Mountebank (5A)

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A mountebank is a social rogue, a confidence trickster that thrives on fast talk and deception rather than stealth or thievery. A classic rogue, the mountebank might have or not have honest intentions, but after befuddling people this might not matter, even a honest mountebank can cause confusion and dissent. As the mountebank advances in level, pretenses turn into genuine magic.

Archetype Features

Bonus Proficiencies

At 3rd level when you pick this archetype, you gain proficiency with two of the following skills: Deception, Intimidate, Perform, or Persuade. Add Disguise Kit to the choices you can make with your Expertise ability.


At 3rd level you can use trickery to stupefy others. As a bonus action, you can use Deception, Intimidate, Perform, or Persuade to stun a creature within 10 ft. Make a roll opposed by the target's passive value in the skill you are using. If you succeed, the target is Stunned until the end of your current turn.

Stage Magic

At 9th level you learn a bit of magic, enough to enhance your pretenses. Charisma is your spellcasting ability for these spells. Select three of the following cantrips: Booming Blade, Create Bonfire, Dancing Lights, Friends, Infestation, Mage Hand, Mending, Message, Minor Illusion, Mold Earth, Prestidigitation, Shape Water.

In addition you learn Mage Armor, Shield, and Tenser's Floating Disc. You can cast each of these spells twice. You recover all uses after a long rest.

Major Magic

At 13th level you learn additional magic. Add Levitate, Misty Step, and Suggestion to the list of spells you can cast. You can now cast each spell you know three times before you need to rest to recover them.

See Also