too arrogant to accept the aid of a summoner, however, and as a result such pairings are uncommon.
Alignment: Any.
Base Form: Biped (claws, limbs [arms], limbs [legs]).
Base Evolutions: At 1st level, doppelganger eidolons gain the skilled (Disguise) evolution, the shapechanger subtype, and the change shape ability (see the list of universal monster rules in the appendix in Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Bestiary). The eidolon’s change shape ability functions like alter self. All of the eidolon’s evolutions (except evolutions that affect ability scores, skill points, or feats) are form dependent abilities for the purpose of determining which abilities the eidolon can use while polymorphed.
At 4th level, doppelganger eidolons gain the weapon training evolution with 4 evolution points spent.
At 8th level, doppelganger eidolons gain the ability to cast 'detect thoughts' as a spell-like ability three times per day, using its Hit Dice as the spell’s caster level.
At 12th level, doppleganger eidolons gain the armor training evolution with 5 evolution points spent.
At 16th level, doppleganger eidolons gain the perfect copy ability (see the doppelganger entry in Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Bestiary). Their change shape ability also functions like polymorph instead of alter self.
At 20th level, doppleganger eidolons lose the armor training and weapon training evolutions and instead gain the mimicry ability (see the doppelganger entry in Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Bestiary). They also gain 'detect thoughts' as a constant spell-like ability.
Known for stalking the streets of ancient cities filled with tall, stone buildings, gargoyles are demon-like humanoids whose skin has the texture and resilience of stone. Found both on the Material Plane and on the Elemental Plane of Earth, gargoyles exist wherever humanoids have built monoliths and statues from stone, for gargoyles are able to slowly adapt their physical features to better match the artistic and architectural style of whenever human culture they happen to find themselves lurking within. Favoring idiosyncratic “treasures” and fresh meat, gargoyle eidolons are happy to partner with summoners who can provide them with the trinkets and oddities they crave.
Alignment: Chaotic Evil.
Base Form: Biped (bite, limbs [arms], limbs [legs]).
Base Evolutions: At 1st level, gargoyle eidolons gain the freeze and skilled (Stealth) evolutions.
At 4th level, gargoyle eidolons gain the claws and improved natural armor evolutions.
At 8th level, gargoyle eidolons gain either the flight evolution the swim evolution with 2 evolution points spent, chosen by the summoner. Whenever the summoner changes the gargoyle eidolon’s evolutions, he can also change which evolution his eidolon gains.
At 12th level, gargoyle eidolons gain DR 5/magic and the rend evolution.
At 16th level, gargoyle eidolons gain the gore and mighty charge evolutions.
At 20th level, gargoyle eidolons increase their damage reduction to DR 10/adamantine and magic and can make a Stealth check to hide in plain sight using their freeze ability as a standard action. This ability can be used up to three times per day.
Wicked spawn of cursed lineage, minotaurs roam accursed halls forever seeking the descendants of the ancient, royal line whose blasphemy inspired their race’s creation. Often seeking to stalk and imprison their victims before finally consuming them, minotaurs have been known to accept sacrifices of young men and women from fear-stricken humanoids as tribute instead. Minotaurs are fiercely proud and arrogant creatures, and as a result most find the prospects of serving a summoner unthinkably humiliating no matter how beneficial the arrangement is to the minotaur. As a result, most summoners are forced to capture a young minotaur or subdue an adolescent one in order to properly break its will before it will serve him as a proper eidolon companion.
Alignment: Chaotic Evil.
Base Form: Biped (gore, limbs [arms], limbs [legs]).
Base Evolutions: At 1st level, minotaur eidolons gain the weapon training evolution with 4 evolution points spent.
At 4th level, minotaur eidolons gain the powerful charge evolution, tied to their gore attack. They also gain immunity to maze spells.
At 8th level, minotaur eidolons gain the uncanny dodge ability, as the rogue class ability. They also gain the skilled (Perception) evolution.
At 12th level, minotaur eidolons gain the ability increase (Strength) and the improved natural armor evolution.
At 16th level, minotaur eidolons automatically deal gore damage to any creature that they successfully bull rush or overrun. They also gain Charge ThroughAPG as a bonus feat, ignoring its prerequisites.
At 20th level, minotaur eidolons gain the ability to send opponents into the extraplanar maze as part of their gore attack. Whenever the eidolon hits an opponent with its gore attack as part of a powerful charge, the target must succeed on a Will save (DC 10 + 1/2 the eidolon’s Hit Dice + the eidolon’s Wisdom modifier) or be sent into an extradimensional prison for 1d4 rounds, functioning like maze.
Highly spiritual and mysterious, the thriae are a race of female, bee-like seers coveted for their powers of divination and prophecy. Keeping to the outskirts of mortal perception, the thriae maintain a watchful, if passive, eye over the machinations of the world’s societies, and maintain an eerie air of mysticism when dealing with outsiders. Few thriae are willing to serve a summoner as an eidolon, as they refuse to allow any interaction with outsiders that could expose them to the thriae’s secrets. Male summoners, however, can sometimes gain the service of a thriae eidolon by offering to breed with the colony’s queen to propagate the hive. Even then, such summoners are few and far between as the thriae would much rather keep their queen’s consorts forever within their hive-cities, pacified in a blissful trance brought on by the properties of their queen’s merope.
Alignment: Lawful Neutral.
Base Form: Biped (limbs [arms], limbs [legs], sting).
Base Evolutions: At 1st level, thriae eidolons gains gains proficiency with the composite longbow and the flight and resistance (sonic) evolutions. It also gains a +4 bonus on saving throws against poison.
At 4th level, thriae eidolons gain acid resistance 10. In addition, they produce one dose of merope each day, plus an additional dose at 8th level and every 4 levels thereafter. As a standard action, the eidolon can consume a dose of merope in order to enhance its combat abilities a number of rounds equal to 1d6 + the eidolon’s Constitution modifier. Starting the round after it consumes its merope, the eidolon gains a +2 insight bonus on attack rolls and saving throws, and gains fast healing 1. This fast healing stacks with the healing provided by the fast healing evolution, but not with fast healing from other sources. A dose of merope lasts 8 hours before it dissolves into worthless goo.
At 8th level, thriae eidolons gain the poison evolution, tied to their sting attack. Whenever the eidolon critically hits an opponent with its sting attack, that opponent becomes confused for 1d4 rounds unless it succeeds on a Will save (DC 10 + 1/2 the eidolon’s Hit Dice + the eidolon’s Constitution modifier). In addition, the fast healing that the eidolon gains from consuming merope increases to fast healing 2.
At 12th level, thriae eidolons lose the +4 bonus on saving throws against poison and instead gain immunity to poison. They can apply the poison from their stinger to an arrow as a free action; the poison remains potent only until the end of the eidolon's current turn.
At 16th level, thriae eidolons lose the resistance (sonic) evolution and instead gain the immunity (sonic) evolution. They also gain the breath weapon (acid) evolution. Thriae eidolons cannot use their breath weapon in a cone, but they can spend 1 dose of merope as a standard action to gain an additional daily use of the breath weapon.
At 20th level, thriae eidolons add +2 to the save DC of their poison evolution. In addition, the eidolon’s sting now injects poison its poison into its target on any successful hit, not just on a critical hit, otherwise functioning like the eidolon’s 4th-level base evolution. If the sting attack is a critical hit, the poison instead causes the eidolon’s target to become permanent confused if it fails its Will save, functioning like insanity.
Ooze Eidolons
Primordial beings lacking even the most basic bodily organization, oozes are unthinking beings that care only for one thing: sating their hunger. Although a fair number of oozes are natural creatures, their simplistic bodies make them favored playthings of alchemists and wizards, and a surprising number of oozes were artificially created by reckless mortals as a result. As simplistic, unthinking beings, oozes make decent enough minions for a summoner when shackled to the summoner’s will via complex magic. Despite becoming infused with the tiniest shred of sentience as a result of their bond, ooze eidolons remain simple in their desires, making them low maintenance, if simple-minded, companions. Ooze eidolons follow all of the standard rules for eidolons described in Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Pathfinder Unchained except as noted below.
Type: Ooze eidolons are oozes for the purpose of determining which spells and effects affect them. Ooze eidolons increase their base form’s Constitution score by 6 and reduce their Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma scores to 1. They are immune to paralysis, polymorph, poison, sleep effects, and stunning, and do not take damage from precision-based attacks, such as sneak attack. Ooze eidolons are not subject to critical hits or flanking. By spending 3 evolution points, an ooze eidolon can gain additional slam attacks regardless of the number of arms it has. Ooze eidolons cannot take the head, limbs, or mount evolutions unless their breed’s base evolutions (see below) note otherwise. An ooze eidolon gains a number of skill ranks equal to 2 + its Intelligence modifier per Hit Dice, and as a result it gains only a single skill rank at each level unless it has an Intelligence score above the base value for its base form. This replaces the eidolon’s outsider type.
Class Skills: Ooze eidolons don’t gain class skills as a result of their type. Instead, the summoner chooses four skills to be class skills for his eidolon. Once made, this choice cannot be changed. This replaces the eidolon’s list of class skills.
Ooze Breed: The summoner of an ooze eidolon doesn’t choose a subtype for his eidolon. Instead, he chooses one of the ooze breeds noted below. An ooze eidolon’s choice of breed functions exactly like a standard eidolon’s choice of subtype, except an ooze eidolon doesn’t gain a subtype as a result of this choice unless noted otherwise by one of its base evolutions.
Elemental Ooze
Saturated with raw elemental power, elemental oozes often arise upon the various elemental planes when high concentrations of the raw, metaphysical elements of that plane condense into a mindless, unthinking creature. Elemental oozes have little drive or motivation for existence; they feed upon elemental energy and often seek founts of elemental power and creatures with strong ties to their associated element to consume. Among oozes, elemental oozes are among the most favored of their kind as eidolons, for their very existence in the Material Plane quickly sows destruction upon their summoner’s foes as they leave ruinous trails of pure elemental energy in their wake. Crystalline oozes, magma oozes, and plasma oozes are examples of elemental ooze eidolons.
Alignment: Any.
Base Form: Aquatic (faceless [no head], gills, swim, tentacle), horror (faceless [no head], slam, tentacle), serpentine (faceless [no head], climb, tentacle).
Base Evolutions: At 1st level, elemental ooze eidolons gain the immunity evolution, tied to one element of the summoner’s choice. Whenever the summoner changes the elemental ooze eidolon’s evolutions, he can also change the energy type for immunity.
At 4th level, elemental ooze eidolons gain the energy attacks evolution, tied to the element that the summoner chose with the immunity base evolution.
At 8th level, elemental ooze eidolons gain the compression† and the constrict evolution, ignoring its requirements.
At 12th level, elemental ooze eidolons gain DR 5/magic. They also gain the blindsense evolution and increase the additional damage that they gain from the energy attacks evolution to 2d6 points of damage.
At 16th level, elemental oozes bleed raw elemental energy when struck in combat. Any creature that strikes the eidolon with a non-reach melee weapon, unarmed strike, or natural weapon takes 2d6 points of damage of the same type as the eidolon’s energy attacks evolution.
At 20th level, elemental oozes gain the breath weapon and death throes† evolutions.
Among the most dangerous subterranean denizens, gelatinous oozes slither quietly throughout underground caverns and dungeons, searching for prey. Completely translucent and able to hold themselves still indefinitely, these oozes prey on creatures that stumble into their bodies, quickly dissolving them for sustenance. A gelatinous eidolon’s passive nature might normally dissuade summoners from taking them into their service, but the sheer speed at which they dissolve organic material can make them handy to inventive summoners. Gelatinous cubes are an example of gelatinous eidolons.
Alignment: Any.
Base Form: Horror (energy attacks [acid], faceless [no head]†, slam).
At 1st level, gelatinous eidolons gain the resistance (electricity) evolution and the skilled evolution, tied to Stealth. The eidolon also adds Stealth (Dex) to its list of class skills.
At 4th level, gelatinous eidolons gain the freeze† evolution. When using this ability, the eidolon appears translucent rather than taking on the appearance of a specific object or item.
At 8th level, gelatinous eidolons gain the engulf evolution.
At 12th level, gelatinous eidolons gain DR 5/magic. They also gain the blindsense and paralysis† evolutions.
At 16th level, gelatinous eidolons lose the resistance (electricity) evolution and instead gain the immunity (electricity) evolution. They also add 1 evolution point to their evolution pools.
At 20th level, gelatinous eidolons lose the paralysis evolution and instead gain the paralysis evolution with 6 evolution points spent. In addition, creatures that are engulfed by the eidolon take acid damage at the start of each round equal to the eidolon’s Hit Dice. This effect lasts for as long as the creature is engulfed, plus for 1d3 rounds after escaping from the grapple.
Found primarily in the cavernous depths of the underworld, pudding oozes are ravenous creatures that grow to tremendous sizes, though all start as relatively small creatures. Perhaps their most frightening, and deadly, trait is the puddling’s ability to reproduce asexually, which it can undertake whenever it is cut clean apart. Although terrifying, this is the favored method for summoners desiring puddling eidolons to acquire such a companion; they remove a tiny piece of pudding from a larger creature and grow it into an eidolon. Black puddings are an example of pudding eidolons.
Alignment: Any.
Base Form: horror (climb, faceless [no head]†, slam).
Base Evolutions: At 1st level, pudding eidolons gain the energy attacks evolution, tied to acid. They also gain the suction ability (see the black pudding entry in Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Bestiary).
At 4th level, pudding eidolons gain the grab evolution, tied to their slam attack.
At 8th level, pudding eidolons become exceptionally acidic, granting them the acidic evolution† and increasing the amount of acid damage they deal with the energy attacks evolution to 2d6 points of damage.
At 12th level, pudding eidolons gain the blindsense and constrict evolutions.
At 16th level, puddling eidolons can split into two separate eidolons when damaged. Whenever a pudding eidolon is dealt slashing or piercing damage it can choose to voluntarily split itself into two identical eidolons, each with half of the original’s current hit points (rounded down). These eidolons can’t be healed above half of the eidolon’s maximum hit points, and an eidolon with 10 hit points or less cannot be further split. If multiple eidolons are alive after 1 minute, one of them dissolves into a puddle of inert slime. The eidolon can use this ability once per day.
At 20th level, puddling eidolons can use their split ability three times per day. While split, the eidolon has a maximum number of hit points equal to its usual total divided by the total number of eidolons active. For example, an eidolon with a maximum of 90 hit points can split into two eidolons with up to 45 hit points, three eidolons with up to 30 hit points, and so on.
At home in the deepest of the ocean’s trenches or the darkest caverns located miles beneath the earth, shoggoths are engines of madness and destruction that leave naught but ruin in their slime-caked wake. Eons old, legend claims that the first shoggoths inhabited the primordial universe that existed before even the oldest of gods had turned their attention to the Material Plane. Their exact origins baffle scholars today; some claim that they were created by aboleths while others theorize that their origins are even older than they. Shoggoths reproduce via spores, and are normally far too intelligent to become servants to a summoner. The few summoners with shoggoth eidolons that exist either stumbled upon a shoggoth spore and grew the beast themselves or had their minds utterly broken and reassembled by an adult shoggoth, who uses its mortal summoner to help feed its young by summoning them to the world above.
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral.
Base Form: Horror (climb, faceless [no head], slam).
Base Evolutions: At 1st level, shoggoth eidolons gain the gills and swim evolution. Unlike other ooze eidolons, shoggoth eidolons don’t reduce their Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma scores to 1, but they gain a +2 bonus to their base form’s Constitution score instead of a +6 bonus.
At 4th level, shoggoth eidolons gain the resistance (cold) and resistance (sonic) evolutions, as well as immunity to charm effects and deafness.
At 8th level, shoggoth eidolons gain the all-around vision evolution and the grab evolution, tied to their slam attack.
At 12th level, shoggoth eidolons gain DR 5/–. They also gain the trample and engulf evolutions.
At 16th level, shoggoth eidolons lose the resistance (cold) and resistance (sonic) evolutions and instead gain the immunity (cold) and immunity (sonic) evolutions.
At 20th level, shoggoth eidolons gain the ability to unleash a maddening cacophony by voicing sounds and words that sane life was not meant to hear. As a standard action, creatures in a 60-foot radius (except the eidolon and its summoner) become confused for 1d6 rounds unless they succeed on a Will save (DC 10 + 1/2 the eidolon’s Hit Dice + the eidolon’s Charisma modifier). Each round a confused creature rolls a result other than “act normally,” it takes 1d6 points of Wisdom damage. A creature that succeeds on its saving throw cannot be affected by that specific eidolon’s maddening cacophony again for 24 hours. This ability is a sonic mind-affecting effect.
Plant Eidolons
Countless vegetable creatures roam the world, hiding in plain sight among their more common flora. Although they appear to be similar to regular plants, plant creatures are as different from ordinary foliage as humans are from apes. Though most are mindless predators, a number of plant creatures possess a keen intellect that matches, if not surpasses, that of humans. In any case, the minds of plant creatures are utterly inhuman and thus impossible for an animal creature to ever truly understand. Few plants care for the well-being of mortals, and as a result most summoners are forced to grow their own eidolons if they wish to have a plant eidolon at their beck and call. Those that manage find plant eidolons to be an unwaveringly loyal companion, nearly impossible to sway or deceive without even by means. Plant eidolons follow all of the standard rules for eidolons described in Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Pathfinder Unchained except as noted below.
Type: Plant eidolons are plants for the purpose of determining which spells and effects affect them. Plant eidolons gain immunity to paralysis, poison, polymorph, sleep effects, and stunning. They also gain a +4 bonus on saves against mind-affecting effects, but aren’t immune to mind-affecting effects like true plants are. An animal eidolon gains a number of skill ranks equal to 2 + its Intelligence modifier per Hit Dice, and as a result it gains only a single skill rank at each level unless it has an Intelligence score of 10 or higher, at which point it gains skill ranks as normal instead of using the values on Table: Eidolon Base Statistics. This replaces the eidolon’s outsider type.
Class Skills: The following skills are class skills for a plant eidolon: Perception (Wis) and Stealth (Dex). In addition, the summoner can choose four additional skills to be class skills for his eidolon. Once made, this choice cannot be changed. This replaces the eidolon’s list of class skills.
Plant Species: The summoner of a plant eidolon doesn’t choose a subtype for his eidolon. Instead, he chooses one of the plant species noted below. A plant eidolon’s choice of species functions exactly like a standard eidolon’s choice of subtype, except a plant eidolon doesn’t gain a subtype as a result of this choice.
Although most seem harmless enough, many different types of fungus harbor a macabre secret; their spores are capable of implanting themselves into a corpse, creating a strange plant-like replica of the deceased creature. Their misleading appearance makes fungus eidolons a tantalizing choice for summoners with a flair for botany, and many summoners grow their own fungus eidolon from the remains of a deceased creature.
Alignment: Any.
Base Form: Aquatic (bite, gills, tail, tail slap, swim), avian (bite, flight, limbs [legs]), biped (claws, limbs [arms], limbs [legs]), cactus (limbs [arms], reach [sting], slam, sting, tail), conifer (claws, improved natural armor, limbs [arms], reach [claws]), horror (bite, tentacle [2 points], improved damage [tentacle], reach [tentacle]), mushroom (bite, claws, limbs [arms], poison [bite]), quadruped (bite, limbs [legs, 2]), serpentine (bite, climb, grab [tail slap], tail, tail slap), tauric (claws, limbs [arms], limbs [legs, 2]), or tree (bite, improved natural armor, limbs [arms], slam).
Base Evolutions: At 1st level, fungus eidolons gain the improved natural armor evolution and immunity to disease.
At 4th level, fungus eidolons gain the poison and poisonous blood evolutions. The eidolon can tie its poison evolution to any natural attack it wishes instead of just bite or sting. Whenever the summoner changes the fungus eidolon’s evolutions, he can also change the attack type for poison.
At 8th level, fungus eidolons gain the spore cloud† evolution.
At 12th level, fungus eidolons gain DR 5/magic and slashing. They also add 1 evolution point to their evolution pools.
At 16th level, fungal eidolons gain the ability increase (Strength) evolution. They also treat all of their natural attacks as if they were tied to the poison evolution.
At 20th level, fungal eidolons can consume corpses in order to repair themselves. While in contact with dead, organic matter (including the corpse of a living creature), the eidolon gains fast healing 5. This fast healing stacks with the healing provided by the fast healing evolution. After a corpse is fully digested, it no longer provides this benefit to this eidolon. It takes the eidolon a number of rounds to fully digest a corpse equal to twice the number of size categories larger than Fine that the corpse is (1 round for Fine corpses, 2 for Diminutive Corpses, 4 rounds for Tiny corpses, and so on).
Part beast and part plant, living topiaries are an arrangement of flora that have been infused with feral sentience. Often created by druids to adorn gardens and groves, some speculate that living topiaries originated from the primal world of fey. Living topiaries exist only for one thing: consuming more vegetation, which allows them to grow even larger. Summoners wanting to combine the primal might of a beast with the natural defenses of a plant often seek to procure shoots of living topiaries for use as an eidolon.
Alignment: Neutral.
Base Form: Aquatic (bite, gills, tail, tail slap, swim), avian (bite, flight, limbs [legs]), biped (claws, limbs [arms], limbs [legs]), quadruped (bite, limbs [legs, 2]), serpentine (bite, climb, grab [tail slap], tail, tail slap), or tauric (claws, limbs [arms], limbs [legs, 2]).
Base Evolutions: At 1st level, topiary eidolons gain the ability to adjust their physical appearance at will. A topiary eidolon can alter itself to take the basic form of any creature that has the same base form as the eidolon, including an equal number of limbs and head evolutions of the same kind. For example, if the eidolon has a quadruped base form with a total of six pairs of legs, then whatever physical appearance the eidolon takes must also have a quadruped base form with six pairs of legs. In addition, it gains the assimilate ability, usable three times per day (see the living topiary entry in Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Bestiary 4).
At 4th level, topiary eidolons gain the woodland stride ability, functioning like the druid class ability. They also add 1 evolution point to their evolution pools.
At 8th level, topiary eidolons add their Constitution bonus (if any) to the number of times per day that they can use the assimilate ability.
At 12th level, topiary eidolons gain DR 5/magic and slashing and they add 1 evolution point to their evolution pools.
At 16th level, topiary eidolons gain the slam and double slam evolutions†.
At 20th level, topiary eidolons gain the hedge stride ability, usable three times per day (see the living topiary entry in Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Bestiary 4).
Created by a dangerous fungus known as russet mold, vegepygmies arise from the corpses of creatures that perished within range of the mold’s poisonous spores. Possessing nearhuman intelligence and living in tightly knit communities, vegepygmies fiercely guard the russet mold patches that they spawn from and sometimes capture humanoids to “feed” to the fungus in order to create more of their kind. Many summoners recruit vegepygmies as eidolons specifically for their superior intelligence, their humanoid form, and their deadly ability to incubate russet mold within their bodies.
Alignment: Neutral.
Base Form: biped (claws, limbs [arms], limbs [legs]).
Base Evolutions: At 1st level, vegepygmy eidolons gain the resistance (electricity) evolution. They also gain immunity to disease.
At 4th level, vegepygmy eidolons gain the acidic gout evolution.
At 8th level, vegepygmy eidolons become living incubators of russet mold, the deadly fungus from which all vegepygmies grow. Whenever the vegepygmy hits an opponent with one of its claws, that opponent must succeed on a Fortitude save or become infested with russet mold spores (DC 10 + 1/2 the eidolon’s Hit Dice + the eidolon’s Constitution modifier). Each round, a creature infested with russet mold takes 2 points of Constitution damage. A new Fortitude save each round can stop the spores’ growth. Plant creatures are immune to russet mold, and although immunity to disease doesn’t protect a creature from russet mold spores, the growth can be halted by remove disease and similar effects. Exposure to sunlight also halts the spores’ growth, rendering it dormant and harmless as long as the sunlight persists, and treating the wound using alcohol as part of a DC 20 Heal check kills all russet mold spores affecting the target. Using the Heal skill in this manner is a standard action that provokes attacks of opportunity.
At 12th level, vegepygmy eidolons gain DR 5/magic and slashing or magic and bludgeoning. In addition, they gain the death throes† evolution, except creatures are exposed to the eidolon’s russet mold spores when it is slain (as if the eidolon had hit all creatures within the ability’s area with a claw attack) instead of taking energy damage.
At 16th level, vegepygmy eidolons lose the resistance (electricity) evolution and instead gain the immunity (electricity) evolution. They also add 1 evolution point to their evolution pools.
At 20th level, vegepygmy eidolons become utterly infested with russet mold, causing any creature damaged by their acid gout evolution to become exposed to the eidolon’s russet mold spores as if it had hit the target with a claw attack.
Whether they are animate vines or plant creatures with root or vine-like tendrils, plants with sinewy tentacles all share one common trait: strangling. Many such plant creatures capture prey by asphyxiating or crushing them using powerful tentacles that are easily mistaken for roots, branches, or vines. Summoners dwelling in lush environments favor vine eidolons for their ability to blend in effortlessly with the natural flora, allowing the eidolon to ambush the summoner’s foes.
Alignment: Neutral.
Base Form: Aquatic (gills, tentacle [2], swim), horror (bite, tentacle [2 points], improved damage [tentacle], reach [tentacle]), serpentine (climb, compression, pull, slam, tentacle), or tree (improved natural armor, limbs [arms], slam, tentacle).
Base Evolutions: At 1st level, vine eidolons gain the resistance (electricity) evolution as well as the grab evolution, tied to the eidolon’s tentacle attack. .
At 4th level, vine eidolons gain the skilled (Stealth) and strangle† evolutions.
At 8th level, vine eidolons gain the constrict evolution.
At 12th level, vine eidolons gain DR 5/magic and slashing. They also gain the freeze† evolution.
At 16th level, vine eidolons increase the reach of their tentacle attack by 5 feet. This benefit applies to all tentacle evolutions that the eidolon possesses and stacks with the improved reach evolution.
At 20th level, vine eidolons can use their grab evolution against opponents of any size category.
Undead Eidolons
Horrific mockeries of life, undead creatures are monstrosities have been animated by negative energy for some foul purpose. Most undead creatures are the product of wicked spellcasters and are used as minions for their nefarious plans, but too often undead spawn naturally in places befouled by wicked deeds and tumultuous emotions. Such “naturally occurring” undead are among the most destructive and downright vile creatures to walk the Material Plane and beyond, for often such undead possess the ability to taint mortal life with their anguish and torment, causing their victims to arise in undeath as thrall-spawn under their progenitor’s command. And perhaps the worst undead of all are those formed from the husks of once-living creatures who sought unlife’s cold embrace: liches, vampires, penanggalan, and undeath as a means to immortality. Few intelligent undead are willing to serve summoners, however, so most summoners seeking undead minions simply make do by slaying and reanimating their own eidolons. Undead eidolons follow all of the standard rules for eidolons described in Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Pathfinder Unchained except as noted below.
Type: Undead eidolons are undead for the purpose of determining which spells and effects affect them. Undead eidolons do not have a Constitution score and instead gain a Charisma score equal to their base form’s Constitution. Undead eidolons use their Charisma score in place of their Constitution score when calculating hit points, Fortitude saves, and any special ability or evolution that relies on Constitution (such as when calculating the breath weapon evolution’s save DC). Undead eidolons are immune to bleed, death effects, disease, exhaustion, fatigue, paralysis, poison, sleep effects, stun, and any effect that requires a Fortitude save (unless the effect also works on objects, or is harmless), and are never at risk of death from massive damage. They are not subject to nonlethal damage, ability damage, ability drain, or energy drain. They also gain the negativity energy affinity ability (see the list of universal monster abilities in the appendix of Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Bestiary 2). They otherwise do not gain any undead traits. This replaces the eidolon’s outsider type.
Class Skills: The following skills are class skills for an undead eidolon: Climb (Str), Disguise (Cha), Fly (Dex), Intimidate (Cha), Knowledge (arcana) (Int), Knowledge (religion) (Int), Perception (Wis), Sense Motive (Wis), Spellcraft (Int), and Stealth (Dex). In addition, the summoner can choose four additional skills to be class skills for his eidolon. Once made, this choice cannot be changed. This replaces the eidolon’s list of class skills.
Undead Horror: The summoner of an undead eidolon doesn’t choose a subtype for his eidolon. Instead, he chooses one of the undead horrors noted below. An undead eidolon’s choice of horror functions exactly like a standard eidolon’s choice of subtype, except an undead eidolon doesn’t gain a subtype as a result of this choice unless noted otherwise by one of its base evolutions. 45
Hardly full creatures in and of themselves, dismembered are undead that consist of bits and pieces of deceased creatures that have been animated in favor of an entire corpse. Common dismembered include gruesome hands that scuttle about like roaches while others are floating disembodied heads that moan endlessly. Summoners looking for an undead eidolon don’t typically use dismembered undead because of their piecemeal appearance, but summoners needing function over form often have few qualms about creating a dismembered eidolon.
Alignment: Any evil.
Base Form: Horror (flight [using magic], slam), quadruped (limbs [legs, 2], slam).
Base Evolutions: At 1st level, dismembered eidolons gain the improved damage and improved natural armor evolutions. They can’t select the limbs or head evolution. A dismembered eidolon can change the type of damage that its slam attack deals (bludgeoning, piercing, or slashing) by spending 1 evolution point. By spending 2 evolution points, they can change the eidolon’s slam attack to deal two types of damage. By spending 3 evolution points, they can change the eidolon’s slam attack to deal all three types of damage. Whenever the summoner changes the dismembered eidolon’s evolutions, he can also change the damage type for its slam attack.
At 4th level, dismembered eidolons gain the grab evolution, tied to the natural weapon that they gain from their slam evolution. This evolution works on creatures of the same size category or smaller than the eidolon.
At 8th level, dismembered eidolons gain the Vital Strike feat as a bonus feat. They also gain the ability increase evolution, tied to an ability score of the summoner’s choice. Whenever the summoner changes the eidolon’s evolutions, he can also change the ability score tied to the improved ability evolution.
At 12th level, dismembered eidolons gain DR 5/magic and slashing. They also gain the constrict and strangle evolutions.
At 16th level, dismembered eidolons gain the Improved Vital Strike feat as a bonus feat. They also gain improved natural armor as a bonus evolution.
At 20th level, dismembered eidolons gain the Greater Vital Strike feat as a bonus feat, ignoring its prerequisites.
Drawn from the energies of the Ethereal Plane, ectoplasmic creatures are born from souls that become tangled in ectoplasm, a vile substance that resembles thick tangles of dripping goo. Hateful and filled with destructive rage, ectoplasmic creatures never consent to working with the living. Instead, summoners secretly ensnare these creatures so they can be employed later at the summoner’s whim.
Alignment: Any evil.
Base Form: Aquatic (bite, gills tail, tail slap, swim), avian (bite, flight, limbs [legs]), biped (claws, limbs [arms], limbs [legs]), quadruped (bite, limbs [legs, 2]), serpentine (bite, climb, grab [tail slap], tail, tail slap), or tauric (claws, limbs [arms], limbs [legs, 2]).
Base Evolutions: At 1st level, ectoplasmic eidolons gain the horrifying attacks† and magical attacks evolution.
At 4th level, ectoplasmic eidolons gain the energy attacks evolution. Instead of the energy types listed by this evolution, an ectoplasmic eidolon’s natural attacks deal negative energy damage. This damage never heals creatures, even if they would normally be healed by negative energy (though such creatures still take no damage).
At 8th level, ectoplasmic eidolons gain the ability to pass through material walls and obstacles. They gain the phase lurch ability (see the ectoplasmic creature entry in Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Bestiary 4).
At 12th level, ectoplasmic eidolons gain DR 5/magic and slashing. In addition, they gain touch of corruption as antipaladins with levels equal to their Hit Dice. (See the antipaladin alternate class in Chapter 2 in Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Advanced Player’s Guide).
At 16th level, ectoplasmic eidolons can wreck their foes with negative energy. This ability functions like the Crusader’s FistUC feat, except the ectoplasmic eidolon can use this ability whenever it attacks with a natural weapon and hits a creature. When using this ability, the eidolon doesn’t gain the bonus damage from its energy attacks evolution.
At 20th level, ectoplasmic eidolons gain constant air walk as a spell-like ability.
Built from the bones of the deceased and infused with negative energy, skeletons are among the most basic undead. Utterly mindless, skeletons seek only to consume and make excellent, if unintelligent, minions. Summoners, however, favor intelligent undead as eidolons, and so they create their skeleton eidolons by infusing them with a the sentience of a lingering spirit from the Shadow Plane to create a self-aware eidolon.
Alignment: Any evil.
Base Form: Aquatic (bite, gills tail, tail slap, swim), avian (bite, flight, limbs [legs]), biped (claws, limbs [arms], limbs [legs]), quadruped (bite, limbs [legs, 2]), serpentine (bite, climb, grab [tail slap], tail, tail slap), or tauric (claws, limbs [arms], limbs [legs, 2]).
Base Evolutions: At 1st level, skeleton eidolons gain the improved natural armor and resistance (cold) evolutions. Improved natural armor evolutions gained as base evolutions don’t prevent skeleton eidolons from choosing the armor training evolution.
At 4th level, skeleton eidolons gain the armor training evolution as well as a +4 bonus on initiative checks. They also gain DR 5/bludgeoning.
At 8th level, skeleton eidolons gain the ability increase (Dexterity) evolution. They also gain channel resistance +4.
At 12th level, skeleton eidolons increase their damage reduction to DR 10/bludgeoning. They also gain the retaliation evolution†.
At 16th level, skeleton eidolons lose the resistance (cold) evolution and instead gain the immunity (cold) evolution. They also lose the armor training evolution and instead gain the armor training evolution with 3 evolution points spent.
At 20th level, skeleton eidolons can make a flurry of attacks against its foes. Whenever they use the full-attack action, skeletal eidolons can make one additional attack at their highest attack bonus. This benefit is not cumulative with similar effects, such as a haste spell.
Favored by apprentice necromancers and masters alike, zombies are often considered the iconic undead. Pictured as shambling horrors bearing the faces of loved ones, zombies fill even the most steeled soul with foreboding, for where one zombie shambles many more are soon to follow. Rather than use these mindless undead, most summoners create self-aware zombies capable of tactical thought for use as eidolons.
Alignment: Any evil.
Base Form: Aquatic (bite, gills tail, tail slap, swim), avian (bite, flight, limbs [legs]), biped (claws, limbs [arms], limbs [legs]), quadruped (bite, limbs [legs, 2]), serpentine (bite, climb, grab [tail slap], tail, tail slap), or tauric (claws, limbs [arms], limbs [legs, 2]).
Base Evolutions: At 1st level, zombie eidolons gain the slam evolution. They also gain Toughness as a bonus feat.
At 4th level, zombie eidolons gain the improved natural armor and increased speed evolutions. They also gain DR 5/ slashing. Improved natural armor evolutions gained as base evolutions don’t prevent zombie eidolons from choosing the armor training evolution.
At 8th level, zombie eidolons gain the ability increase (Strength) evolution. They also gain channel resistance +4.
At 12th level, zombie eidolons increase their damage reduction to DR 10/magic and slashing. They also add 1 evolution point to their evolution pools.
At 16th level, zombie eidolons gain the ability increase (Dexterity) and improved natural armor evolutions.
At 20th level, zombie eidolons gain the ability to infect the living with undeath. Whenever the eidolon reduces a living creature to 0 or fewer hit points, that creature rises as a zombie 1d4 rounds after its death unless it succeeds on a Will save (DC 10 + 1/2 the eidolon’s level + the eidolon’s Charisma modifier). The eidolon can raise a total number of Hit Dice of zombies each day equal to its Hit Dice. These zombies remain under the eidolon’s control until the summoner next prepares spells.
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