Hextor (Greyhawk Action)

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Lawful Evil, Third Generation Oerdian god

Hextor is Hieroneous evil brother and the Oerdian god of tyrrany. He claims the right to rule based on strength and ability. He disdains Hieroneous tolerance for weakness. The weak exist only to serve the strong. He is an ascended mortal sponsored by Tiamat.

Hextor (HEKS-tor) is the arch-foe of Heironeous, his brother and fellow Oeridian war god. He seeks to conquer or destroy any that oppose him. He is depicted as a handsome man with dark hair and light skin when shown as a god who rules through strength, but takes the visage of a gray-skinned, horrible six-armed being when shown in his more violent aspect. He uses a different weapon in each arm and wears iron scale armor with many skull decorations. His icon is the Symbol of Hate and Discord, six red arrows facing downward in a fan.

The world is a dark and bloody place where the strong rule the weak, and power is the only reward. It is often necessary to be cruel and merciless in the pursuit of ones goals, and achieving those goals can have harsh consequences. Order must be forged out of chaos and law out of anarchy. The forces of tyranny must be obeyed and dissenters must be oppressed or destroyed.

Most of Hextor's temples are built on the sites of great battles where many were slaughtered. Hextor's clerics constantly train themselves in the arts of war, for they plan or lead attacks on rebels and do-gooders. Many serve petty or powerful leaders, and others still have achieved significant political positions of their own, particularly in the former Great Kingdom. Individuals and small groups strike out from established churches to sow dissent in enemy lands, bringing down foreign nations from within so that the arms of Hextor may conquer.

Alignment: Lawful Evil

Weapon: Flail

Pathfinder Domains

Evil, Destruction, Law, Nobility, War.

Pathfinder Traits

Action Domains

Darkness, Life, Metal, Order, Spiritual.