Feats in Development (D&D)
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Armor Proficiency, Wild (General)
You can use your armor proficiencies even when in assumed form.
Prerequisites: Armor Proficiency, Light
Benefit: You can use any armor proficiency you have even when in the assumed shape of a creature of another type than your own.
Special: A druid gains this feat as a bonus feat at level 5.
Notes: This feat is based on the limitations of the house version of polymorph and wild shape.
Cohort (General)
You can recruit a loyal cohort.
Benefit: You can recruit a cohort who is two or more levels lower than yourself. The cohort should be equipped with gear appropriate for its level. The cohort’s alignment may not be opposed to your alignment on either the law-vs-chaos or good-vs-evil axis. Other than this, the cohort is identical to that provided by the Leadership feat.
Special: If you have this feat and the Leadership feat, the maximum level of your cohort increases to your level minus one.
Notes: This is a variant of the Leadership feat that is independent of Leadership Score, but which does not grant any followers. It is attractive for low-charisma characters.
Subtle Power (General)
Targets have a hard time noticing when you use your powers.
Benefit: A creature that passes a will save against one of your spells or abilities does not realize it. A creature that passes a save becomes immune to this effect for ten minutes, which means that it will notice if it succeeds on another save caused by you.
Normal: A creature that successfully saves against a spell that has no obvious physical effects feels a hostile force or a tingle, but cannot deduce the exact nature of the attack.
This feat presently feels weak. I made it stronger by not making it metamagic and letting it apply not only to spells, but to all abilities, but it still feels weak.
Wild Arms (Wild)
You can magically merge your weapons to your natural attacks when you change shape.
Prerequisites: Ability to assume the form of an animal.
Benefit: When you assume the form an animal, the natural attacks of your animal form inherit the magical properties of weapons merged into your assumed form. For each natural attack of your assumed form, pick one magical weapon you carry; the magical properties of this weapon are temporarily transformed into that natural attack. Magical properties that cannot be applied to natural weapons (such as those limited to ranged weapons, or that change the form and/or substance of the weapon) do not work when transfered.
Wildshape Specialization (Wild)
You have mastered the transformation into one specific animal.
Prerequisites: Ability to assume the form of an animal.
Benefit: Select one animal form that you are able to change into. Calculate the minimum level at which you can shapechange to this animal (based on its HD , size and so on). For every two levels beyond thee minimum that you are when you change shape, you gain a +1 circumstance bonus to Strength, Dexterity, and Natural Armor whenever you assume the form of this animal.
Special: You can gain this feat multiple times. Its effects do not stack. Each time you take the feat, it applies to a new type of animal.