Fire Powers (FiD)

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Fire is an element of transformation, it can destroy but also forge.

Fire is the the element of energy and change; it fuels the processes of the world. Science sees fire as a process, not an element. Fire powers are often destructive, manifesting as searing goats of flame, raging elementals, or anger. But it has a peaceful side as well in the application of intelligence, crafts and industry.

Fire attacks are direct and deadly.

Fire creatures include fire elementals, fire-breathing dragons, and other monsters with fire powers. Learning who to summon may require study or be a a score in itself. It includes desert animals, which can also be affected by Animal powers.

Fire Power Effects

Action Basic
No minimum
3 Stress
Minimum 2 Dice
5 Stress
Minimum 4 Dice
7 Stress
Minimum 6 Dice
13 Stress
Attune Pyro Perception
Detect fire creatures and fire powers.
Pyro Purge
Dismiss a Fire creature or end a Fire power ability.
Pyro Pact
Summon a Fire creature.
Pyro Passage
Portal to a plane of Fire.
Command Pyro Whisper
Command Fire creatures. You can't understand them.
Pyro Projection
Communicate with fire over long distance.
Pyro Potentate
Command Fire creatures, as if you were their superior.
Ember Enslavement
You can permanently bind fire creatures to service.
Consort Fire Fashion
Fire, smoke, or soot accessories.
Ember Embodiment
Assume the form of a fire creature.
Ember Enchantment
Shapechange a willing or helpless creatures into fire creatures.
Heat Hounds
Transform a number of willing or non-sentient creatures, give them a task.
Finesse Ember Express
Ride a fire creature or combustion vehicle.
Ember Assault
Fire as a fine and potent close-range attack. Give crew Ember Express.
Pyro Precision
Fine Fire manipulation for very precise heat or flame.
Ember Ensnarement
A maze of fire suppresses scale.
Hunt Pyro Pursuit
Track by following traces of heat.
Blaze Bullet
Fire attack at range, similar to a fine and potent rifle.
Smoke Sculptur
Control smoke and warm wide areas.
Fire attack similar to a fine and potent grenade.
Prowl Smoke Shroud
Hide and breathe in smoke without discomfort.
Pyro Path
Move through fire, smoke, ash, and lava. Do rocket-assisted jumps.
Blaze Brigade
Bring allies along when you use Smoke Shroud and Pyro Path.
Rocket Ride
Crew can fly like rockets, fast but imprecise.
Skirmish Pyro Punch
Fire close-range attack, similar in effect to a melee weapon or pistol.
Pyro Power
Pyro Punch, except the weapon is fine and potent.
Blaze Barrier
Fire obstructions that prevent scale.
Ember Explosion
Fire attacks all enemies in the area.
Study Ember Examiner
Identify powers, objects, and creatures of Fire.
Ember Expertise
Learn the powers and abilities of Fire.
Ember Echo
Read the past events of something fire, ash, or igneous rock.
Ember Encyclopedia
Ember Expertise in a wide area, then Ember Echo for some fires.
Survey Pyre Perception
Sense heat, fire, Fire creatures, and Fire powers.
Pyre Peek
Choose fire that you know of; you can perceive as if you were at that spot.
Hearth Homing
Choose a location or creature. You Pyre Peek at the nearest fire.
Pyro Panopticon
Pyre Peek from all fires at once over a wide area.
Sway Ember Empathy
Understand fire creatures even if normally couldn't, and to sense their motivations.
Flame Fellowship
Crew can communicate with fire creatures. Make folk more energetic, fiery, and industrious.
Ember Entrancement
Plant suggestions in the mind of a Fire creature.
Inferno Induction
Permanently change the personality and motivations of a fire creature.
Tinker Furnace Forger
You can forge, solder, weld, and ignite things.
Furnace Flame
Shape fire and it retains the new shape.
Furnace Fusion
Transform by precise heat treatment.
Furnace Fabricator
Furnace Flame to mass produce objects or make something big.
Wreck Blaze Bonfire
Burn like a bonfire or put one out. Noisy.
Blaze Furnace
Burn like a furnace or put one out.
Blaze Ash
Blaze Furnace that silently reduces to a fine ash.
Blaze Firestorm
Create a firestorm or put one out.

Pyro Precision
Fine Fire manipulation for very precise heat or flame. Can cause precise destruction or create patterns or letters of fire.

Expanded Fire Powers


Connect with the natural world and harness the power of plants for various purposes.

Sense Sprout You can detect plants and plant powers.

Banish Bud You can force a plant creature that is native to another plane of existence to return to that plane, or to end the operation of an ability of the plant power.

Fecundity You can call a plant creature from a different plane. Summoning plant usually animates existing plants; summoning creatures from nothing gives a worse position.

Gateway of Growth You can create a portal that allows travel to and from the plane of plants for a limited time.


Pyro Whisper Command Fire creatures. You can't understand them.

Pyro Projection Communicate with fire over long distances.

Pyro Potentate Command Fire creatures, as if you were their superior.

Ember Enslavement You can permanently bind fire creatures to service.


Fire Fashion Fire, smoke, or soot accessories.

Ember Embodiment Assume the form of a fire creature.

Ember Enchantment Shapechange a willing or helpless creature into a fire creature.

Heat Hounds Transform a number of willing or non-sentient creatures and give them a task.


Ember Express Ride a fire creature or combustion vehicle.

Ember Assault Fire as a fine and potent close-range attack. Give crew Ember Express.

Pyro Precision Fine Fire manipulation for very precise heat or flame.

Ember Ensnarement A maze of fire suppresses scale.


Pyro Pursuit Track by following traces of heat.

Blaze Bullet Fire attack at range, similar to a fine and potent rifle.

Smoke Sculptur Control smoke and warm wide areas.

Fireball Fire attack similar to a fine and potent grenade.


Smoke Shroud Hide and breathe in smoke without discomfort.

Pyro Path Move through fire, smoke, ash, and lava. Do rocket-assisted jumps.

Blaze Brigade Bring allies along when you use Smoke Shroud and Pyro Path.

Rocket Ride Crew can fly like rockets, fast but imprecise.


Pyro Punch Fire close-range attack, similar in effect to a melee weapon or pistol.

Pyro Power Pyro Punch, except the weapon is fine and potent.

Blaze Barrier Fire obstructions that prevent scale.

Ember Explosion Fire attacks all enemies in the area.


Ember Examiner Identify powers, objects, and creatures of Fire.

Ember Expertise Learn the powers and abilities of Fire.

Ember Echo Read the past events of something fire, ash, or igneous rock.

Ember Encyclopedia Ember Expertise in a wide area, then Ember Echo for some fires.


Pyre Perception Sense heat, fire, Fire creatures, and Fire powers.

Pyre Peek Choose fire that you know of; you can perceive as if you were at that spot.

Hearth Homing Choose a location or creature. You Pyre Peek at the nearest fire.

Pyro Panopticon Pyre Peek from all fires at once over a wide area.


Ember Empathy Understand fire creatures even if normally couldn't, and to sense their motivations.

Flame Fellowship Crew can communicate with fire creatures. Make folk more energetic, fiery, and industrious.

Ember Entrancement Plant suggestions in the mind of a Fire creature.

Inferno Induction Permanently change the personality and motivations of a fire creature.


Furnace Forger You can forge, solder, weld, and ignite things.

Furnace Flame Shape fire and it retains the new shape.

Furnace Fusion Transform by precise heat treatment.

Furnace Fabricator Furnace Flame to mass produce objects or make something big.


Blaze Bonfire Burn like a bonfire or put one out. Noisy.

Blaze Furnace Burn like a furnace or put one out.

Blaze Ash Blaze Furnace that silently reduces to a fine ash.

Blaze Firestorm Create a firestorm or put one out.