Theurge (Apath)
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The theurge is a divine spellcaster class that is supposed to be versatile enough to compete with arcane casters like the witch and sorcerer. The power of the class is not only in the strength of its spells; theurges have a huge number of spells per day and access to a wide variety of domain powers.
Class Information
Teurges are focused miracle workers, completely absorbed with service to their patron and community. This makes them very powerful spellcasters. Unlike regular clerics, teurges are not fighting men. Still, they need not be peaceful - they work towards their goals by inspiring and influencing the faithful or invoking miracles rather than by physical action. Their mastery of domains exceeds even that of clerics, letting them delve deeply into the specific powers of their faith.
Teurges come from educated backgrounds, generally from families of clergy or gentry. They are students of divine knowledge, delving both deep and widely into the mysteries of their faith. The teurge is an educated class and starting age is in the oldest category.
Theurges tend to worship organized, civilized gods of lawful alignment, working their way up through the hierarchy of the church. Many work as priests, teachers, or religious academics. Some serve entire pantheons of gods, or have their own views of the divine that they try to propagate.
A teurges alignment must be within one step of his deity's (that is, it may be one step away on either the lawful-chaotic axis or the good-evil axis, but not both). Chaotic religions rarely have teurges, but they are not impossible. A teurge that lacks a patron tends to be true neutral or chaotic, an independent thinker and free-willed explorer of the higher realms.
Theurges are mainly parts of the clerical hierarcy and rarely go adventuring on purpose. But circumstances still make makny theurge adventurers. Those that are part of a church can be sent into the world on various missions, those who strike out on their own might be banished or forced to support themselves this way. Either way, theurges easily fit into most adventuring groups, their wide repertoire of spells and powers makingthem useful spellcasters and good support for all other classes.
A theurge needs a high Wisdom score to develop his mystic powers, and a decent score in Charisma to carry their message through persuasion, channeling, and domain powers. Most theurges tend to select Intelligence as their third stat to develop their religious knowledge, but others swear by a healthy Constitution or seek to emulate their patron and focus on the attributes their patron expresses most strongly.
Game Rule Information
Hit Die
Class Skills
The teurge's class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Appraise (Int), Craft (Int), Heal (Wis), Knowledge (Arcana) (Int), Knowledge (History) (Int), Knowledge (Religion) (Int), Knowledge (The Planes) (Int), Linguistics (Int), Perform (Cha), Profession (Wis), Sense Motive (Wis), and Spellcraft (Int).
Skill Points per Level: 4 + Int modifier.
Table: The teurge
Level | Base Attack Bonus | Fort Save | Ref Save | Will Save | Special | Spells per Day | |||||||||
0 | 1st | 2nd | 3rd | 4th | 5th | 6th | 7th | 8th | 9th | ||||||
1st | +0 | +0 | +0 | +2 | Advanced somatics, channel energy, domains | 3 | 1+1 | | | | | | | | |
2nd | +1 | +0 | +0 | +3 | 4 | 2+2 | | | | | | | | | |
3rd | +1 | +1 | +1 | +3 | 4 | 2+2 | 1+1 | | | | | | | | |
4th | +2 | +1 | +1 | +4 | Bonus feat | 5 | 3+3 | 2+2 | | | | | | | |
5th | +2 | +1 | +1 | +4 | 5 | 3+3 | 2+2 | 1+1 | | | | | | | |
6th | +3 | +2 | +2 | +5 | 5 | 3+3 | 3+3 | 2+2 | | | | | | | |
7th | +3 | +2 | +2 | +5 | 6 | 4+4 | 3+3 | 2+2 | 1+1 | | | | | | |
8th | +4 | +2 | +2 | +6 | Bonus feat | 6 | 4+4 | 3+3 | 3+3 | 2+2 | | | | | |
9th | +4 | +3 | +3 | +6 | 6 | 4+4 | 4+4 | 3+3 | 2+2 | 1+1 | | | | | |
10th | +5 | +3 | +3 | +7 | 6 | 4+4 | 4+4 | 3+3 | 3+3 | 2+2 | | | | | |
11th | +5 | +3 | +3 | +7 | 6 | 5+5 | 4+4 | 4+4 | 3+3 | 2+2 | 1+1 | | | | |
12th | +6/+1 | +4 | +4 | +8 | Bonus feat | 6 | 5+5 | 4+4 | 4+4 | 3+3 | 3+3 | 2+2 | | | |
13th | +6/+1 | +4 | +4 | +8 | 6 | 5+5 | 5+5 | 4+4 | 4+4 | 3+3 | 2+2 | 1+1 | | | |
14th | +7/+2 | +4 | +4 | +9 | 6 | 5+5 | 5+5 | 4+4 | 4+4 | 3+3 | 3+3 | 2+2 | | | |
15th | +7/+2 | +5 | +5 | +9 | 6 | 5+5 | 5+5 | 5+5 | 4+4 | 4+4 | 3+3 | 2+2 | 1+1 | | |
16th | +8/+3 | +5 | +5 | +10 | Bonus feat | 6 | 5+5 | 5+5 | 5+5 | 4+4 | 4+4 | 3+3 | 3+3 | 2+2 | |
17th | +8/+3 | +5 | +5 | +10 | 6 | 5+5 | 5+5 | 5+5 | 5+5 | 4+4 | 4+4 | 3+3 | 2+2 | 1+1 | |
18th | +9/+4 | +6 | +6 | +11 | 6 | 5+5 | 5+5 | 5+5 | 5+5 | 4+4 | 4+4 | 3+3 | 3+3 | 2+2 | |
19th | +9/+4 | +6 | +6 | +11 | 6 | 5+5 | 5+5 | 5+5 | 5+5 | 5+5 | 4+4 | 4+4 | 3+3 | 3+3 | |
20th | +10/+5 | +6 | +6 | +12 | Bonus feat | 6 | 5+5 | 5+5 | 5+5 | 5+5 | 5+5 | 4+4 | 4+4 | 4+4 | 4+4 |
In addition to the stated number of spells per day for 1st- through 9th-level spells, a teurge gets an equal number of domain spells for each spell level, starting at 1st. The "x+x" in the entries on this table represents these extra spells. Bonus spells the teurge may receive for having a high wisdom score apply to both regular spells and domain spells separately and is thus applied twice.
Class Features
All of the following are class features of the teurge.
Weapon and Armor Proficiency
Teurges are proficient with the club, sling, and staff but not with any type of armor or shield. A teurge with a patron is proficient in his patron's favored weapon. A teurge that wears armor risks arcane spell failure even on his divine spells, see advanced somatics below.
Aura (Ex)
A teurge of a chaotic, evil, good, or lawful alignment has a particularly powerful aura corresponding to that alignment.
A teurge casts divine spells, which are drawn from the cleric spell list and from clerical domains. His cleric spells and domain spells make up two different spell lists, and a theurge prepares spells from each category separately. His alignment may restrict him from casting certain spells opposed to his moral or ethical beliefs; see chaotic, evil, good, and lawful spells, below. A teurge must choose and prepare his spells in advance.
To prepare or cast a spell, a teurge must have a Wisdom score equal to at least 10 + the spell level. The Difficulty Class for a saving throw against a teurge's spell is 10 + the spell level + the teurge's Wisdom modifier.
Like other spellcasters, a teurge can cast only a certain number of spells of each spell level per day. His base daily spell allotment is given on Table: The teurge. In addition, he receives bonus spells per day if he has a high Wisdom score. A teurge prepares this many cleric spells each day and this many domain spells each day; in effect, the teurge has two sets of spells and receives Wisdom bonuses to both.
Example: A third level teurge with a Wisdom of 14 can prepare three first-level spells and two second-level divine spells from the cleric list, and the same number of domain spells from among those listed for his domains.
Teurges meditate for their spells. Each teurge must choose a time at which he must spend 1 hour each day in quiet contemplation to regain his daily allotment of spells. Time spent resting has no effect on whether a teurge can spells. A teurge may prepare and cast any spell on the cleric and domain spell lists, provided that he can cast spells of that level, but he must choose which spells to prepare during his daily meditation.
Teurges can prepare a number of orisons, or 0-level cleric spells, each day, as noted on Table: Teurge under "Spells per day". These spells are treated like any other spell, but they are not expended when cast and may be used again. A teurge has no level zero domain spells.
Deity, Domains, and Domain Spells
A teurge's deity influences his alignment, what magic he can perform, his values, and how others see him. Some teurges serve an entire pantheon or have no patron at all. Whatever the source of their powers, teurges have access to clerical domains, even more so than clerics.
Teurges study the divine in unique ways, achieving both a breath and depth unavailable to clerics. Beside divine spells from the cleric list, they also have access to a number of domains and a separate (but equal) daily limit on domain domain spells they can prepare. Combine all the spells granted by the teurge's domains; these become his domain spell list. In addition, all theurges know mage armor as a domain spell.
A teurge with a patron learns to use all the domains belonging to his deity. Some gods give more domains than others. A teurge who serves a monotheistic deity, a dualistic deity, or a pantheon can only receive five domains in this way, selected among those available to the gods of that pantheon. The selection is not an individual matter; it is decided by the sect you are a part of. Decide upon which domains to take together with the game master. A teurge striking out on his own, with no patron or sect to guide him, has 4 domains of his choice.
To pick an alignment domain, the theurge must share that alignment.
Each domain gives the teurge access to a domain spell at each spell level he can cast, from 1st on up, as well as granted powers. The teurge gets the granted powers of all domains he knows.
Chaotic, Evil, Good, and Lawful Spells
A theurge can’t cast spells of an alignment opposed to her own or her deity’s (if she has one). Spells associated with particular alignments are indicated by the chaotic, evil, good, and lawful descriptors in their spell descriptions.
Advanced Somatics
Theurges studying the divine do not adapt themselves to practical use in the way most divine spellcasters do. Their study of the divine is deeply theoretical and requires just as exacting gestures as arcane spells. When casting divine spells with somatic components whilewearing armor, a theurge is subject to arcane spell failure just like an arcane caster.
Bonus Languages
A teurge's bonus language options include Celestial, Abyssal, and Infernal (the languages of good, chaotic evil, and lawful evil outsiders, respectively). These choices are in addition to the bonus languages available to the character because of his race.
Channel energy (Su)
Regardless of alignment, any theurge can release a wave of energy by channeling the power of her faith through her holy (or unholy) symbol. This energy can be used to cause or heal damage, depending on the type of energy channeled and the creatures targeted. This is a standard action that does not provoke an attack of opportunity.
A good teurge (or a neutral teurge who worships a good deity) can convert her prepared spells to positive energy and can choose to do damage or to heal living creatures. An evil teurge (or a neutral teurge who worships an evil deity) channels negative energy and can choose to deal damage or to heal undead creatures. A neutral teurge of a neutral deity (or one who is not devoted to a particular deity) must choose whether she channels positive or negative energy. Once this choice is made, it cannot be reversed except by changing alignment.
Converting energy causes a burst that affects all creatures of one type (either undead or living) in a 30-foot radius centered on the teurge. Creatures that take damage from channeled energy receive a Will save to halve the damage. The DC of this save is equal to 10 + ½ the teurge's level + the teurge's Charisma modifier. A teurge can choose whether or not to include herself in this effect.
As an alternative, the theurge can convert the energy into a ray with medium range (100 ft. + 10 ft./level) that requires a ranged touch attack against an unwilling target. A ray only affects a single touched target, but there is no saving throw for half damage. A theurge can target herself with this ray. Channeling feat abilities that allow saving throws still do so and have a saving throw DC of 10 + ½ your theurge level + your Charisma modifier.
The amount of damage dealt or healed is 1d6 points of damage plus 1d6 points of damage for every two theurge levels beyond 1st (2d6 at 3rd, 3d6 at 5th, and so on). Creatures healed by channel energy cannot exceed their maximum hit point total—all excess healing is lost. A theurge can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 5 + her Charisma modifier.
A theurge must be able to present her divine focus to use this ability.
Bonus Feats
Every four levels (at 4th, 8th, 12th, 16th, and 20th level) a teurge gains a bonus feat. At each such opportunity, she can choose a metamagic feat, an item creation feat, or a channeling feat. The teurge must still meet all prerequisites for a bonus feat, including caster level minimums.
These bonus feats are in addition to the feat that a character of any class gets from advancing levels. The teurge is not limited to the categories of item creation feats, metamagic feats, or channeling feats when choosing these feats.
A teurge who grossly violates the code of conduct required by his faith loses all spells and class features, except for weapon and armor proficiency. He cannot thereafter gain levels as a teurge of that god until he atones (see the atonement spell description) or decides to strike out on his own (see Deity, Domains, and Domain Spells above).
Notes and Options
Note on Prestige Classes
Many prestige classes geared for clerics would become too powerful in the hands of teurges if the caster levels simply added up. Prestige classes that advance arcane spellcasting abilities work normally for teurges, adding to their ability to cast both arcane and divine spells but still do not give additional domain powers. Prestige classes that grant +1 level of spell ability with divine spells have no effect on the teurge's ability to cast domain spells. You do not get new domain powers, and spells per day for domain spells does not improve, except that when you gain a new level of spells, you also gain a single spell per day for domain spells of that level, with no bonus spells for high wisdom score – much as a cleric does. Your spell list remains the same and still includes spells from all domains.
Note on Recharge Magic
If using the Recharge Magic option, domain spells and cleric spells are considered two different classes for the teurge, and each recharges separately.