Skull & Shackles

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Unofficial rules compendium

This is Pazio's adventure arc. It is not settled if this will take place in the World of Greyhawk or Golarion.


See the External Links for the official campaign guide, including campaign-specific traits. The campaign will most likely be run in Greyhawk, in the island chain just south of the main map. The traditional inhabitants of this area is Suel colonists, with a recent influx of people of the Common culture. Olman and Heptmonaland humans make up a colorful native background, along with lizard folk and many and varied unusual species. Undrer-water folk might get mixed up in the action but are not allowed as player characters, at least not initially.


My current working theory is that this will be played using the Pathfinder RPG. It would be interesting to run it in Action, but I judge that less likely at the moment. The following assumes Pathfinder rules.

  • A Pirate's Fate: When a character would ordinarily die, they can choose to suffer a random lasting injury (as described in the Shackles Player's Guide. The option that this gives a bonus of +1 on Diplomacy and Intimidation is in play.
  • House Rules


Character Creation

Characters get 0-4 traits from a combination of alignment, race, and class.


No evil characters. Lawful characters are allowed, but discouraged. NG, CG. N, and CN characters get 1 extra trait.

  • Patrons - The following gods make good patrons for pirates
    • Besmara - CN Common god of piracy - Chaos, Trickery, War, Water, Weather. Weapon: Rapier.
    • Kord - CG Suel/Common god of challenges, strength and bravery - Chaos, Glory (Heroism), Good, Strength. Weapon: Greatsword.
    • Norebo - CN Suel god of luck and gambling - Chaos, Luck, Trickery. Weapon: Dagger.
    • Procan - CN Oerdian god of storms and oceans - Animal, Chaos, Travel, Water, Weather. Weapon: Trident.

Class & Race

  • Recommended Races: Human (Common, Suel).
    Members of these races get an additional trait at character creation. Note that these human sub-races have racial traits. Note that the campaign takes place in the Common language region, so Common humans gain one additional trait as compensation for getting no native language.
  • Recommended Classes: Alchemist, Bard, Fighter, Oracle, Ranger, Rogue, Sorcerer, Wizard.
    Members of these classes get an additional trait at character creation.
  • Discouraged Classes: Chevalier (except new archetypes from here), Monk, Inquisitor, Paladin.
  • Class Options besides those in official Pathfinder
Full Base Attack Bonus
¾ Base Attack Bonus ½ Base Attack Bonus

See Also

External Links