Dodge Dark (Action Powers)

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Main article: Dodge (Action Powers)

Dark Focus

Trigger Action (Focus)

You can focus when you take Enervation damage. Whenever you are hit by such an attack or subject to harmful amounts of energy, you can focus. The damage need not be sufficient to cause a Hit or otherwise have an effect on you. You can also focus when in complete darkness.

Dark Step

Trigger Action

You step into shadow and teleport a short distance - no more than your Mind in meters. If done in response to an attack, this adds a +5 bonus to your Dodge for the shot, but you only teleport at the end of the shot; all attacks in the current shot can still target you in the spot you started out at. You can also trigger a Dark Step on one of your own actions, teleporting either before or after a basic action, but in this case there is no Dodge bonus.

This power does not work in bright areas without shadows - there must be shades or darkness for you to step into.