Summon Space (Action Powers)

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Main article: Powers (Action)

Plane Shift

Limit Break

You can disappear, only to appear moments later on another plane. You teleport to a location on another plane you have Teleport Bound.


Limit Break

You set up a magical portal to another plane, trough which anyone can teleport. Choose two locations that you you have Teleport Bound; you must be at one of them when you use this power and the other one must be on another plane of existence. A portal appears in each location, enabling travel in either direction. The portal lasts until the end of the next round, but you can maintain it for longer by using this power each round.


Basic Action

Teleport to a personal sanctum; a private extra-dimensional space. You can return to normal space in the same spot you left as a Basic Action; the Sanctum is considered its own dimension which makes other kinds of teleportationdifficult.

Each time you use this power, you end up in the same space and objects you leave there remain, allowing you to furnish this space as you see fit. The space has a diameter equal to your Mind and you control its basic shape and appearance. Teleport_Binding does not work in the sanctum.

While you are in the Sanctum, it is possible for others to enter from the same spot you you last entered it; this is a Limit Break and takes a Maneuver check against your Impress. It is not possible to enter or stay in the sanctum when you are not there; when you leave, all other creatures in the sanctum are forced to leave as well.