Mariner (Apath)
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The mariner is an adventurer at home on seas and waterways.
An adventurer of the waterways, the mariner sees herself as a daredevil champion of freedom, but many of them are little more than thugs of the waterways. Mariners are adept at both sailing and fighting, and most have looked death in the face more than once. Mariners of all stripes sail in search of riches, from merchants to pirates to privateers, to slavers, to slaver-hunting abolitionists. Mariners can choose from a wide variety of abilities useful at sea, two mariners can be quite different from each other. Some heroic mariners dare the waters near natural hazards, stormy seas, fairy bogs, and mist-shrouded reefs. They mix practical skills with a mystic understanding of their environs, and legends among them can harness the power of nature for their own benefit.
Marine Brotherhoods
Mariners all over the world form am loose fellowship and will often help each other out, especially when a fellow mariner risks drowning or has been caught away from the freedom of the waves. But there are also more close-knit maritime brotherhoods, each of whom prefer certain tricks of the trade.
Brethren of the Coast From humble ferrymen to smugglers and coastal and inland water pirates, the brethren of the coast live on the borders between sea and land. They raid passing ships, collaborate with deep-sea captains to bring their wares past customs, fake signal fires to run ships aground, or are coastal raiders, using ships of small draft to raid coastal and river settlements.
The brethren of the coast prefer these tricks: bogstep, diver, fogcraft, grapple ship, quick appraise, shipmind, sodden death, storm sailor, and vendetta.
Shellbacks Seamen who sail the deeps seas often undergo an informal initiation rite at some important passage, such as the equator. Such sailors become shellbacks. They call those not so initiated Pollywogs, which includes all landlubbers as well as coastal and fresh-water sailors. Not a formal organization by any means, shellbacks share a common experience of long days floating in a seemingly empty universe, and this breeds camaraderie.
Shellbacks often learn these tricks: diver, duelist, favored tavern, fearsome advance, foot sweep, hand stab, lookout, quick appraise, rigging monkey, shipboard authority, storm sailor, and windrigger.
Gold Corsair As opposed to the two previous, the gold corsairs is an actual organization, the naval branch of the Gold Legion mercenaries. Gold corsairs are abolitionists and fierce fighters against slavery in any form. Other prestige archetypes of the Gold Legion include gold legionnaire (from Warrior Prestige Archetypes, also by Purple Duck Games), gold falcon, and gold talon (a faction of the agent prestige archetype).
Gold corsairs particularly favor these tricks: abolitionist's resolve, breathe easy, grant freedom, grudge (slavers), rigging monkey, vendetta, and whisk to freedom.
Mariners of Porphyra
Hostile populations and porphyrite borders make land travel on Porphyra difficult, Porphyrans have many reasons to travel the seas and rivers of their world. Unfortunately these waterways are far from safe, and there is always call for mariners willing to take the risk. Unfortunately, many mariners see each others as prey, and pirates are a daily fact of life all across the world.
Class Information
This is a prestige archetype, an adventurer of the high seas. It is built on the following prestige classes:.
- Coastal pirate, known here as the brethren of the coast.
- Deep sea pirate, known here as shellbacks.
- Gray corsair, known here as gold corsairs
Role: While there are many sailors, those in this class show more talent than do common deck hands. Mariners often captain their own ships; those who do not usually serve as officers on notorious ships under accomplished captains. Legendary mariners not only brave natural dangers, they thrive of them, seeking out dangerous situations others cannot handle to gain an advantage. At higher levels, they can call on these natural hazards for aid.
Alignment: Any. Many mariners are chaotic and have a hard time dealing with life on shore. Legendary mariners often champion some natural phenomenon, making them friendly to druids.
Hit Die: d8.
Starting Wealth: 4d6 × 10 gp (average 140 gp.) In addition, each character begins play with an outfit worth 10 gp or less.
Class Skills
The mariner's class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Acrobatics (Dex), Appraise (Int), Bluff (Cha), Climb (Str), Craft (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Disable Device (Dex), Disguise (Cha), Escape Artist (Dex), Intimidate (Cha), Knowledge (Geography) (Int), Knowledge (Local) (Int), Knowledge (Nature) (Int), Perception (Wis), Perform (Cha), Profession (Wis), Sense Motive (Wis), Sleight of Hand (Dex), Stealth (Dex), Survival (Wis), Swim (Str), and Use Magic Device (Cha).
Skill Ranks at Each Level: 8 + Int modifier.
Class Features
The mariner has the class features of the rogue, except as follows.
Weapon and Armor Proficiency
Mariners are proficient with all simple weapons, plus the boarding gaff, cat-o’-nine-tails, cutlass, grappling hook, hand crossbow, handaxe, hook hand, knife (butterfly, switchblade), rapier, repeating crossbow, sap, short sword, and shortbow. They are proficient with light armor, but not with shields.
Adventuring Focus
At 1st level, a mariner chooses a focus for her adventurer abilities. Select one adventuring focus from the list below.
- Arcanism: The mariner learns, prepares, and casts arcane spells as a magus of her mariner level. This includes the effects of Intelligence on spellcasting, spells per day, avoiding arcane spell failure in light armor, cantrips, spellbook, and free spells when advancing in level.
- Chaplain: A marine chaplain learns and casts divine spells as a cleric of her mariner level. This includes the effects of Wisdom on spellcasting, spell list and spells per day. She selects one domain her patron offers and gains the domain powers of this domain as a cleric of her mariner level. She has no domain spell slots, instead she adds the spells of her chosen domain to her cleric spell list.
- Martial: A mariner with a martial focus gains proficiency with all martial weapons and with medium armor at level 1 and gains a bonus combat feat at level 2 and every 2 levels thereafter. She must fulfill the prerequisites of these feats, but counts mariner levels as fighter levels for feat prerequisites.
- Mesmerist: The mariner learns and casts psychic spells as a mesmerist of her mariner level. This includes the effects of Charisma on spellcasting, spell list, spells known, and spells per day.
- Munitions: The mariner has the alchemist's bomb and throw anything class features. She also gains a competence bonus on Craft (alchemy) checks when creating alchemical items equal to her class level and can identify potions, as the alchemist's alchemy ability. The munitions mariner cannot use the alchemy ability to create extracts or mutagens.
- Sea-Speaker: A sea-speaker learns and casts divine spells as a druid of her mariner level. This includes the effects of Wisdom on spellcasting, spell list and spells per day. She selects one domain available to druids and gains the domain powers of this domain as a druid of her mariner level. She has no domain spell slots, instead she adds the spells of her chosen domain to her druid spell list.
- Shanties: The mariner knows how to use performance to entertain and inspire her fellow seafarers. She gains the bard's bardic performance class feature, counting mariner levels as bard levels. This includes rounds per day and all bardic performances. In addition, when using inspire competence to improve certain shipboard skills listed below, the range improves to 100 ft., she can inspire ability checks, and she can inspire a number of creatures (including herself) equal to her skill modifier in the corresponding type of performance, according to this list: Act (Diplomacy), Comedy (Bluff), Dance (Acrobatics), Keyboard Instruments (Knowledge [any]), Oratory (Climb), Percussion (Intimidate), Sing (Strength checks), String (Perception), and Wind (Profession [sailor]). If these allies coordinate on a single task—such as a very hard Strength check to tow a ship or Profession (sailor) check to make a difficult maneuver, make a single check using the highest bonus in the group with an additional +1 for every member of the group.
- Skullduggery: The mariner gains certain rogue class features as she advances in level: sneak attack at level 1, uncanny dodge at level 4, evasion at level 7, improved uncanny dodge at level 10, and improved evasion (as the advanced rogue talent) at level 13. She uses these abilities as a rogue of her mariner level, including increasing sneak attack damage.
Marine Specialty (Ex)
Shipboard life is quite specialized, with sailors holding the same position on each ship throughout their career. A first level mariner chooses a marine specialty, that adds an additional edge to her skills. This choice can never be changed. Note that only a legendary ship would have mariners in every position on the crew, most have to do with experts or hire landlubbers with relevant skills.
Engineer: An engineer is responsible for the ship's siege weapons and for any other complex systems carried on the ship. If the ship has an unconventional propulsion, the engineer is responsible for this as well. Usually only warships and exceptional vessels carry engineers. An engineer can add savvy to Disable Device, Knowledge (engineering), and Use Magic Device checks without expending a use of savvy, provided she’s trained in the skill. At level 1, and every two levels thereafter, an engineer gains proficiency with one type of siege weapon.
Navigator: Navigators are educated specialists able to navigate on the high seas, and are often the captains of ocean-going ships. Navigators can add savvy to Intimidation, Knowledge (geography, history, local, and nature), and Profession (sailor) checks without expending a use of savvy, provided she’s trained in the skill.
Pilot: A pilot is an expert at crossing guarded or hazardous waters. Many pilots work the same stretch of coast all their lives, guiding ship after ship past the same obstacles. Others enlist on tall ships and become explorers, coastal raiders, or run naval blockades. A pilot can add savvy to Knowledge (geography and nature), Perception, and Profession (sailor) skill checks without expending a use of savvy, provided she’s trained in the skill.
Seaman: Able seamen are the senior crew of a water vessel. They lead unskilled seamen and know the operation of all of various systems and devices aboard a ship. Seamen can add savvy to Acrobatics, Climb, and Profession (sailor) checks without expending a use of savvy, provided she’s trained in the skill. An able seaman can find employment on almost any vessel at any time; there is always a shortage of good seamen.
Specialist: A ship can benefit from a variety of specialized skills, such as carpentry, cooking, medicine, instrument-making, sail-making, or caulking, but true marine specialists are quite rare—these specialists are often found in sea ports. A marine specialist can add savvy to Craft, Heal, and Profession skill checks without expending a use of savvy, provided she’s trained in the skill.
Supercargo: The supercargo is responsible for cargo and provisions. On trading ships, she is responsible for selecting what cargo to carry and might be or represent the owner of the ship. A supercargo can add savvy to Appraise, Diplomacy, Knowledge (local), and Sense Motive checks without expending a use of savvy, provided she’s trained in the skill. A supercargo can use Diplomacy to gather information in ports and on ships at no cost in gold and without attracting attention, this is a normal part of her job.
Sea Savvy (Ex)
A mariner has the ability to augment skill checks and ability checks. The Mariner has a savvy pool equal to 1/2 her Mariner level + her Constitution modifier (minimum 1). A mariner’s savvy pool refreshes each day, typically after she gets a restful night’s sleep. As a free action, she can expend one use of savvy from her pool to add 1d6 to the result of that check, including any on which she takes 10 or 20. This choice is made after the check is rolled and before the results are revealed. A mariner can only use savvy once per check or roll. Savvy is also used to power many tricks (see below).
Depending on her marine specialty, the mariner can add savvy to certain skills without expending a use of savvy, provided she’s trained in the skill. Check each specific specialty for details.
Savvy can also be used on attack rolls and saving throws, at the cost of expending two uses of savvy each time from the mariner’s pool. In the case of saving throws, using savvy is an immediate action rather than a free action.
This is a variant of the investigator's brilliant inspiration class feature, counts as inspiration for prerequisites, and works with effects that works with brilliant inspiration.
Mariner Tricks
A mariner is a consummate seaman, and learns various tricks that goes beyond normal maritime skill. Starting at 1st level, a mariner gains one mariner trick. She gains an additional mariner trick at 3rd level and for every 2 levels thereafter. At level 9, the mariner can select advanced mariner tricks. At level 17, she can select legendary mariner tricks.
Adventuring Tricks
Mariners are also adventurers, and learn tricks that let them survive and prosper in all kinds of dangerous situations. Select one adventuring tick at 2nd level and every 2 levels thereafter. At level 10, the mariner can select advanced adventuring tricks. See adventuring tricks in the appendix.
Steady Feet (Ex)
A 2nd level mariner does not fall prone when she fails a Climb check or an Acrobatics check to move across uneven ground, instead she merely fails to move. She does not take a penalty on any Acrobatics or Climb checks due to slippery or unsteady conditions.
Storm Sailor (Ex)
A 4th level mariner treats all storms as if they were one category less severe for the purposes of sailing and navigation. This benefit stacks with other effects related to wind conditions.
Wave Action (Ex)
A 6th level mariner learns to exploit swing. When on a moving vehicle or other similar unstable surface or swinging on something suspended, you can use the swing to your benefit. You always count as having a running start when jumping and you do not trigger attacks of opportunity for leaving a creature's threatened space.
Second Specialization (Ex)
At 8th level the mariner can choose an additional marine specialty and gain all the advantages it offers, as if had had this specialization since she became a level 1 mariner.
Swinging (Ex)
A 12th level mariner learns to swing as if flying. When on a masted ship or similar environment with plenty of ropes or vines, you gain an effective fly speed equal to your land speed, using the Acrobatics skill instead of the Fly skill. Each round spent swinging inflicts 1d6 damage to a ship's rigging or other environment. This is unlikely to have any immediate effect, but a mariner that constantly swings is not going to be well liked by the repair crew.
Third Specialization (Ex)
At 16th level the mariner gains a third specialization, using the same rules as second specialization, above.
True Savvy (Ex)
At 20th level, a mariner can use savvy on all skill checks—even ones she isn’t trained in—and all ability checks without spending savvy points.
In addition, whenever she expends savvy on an ability check, attack roll, saving throw, or skill check, she adds 2d6 rather than 1d6 to the result. If using the amazing savvy trick, she rolls 2d8 instead.
Exchange any cross training or unconventional savvy secrets the mariner knows for other secrets of her choice.
Table: Mariner
Level | Base Attack Bonus |
Fort Save |
Ref Save |
Will Save |
Special |
1st | +0 | +2 | +2 | +0 | Adventuring focus, mariner trick, sea savvy |
2nd | +1 | +3 | +3 | +0 | Adventuring trick, steady feet |
3rd | +2 | +3 | +3 | +1 | Mariner trick |
4th | +3 | +4 | +4 | +1 | Adventuring trick, storm sailor |
5th | +3 | +4 | +4 | +1 | Mariner trick |
6th | +4 | +5 | +5 | +2 | Adventuring trick, wave action |
7th | +5 | +5 | +5 | +2 | Mariner trick |
8th | +6/+1 | +6 | +6 | +2 | Adventuring trick, second specialization |
9th | +6/+1 | +6 | +6 | +3 | Mariner trick (advanced) |
10th | +7/+2 | +7 | +7 | +3 | Adventuring trick (advanced) |
11th | +8/+3 | +7 | +7 | +3 | Mariner trick |
12th | +9/+4 | +8 | +8 | +4 | Adventuring trick, swinging |
13th | +9/+4 | +8 | +8 | +4 | Mariner trick |
14th | +10/+5 | +9 | +9 | +4 | Adventuring trick |
15th | +11/+6/+1 | +9 | +9 | +5 | Mariner trick |
16th | +12/+7/+2 | +10 | +10 | +5 | Adventuring trick, third specialization |
17th | +12/+7/+2 | +10 | +10 | +5 | Mariner trick (legendary) |
18th | +13/+8/+3 | +11 | +11 | +6 | Adventuring trick |
19th | +14/+9/+4 | +11 | +11 | +6 | Mariner trick |
20th | +15/+10/+5 | +12 | +12 | +6 | Adventuring trick, true savvy |
The mariner class is made up of tricks, and has no less than five kinds of tricks to choose from, some of which allow selection from similar list from other classes.
Mariner Tricks
When a talent mentions drive skill, this is Diplomacy or Intimidate for rowing craft or Knowledge (nature) or Profession (sailor) for sailing craft.
Additional Specialization (Ex)
Benefit: Choose an additional marine specialty and gain all the advantages it offers, as if you had this specialization since you became a level 1 mariner.
Bilge Rat (Ex)
Benefit: You are inured to the dangers of the bilge and other hidden spots on a ship. You gain a +2 bonus on Escape Artist checks and on saving throws against curse, disease, and poison effects.
Bogstep (Ex)
Benefit: You learn how to move quickly through treacherous bog terrain. You move through shallow bogs normally, and it costs your 2 squares of movement to move into a square of deep bog. You can use Acrobatics to tumble through shallow bogs with no penalty and can tumble through deep bogs with a –4 penalty (see Marsh Terrain for more information regarding bogs and swamps.) You ignore the increased Acrobatics difficulty for water or slippery surfaces.
Bribery (Ex)
Benefit: You know how to smooth over interactions with customs and other officials. When dealing with officials working at a checkpoint, conducting an inspection, or performing another routine activity, you can make a Sense Motive check (DC 10 + the official's Hit Dice) to understand in the official can be bribed, what kind of bribe is needed, and how to present the bribe. A normal bribe is 1 gp per Hit Dice of the official. Officials of lawful alignment are harder to bribe (+5 DC) and might require twice as much gold or some special favor. If the official has orders or a concrete reason to be suspicious, use the normal Diplomacy rules.
Deflect Search (Ex)
Benefit: You can use patter and body language to deflect searchers from hidden items as a standard action. All creatures within 30 ft. must use the higher of your Bluff check result or the normal Perception DC to succeed at the Perception check.
Favored Port (Ex)
Benefit: Mariners build alliances and friendships that last lifetimes. You can pick any coastal settlement as a favored port. While in that settlement, you gain a +2 bonus on all Bluff, Diplomacy, Intimidate, and Knowledge (local) checks, as well as on initiative checks and Will saving throws. You also gain your favored port bonus when aboard any ship whose home port is one of your favored ports. A mariner with this trick gains an additional favored port at level 5 and every four levels thereafter, taking this at level 5 and above instantly grants these favored ports.
Favored Tavern (Ex)
Benefit: You are famous enough that you can get others to pick up your tab. You designate one tavern per mariner level as a “favored tavern.” (Taking this at level three and above instantly grants these favored taverns.) When in a favored tavern, you drink for free. In addition, you gain a +4 circumstance bonus on Diplomacy and Intimidate checks within a favored tavern.
Quick Appraise (Ex)
At times you must quickly select the most valuable items to spirit away.
Benefit: You can appraise an item as a move action and can determine the most valuable item visible to your in a 60 ft. radius as a standard action.
Gunner (Ex)
Benefit: You become proficient in all siege weapons.
Hide Ship (Ex)
Benefit: A Mariner with this talent gains a +10 modifier on drive rolls to hide her ship (see the rules section, below).
Lookout (Ex)
Benefit: You have an amazing ability to spot other ships. When your ship first comes within sight of another ship, you can make an opposed Perception check against the best Perception skill on that ship (both sides ignore distance modifiers for this roll). On a success, you notice the other ship before they notice yours and your ship stays unobserved for a number of minutes equal to the difference between the Perception checks (minimum 1 minute). This is usually enough to disappear behind some concealment, such as under the horizon. If you or your shipmates attack during this time, you have surprise.
Low-light (Ex)
Benefit: You gain low-light vision. A creature with low-light vision can see twice as far as a human in starlight, moonlight, torchlight, and similar conditions of dim light. It retains the ability to distinguish color and detail under these conditions.
Rigging Monkey (Ex)
Benefit: This ability grants you a climb speed equal to half your land speed, and you need only one hand free to climb. You do not gain the usual +8 bonus on Climb checks that climb speed normally confers, but you can take 10 even in combat and under stress. You do not lose your Dexterity bonus to AC when climbing.
Sounding (Ex)
You have learned to use a weighted line to probe the bottom of the sea.
Benefit: As a full-round action while at the bow of a ship or boat, you can find the depth and composition of the sea floor. This allows a Perception check with a +8 circumstance bonus on Perception checks do discover things underwater, such as reefs and wrecks. A stationary ship allows sounding depths down to 100 ft., reduce this depth by the speed the ship moves at. Sounding can also be used as aid other to driving checks to avoid running aground, giving a bonus of +1 per 10 points rolled on the Perception check (you can include the +8 bonus).
Normal: A character lacking this trick can make a sounding check in one minute and does not get a bonus on Perception checks.
Weather Eye (Ex)
Benefit: You are sensitive to weather changes. You can use Knowledge (nature) to predict weather as if it was Survival and gain insight how to use the weather for better sailing. When informing the captain of your ship of a successful weather prediction, the ship gains a +2 bonus on Initiative checks in ship combat and reduces the drive skill penalty suffered by wind-powered vehicles by 5 (this penalty is normally -10).
Water Crawler (Ex)
Benefit: You can move through water along ropes or underwater surfaces (such as the sea bottom or the bottom of a ship) at half land speed without needing to make a Swim check and can avoid barnacles and similar dangers while doing so. You can hold your breath twice as long as a normal creature of your type (this is usually four rounds times your Constitution score) before you must start making Constitution checks to drown.
Whaler (Ex)
Benefit: You gain proficiency with the harpoon and when throwing a harpoon, any hit on a creature of a size category larger than yours is a critical threat. If you are in a boat or ship of a size category smaller than the target of your attack, you gain a +5 circumstance bonus per difference in size category on CMB and CMD check to grapple (but not to pin). The creature can drag your boat around at half its swim speed, but if it does, the harpoon inflicts its normal damage (including all modifiers) each round.
Windrigger (Ex)
Benefit: You have learned the tricky art of tacking. With a DC 15 Profession (sailor) check, you increase the base speed of your sailing ship by 5 feet for 1 hour, until your ship changes heading by 90 degrees, or the wind changes. If you beat DC 30, the bonus is 10 ft. of speed, 45 gives +15 ft. speed, and so on. You can try this roll once per hour. You have also learned to coax speed out of your ship when it really counts. With a DC 25 Profession (sailor) check, you double your ship’s base movement for 1 round, but on a failed roll your ship's speed is reduced to half. You must be in command of the crew assigned to sails to use windrigger.
Advanced Mariner Tricks
At 9th level, and every two levels thereafter, a mariner can choose one of the following advanced mariner tricks in place of a normal mariner trick. As a mariner’s connection to the sea grows stronger, she learns to perform tasks impossible by normal means.
Breathe Easy (Sp)
Prerequisites: Advanced mariner tricks.
Benefit: You can help allies who fall overboard to stay alive until they can be plucked from the waves. You can cast water breathing with a caster level equal to your mariner level. Each use costs a point of savvy. You can use this ability as a standard action, move action, or immediate action. When used as a standard action, it has the normal effect. When used as a move action, the ability can affect only one creature, but can do so at a range of 120 feet. When used as an immediate action, the ability can affect only one creature, but can do so at a range of 60 feet, and its duration is reduced to 1 minute per level.
Fog Eye (Su)
Prerequisites: Advanced mariner tricks.
Benefit: You can see through fog and mist without penalty as long as there is enough light to allow you to see.
Fog Horn (Sp)
Fog horns are used to announce a ship in fog, but superstition says it can call the fog.
Prerequisites: Advanced mariner tricks.
Benefit: You can blow a fog horn to use fog cloud (caster level equals class level) at the cost of a point of savvy. On a body of water, the radius of the effect is increased to 20 ft. per level. With a DC 20 Perform (wind) check you can make the area shapeable.
Grapple Ship (Su)
You gain the ability to stop another ship dead in the water for a short time.
Prerequisites: Advanced mariner tricks, proficiency with grappling hook.
Benefit: To use this ability, you must hurl a grappling hook at the target ship. You can throw the grappling hook up to ten range increments in this situation, with normal range penalties. If you hit the target ship, you then make an opposed Profession (sailor) check against the ship's commanding officer. For every point by which you win the check, you halt the target ship's progress for 1 round. Strength checks can be used to aid other in this situation, a maximum of four creatures can assist both you and the enemy captain.
Make Whole (Sp)
Prerequisites: Advanced mariner tricks.
Benefit: You can cast mending and make whole. Each use costs a point of savvy. Caster level is your mariner level.
Using mending is a swift action and works as the spell.
Using make whole takes 10 minutes of work and can repair up to 20d6. If it is used to repair a ship or boat, double the number of hit points restored.
Master Gunner (Ex)
Prerequisites: Advanced mariner tricks.
Benefit: When you hit a water vehicle with a shot from a siege weapon, you can make an opposed Profession (sailor) check against the ship's commanding officer. For every point by which you win the check, you halt its progress for 1 round. Aid other is not possible in this situation.
Old Salt's Curse (Sp)
Landlubbers who pretend to be seamen easily fall afoul of the old salt's curse.
Prerequisites: Advanced mariner tricks.
Benefit: You can cast old salt's curse. Caster level is your mariner level and range is 100 ft. Each use costs a point of savvy. The save DC is 10 + half your mariner level + your Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma modifier, whichever is higher. Targets can use their bonus in Profession (sailor) instead of their Will save bonus for the saving throw against this ability, using whichever score is higher.
Rogue Wave (Sp)
Prerequisites: Advanced mariner tricks.
Benefit: You are lucky with rogue waves. Rogue waves are waves much larger than regular waves, that can lift a ship over a barrier or long distances, act as a wall to hide behind, or flood unprepared ships.
You can call a rogue wave in a body of water at least three miles in length. Each use costs two points of savvy.
This acts as control water, with a caster level equal to your mariner level, but the effect moves in the direction of the wind (or current if there is a significant current) at a speed between 30 and 240 ft., as decided by you. A ship caught in a rogue wave needs a drive check (DC 10 + your mariner level) or get the broken condition. Your ship automatically passes this check.
A ship can ride the wave to be carried along as the wave moves. This requires a Drive check of 20 every 10 minutes, or the wave will leave the ship behind.
Shipboard Authority (Ex)
Prerequisites: Advanced mariner tricks.
Benefit: As a full-round action on board a ship, you can expend a point of savvy as a standard action to shout orders to your crew. A number of allies within 50 feet of you equal to your skill modifier in Intimidate or any Perform skill who can hear your gain a +2 morale bonus on attack rolls and Strength- or Dexterity based skill checks and ability checks for a number of rounds equal to your Charisma bonus (minimum 1 round). If these allies coordinate on a single task—such as a very hard Strength check to tow a ship or Profession (sailor) check to make a difficult maneuver, use the highest bonus in the group with an additional +1 for every member of the group who has the relevant skill or ability.
Special: A mariner with the shanties focus can use this as a bardic performance, and the bonus increases to +3 at 13th level and +4 at 17th level. This uses one round of bardic performance per round but uses no savvy.
Sodden Death (Ex)
Prerequisites: Advanced mariner tricks, bogstep trick
Benefit: When in bogs, deep bogs, or swimming on the surface and attacking a creature with its head above the water, you can hide both your vital areas and your weapon under the water. You gain cover, and you can perform a feint maneuver (see Bluff) as a free action before each attack you make. You must be wielding a crossbow or a piercing melee weapon you can use with Weapon Finesse to do this, but you do not need to actually know or use the Weapon Finesse feat.
Legendary Mariner Tricks
At level 17 and level 29, a mariner can choose one of the following legendary mariner tricks in place of a normal or advanced mariner trick.
Fogcraft (Su)
Fogcraft Type | Size | Complement | Duration | Stealth |
Rowboat | Large | 10 | 2 days | +12 |
Barge | Huge | 30 | 18 hours | +8 |
Keelboat | Gargantuan | 90 | 6 hours | +4 |
Warship | Colossal | 270 | 2 hours | +0 |
Prerequisites: Legendary mariner tricks.
You have the power to shape a vessel out of sea spray, fog, or mist. This ability functions only in mist, fog, or thick spray (as is common near navigational hazards). Each use costs two points of savvy.
A fogcraft appears made of swirling gray mist but feels solid to the touch. Its unique composition can make it difficult to spot, and the craft makes no sound, but it does not baffle sounds made by its crew. All fogcraft can be rowed (by a crew equal to one third of its compliment) or sailed at a speed of 60 ft. Unlike ordinary ships, a fogcraft cannot run aground and can sail over reefs and through bogs. It can carry a ton of cargo by reducing its complement by four, but its impermanence makes it a poor cargo ship.
When creating a fogcraft you can chose its size from the table. With larger ships comes a trade-off in stealth and duration. "Complement" in the table is how many medium-sized humanoids the fogcraft can carry, including yourself. Forming a craft takes 10 minutes, and the craft’s duration lasts for a variable number of hours depending on its size. It is also possible to turn an existing boat or ship into a fogcraft of the same size, this works the same way but takes only a minute to do. Such a craft reverts to normal at the end of the duration.
Grant Freedom (Sp)
Prerequisites: Legendary mariner tricks.
Benefit: You gain the effects of freedom of movement as a constant spell-like ability (your effective caster level equals your class level). As a swift action, you can transfer this effect to a creature by touch, but in this case the effect persists for only 1 round. When you do so, you regain the benefits at the end of the 1 round duration and can confer it again on a later round.
Into the Maelstrom (Sp)
Prerequisites: Legendary mariner tricks.
Benefit: You can make your ship seemingly flounder while really emerging in another plane. Each use costs two points of savvy and takes an full-round action. This works like plane shift cast by a sorcerer of your level, except the entire ship and crew moves into another plane. Creatures observing the event can make a DC 24 Spellcraft check to realize what is really happening.
Maelstrom Ally (Sp)
Prerequisites: Legendary mariner tricks.
Benefit: You can cast summon nature's ally IX, but only to summon swimming or flying creatures. Each use costs two points of savvy. Caster level is your mariner level. This spell-like ability has a duration of concentration, plus 1 minute/level after you stop concentrating to maintain it.
Ship of Spirits (Sp)
A legendary captain can recruit a spirit crew
Prerequisites: Legendary mariner tricks.
Benefit: You can cast skeleton crew and unseen crew. Each use costs two points of savvy. Caster level is your mariner level.
Shipmind (Su)
Prerequisites: Legendary mariner tricks.
Benefit: You can control your ship with a thought as a standard action. Each use costs two points of savvy. You must be on the deck of the ship you wish to control and you must be conscious. Once you activate your shipmind, you can feel the ship as if it were an extension of your body. You can “see” from the ship anywhere you want, and adjusting your point of view is a free action. You can move the ship as if it were your own body, and it moves over water at your base move or the ship’s normal speed, whichever is preferred. If you move the ship at your own speed, it moves as a character, not a vehicle, which means it has no facing and can make unlimited turns. The ship can only move along the surface this way, and can move at either your land or swim speed. While you use your shipmind ability, your body is paralyzed and unresponsive. You are considered helpless, but you retain an awareness of what goes on around your body (and can see your body from your perspective on the ship if you wish). You may end the shipmind effect as an immediate action. This ability lasts for 1 round per class level.
Whisk to Freedom (Sp)
Prerequisites: Legendary mariner tricks.
Benefit: You have spent enough time harnessing the wind that you have become one with it. You gain wind walk and word of recall (caster level equals your mariner level). Word of recall must return to a ship you own or serve on. Each use costs two points of savvy.
Whistle for Wind (Sp)
Prerequisites: Legendary mariner tricks.
Benefit: You can whistle for wind (a standard action) to cast control winds or control weather with a caster level equal to your mariner level. Each use costs two points of savvy and the effect centers on and moves with you. You can only change wind conditions, and you cannot reduce the wind strength. By performing for 10 minutes and succeeding at a DC 20 Perform check, you can cast these spells with their normal effect.
Adventurer Tricks
Alchemist Discovery
Prerequisites: Munitions adventuring focus.
Benefit: . You learn an alchemist discovery. Mariner levels count as alchemist levels to use qualify for discoveries. You cannot select discoveries that work with alchemist abilities you do not have, such as elixirs or mutagen. You can select this trick multiple times, gaining a different alchemist discovery each time.
Armor Training (Ex)
Prerequisites: Proficiency with medium armor.
Benefit: Whenever you are wearing armor, you reduce the armor check penalty by 1 (to a minimum of 0) and increases the maximum Dexterity bonus allowed by her armor by 1. You can also move at your normal speed while wearing medium armor.
Combat Savvy (Ex)
Benefit: When using savvy on an attack roll or saving throw, you expend one use of preparation instead of two.
Concentration (Ex)
Benefit: You gain a +4 bonus on Concentration checks.
Death from Above (Ex)
Benefit: When you do a jumping charge against an opponent at least 10 ft. below you, that opponent is considered flat-footed. Reduce any falling damage you take by the damage the target takes from the charge attack. Creatures with uncanny dodge can't be made flat-footed this way. You cannot pounce an object this way, only a creature.
Deck Proof (Ex)
Benefit: When you use an area effect on a ship, such as a spell with an area of effect or a splash weapon, you can make sure that the ship does not take any damage and is not set on fire.
Dog Watch
Benefit: You can rest and prepare spells gained from the mariner class even under adverse conditions. You are fully rested after 4 hours of sleep (2 hours of meditation for elves). After one week of such limited rest, you suffer the normal penalties of missing sleep. You gain a +4 bonus on saving throws against nightmare' spells and other effects that disturb your sleep, make resting less effective, or interfere with your spell preparation. This also applies against effects that would cause a divine caster to lose faith, such as a demodand's faith-stealing strike. If you prepare arcane spells, you only need to sleep 4 hours beforehand. You can prepare spells despite interruptions unless you actually take damage, suffer a harmful condition, or fail a saving throw against a non-harmless effect during spell preparation.
Doomed (Su)
Benefit: You have picked up a doom (as the doomed warrior class feature). Preferably, this should reflect events in your career.
Duelist (Ex)
Benefit: You gain a +1 bonus on attack and damage rolls made with a cutlass, dagger, knife (any type), rapier, or short sword.
Effortless Aid (Ex)
Benefit: The you can use an aid another action as a move action instead of as a standard action. You can expend one use of savvy to instead perform an aid another action as an immediate action.
Evasion (Ex)
Experienced mariners know how to avoid hazards like waves, flying splinters, and explosions.
Benefit: If you succeed at a Reflex saving throw against an attack that normally deals half damage on a successful save, you instead takes no damage. You cannot use evasion if you are helpless or if your speed is reduced by encumbrance or armor.
Extra Bombs (Ex)
Prerequisites: Munitions adventuring focus.
Benefit: You gain Extra Bombs as a bonus feat. This trick can be selected multiple times, the benefits stack.
Extra Performance (Ex)
Prerequisites: Shanties adventuring focus.
Benefit: You gain Extra Performance as a bonus feat. This trick can be selected multiple times, the benefits stack.
Extra Savvy (Ex)
Benefit: Increase your savvy pool by 2 points.
Special: You can pick this talent multiple times. The benefits stack.
Familiar (Ex)
Benefit: You gain a familiar as the familiar option of the wizard’s arcane bond class feature. The classic mariner's familiar is a parrot or monkey, but any kind of familiar is possible.
Magus Arcana
Prerequisites: Arcanism adventuring focus.
Benefit: You can pick a magus arcana instead of a mariner adventurer trick. Mariner levels count as magus levels to use and qualify for magus arcana. You expend points from your Savvy pool instead of arcane pool for arcana that use arcane pool. You cannot learn magus arcana that apply to abilities you do not have.
Grudge (Ex)
Benefit: Select one seafaring organization or a type of creature (except humanoid or outsider). Slavers, pirates, smugglers, and the fleet of Nondor are typical examples. You hold a grudge against this group and gain a +2 bonus on weapon attack and damage rolls against targets you know to be of this group. This trick can be chosen several times, each time selecting a new group. The benefits do not stack.
Rogue Talent
Prerequisites: Skullduggery adventuring focus.
Benefit: You can pick a rogue talent instead of a mariner trick. Mariner levels count as rogue levels to use and qualify for rogue talents. You cannot pick rogue talents that that apply to abilities you do not have, that give you a ki pool, or that give ninja tricks.
Second Chance (Ex)
You can expend a savvy point to reroll any skill check you have just made with a skill you can add savvy dice to without spending savvy points. You must take the second result, even if it is worse
Shootist (Ex)
Benefit: You gain proficiency with all firearms and Gunsmith as a bonus feat. You also gain one of the following firearms of your choice: blunderbuss, musket, or pistol. This weapon is battered, and only you know how to use it properly. All other creatures treat this gun as if it had the broken condition. If the weapon already has the broken condition, it does not work at all for anyone else trying to use it. This weapon has no resale value. If the gun is made into a magic item this restriction is lifted.
Spin Yarn (Ex)
Benefit: You gain a +2 bonus on Bluff and Perform (oratory) checks. By speaking for one minute and succeeding at a Bluff or Perform (oratory) check (DC 10 + each listener's Sense motive or twice the listener's Will save bonus against charm effects, whichever is higher), you can fascinate listeners with an unlikely tale of naval adventure. Make a single check and apply the result against all creatures within 20 ft. You need to make another check every 10 minutes to keep your audience's attention.
Telling Shot (Ex)
Prerequisites: Mariner level 4.
Benefit: Select one type of crossbow or firearm. When attacking with this weapon, you can add your Dexterity bonus to damage.
Special: You can pick this talent multiple times. The benefit does not stack. Each time, select a different weapon.
Telling Strike (Ex)
Prerequisites: Mariner level 2, Weapon Finesse.
Benefit: Select one melee weapon you can use with Weapon Finesse. When attacking with this weapon, you add your Dexterity bonus to damage instead of your Strength bonus. Anything that would cause you to lose some or all of your Strength bonus to damage instead reduces your Dexterity bonus to damage.
Special: You can pick this talent multiple times. The benefit does not stack. Each time, select a different weapon.
Treasure Finder (Ex)
Benefit: You are an expert at finding buried treasures and hidden cargoes. You can add your savvy die to Disable Device checks and to Perception checks to spot traps without expending a use of savvy. You can use Disable Device to disable magical traps, like a rogue with trapfinding.
Special: You count as having the rogue's trapfinding ability, but only for prerequisites.
Unconventional Savvy (Ex)
Benefit: Pick any one skill. You can add your savvy die to checks attempted with that skill without expending a use of savvy.
Special: You can pick this talent multiple times. The benefit does not stack. Each time, select a different skill.
Versatile Performance
Prerequisite: Mariner level 6.
Benefit: You learn the bard's versatile performance ability with a single selected Perform skill.
Special: A mariner with the shanties adventuring focus can select this trick one time per six mariner levels, choosing a different Perform skill each time.
Advanced Adventurer Tricks
Abolitionist's Resolve (Ex)
Prerequisites: Advanced adventurer tricks, good alignment, grudge (slavers).
Benefit: You have seen more suffering aboard a single slave ship than many will see in their entire lives, but this only hardens your resolve—you know all too well that there are fates worse than death. You become immune to fear effects.
Advanced Rogue Talent
Prerequisites: Advanced tricks, skullduggery adventuring focus.
Benefit: You can pick an advanced rogue talent instead of a mariner trick. Mariner levels count as rogue levels to use and qualify for rogue talents.
Amazing Savvy (Ex)
Prerequisite(s): Advanced mariner tricks.
Benefit: When using savvy, you roll a d8 instead of a d6. At 20th level, you roll 2d8 and adds both dice to the result.
Combat Savvy( Ex)
Benefit: When you use savvy on an attack roll or saving throw, you expend one use of savvy instead of two.
Fearsome Advance (Ex)
Prerequisites: Advanced tricks.
Benefit: At the end of a turn, you can make an Intimidate check as an immediate action to demoralize every opponent you caused damage to during your turn.
Foot Sweep (Ex)
You have learned to sweep your opponents’ legs when they are reeling from the pain of your precise attacks.
Prerequisites: Advanced tricks.
Benefit: If you deal damage with a melee attack, you can make a trip attack against the damaged opponent as an immediate action that does not trigger an attack of opportunity. All the usual rules for trip attacks apply, and feats such as Improved Trip modify the attack normally.
Hand Stab (Ex)
You can weaken an opponent’s weapon hand with an attack.
Prerequisites: Advanced tricks.
Benefit: When you deal damage against an opponent with a melee attack, you can make a disarm combat maneuver against the damaged opponent as an immediate action that does not trigger an attack of opportunity. All the usual rules for disarm attacks apply, and feats such as Improved Disarm modify the attack normally.
Magic of the Sea (Ex)
Prerequisites: Advanced tricks.
Benefit: When both you and the target(s) of your spell are within 100 ft. of a body of water, the save DC of all your spells increases by 2. This only applies to spells gained from the mariner class.
Master Duelist (Ex)
Prerequisites: Advanced tricks, duelist trick.
Benefit: You gain a +2 bonus on attack and damage rolls made with a cutlass, dagger, knife (any type), rapier, or short sword. This replaces the bonus from the duelist trick.
Mutagen (Ex)
Prerequisites: Advanced tricks, munitions adventuring focus.
Benefit: You gain the alchemist's mutagen ability.
Steal the Story (Ex)
Prerequisites: Advanced tricks.
Benefit: While another individual attempts to give an account of an event or improve a creature's attitude, you can make a Bluff check opposed against a speaker's Diplomacy to deftly interject comments or statements over the course of the storytelling that cause the individual to muddle specific details. This will discredit, insult, and humiliate the speaker. If the check succeeds, the speaker does not succeed at informing listeners about what he was trying to say and the attitude of anyone who heard the altered story worsens by one step. The target is allowed a Sense Motive check (DC equal to your Bluff check) to figure out that you made deliberate attempts to confuse the story.
Pounce Down (Ex)
Prerequisites: Advanced tricks.
Benefit: When you do a jumping charge at an opponent at least 10 ft. below you, you can do a pounce, as the monster ability. Reduce any falling damage you take by the damage the target takes from the first attack in the charge. You can use this ability and the death from above trick at the same time. You cannot pounce an object this way, only a creature.
Sea Singer (Ex)
Prerequisites: Advanced tricks.
Benefit: Your voice carries very well over water. You can be heard up to a 3 miles away, and your words are clear up to 500 ft. away, even over the din of waves, wind, and battle. In conditions of utter calm, your voice carries ten times as far. The range of all your bardic performances and all your mariner spells with the sonic or language-dependent descriptors are doubled.
Ship Spell (Su)
Prerequisites: Advanced tricks.
Benefit: When you cast a spell that is targeted on a point in space and which would normally not move along with a moving ship, you can alter the spell so that it targets a point on the ship and moves along with the ship. You must touch the ship to use this ability.
Vendetta (Ex)
Prerequisites: Advanced tricks, grudge trick.
Benefit: The bonus from all grudge tricks you know are increased to +4. You automatically confirm critical threats against grudge targets. At this point in your career you have become infamous among those you hold a grudge against, giving them a +10 bonus on Knowledge checks about you.
New Rule: Vehicle Stealth
Any driver can hide her vehicle from prying eyes, as long as the vehicle has cover (such as from intervening terrain or sufficiently large creatures or objects) or concealment (commonly from darkness, foliage, or weather conditions). The driver uses the drive skill as if it was the Stealth skill and suffers the normal Stealth penalties for the size of the vehicle (Large -4, Huge -8, Gargantuan -12, Colossal -16). Instead of the normal movement penalties to stealth, the driver suffers a -10 penalty for every 30 ft. the vehicle moves.
Favored Class Bonuses
Instead of receiving an additional skill rank or hit point whenever they gain a level in a favored class, some races have the option of choosing from a number of other bonuses, depending upon their favored classes. The following options are available to each listed race. Unless otherwise stated the bonus applies each time you select the listed favored class reward. All these choices are available from level 1, even if they enhance an ability you only gain at a higher level. A favored race bonus that helps you qualify for a certain class ability means you get that particular class ability at an earlier level.
- Dwarf: Increase the bonus from the dwarf's stability by +1/5. When this bonus reaches 1, the dwarf can add the stability bonus on Acrobatics checks on slippery, sloped, and unsteady surfaces.
- Elf: Learn 1/4 mariner trick.
- Gnome: Add +1/4 to the bonus from the gnome's keen senses and obsessive abilities.
- Half-Elf: Gain a +1/4 bonus on Diplomacy and Perception checks.
- Half-Orc: Choose 1/4 skill from this list: Acrobatics, Climb, Craft, Disable Device, Escape Artist, Handle Animal, Intimidate, Perform, Profession, Swim. You can use either Strength or Dexterity as the key ability for the selected skill.
- Halfling : Add +1/2 on all Perception checks on ships or in water or underwater terrain.
- Human: Gain 1/6 bonus feat.
- Aasimar: Add 3 ft. to the range of the aasimar's darkvision. Always round this down to the nearest increment of 5 ft.
- Androoid: Add a +1/4 on Fortitude saves.
- Avodim: Add +1/2 to damage dealt to creatures with the outsider type.
- Catfolk: Add a +1/2 bonus on Acrobatics checks.
- Changeling: Add +1/2 ft. to the changeling's natural reach. Always round this down to the nearest multiple of 5 ft. The changeling can only use this with natural weapons and touch attacks.
- Dhamphir: Add a +1/2 bonus on Stealth checks and Perception checks made in dim light or darkness.
- Dhosari: Increase Strength by 1/2, but only for the purpose of Strength checks (not Str-based skill checks) and carrying weight.
- Dragonblood: +1/4 to the bonus of the dragonblood's dragon guile racial trait.
- Drow: Add a +1/2 bonus on Bluff checks to feint and pass secret messages.
- Erkunae: Gain a +1/2 bonus on Use Magic Device.
- Eventual: Gain a +1/4 bonus on Knowledge (geography) and Survival checks.
- Fetchling: Add a +1/2 bonus on Stealth and Sleight of Hand checks made while in dim light or darkness.
- Gnoll: +1 on Acrobatics checks to jump.
- Goblin: Add a +1/2 bonus on damage rolls made before the target has acted in combat.
- Grippli: Add a +1/2 bonus on Stealth checks and Perception checks made in on ships, in swamps, and in shallow or deep bog terrain.
- Hobgoblin: Reduce the penalty for not being proficient with one weapon by 1. When the non-proficiency penalty for a weapon becomes 0 because of this ability, the hobgoblin is treated as having the appropriate Martial or Exotic Weapon Proficiency feat for that weapon.
- Ifrit: Add a +1/2 bonus on Acrobatics checks to jump and a +1/2 bonus on Intimidate checks to demoralize enemies.
- Kitsune: Gain scent with a range of 1 ft. Always round this down to the nearest increment of 5 ft.
- Kobold: Choose an energy type: acid, cold, electricity, or fire. Gain energy resistance 1 against the selected damage type.
- Lizardfolk: Gain either climb speed 1 ft. or swim speed 1 ft., whatever the lizardfolk did not start with. Always round this down to the nearest increment of 5 ft.
- Merfolk: Increase land speed by 2 ft. to a maximum of 20 ft. Thereafter, gain +1 ft. of climb speed. Always round speed down to the nearest increment of 5 ft.
- Nagaji: Gain either climb speed 1 ft. or swim speed 1 ft. in any combination. Always round this down to the nearest increment of 5 ft.
- Orc: Gain +1 bonus to damage when at 0 or fewer current hit points.
- Orcam: Add 1 ft. to the range of orcam ecolocation and gain blindsense 1 ft. when not using echolocation.
- Oread: Gain cold resistance 1.
- Polkan: For 1 round per day the polkan can squeeze (reducing space to 5 ft.) without taking any penalties. These rounds need not be consecutive.
- Qit'ar: Gain +1/4 to saves vs. mind-affecting spells and effects, and poison.
- Ratfolk: Gain either climb speed 1 ft. or swim speed 1 ft. in any combination. Always round this down to the nearest increment of 5 ft.
- Samsaran: Add +1/4 to the bonus of given by the samsarans lifebound ability.
- Shibaten: Add a +1/4 on Fortitude saves.
- Strix: Add a +1 ft. to the range of the strix's darkvision. Always round this down to the nearest increment of 5 ft.
- Sylph: Add a +1/2 bonus on Acrobatics checks to jump and a +1/2 bonus on Sense Motive checks.
- Tengu: Gain a +1/2 bonus on critical hit confirmation rolls made with a with any one melee weapon listed under the tengu’s swordtrained ability (maximum bonus of +5). When the bonus reaches +5, the tengu can continue to spend points, gaining a bonus on confirmation rolls with all melee weapon listed under the tengu’s swordtrained ability. This bonus does not stack with those gained through Critical Focus and similar effects.
- Tiefling: Add 1/2 to the resistances gained from the theifling's fiendish resistance ability.
- Undine: +1 ft. to the undines's swim speed. Always round this down to the nearest increment of 5 ft.
- Vanara: +1/2 all Acrobatics and Climb checks.
- Wayang: Add 3 ft. to the range of the wayang's darkvision. Always round this down to the nearest increment of 5 ft.
- Xesa: Gain 1/4 daily use of warp wood (sp).
- Zendiqi: Choose 1/4 additional element for, and add 1/4 to the resistance given by the old way racial ability.
- Zif: Add +1/2 to the zif’s Climb checks. The zif can climb absolutely smooth surfaces like a wall of force with a DC of 40.
See Also
Prestige archetype variants of the two separate mariner prestige classes.
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Section 15 Addendum
- System Reference Document © 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.; Authors: Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip Williams, based on material by E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson.
- Genie, Marid from the Tome of Horrors Complete © 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author: Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax.
- Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Core Rulebook © 2009, Paizo Inc.; Author: Jason Bulmahn, based on material by Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, and Skip Williams.
- Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Adventurer’s Guide © 2017, Paizo Inc.; Authors: Benjamin Bruck, John Compton, Crystal Frasier, Tim Hitchcock, Jenny Jarzabski, Isabelle Lee, Joe Pasini, Jessica Price, David Schwartz, and Josh Vogt.
- Lands of Porphyra © 2015, Purple Duck Games; Authors: Ken Austin, Thomas Baumbach, Carl Cramér, Daniel Denehy, Perry Fehr, Mark Gedak, August Hahn, Noble Hays, John Hazen, Sam Hing, Sean Holland, N. Jolly, Christopher Kaiser, James H. Lewis, Chris Longhurst, Liz Mackie, Josh McCrowell, Christopher Mennell, Scott Messer, Angel “ARMR” Miranda, Julian Neale, Daniel M. Perez, David Pryzbyla, Marc Radle, David N. Ross, Treyson Sanders, Justin Sluder, Todd Stewart, Stefen Styrsky, Mike Welham, Jeremy Whelan, Patricia Willenborg.
- Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Advanced Race Guide © 2012, Paizo Publishing, LLC; Authors: Dennis Baker, Jesse Benner, Benjamin Bruck, Jason Bulmahn, Adam Daigle, Jim Groves, Tim Hitchcock, Hal MacLean, Jason Nelson, Stephen Radney-MacFarland, Owen K.C. Stephens, Todd Stewart, and Russ Taylor.