Plant Powers (FiD)

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Powers (FiD)Fox in the Dark logo

Governs plants and dead plant matter, including fungi.

Plant governs the majority of all life, things that do not act or move but only grow. Plant powers can accelerate and empower normally inanimate plants as barriers, tools, and weapons. Some plants do move, animate plants that act as other creatures do, but these are the exception.

Plant attacks are poison, infiltrating roots, and shooting seeds and barbs. These are effective against living things, but slow to damage objects.

Plant elementals are animated trees or masses of vegetation. Plant creatures are all kinds of plants capable of action. Learning who to summon may require study or be a a score in itself.

Plant Power Effects

Summon a plant creature. Summoning plant usually animates existing plants.

Stem Slam
Smash vegetal matter as if it was brittle. Make plants grow to constrict things.

Action Basic
No minimum
3 Stress
Minimum 2 Dice
5 Stress
Minimum 4 Dice
7 Stress
Minimum 6 Dice
13 Stress
Attune Sense Sprout
Detect plants and plant powers.
Banish Bud
Dismiss a plant creature. End a plant power.
Summon a plant creature.
Gateway of Growth
Create a portal to a plane of plants.
Command Petal Proclamation
Command plant creatures. You don't understand them.
Leafy Language
You and allies can talk to plant creatures.
Leafy Leadership
Command to plant creatures as a superior.
Petal Potentate
Permanently bind plant creatures to service.
Consort Floral Fashion
Change clothes and accessories by adding plants.
Verdant Visage
Assume the form of a plant creature.
Plant Polymorphism
Verdant Visage a willing or helpless creature.
Chlorophyll Command
Turn mooks into plant servants.
Finesse Green Gallop
You can ride any plant mount or vehicle.
Thorn of the Rose
Fine and potent close-range attack.
Precise Prickle
Fine control of plants at range.
Bowery's Barrage
A storm of thorns, suppressing scale.
Hunt Plant Pursuer
Track using plants.
Petal Projectile
Attack similar to a fine and potent rifle.
Plant Palisade
Control and grow plants to change the terrain.
Vine Volley
Plants attack similar to a fine and potent grenade.
Prowl Stealthy Stalk
Hide in overgrowth.
Plant Pathway
Move on and through plants.
Foliage Ferry
Crew Stealthy Stalk or Plant Pathway.
Plant Portal
Crew teleport between overgrown areas.
Skirmish Thorn Thicket
Absorb plant damage.
Thorn Thrust
Fine and potent close-range attack.
Thorny Thicket
Fine control of vegetation.
Thorny Tempest
Attack all enemies in area.
Study Leafy Learning
Identify plant powers, objects, and creatures.
Leaf Lore
Learn the abilities plant powers, objects, and creatures.
Root Revelation
Read the past events of a plant or vegetal object.
Wisdom of the Wood
Leaf Lore within sight then three times Root Revelation.
Survey Sense Stem
Sense powers, objects, and creatures.
Plant Perception
Choose a plant that you know of, perceive from there.
Verdant Vigilance
Choose a location or creature. Gain sensor at nearest plant.
Woodland Watch
Perceive from all plants at once over a wide area.
Sway Petal Patter
Understand plant creature speech and objective. They cannot understand you.
Verdant Vocabulary
You and allies can talk to plant creatures. You can also make folk more stoic.
Rose's Rhetoric
Post suggestions in the mind of a plant creature.
Orchid Order
Permanently change the personality and motivations of a plant creature.
Tinker Leafy Loom
Handle vegetal matter as if you had appropriate tools and protective devices.
Floral Forge
Shape plants and vegetal matter as if they were of clay.
Thorny Transformation
Create vegetal matter out of nothing. Transform vegetal matter into another power.
Botanical Build
Floral Forge mass produce or make something large, such as a vehicle or building.
Wreck Vandal Vines
Noisily bash like a wooden hammer.
Stem Slam
Smash vegetal matter as if it was brittle.
Quick Compost
Stem Slam but silent and no traces.
Thicket Torrent
Stem Slam over a large area.

Expanded Plant Powers


Perceive and manipulate supernatural energies, allowing you to detect and interact with beings and phenomena from other planes of existence.

The consequences usually depends on what happens around you when you do it. Having helpers and bodyguards reduces the consequences, and sometimes a creature wants to be dismissed and the consequence might be that it loses control of itself, or that other creatures appear to intervene.

Sense Sprout Detect plants creatures and plant powers.

This is usually done to spot a disguised summoned creature. However, it can also help identify a creature's connection to powers, providing valuable insights into their nature. Limited outcome suffices against a creature you can clearly see. You need greater outcome against against a creature that is hidden (standard outcome) or behind a wall (great outcome).

Banish Bud Dismiss a plant creature. End a plant power.

You can dismiss creatures linked to the Plant power. Many plant creatures are spirits possessing plants, when dismissed such Plant creatures revert to mundane, non-animate plants. Dismissing a creature is hard and usually requires great outcome. A creature that has been wounded or otherwise weakened only needs standard outcome. A creature that wants to be dismissed requires only limited outcome.

You can dispel any Plant outcome and any outcome that affects plants or Plant creatures. Dispelling is often used as a setup action to help another character in a situation when the opposition is using powers. This improves the position of the supported action.

It can also be used to break the continuing outcomes of powers. When used directly, the outcome is usually limited unless the opponent is relying on powers for their safety. Against an opponent that uses an animated plant as a prosthetic leg you can have a better outcome.

When dramatically appropriate that a power is hard to dispel, often because it is the crux of the situation, this will not negate the power but instead give you a clue to what you need to do to resolve the situation.

Fecundity Summon a plant creature.

Summoning can bring you allies to fight or labor for you, giving you scale. They can also give advice and information related to their power. Summons can use simple outcomes of their power and maintain power outcomes you have created. For a description of the planes Plant powers summon from, see Gateway of Growth.

Summoned creatures generally come in three types, animated plants, plant elementals, and plant spirits.

Animated Plants are mundane plants animated by Plant powers, making small plants grow, giving them the ability to move, and often exaggerated versions of what that plant can normally do. An animated pine tree shoots its pine cones, an animated Lavender have a scent that causes sleep, an animated belladonna has a poison that causes hallucinations, delirium, and death. Animated Plants are usually simple creatures with animal intelligence. Their main trait is stoicism, they accept fate as it comes, but are violent in defense of other plants.

Plant elementals are animate plants. They often have outlandish forms with certain traits of mundane plants or a mix of plants, combined with traits typical of animals and humans, such as claws, jaws, feet, or wings. Plant elementals can be more intelligent than most other elementals and include such things as dryads, female manifestations of plant fertility. They are stoic, but also generous, vivacious, and whimsical.

Spirits are immaterial, ephemeral, less physically oriented, instead manifesting the emotional and mental manifestations of plants, being generous, vivacious, and whimsical, but rarely have an agenda beyond having fun.

There are plant creatures that are natural to this world and not summonable or dismissible and have no special vulnerability to Attune powers.

You can summon generic creatures without having to do a flashback. Such a creature is similar to a gang member in ability and are often summoned in groups to add scale. To summon a particular creature, similar to a cohort, you need its unique identity, often called true name in the mystical power traditions. For a technomancer this would be a type id number or suitable seeds. Learning about the right creature to summon is a task in its own right, often requiring a flashback or downtime activity to use Command, Consort, Study, or Sway to gain information.

It might be worth the extra effort to summon a creature of higher tier, but this is also much more demanding, using the usual rules for tiers.

Depending on your degree of outcome the creature is willing to do different things. Limited outcome allows you to ask questions of an intelligent creature or demand a short period of physical labor from a simple creature. The creature will not fight for you. If forced into a fight due to circumstances, it will resent it.

Standard outcome allows you to ask for any service appropriate to the type of creature. An animated plant will toil or fight, an elemental or spirit fight or frolic.

Great outcome allows actions outside the creature's comfort zone, but not things it directly opposes. Plant creatures are only really opposed to self-harm, and even that might be negotiable. Lengthy service also requires great outcome, like summoning the creature to guard a treasure for as long as it can.

Typical consequences include:

  • A bargain of payment in things the creature prizes such as prime soil or fertilizer.
  • The creature strikes out at you once.
  • A tightwire struggle to keep the creature under control.
  • You need to concentrate to keep the creature under control.
  • The creature breaks things made by craft around you.
  • Overly literal interpretations of your commands.
  • Demanding not to be summoned again until some time or event has passed.
  • General sulkiness.

Offering a creature gifts or services appropriate to its nature can help. This is essentially a devil's bargain, accepting a price in advance.

Desperate position usually comes from trading position for outcome, but it might come from a difference in ethos. If you are a fire sorcerer, or if the summon is three or more tiers above you the position will be desperate. Consequences include the spirit demanding you sell your soul, become its agent in the world, that you come to its home plane to serve it there for a time (usually three scores), that you defeat the creature in a duel or similar dramatic story events.

Gateway of Growth Create a portal to a plane of plants.

Plants may have their own plane, or share a plane of nature with Animal powers. Such a place is wild and overgrown, with ancient forests and endless plains of grass and flowers. A gate lasts for a while, enough for a quick score. If things take a lot of time it might require a separate use of the power to return home again.

There are things that are possible to do on these planes that are not allowed in the regular world, most Plant abilities are reduced one step in difficulty, from advanced to basic, master to advanced, and apex to master. This opens the possibility of new super-apex powers that have to be negotiated with the game master. Such results rarely reach outside the plane where you perform them, but if they affect creatures on that plane, the result may remain when you return to the mundane world.

Gating can allow access to creatures too powerful to summon, so you instead ask for an audience. The creature may then use the gate to come to you, call you into its presence, or just communicate with you.

The first-time you gate to a certain place the position is at least risky and becomes desperate if there is any kind of disturbance.


Command and intimidate Plant creatures, projecting authority. Position and initial effect depend on the situation and your relationship with the listeners.

Petal Proclamation Command plant creatures. You don't understand them.

This is useful for commanding and intimidating Plant creatures. You do nto understand them in return. Combined with Sway: Petal Patter, it allows two-way communication.

Leafy Letters You and allies can talk to plant creatures.

You can communicate with Plant creatures over any distance as long as you know the target, and a line-of-sight even if you do not. You can communicate with the most powerful Plant creature in a vehicle or installation as long as you can see the exterior. The communication is simple and direct, suitable for the Command skill. You can have a continuous chain of plants to deliver messages to places you know.

Leafy Leadership Command plant creatures as a superior.

Plant creatures will see you as an leader type type outranking them. This does not remove existing loyalties, which can lead to conflicts. Understanding the social order of your targets helps avoid conflicting with their established loyalties. Ordering

Limited outcome might result in a creature not doing what it might not have done anyway, like forgetting to report you or give you a ticket. Standard outcome makes the creature do what it should, but in a way you decide, like a police officer escorting you to safety or doing you a quick favor. Great outcome means targets will ignore their normal routine and go out of their way to please you, like neutral faction warriors fighting for you, or enemies ignoring or fleeing from you.

The position depends on the creatures' actual relationship to you—ordering a creature that sees itself as your superior is a desperate position. A controlled position comes from a creature that agrees you are superior, usually just making retrying harder. A risky position is typical against a creature that sees itself as your equal and not your enemy, possibly leading to heat, misunderstood orders, or small rebellions.

Petal Potentate Permanently bind Plant creatures to service.

This won’t work unless you are already in a position of power. This is similar to Authority but permanent. Strong emotions can break your control, but otherwise, it lasts until dispelled.


Consort powers changes your form and later that of other creatures. These powers might also be used as a set-up action. This may give a bonus to effect or improved position, make success automatic, or even allow an action that a human could not do.

A common consequences is that you are mistaken for someone, or that your assumed form is somehow a hindrance. You might be obnoxiously attractive, trigger prejudices, or have unexpected handicaps.

Floral Fashion Change clothes and accessories by adding plants.

You do not physically change yourself, you change your accessorize and outfit. As an advanced ability, you can do this for another.

Verdant Visage Assume the form of a plant creature.

This is a true physical transmutation. You need not assume the form of an existing creature, as long as the gamemaster agrees your new form matches the power you use.

Verdant Visage can work as a set-up action for a number of other actions but may penalize other things, as appropriate to your new form. When appropriate, your new form can use Basic and Advanced powers inherently without risking stress.

With limited outcome you can transform into yourself like you would have been, had you grown up as the creature whose form you assume. Those familiar with you will recognize you. Standard outcome can make you a generic creature, very hard to recognize as yourself. Great outcome allows you to assume the shape and some of the personality of a specific creature you have studied.

Plant Polymorphism Verdant Visage a willing or helpless creature.

This is Verdant Visage applied to another creature. The duration depends of the outcome, limited outcome is very temporary. Standard outcome lasts for the duration of a score. Great outcome lasts a long time and potentially become permanent, depending on the the story. If you also want to make the target unrecognizable, that requires additional outcome, see Shapechange.

This is sometimes used as a kind of poetic justice, transforming the target as a punishment, a curse that is very hard to break.

Chlorophyll Command Turn mooks into plant servants.

This is where Consort becomes a combination of the Plant Polymorphism and Command: Leafy Leadership power abilities. You transform a number of existing creatures and give them a task that they will perform with gusto, turning them into single-minded minions. Targets must be willing, non-sentient like animals, or just very minor figures in the plot, many tiers below you.

This is usually used to create a host of goons that will fight and chase for you. Such goons are more interested in chasing and cornering targets than in actual combat. Or they can be given bit parts, like the horror plants in The Little Shop of Horrors" (1986).


Exercise finesse with your power, manipulating and attacking with precision.

Green Gallop You can ride any plant mount or vehicle.

This allows you to use Finesse with Plant mounts and Plant vehicles you are not familiar with. You can bypass simple locks on vehicles, but not more serious security. You can ride beasts even if they are not trained to carry a rider. They must still be physically able to carry you. A plant vehicle is usually made of wood.

Thorn of the Rose Fine and potent close-range attack.

Besides variety, this only substitutes for equipment, fine and potent finesse weapon is just as powerful. In a fight, using this does not take any more time, activating your attack power is equivalent to drawing a weapon.

Precise Prickle Fine control of plants at range.

This allows you to manipulate small plants and small amounts of plant matter, allowing you to directly open wooden doors, windows, and trapdoors. If you have some wood to work with you can push buttons, and perform legerdemain. This can substitute for simple Tinker actions, but nothing complicated.

Bowery's Barrage A storm of thorns, suppressing scale.

As Thorn of the Rose above, and you also create distractions. This is like having a number of trusty but entirely defensive allies in the fight and negates any scale advantage an enemy gets for having allies of their own.


Track, attack, and unleash devastating barrages with the power of Hunt.

Plant Pursuer Track using plants.

You can track plant creatures and anyone moving through overgrown terrain. This works even if the quarry does not leave any mundane trail or clues. Consequences here are mainly to lose the trail, but depending on the environment and targets, it might lead you to get lost, into traps, or even into an ambush.

Petal Projectile Attack similar to a fine and potent rifle.

This serves as a replacement for traditional equipment; a fine and potent ranged weapon would be equally powerful in combat. While some targets may exhibit more or less vulnerability to specific types of attacks, this is the exception rather than the rule.

Plant Palisade Control and grow plants to change the terrain.

You can cause plants over an hectare to wither or grow. You can instantly grow or wither plants up to man height. This is usually to create favorable terrain in combat, but can be used to grow cultivated plants, but in this case you need to grow them much slower to give them vitality. This is usually used as a setup, but may also change how people act in reaction to the environment—withering woods and sudden brush may make people want to get away. This does not inflict any direct damage.

Vine Volley Plants attack similar to a fine and potent grenade.

An escalation of Petal Projectile. Less precise, this affects all creatures at a location, with a risk of collateral damage. Targets in trenches, behind walls, or otherwise shielded are not in direct danger, but tend to keep their heads down, which gives your side the initiative.


Stealthy Stalk Hide in overgrowth.

Plant Pathway Move on and through plants.

Foliage Ferry Crew Stealthy Stalk or Plant Pathway.

Plant Portal Crew teleport between overgrown areas.


Thorn Thicket Absorb plant damage.

Thorn Thrust Fine and potent close-range attack.

Thorny Thicket Fine control of vegetation.

Thorny Tempest Attack all enemies in area.


Leafy Learning Identify plant powers, objects, and creatures.

Leaf Lore Learn the abilities of plant powers, objects, and creatures.

Root Revelation Read the past events of a plant or vegetal object.

Wisdom of the Wood Leaf Lore within sight then three times Root Revelation.


Sense Stem Sense powers, objects, and creatures.

Plant Perception Choose a plant that you know of, perceive from there.

Verdant Vigilance Choose a location or creature. Gain sensor at nearest plant.

Woodland Watch Perceive from all plants at once over a wide area.


Petal Patter Understand plant creature speech and objective. They cannot understand you.

Verdant Vocabulary You and allies can talk to plant creatures. You can also make folk more stoic.

Rose's Rhetoric Post suggestions in the mind of a plant creature.

Orchid Order Permanently change the personality and motivations of a plant creature.


Leafy Loom Handle vegetal matter as if you had appropriate tools and protective devices.

Floral Forge Shape plants and vegetal matter as if they were of clay.

Thorny Transformation Create vegetal matter out of nothing. Transform vegetal matter into another power.

Botanical Build Floral Forge mass produce or make something large, such as a vehicle or building.


Vandal Vines Noisily bash like a wooden hammer.

Stem Slam Smash vegetal matter as if it was brittle.

Quick Compost Stem Slam but silent and no traces.

Thicket Torrent Stem Slam over a large area.