Ride Schticks (Action)

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Heroic Action Role-Play



You spend a lot of time on the road, and have a tendency to just happen to be there when it happens. Any time another character is alone and needs help, you can show up if it's at all plausible.

Fast Hero


You are a lucky guy; people tend to leave their cars empty with the motor running near you. At any time when it makes any kind of sense in the story you can find vehicles suitable for a chase ready and waiting for both you and your opposition, turning an ordinary scene into a chase scene. If an enemy makes a getaway you will generally find a suitable vehicle to chase them with, but sometimes villains are meant to escape and no pursuit will be possible.



You may not be in the best of shape. Too much drive-in food. But with your car, you dance like a ballerina.

Normally, the effective Reflexes of a driver and his vehicle is the lower of the two Reflex values. You can ignore your own Reflexes when you are behind the wheel, using only the Reflexes of your ride.


Basic Action

You are a master of the wild. Finding food and shelter is easy for you. You can use the subtle clues of nature to find and avoid danger and track like a wolf. You can scrounge medicines and improvise basic gear from nature. You can predict and avoid natural hazards, like cold, rain, avalanches and so on. You can be a tour guide and help others to avid these dangers as well.

Tracking has a difficulty of one per hour old the trail is, minus one per creature in the group you are trailing; terrain and weather can modify this further. Another Ranger concealing tracks adds his skill your your difficulty. The other stunts mentioned are automatic.

Ride On

Trigger Action (Combo)

When you take a basic action and move before you act, you can use this schtick to repeat all or part of the move after the action, contrinuing to move in the same direction you did before your action. You must be riding or on skiis, skates, rollerblades, skateboards, bungyjumping, swinging on a rope or use some similar technique and the move must be unhindered by terrain or otherwise.

Signature Ride


The schtick applies to a single, actual ride; if your signature ride is a purple Cadillac with zebra print seat covers, fuzzy dice and a genuine mink steering wheel, you only get the bonus in that particular purple Caddy: No other Cadillac (no matter how purple) gives the bonus. Unique Signature Rides have a form of script immunity, a villain may steal if from you, but it will always pop up somewhere later in the story. It will never become permanently lost or destroyed. A signature ride is very precious, and can be held hostage if someone manages to steal it.

A signature ride has three Fortune points stored in it, that you can only use when driving it. You don't have to use those points to actually drive the car; they can be good for other things you do while driving, such as impressing chicks. You just need to give a vaguely plausible explaination.