Lady Red (log)

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Savage TideSavage Tide banner

Day 1, early morning.

After all our preparations and having spent the last weeks studying spells, scribing scrolls and making magic items, it is with a feeling of relief we're finally setting sail.

It is a beautiful morning and a soft wind slowly bring our two ships out to sea, almost majestically. The stress to get every thing done in time and to take care of all things to be left in Sasserine is slowly replaced by anticipation of the long journey ahead. The fabled Isle of Dread, our destination, full of dangers, treasure and unknown knowledge waiting to be explored, here we come.

Day 1, noon.

It took several hours of uneventful sailing before I begun missing the library of the wichwardens. Thankfully I have my alchemical laboratory. A few hours of moving stuff around, without really accomplishing anything, made me feel better. I put up a simple map of our journey on the wall by my bed and marked our progress so far. It's not much more than a dot as of yet. I also made sure the nest for Rara Ava is set safely next to the window. Night time my dear falcon sleeps indoors with me.

The course is still north, and we are making good way. it's still a funny feeling to be traveling north when our destination is so far to the south.

Day 1, evening.

When the first day at sea came to an end, the shocker lizard of Liamae, the Jade Ravens sorcerer, brought a message from Lavinia that she invited us to dinner this evening. We took in most of the sails and lay alongside. Some ropes was tied between the ships and a seat was attached to one using a pulley. This was used to ferry the guests to the dinner and let the crews visit the other ship. I of course flew to the other ship. Jennike was planning to swing over but somehow she managed to dive head first into the sea. I was mostly surprised she didn't just swim across in the first place. She's almost aquatic anyways.

The guests included, apart from our little clique, Avner Meravanchi, Skald, UrolForol and Father Feres from the Sea Wyvern, and Lavinia, Captain Pepper, and the Jade Ravens from the Blue Nixie. Kirith??? was disappointed that she wasn't invited. I sensed that she had a better upbringing than she admits. It seamed she's trying to hide her family background. I should know. Amella stayed on the Sea Wyvern to keep an eye on things when we were off.

During dinner I sat between Avner and Father Feres. It's awful that my brother don't know our relation. That womanizer couldn't keep his hands to himself. In the end I had to leave the table to get away from him. The father wasn't the most interesting conversationalist either. But everyone wasn't as unfortunate. Aiken flirted with Lavinia (or was it the other way around), Jennike went for a swim with KaskusKiel, the druid of the Jade Ravens, and Blood seemed to get along all to well with Liamae. After dinner a few of the crew gathered with some instruments and there were dancing. After dancing I conversed with Captain Pepper, acting captain of the Blue Nixie, and found him quite interesting. The old Captain had a lot of stories to tell.

When the evening was coming to an end and we were returning to our ship Aiken, the show off, were to walk on the rope between the ships. When he was midway the rope snapped and he fell, not that far, since he grabbed on to another rope and avoided a big splash. At the same time something fell from the mezan???. I flew over and it turned out to be a ???. A quick web held it in place. It had the very bad taste to use an acid spray on me! I gave it a couple of magic missiles and then it cast stinking cloud. Since I couldn't see, it I couldn't harm it anyway so I flew out of the cloud and started dispelling it. When the stinking cloud was gone the ??? had died from bullets and bolts.

When we discovered that the rope had been cut through an investigation was started. Someone was behind these sabotages and we was set to find who. My good bird of pray, Revelatio, had seen a glass jar with a creature cramped inside, in the mezan???, but had no idea of when it appeared or how. My main theory is that someone with a way of using invisibility did it. Going through the ship with detect magic didn't give any results, but it's not that hard to hide magic items from detections. Kirith??? and Skald were among the suspects. We will have to keep an eye on anything suspicious. It could damage moral among the superstitious sailors. Their world is full of bad omen.

Day 6, noon.???

We sigthed a merchant ship

Day 7, noon.???

We will soon arrive at Blackport??? I'm definately looking forward to some fresh supplies to improve on the cuisine.

Day 7, evening.

I followed father Feres to the Heronious monastery. It rather a small missionary station...

Day 8,
