Feats (Apath)

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Unofficial rules compendium

I've restricted myself to just a few new feats. More feat ideas can be found at Feats (D&D).

Additional Fencing School (Combat)

Prerequisite: Fencing school class feature.

Benefit: Select an additional fencing school. You can use this fencing school in place of your original one. The benefits of these schools do not stack, you can only use one fencing school at any one time. You can change from one fencing school you know to another as a swift action.

Special: You can take this feat multiple times. Each time you do, you learn another fencing school.

Combat Stamina (Combat)

Notepad.png This is a work in progress.

You stop at nothing to drive your attack home.

Prerequisite: Base attack bonus +5, any 4 combat feats

Benefit: You gain a stamina pool (see Pathfinder Unchained) equal to your Constitution modifier. For each combat feat you learn (including this one), you gain an additional point to your stamina pool.

After you make an attack roll with a manufactured weapon, unarmed strike, or natural weapon attack with which you are proficient, but before results are revealed, you can spend up to 5 stamina points. If you do, you gain a competence bonus on the attack roll equal to the number of stamina points you spent. If you miss with the attack, the stamina points you spent are still lost.

You can continue to spend stamina points while fatigued, but any stamina points you spent are instead subtracted from your daily maximum of stamina points, reducing the number of stamina points you can recover later in the day. If your daily stamina points drop to zero, you cannot spend any more stamina points.

Your stamina pool refreshes after 5 minutes of rest. Your daily stamina maximum resets to normal after a meal and a night's rest.

Special: Since you have a stamina pool, you can spend your stamina points to use any combat tricks associated with combat feats you possess.

Cosmopolitan Kitsune (General)

You can imitate any humanoid species whose language you know.

Prerequisite: Kitsune, Linguistics 1 rank.

Benefit: When using the kitsune racial ability to change shape, you can assume the form of any species of humanoid whose language you know. You get a +10 bonus on Disguise checks to appear as someone of the chosen species, but you assume the same shape each time you change into a certain species, and this shape resembles your human form. Observers familiar with your human form get the same Perception bonus as those familiar with someone you impersonate ordinarily would based on their familiarity to you.

The benefit combines with other improvements on change shape, such as the Realistic Likeness feat, tough that feat overcomes the resemblance to your ordinary form.

Normal: Kitsune can only assume the form of humans.

Expert Trainer (General)

Prerequisite: Mount or animal companion class feature or equivalent.

Benefit: You learn to use Handle Animal to domesticate and train creatures with speed. You can reduce the time needed to tame an creature, teach a creature a new trick, or train a creature for a general purpose to 1 day per 1 week required by increasing the DC by +5. You can also handle more than one creature without taking more time, although each creature after the first adds +2 to the DC.

Special: This is the same as the cavalier class ability of the same name. The cavalier specifies mounts, while this ability refers to creatures in general, but that difference is superficial. When using the expanded domestication rules, the cavalier ability applies to domestication.

Grappling Charge (Combat)

You can make a rush and grab a foe.

Publisher: Purple Duck Games.

Prerequisites: Improved Grapple, Improved Unarmed Strike, base attack bonus +4.

Benefit: You can combine a charge with a grapple combat maneuver, gaining a +2 bonus on the CMB to grapple, but suffering a -2 penalty on your Armor Class and CMD until the beginning of your next round.

Improved Body Shield (Combat)

You cover behind those you grapple.

Publisher: Purple Duck Games.

Prerequisites: Dex 13, Body Shield, Improved Grapple, Improved Unarmed Strike, base attack bonus +9.

Benefit: While grappling or being grappled you gain two benefits. You gain cover against opponents not involved in the grapple and you do not suffer a penalty to Armor Class or combat maneuver checks when you are prone.

Improved Brace (Combat)

You can rapidly brace a weapon against a charge.

Publisher Purple Duck Games.

Prerequisite: Combat Reflexes, proficient with spear.

Benefits: You must wield a weapon with the brace quality to use this feat. A charging enemy moving into a space you threaten triggers an attack of opportunity that deals double damage. When an enemy triggers an attack of opportunity by moving from a space in your threaten into a space adjacent to you, you do double damage on that attack of opportunity. Finally, you can wield a spear as a one-handed weapon.

Improved Smuggler Cell (General)

Prerequisite: Smuggling cell class feature.

Benefit: Increase the maximum size of your smuggling cell by three.

Special: You can take this feat multiple times, with stacking benefits.

Limb Grab (Combat)

You can grapple a foe if you are in that foes natural reach.

Publisher Purple Duck Games.

Prerequisites: Improved Grapple, Improved Unarmed Strike, base attack bonus +12.

Benefit: When you are within the natural reach of an opponent, you can make a grapple combat maneuver against that opponent according to the normal rules, even if the opponent is out of your reach. If successful, you move adjacent to the opponent without spending movement or triggering attacks of opportunity.

Limb Twist (Combat)

You twist your opponent asunder from the inside.

Publisher Purple Duck Games.

Prerequisites: Strength 13+, Improved Grapple, Improved Unarmed Strike, base attack bonus +9.

Benefit: You ignore damage reduction when inflicting unarmed damage with a successful grapple check. A target immune to critical hits is immune to Limb Twist.

Pavise (Ex)

Prerequisite Proficiency with tower shield.

Benefit As a move action, you can position a tower shield in your square. An emplaced tower shield is called a pavise. Picking up the the tower shield again is a move action. If you move to another square without first picking up the pavise, it falls flat and is counted as a normal dropped object. Another creature adjacent to the pavise can pick it up or cause it to fall flat as a move action. If you are outflanked while using pavise, the tower shield falls flat automatically.

You continue to get all benefits and penalties from the tower shield, except that you need not use a hand to hold it.

Pavise, Improved (Ex)

Prerequisite Base attack +6, proficient with tower shield, Pavise.

Benefit Positioning or picking up a pavise is now a swift action.

Precision Shot (Combat)

You can place your shots where they hurt the most

Prerequisite: Point-Blank Shot, Weapon Focus, proficient with a crossbow or firearm.

Benefit: When using a firearm or crossbow you have Weapon Focus with, you gain a bonus on damage rolls equal to your Dexterity modifier with that weapon. You cannot add any Strength bonus to damage when you do this.

Special: If another ability allows you to apply your Dexterity bonus to damage, the damage bonus does not stack. If you have sneak attack at a range greater than 30 ft., you can use precision shot at your sneak attack range.

Signature Skill (General)

Your ability with a particular skill is the stuff of legends, and you can do things with that skill that others cannot.

Prerequisite: 5 ranks in the chosen skill.

Benefit: Choose one skill. Your ability to use skill unlocks with this skill is based on your skill bonus in the skill.

Special: Rogues get this as a class feature at 5th level and every 5 levels thereafter. In addition to the normal benefits of this feat, a rogue adds half her class level to checks with that skill.

Spellbook Craftsman

Prerequisite: Arcane spellcaster or Use Magic Device 2 ranks

Benefit: You can use your class level as your caster level when creating magic items and learning item creation feats.

You can use spells in a spellbook you have access to during item crafting as prerequisites for creating magic items, just as if you were able to cast those spells. You need not know these spells, but must have deciphered them. In order to use a spell in item creation, you must have (or use Use Magic Device to emulate) an Intelligence equal to the spell's level +10.

This feat does not make it any easier for you to use magic items, including items you created.

Quick Sheathe (Combat)

You can sheathe weapons faster than most.

Prerequisite: Base attack bonus +1, Quick Draw.

Benefit: You can sheathe a weapon as a free action instead of as a move action.

See Also

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