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Greyhawk Action!

In the Common pantheon The god of pestilence is rarely worshiped. Ceremonies are made to placate him, and his cult always gains adherents during times of famine and plague.

To the Flan Incabolous is a suitor Berei refused, a petty god seeking revenge against her children, the Flan. The cycle of recurring suitor trouble is very central to Flan myth and an admonition to women to manage their lovers well. His weapons are famine and pestilence; he kills humans, plants, and game alike to weaken the tribes. He is an avatar or reincarnation of Nerull.

Incabulos (in-CAB-yoo-lohs) is a dread power feared by mortals, fiends, and (it is said) even some gods. The bringer of disease and blights is a terrifying figure—deformed body, skeletal hands, nightmarish visage, and garbed in a black robe lined with orange and green. He rides a nightmare and is accompanied by hags. He causes a nightmarish slumber in any who meet his eyes, and his great staff causes seeping wounds and withers flesh with a touch. His symbol is the magic icon for the eye of possession. Incabulos hates all other gods, although he is indifferent to Nerull, who completes the work Incabulos starts.

The suffering of the world is meat and bread to Incabulos. Sickness, famine, and other curses bring him power. Some feel that the Black Rider can be warded off or appeased by prayers; but this only delays the inevitable. The world of dreams is his battleground, and he wages war against minds just as he rots bodies.

Clerics of Incabulos are secretive and paranoid. Justifiably fearing persecution by good and evil folk, they rarely reveal themselves for what they are except in times of great despair when they can fan the emotions of the suffering. Greater clerics use threats and this state of fear to encourage junior members to maintain secrecy. They enjoy torturing others, inflicting disease, and spreading blight. They travel to find new locations or people to infect, escape those who would destroy them, or find strange lands where exotic diseases can be found.

Alignment: Neutral Evil

Weapon: Quarterstaff

Pathfinder Domains

Darkness (Loss), Death, Evil, Destruction, Plant (Decay).

Pathfinder Traits

Action Domains

Animal, Darkness, Death, Life, Spiritual.