Dooms (Apath)

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Dooms are dire pronouncements and fates, often decided before a character's birth but sometimes picked up during life. A doom follows the bearer relentlessly, but it is not a simple curse; a doom also brings greatness to its wearer.

These dooms are for the Doomed Warrior class and the Cursed Feat. Dooms are similar to the oracle's curse but more suited to martial characters. Curse level is the level the curse operates at, which is the class level in the class that gave the curse as a class feature plus half the total level in other classes.

A character that has both a doom and an oracle's curse can choose the same or a different dooms and curses. If selecting the same, use levels in both the classes plus half the total level in other classes as the curse level. Bonuses and penalties from dooms and curses do not stack, but when the benefit from the curses are different, both apply.

Anasyrma Doom

Clothes are for folk; animals, spirits, and gods are rarely dressed, and you share this quality.

Your body won't carry armor and very few objects. You cannot carry more than light encumbrance, and you cannot wear vets, vestments, or any armor, but you can use any weapon or shield. Surplus items simply fall right through you, as if you were insubstantial. You get to add your Charisma bonus (if any) as a sacred (or profane, if you are evil) bonus to Armor Class and CMD. This makes you a sort of intuitive practitioner of Way of Life martial arts. Your bonus sacred or profane to Armor class improves by +1 for each of medium armor and heavy armor you are proficient with.

At 5th level, you can use freedom of movement (Sp) as an immediate action. You can use this a number of rounds each day equal to your class level, but these rounds need not be consecutive. You cannot use this ability to ignore or remove force effects.

At 10th level, you can use ethereal jaunt (sp) for one round as a swift action. You can use this a number of times each day equal to your Charisma modifier (minimum 1), but these rounds need not be consecutive. You are visible to material creatures while you use this ability.

At 15th level, you can use the level 5 ability as much as you like and the level 10 ability lasts one minute per use and can be dismissed as a free action.

Animal Transformation Doom

In situations of high stress you transform into a small animal. When you take this curse, pick any animal that can be a wizard's familiar. You transform into this shape, as beast shape II (sp). You have no control over this transformation.

The following conditions trigger this change: confused, covering, disabled, entangled, exhausted, frightened, grappled, helpless (including asleep or paralyzed), panicked, or stunned. If you are caged, bound, cuffed or otherwise restrained this also triggers the transformation. The transformation lasts as long as the condition lasts and 1d6 rounds after it ends. Escape Artist becomes a class skill. As a part of the transformation, you can use Escape Artist with a +10 circumstance bonus to try to escape confinement as if you spent a full-round action doing so. The is usually relevant when entangled, grappled, bound or caged. You do not automatically escape as the bonds adapt to your new shape on a failed roll.

You can speak and satisfy verbal and somatic components in your transformed form, but using spells or spell-like abilities is against the nature of the animal, you must succeed on a concentration check (DC 20 + spell level) or the spell is expended with no effect.

At 5th level, you can change between your normal and animal forms as a standard action and have the choice to not revert to your normal form 1d6 rounds after an effect that transforms you ends.

At 10th level, You gain the shapechanger subtype and automatically assume your animal form when affected by a polymorph, petrification, or other effect that changes your shape or substance.

At 15th level you can assume your animal form as an immediate action. You can do so in response to failing a saving throw. This gives you a re-roll on the saving throw, but doing this prevents you from assuming your normal form for 1d6 rounds, regardless of whether you succeeded on the re-rolled saving throw.

Blindness Doom

You permanently suffer the blinded condition. You have adjusted to your condition to the point where you only take a –2 penalty on Armor Class and most Strength- and Dexterity-based skill checks. You must make a DC 5 Acrobatics skill check to move faster than half speed; if you fail this check you fall prone. You still take a -4 penalty on opposed Perception skill checks and all checks and activities that rely on vision (such as reading and Perception checks based solely on sight) automatically fail. All opponents are considered to have total concealment (50% miss chance). You automatically pinpoint an opponent within 30 ft. unless that opponent successfully uses Stealth against you, and you can cast targeted spells against a creature pinpointed in this way as long as you have a line of effect. You gain a limited blindsight (30 ft.) (as the creature ability) that can only see fey, outsiders, undead, ethereal, and invisible creatures. You gain Blind-Fight as a bonus feat.

At 5th level, your ability to pinpoint creatures that fail at Stealth extends to 60 ft. and your blindsight can see aberrations, constructs, fey, magical beasts, monstrous humanoids, outsiders, plant creatures, undead, ethereal, and invisible creatures. You gain Improved Blind-Fight as a bonus feat, ignoring prerequisites.

At 10th level, blindsight extends to 60 ft. and you can affect incorporeal and ethereal creatures, as if they were material. You gain Greater Blind-Fight as a bonus feat, ignoring prerequisites.

At 15th level your blindsight extends to 120 ft. and can see any type of creature, but you still cannot see inanimate objects.

Branded Doom

Source Oracle's Curse, copyright 2014 by RJ Grady, published by Tripod Machine.

You have a visible scar on your forehead or arm that depicts a mystical symbol of some significance. You had no choice in the matter; the brand appeared with fire and searing pain.

Your brand cannot be disguised or altered, even with magic, although you can still benefit from cover or concealment, and you can cover it by wearing a hood or robe (as appropriate). Some NPCs may recognize the brand and become hostile, per the GM's choice. As a supernatural ability, you can touch an enemy for 1d6 +(1/2 your curse level) fire damage; any opponent who takes damage bears your symbol until an equal amount of damage is healed. Any branded opponent takes -2 to armor class against your attacks. You can perform this branding touch a number of times per day equal to 1 +your Charisma bonus (minimum 1).

At 5th level, you may add your Charisma bonus to your Fortitude saving throw bonus.

At 10th level, you gain fire resistance 5.

At 15th level, your fire resistance increases 10. The penalty branded opponents take increases to -4.

Clouded Vision Doom

Source PRG:APG

Your eyes are obscured, making it difficult for you to see.

You cannot see anything beyond 30 feet, but you can see as if you had darkvision.

At 5th level, this distance increases to 60 feet.

At 10th level, you gain blindsense out to a range of 30 feet.

At 15th level, you gain blindsight out to a range of 15 feet.

Cold-Blooded Doom

Source Monster Codex

Your blood turns sluggish without sufficient heat, and you must seek warmth and shelter earlier than most. This oracle curse is common among lizardfolk and other oracles with the reptilian subtype.

You take a –4 penalty on saves against cold spells and effects, and whenever you fail such a saving throw, you are staggered for 1 round. You can survive without food four times longer than a typical creature of your species before you begin to starve.

At 5th level, poisons affecting you have their onset time doubled and last half as long if they end after a set time (for example, a poison with a frequency of 1/round for 6 rounds would instead have a frequency of 1/round for 3 rounds). Poisons with no onset time gain an onset time of 1 round.

At 10th level, whenever an action you have readied is triggered, you can take an additional move action at half your speed—along with your readied action—even if you have already taken a move action that round.

At 15th level, you can take an additional move action a number of times per day equal to your Charisma modifier. You can take these additional move actions only on your turn, and can take only one of these extra move actions per turn.

Convulsions Doom

Source: Advanced Options: Oracle’s Curses. Copyright 2010, Super Genius Games. Author: Owen K.C. Stephens.

You suffer from sudden, uncontrollable convulsions. Whenever you roll a 1 (the die roll shows a “1”) on an attack roll, skill check, ability check, or Reflex save, you drop all items you are holding and cannot take attacks of opportunity until the beginning of your next turn. However, these convulsions have made you very limber, gaining a bonus to all Reflex saves and Escape Artist checks equal to half your curse's level .

Consumed Doom

Source PPC:BoF

Your curse has left you diminished but still able to scorn many mortal frailties.

Whenever you take lethal hit point damage, you take an additional number of points of nonlethal damage equal to 1/2 the lethal damage you took. You automatically stabilize when brought below 0 hit points.

At 5th level, whenever you make a saving throw against a disease or poison effect, roll twice and use the higher roll as your result.

At 10th level, you can go without food or water for a number of days equal to your oracle level before suffering any ill effects due to starvation or thirst.

At 15th level, whenever a creature within 30 feet takes damage while in combat, you automatically gain 1 temporary hit point. You can benefit from this ability a number of times per round equal to your Charisma modifier, and you can gain a total number of temporary hit points in this way equal to your oracle level. Temporary hit points gained this way disappear after 1 hour.

Choreomania Doom

Publisher: Trailseeker.

You suffer bouts of compulsive, ecstatic dancing. You must dance when casting and preparing spells, and your oracle spells suffer from arcane spell failure. You must move at least 5 ft. in each round before casting a spell. All your spells have somatic components, and you cannot use the Still Spell metamagic feat. Acrobatics and Perform (dance) are class skills for you. You get to add your Charisma bonus (if any) as a dodge bonus to Armor Class and CMD. If you wear armor, use a shield or are caught flat-footed or otherwise denied your Dexterity bonus to Armor Class, you also lose this bonus. Your dodge bonus to Armor class improves by +1 for each of medium armor and heavy armor you are proficient with. This makes you a sort of intuitive practitioner of Way of Life martial arts.

At 5th level, you gain Mobility as a bonus feat without needing to fulfill the requirements.

At 10th level, you are constantly dancing and cavorting, even when asleep, and can always apply your Dexterity and dodge bonuses to Armor Class as long as you are not immobile. You are unable to voluntarily stand still, but you need not move about unless you want to—you can dance in place. Dancing counts as resting to you.

At 15th level, you can use irresistible dance (sp) once per day as 7th level oracle spell at a caster level equal to your curse level. The saving throw DC against this ability is 17 + your Charisma modifier. If you can cast 7th level spells, instead add irresistible dance to spell list, list of known spells, and/or spellbook, as appropriate.

Curse Magnet Doom

You do not have any one specific curse, instead you are a magnet for curses and bad magic of all kinds.

Any time a creature within 30 ft. of you is under a curse, you must save against that curse. If the curse does not have an established saving throw, use a Will save with a DC of 10 + ½ the cursed creature's hit dice + the cursed creature's Charisma modifier. If you fail, the curse is removed from the original target and instead targets you. Whether your saving throw fails or succeeds, you cannot pick up that curse again until 24 hours have passed. You can only suffer one curse at a time. If you are suffering a curse and a second curse would be inflicted on you, the old curse is automatically removed. Your curses can also be removed normally.

You cannot pick up another oracle's or doomed warrior's curse this way. At the GM's discretion certain other powerful curses, generally those that only divinities can lift, are similarly resistant to your ability to transfer curses.

If you are not currently suffering a curse and a creature within 30 ft. of you is targeted by a spell or spell-like ability that is neither harmless nor inflicts hit point damage and that requires a Will saving throw, and the creature's saving throw fails, you must make a Will saving throw against that effect. If your Will saving throw fails, that effect affects you instead of the original target. You are affected as if you were the initial target. Only the initial use of an ability can trigger this; effects that require saving throws each round, like hold person, cannot be attracted to you when the target fails a saving throw in a succeeding round.

At 5th level, you can choose to transfer the effect of a curse or a supernatural ability, spell, or spell-like ability that is not harmless nor has an instantaneous duration from a target within 30 ft. to yourself. This is not an action, but you can only do so on your turn. You can use this even if you were exposed to that curse in the last 24 hours, and whether you are currently cursed or not. The effect is removed from the original target and affects you instead.

At 10th level, when an effect is transferred to you by lower-level abilities of this curse, you can choose to remove any supernatural ability, spell, or spell-like ability you were suffering from before the transfer.

At 15th level, when an effect is transferred to you by lower-level abilities of this curse, you can choose to remove any conditions you are currently suffering from. You also increase the range at which you pick up curses and other effects from allies to 100 ft.

Deaf Doom

Source PRG:APG

You cannot hear and suffer all of the usual penalties for being deafened. You gain Toughness as a bonus feat.

At 5th level, you receive a +3 competence bonus on Perception checks that do not rely upon hearing, and the initiative penalty for being deaf is reduced to –2.

At 10th level, you gain scent and you do not suffer any penalty on initiative checks due to being deaf.

At 15th level, you gain tremorsense out to a range of 30 feet.

Feral Doom

Source Oracle's Curse, copyright 2014 by RJ Grady, published by Tripod Machine.

There is something of the animal in you. You relate better to beasts than to "people."

You suffer a -4 penalty on Diplomacy checks. For purposes of spells, weapon qualities, and other effects, you can be counted as animal or your actual type (though spells that grant intelligence to an animal, such as awaken, do not work on you), whichever is least advantageous for you. You gain wild empathy, as a druid of your curse level.

At 5th level, you can use wild shape, once per day, as a druid, to become an animal. This functions as beast shape I for its effects.

At 10th level, you can use wild shape twice per day to become an animal, and it functions as beast shape II.

At 15th level, you can use wild shape three times per day to become an animal, and it functions as beast shape III.

Frail Doom

Source: Advanced Options: Oracle’s Curses. Copyright 2010, Super Genius Games. Author: Owen K.C. Stephens.

Your body simply can’t take serious damage without draining you of your vigor. Whenever you have less than 50% of your full hit points, or have any Strength, Dexterity, or Constitution damage or drain in effect, you are fatigued.

You work harder to compensate for your weak frame with cunning and knowledge. You gain +1 additional skill point at each oracle level. You may choose an additional skill to be a class skill at 5th, 10th, and 15th levels.

At 10th level, you are only fatigued if you have less than 25% of your hit points, or suffer a drain or damage to two of the listed ability scores.

Frenetic Doom

Source Oracle's Curse, copyright 2014 by RJ Grady, published by Tripod Machine.

You are frenetic and excited, never pausing.

You can never take "take 10" or "take 20" on a skill check. However, you roll initiative twice, taking the better result.

At 5th level, you add your Charisma bonus to your Reflex saving throws.

At 10th level, you gain the Wind Stance feat, even if you don't qualify for the prerequisites.

At 15 level, roll initiative three times, instead of twice, taking the best result. You gain the Lightning Stance feat, even if you don't qualify for the prerequisites.

Friendless Doom

Source Oracle's Curse, copyright 2014 by RJ Grady, published by Tripod Machine.

Alone and despised, you draw power from your inner resolve.

You do not gain your Charisma bonus to Diplomacy checks, and if you use Diplomacy to make a request of someone, their attitude worsens one step (but no worse than unfriendly) after the request succeeds or fails.

However, you gain your Charisma bonus to Sense Motive checks and saving throws versus spells and spell-like abilities of the enchantment school, in addition to your Wisdom.

At 5th level, you gain a +3 morale bonus to Disguise, Intimidate, and Stealth checks, and always treat those as class skills.

At 10th level, you are constantly protected as per the spell nondetection, and your morale bonus to Disguise, Intimidate, and Stealth increases to +6.

At 15th level, you are constantly protected as per the spell mind blank.

Hunger Doom


Ravenous hunger wracks your body in stressful situations.

You gain none of the benefits from spells, abilities, or magic items that provide nourishment, such as goodberry, heroes' feast, or a ring of sustenance. You also gain a bite attack that deals an amount of piercing damage appropriate for your size (1d8 for a Large creature, 1d6 for Medium, 1d4 for Small) as a secondary natural attack. You begin each combat with the sickened condition until you deal damage with your bite attack.

At 5th level, you gain the grab monster special ability on bite attacks against creatures smaller than yourself.

At 10th level, your bite attack deals damage as if you were one size category larger.

At 15th level, you gain the blood drain monster special ability with your bite, dealing 1d2 points of Constitution damage at the end of a turn if you grapple a foe.

Infested Doom

Source Oracle's Curse, copyright 2014 by RJ Grady, published by Tripod Machine.

Your body is full of writhing parasites, which occasionally burst forth through your skin, mouth, and eyes. You tend to inspire repulsion, pity, and disgust in others.

You take a -4 penalty on Charisma-based skill checks.

On the upside, you cannot be further infested by other parasites, being immune to parasitic infestations, implantation of eggs or organisms, or attachment by blood drinkers. Such attempts either assimilate into your existing parasites, doing no further harm, or are simply unsuccessful. You are immune to the attacks of rot grubs.

At 5th level, you are immune to the sickened condition.

At 10th level, you are immune to the nauseated condition.

At 15th level, as a standard action you can summon a rot grub swarm, which appears adjacent to you. The swarm will attack anyone (other than you) in its space but is otherwise stationary and does not pursue creatures. The swarm dissipates after one minuter per curse level, crawling into your body or withering into gore and slime.

You may use this ability once per day.

Insomniac Doom

Source: Advanced Options: Oracle’s Curses. Copyright 2010, Super Genius Games. Author: Owen K.C. Stephens.

Sleep often eludes you, and the slightest nighttime disturbance can leave you tired for an entire day. If you do not get 8 hours of sleep without any interruptions at all, you are fatigued for all of the following day. You are so used to being tired that even if you gain the fatigued condition while already fatigued, you do not become exhausted (you just remain fatigued for the duration of the longest of your multiple fatigued conditions).

At 10th level, any effect that would normally give you the exhausted condition instead gives you the fatigued condition.

At 15th level, you take only half the normal penalties for being fatigued. You also gain SR equal to 10 + your curse's level + your Charisma modifier against any spell that causes sleep, fatigue, or exhaustion.

Lame Doom

Source PRG:APG

One of your legs is permanently wounded, reducing your base land speed by 10 feet if your base speed is 30 feet or more. If your base speed is less than 30 feet, your speed is reduced by 5 feet. Your speed is never reduced due to encumbrance.

At 5th level, you are immune to the fatigued condition (but not exhaustion).

At 10th level, your speed is never reduced by armor.

At 15th level, you are immune to the exhausted condition.

Legalistic Doom

Source PPC:BoF

The shackles of your curse impose savage consequences should you violate a covenant, but also imbue you with remarkable guile.

Whenever you break your word (either purposefully or unintentionally), you become sickened for 24 hours or until you meet your obligation, whichever comes first. However, once per day, you can make a vow to yourself that grants a +4 morale bonus on any one roll you make while trying to fulfill a promise made to another individual.

At 5th level, you gain a +3 competence bonus on Diplomacy, Intimidate, and Sense Motive checks while talking to an individual one-on-one.

At 10th level, you can make a new saving throw each minute to resist mind-affecting effects as your subconscious searches for loopholes.

At 15th level, any creature that violates its freely given word to you takes a penalty to AC, to spell resistance, and on saving throws against your attacks and abilities equal to your Charisma modifier (minimum 1) for 24 hours.

Leper Doom

Publisher: Trailseeker.

You suffer from some obvious and frightening medical condition that can never be cured. This need not be leprosy, it can be such things as severe albinism or psoriasis, running sores, and similar horrid-looking ailments. This condition is not contagious or debilitating, but looks obviously unhealthy. Most creatures have a base attitude of hostile towards you (see Diplomacy), avoid you and either throw you out, bully you, or treat you as if you weren't there. If they agree to trade, they generally charge 200% cost for most goods and services, and a staggering 500% for personal services and housing. Most creatures will not bye anything from you at any price. The best recourse is to trade only through friends, but even then the price of personal services and housing remains the same. This does not directly affect social skills, you can still use social skills normally, but an improved base attitudes always reverts to hostile in a week.

Obviously, not all groups of creatures will react the same. Dwarfs might tolerate what elves do not. But the majority of creatures in the campaign will have a strong negative reaction to you, with only occasional exceptions.

Being a leper only ever affects the attitude of groups of non-player characters. Player characters and individual NPCs are free to hold whatever attitude they want towards you, tough many will be influenced by public opinion, at least initially. The hostile attitude only applies to you; your companions are not affected, and might even impress others by their benevolence in being willing to be around you.

Humans and members of your own race are unwilling to come close to you or interact for fear of getting tainted. A creature trying to target you with an attack or effect, or to move adjacent, must make a Will save (DC equal to 10 + ½ class level + Charisma modifier) or lose the action. They can try to act against you again on a later round to gain another saving throw. Once a creature has saved against this ability, it automatically succeeds at any saving throws against your protective revulsion for the next 24 hours. Including you in an area effect does not require a saving throw. This is a mind-affecting fear effect. Creatures with an attitude of helpful are immune, including all your members of your party.

At 5th level, all creatures of your type (usually all humanoids) avoid you as above.

At 10th level, you become immune to all disease, infection, and parasitic infestation, including magical ones.

At 15th level, all living creatures with an Intelligence of 2 or more avoid you as above.

Lunacy Doom

You experience periods of metal instability, especially during stress.

You suffer a -4 penalty on Will saves and the DC of using Intimidate against you decreases by 8. You do not take penalties from fear conditions, tough they can still affect your action (you still retreat if frightened, for example).

At 5th level, when you fail a Will save, you are confused for as long as the consequences of the failed will save lasts. On a result of "act normally", you behave as the effect you failed to save against dictates. You do not become confused if you choose to voluntarily give up your saving throw.

At 10th level, any penalty you suffer from a mind-affecting effect is reversed into a bonus. This replaces the 1st level ability to ignore penalties from fear; fear now gives you a bonus. In addition, you can reroll the result of confusion effects you are suffering from, but must accept the second result even if it is worse.

At 15th level, when confused because of a failed will save, you decide what you do on a result of "act normally".

Maimed Doom

You are permanently maimed, an injury you were born with or have had so long it can no longer be cured. The injury is often related to how you found your visions.

Select one of the following impairments. The listed penalties assume you are using a simple prosthetic.

  • Body Injury You suffer a -4 penalty Swim checks made to resist nonlethal damage from exhaustion; Constitution checks made to continue running; Constitution checks made to avoid nonlethal damage from a forced march; Constitution checks made to hold your breath; Constitution checks made to avoid nonlethal damage from starvation or thirst; Fortitude saves made to avoid nonlethal damage from hot or cold environments; and Fortitude saves made to resist damage from suffocation. You gain a +2 bonus on Fortitude saving throws against inhaled and ingested poisons and against disease.
  • Maimed Eye You are blind in one eye. When you are adjacent to two opponents who are not adjacent to each other, you are flanked. You suffer a -2 penalty to Perception. You cannot take the Point Blank Shot feat, but you count as if you had this feat for the purpose of prerequisites.
  • Maimed Hand One of your hands is severed or useless. You cannot wield a weapon in this hand or use it to satisfy the somatic components of spells, but you can make unarmed attacks and wield a hook hand or shield by strapping it on, which takes one minute. You gain the Two-Weapon Fighting feat, ignoring prerequisites, but this feat is only usable with shields or a hook hand. Any feat using this feat as a prerequisite also gains this limitation.
  • Maimed Leg One of your legs is permanently wounded, which reduces your base land speed by 10 feet if your base speed is 30 feet or more. If your base speed is less than 30 feet, your speed is reduced by 5 feet. You are immune to caltrops, grease spells, and similar floor hazards.
  • Maimed Throat You cannot speak in more than a whisper. You cannot use language-based abilities and Bluff, Diplomacy, or Intimidate against anyone more than 5 ft. away from you. The DC to hear you speaking (including using social skills and spells with verbal components) increases by 15 (from the usual DC 0).
  • Missing Ear You can hear, but the altered acoustics makes you suffer a -2 penalty on Acrobatics, Disable Device and Perception checks. You gain a +2 bonus on saving throws against sonic or language-based effects.
  • Missing Teeth You have very bad breath and cannot eat solid food. This means that you consume twice as much water, needed to make broth for your consumption. You suffer a -4 penalty on Survival checks to gather food and on Diplomacy checks.
  • Scalped You are missing head hair, and the skin on your head is torn, ugly, and often bleeds. You suffer a -5 penalty on Disguise checks and the DC to track you is reduced by 5. You gain a +2 bonus on CMD against grapple checks.

At 5th level, you have learned to play on your disability for tricks, pity, and to scare others. You gain a +4 bonus on Bluff, Diplomacy, and Intimidation checks and one of these skills becomes a class skill for you.

At 10th level, you develop an uncanny luck. Whenever an attack would inflict a condition on you (including going unconscious from damage), there is a 50% chance that attack misses because of your injury. This is not a concealment miss chance. An opponent made to miss this way cannot be affected again for 8 hours.

At 15th level, you have overcome the penalties inflicted by the maiming, tough you still appear to be maimed and often choose to act the part.

Misshapen Doom

Source: Advanced Options: Oracle’s Curses. Copyright 2010, Super Genius Games. Author: Owen K.C. Stephens.

You were born with a twisted, uneven body and your form continues to change and hunch as you gain oracle power. You have difficulty keeping your balance and defending yourself from complex maneuvers. You take a -4 to your CMD and to Diplomacy checks. Your form can be frightening. You gain a bonus to Intimidate checks equal to half your curse's level (minimum +1).

At 5th level, as a move action you may make an Intimidate check to demoralize a foe.

At 10th level, as a standard action you may make an Intimidate check to demoralize all foes within 30 feet that are able to see and hear you.

At 15th level, as a move action you may make an Intimidate check to demoralize all foes within 30 feet that are able to see and hear you.

Mutant Doom

Table: Warpwave Effects
d20 Warpwave effect
1 Target takes 2 Strength damage.
2 Target takes 2 Dexterity damage.
3 Target takes 2 Constitution damage.
4 Target takes 2 Intelligence damage.
5 Target takes 2 Wisdom damage.
6 Target takes 2 Charisma damage.
7 Target gains 1 negative level.
8 Target is blinded or deafened for 1d4 rounds.
9 Target is confused for 1d4 rounds.
10 Target is entangled by filaments of energy for 1d4 rounds.
11 Target becomes fatigued (or exhausted if already fatigued).
12 Target becomes nauseated for 1d4 rounds.
13 Target is stunned for 1d4 rounds.
14 Target is sickened for 1d4 rounds.
15 Target is staggered for 1d4 rounds.
16 Target gains 4d6 temporary hit points.
17 Target is affected by a heal spell.
18 Target is turned to stone.
19 Target is affected by baleful polymorph.
20 Portions of target’s body burst with energy of a random type (choose between acid, cold, electricity, or fire), dealing 4d6 points of damage of the appropriate type to the target.

Your body is twisted by strange mutations, making you deformed.

You must be a humanoid to take this curse.

Any non-magic armor you wear must be custom-made to fit your shape, at twice the usual cost. You suffer a -10 penalty on Disguise checks and any attempt to use Diplomacy to gather information about you gains a +10 bonus. When you roll a "1" on the die for an attack roll, skill check, or saving throw, you suffer a warpweave effect: see the protean subtype. The caster level of this effect is your character level and are allowed a Fortitude save (DC is 10 + 1/2 the curse level). Success halves any damage and negates non-damaging effects.

You have one evolution point and can choose one evolution available to eidolons. You cannot choose the ability increase or skilled evolutions and need to fulfill any requirements the selected evolution has as if you were a protean eidolon. If you are a humanoid, you are considered to possess the limbs (arms) and limbs (legs) evolutions only for the purpose of prerequisites. You can change your evolutions when you advance in level.

At 5th level, you gain an additional evolution point.

At 10th level, you gain an additional two evolution points. You cannot take an evolution costing more than two evolution points.

At 15h level, you gain an additional three evolution points. You cannot take an evolution costing more than three evolution points.

Odious Doom

Source Oracle's Curse, copyright 2014 by RJ Grady, published by Tripod Machine.

Your skin reeks with an acrid, foul stench, bringing low all those who must endure your smell.

You have the stench (Fort DC 10 + 1/2 your curse level + your Constitution modifier, 1 round) quality. You suffer a -4 penalty on Diplomacy checks. Creatures that have to save against your stench have their attitude adjusted to unfriendly or worse.

At 5th level, you can hold your breath as a free action when it's not your turm, before anything affects you.

At 10th level, you can use stinking cloud (sp) and insect plague (sp) a total of three times per day.

At 15th level, you are immune to all diseases, non-magical and magical.

Peaceful Doom

Source: Advanced Options: Oracle’s Curses. Copyright 2010, Super Genius Games. Author: Owen K.C. Stephens.

It is against your nature to do violence to other creatures, requiring an act of will for you to do so. You cannot take attacks of opportunity and suffer a –2 penalty to all attack rolls. This does allow you to devote more attention to protecting yourself from the violence of others, giving you a +4 bonus to AC against attacks of opportunity you provoke from others.

At 5th level, you also gain a +4 bonus to concentration checks you make to cast defensively.

At 10th level, you gain a +4 bonus to AC as long as you do not attack or cast a spell that affects an enemy.

At 15th level, you gain sanctuary (sp) as a constant ability. The saving throw DC is 10 + 1/2 your curse level + your Charisma modifier. You can renew this ability as a standard action, forcing those who already sved to try and save again.

Powerless Prophecy Doom


You are forewarned of danger but can't act to prevent it.

You gain uncanny dodge, as the rogue class feature. However, you can't take any actions in a surprise round, including free actions, except for flash of insight (see Revelations below). In the absence of a surprise round, you are staggered for the entire first round of combat.

At 5th level, you gain a +4 insight bonus on initiative checks.

At 10th level, you gain improved uncanny dodge as the rogue ability, using your oracle level as your rogue level.

At 15th level, you gain a +4 insight bonus on all your saving throws and to your AC during surprise rounds and when you are otherwise unaware of an attack.

Provocative Doom

Source: Advanced Options: Oracle’s Curses. Copyright 2010, Super Genius Games. Author: Owen K.C. Stephens.

Your appearance elicits lust in most creatures, no matter how you try to conceal it. Foes suffer no penalty when they deal nonlethal damage to you with lethal attacks and you suffer a -2 penalty on CMB. You may use your provocative nature to your benefit, gaining a bonus to Diplomacy checks equal to your curse's level (minimum +1). If you choose to use this bonus and fail a Diplomacy check, the target of the check feels spurned and its attitude changes to unfriendly (an already unfriendly target becomes hostile).

At 5th level, a Diplomacy check made to change a target’s attitude toward you lasts one day for every hour you spend making the Diplomacy check.

At 10th level, as a full-round action you can make a Diplomacy check to influence a single creature’s attitude with a -10 penalty.

At 15th level, if you fail a Diplomacy check to influence a target’s attitude, you can spend one hour in the target’s company in order to retry the check, rather than waiting 24 hours to do so.

Ravenous Doom

Source Oracle's Curse, copyright 2014 by RJ Grady, published by Tripod Machine.

You suffer from ravenous hunger, but cannot hold down large meals. You are almost impossibly thin, your tendons and bones clearly visible beneath your loose skin.

You can only go one day without food before you begin to starve. You cannot eat for more than one ten minutes at a time before you must wait half an hour to eat again. However, your nonlethal damage total from starvation and thirst cannot exceed your hit points and you are immune to all ingested poisons and harmful potions.

At 5th level, you gain a primary bite attack that deals damage for a creature of your size (ld6 for a Medium character, ld4 for Small). You have the grab ability; if you hit with this bite, you deal normal damage and attempt to start a grapple as a free action without provoking an attack of opportunity. You receive a +4 bonus on combat maneuver checks made to start and maintain a grapple.

At 10th level, you gain the swallow whole ability; the AC of your stomach is 10 +1/2 your natural armor bonus (if any) +your Charisma modifier, and it has hit points of 1110 your total. If you swallow whole an opponent of any size, they disgorge 2d4 rounds later on your turn automatically, nauseating you for your tum.

At 15th level, your swallow whole ability allows you to swallow opponents up to your own size.

Sanguine Doom

Source Oracle's Curse, copyright 2014 by RJ Grady, published by Tripod Machine.

You are slow to recognize adversity or danger, although your optimism can be contagious.

You take a -5 penalty to Perception and Sense Motive checks. You cannot be demoralized by the Intimidate skill, and during surprise rounds and against traps, you gain a +1 luck bonus to AC and saving throws. Your luck bonus increases by+ 1 every five curse levels.

At 5th level, you gain aura of courage, as a paladin.

At 10th level, when your wounds would normally make you unconscious, you become staggered and remain conscious for one round.

At 15 level, you gain aura of righteousness, as a paladin.

Solipsism Doom

Publisher: Trailseeker.

You are only half in this world. Not only do you have a hard time taking the real world seriously, the real world also has trouble interacting with you.

You are constantly staggered, this condition cannot be negated except as noted in this curse. All spells and supernatural powers used against you have a 50% chance to fail. This does not apply to spells you cast on yourself, but does apply to spells cast by allies. You can focus on reality to suppress this ability for one round as a move action, allowing you only a standard action that round. This makes it easier for allies to assist you.

At 5th level, all exceptional abilities and physical attacks against you have a 50% chance to fail. This is not concealment. You gain Vital Strike as a bonus feat.

At 10th level, you can focus on reality and suppress this ability for one round as a swift action. This allows you to act normally for that round, but also negates the protection offered by this ability. You also gain Mythic Improved Vital Strike as a bonus feat, and can use this even if you are not a mythic character.

At 15th level, you can ignore reality almost completely. You can use ethereal jaunt (sp). This is not an action for you, you can do it even when helpless or otherwise unable to act. You can use this a number of rounds each hour equal to your Charisma bonus, these rounds need not be consecutive.

Somnambulism Doom

Publisher: Trailseeker.

You walk around when sleeping, and may fall asleep when walking around.

The line between being asleep and awake is not at all clear to you. You suffer bouts of somnambulism both when asleep and awake. Whenever you roll a "1" on a d20 check, you momentarily fall asleep, move your speed in a random direction, and then wake up. This is in addition to any normal movement for the round. You cannot take any voluntary actions when sleepwalking, but have your normal defenses. You do not trigger attacks of opportunity and can move through enemy occupied spaces, but must end movement in an unoccupied space. If somnambulism would move you into impassible terrain (such as a wall or pit) you instead move along the edge of that terrain.

When you fall asleep, roll 1d20. This is the number of hours you will sleep before somnambulism strikes—if you wake up before sleeping this many hours, there is no episode. A sleeping bout of somnambulism lasts for 1-6 minutes, during which you move at half speed in the same randomly determined direction each round. If you are awakened while sleepwalking, you are confused for one round per minute (or fraction thereof) remaining on the somnambulism episode.

You can sleep in armor or on uncomfortable ground at no penalty, and even sleep standing up. In addition, you are not considered helpless when you sleep, tough you are denied your Dexterity bonus to Armor Class.

At 5th level you get to roll the effect of confusion effects twice, and pick one result of your choice. This applies both when you are affected by confusion and when you use it on others.

At level 10 you no longer provoke attacks of opportunity for moving out of an enemy's threatened area, asleep or awake.

At 15th level, you can specify a place you want to get to and sleepwalk there, guided by higher faculties. This is similar to find the path except you are sleepwalking—you are staggered and can only walk at normal speed and perform any necessary actions to facilitate your passage while sleepwalking. You can use this ability at will, but can only specify one destination per day, resuming sleepwalking to this location as desired.

Squeamish Doom

Source: Advanced Options: Oracle’s Curses. Copyright 2010, Super Genius Games. Author: Owen K.C. Stephens.

You cannot stand to see your actions cause the ruin of another’s flesh, spill blood, or cause burns and scars. If you deal hp damage to a target within 30 feet of you, you are sickened for 1d6 rounds. Your sensitive nature does make you more alert to the needs of injured allies, granting you a bonus to Heal checks equal to half your curse's level (minimum +1).

At 5th level, you can attempt a Heal check for any purpose as a full-round action.

At 10th level, if you make a single Heal check to treat disease or treat poison for a target, it receives a +4 bonus to all its saves against that disease or poison for twentyfour hours.

At 15th level, if you make a Heal check to treat disease or treat poison and the result exceeds the affliction’s save DC, you immediately end the disease or poison.


Publisher: Trailseeker.

You carry permanent bloody wounds on your body that resist all attempts at healing.

Any time you take more than a full round action or both a standard and move action in a round, you start to bleed. You take 1 hp of damage per round of bleeding. At level 5 and every 5 levels thereafter, the amount of bleed increases by 2, until level 15 where it ceases to do you damage. Bleed effects do not stack. The bleeding can be staunched as a standard action with a DC 15 Heal check or with any ability that restores hit point damage. You have gained a tolerance for pain that grants you a +4 circumstance bonus on saving throws against pain effects (such as torture or a symbol of pain or other effects especially noted to cause pain or with the [pain] descriptor).

At 5th level you no longer bleed except trough the stigmata. Any attack that deals hit point or ability damage through bleeding (such as a rend, bat swarms, stirges, or vampire bites) does no such damage to you. This applies even to bleeding damage from magical sources such as a wounding weapon.

At level 10, you can use symbol of pain as a spell-like ability once per day. Using this ability takes 10 minutes. This is not an evil act for you.

At 15th level, any bleeding from your stigmata is purely cosmetic—it no longer inflicts damage on you.


Publisher: Trailseeker.

You are constantly tempted by sacrilegious voices. If you ever give in to your tempters and radically change your alignment, they may encourage this development and change into the voices curse, or they may perversely urge you to sin against your new credo and remain as the temptation curse.

You constantly have nagging voices at the back of your head that encourage you to break faith with your ideals. These voices are distracting, making you suffer -2 on initiative checks and a a -5 penalty on Perception checks. You have steeled yourself against acting on the impulse of your temptation, strengthening your faith. You gain Bluff as a class skill.

Your voices are not all-knowing, but they have a skill bonus in Knowledge (Religion) of 10 + your level. As a standard action you may bargain with your voices for information. They will give you advice if you temporarily give in and do what they want, or you can try to Bluff them into revealing information, using your Bluff skill as if it was Knowledge (Religion) but allowing repeated rolls until you learn all they know. The GM makes a Knowledge (Religion) check for your tempters and this is all the information they can reveal.

At level 5 you gain a +2 bonus on Sense Motive checks and Will saving throws.

At level 10 you can use discern lies and glibness as spell-like abilities three times per day each.

At level 15, you can use arbitrament, blasphemy, dictum, holy word, and word of chaos as a spell-like ability once per day each. You gain no protection against the possible negative effects of these spells.

Tongues Doom

Source PRG:APG

In times of stress or unease, you speak in tongues.

Pick one of the following languages: Abyssal, Aklo, Aquan, Auran, Celestial, Ignan, Infernal, or Terran.

Whenever you are in combat, you can only speak and understand the selected language. This does not interfere with spellcasting, but it does apply to spells that are language dependent. You gain the selected language as a bonus language.

At 5th level, pick an additional language to speak in combat and add it to your list of known languages.

At 10th level, you can understand any spoken language, as if under the effects of tongues, even during combat.

At 15th level, you can speak and understand any language, but your speech is still restricted during combat.

Unbelievable Doom

Source: Advanced Options: Oracle’s Curses. Copyright 2010, Super Genius Games. Author: Owen K.C. Stephens.

No one believes you when you make a statement of fact or opinion. You suffer a -10 penalty to all Bluff checks and all Diplomacy checks made to improve a creature’s attitude toward you for the purpose of accepting information you offer. Because you are used to having to pick allies and friends very carefully, you gain a bonus to Knowledge (local) and Sense Motive checks equal to your curse's level (minimum +1).

Unlife Doom

Your life is tied to negative energy in a strange perversion of the natural order of the world.

Like an undead creature, you are healed by negative energy and hurt by positive energy. You are treated as an undead creature for all effects that work differently when targeting undead. You are immune to energy drain. You cannot take this curse if you actually are undead.

At level 5 you can use hide from undead at will as a spell-like effect, but with personal range. The saving throw DC of this effect is 10 + half the curse's level + your Charisma modifier.

At level 10 you become immune to immune to bleed, death effects, disease, paralysis, poison, sleep effects, and stunning. You are no longer subject to nonlethal damage and ability drain. You are also immune to damage to your physical ability scores (Constitution, Dexterity, and Strength), as well as to exhaustion and fatigue effects.

At level 15, you gain immunity to any effect that requires a Fortitude save (unless the effect also works on objects or is harmless).


Publisher: Trailseeker.

You hear incorporeal voices speaking to you.

You are constantly surrounded by a choir of voices that advice and guide you. These voices are distracting, making you suffer -2 on initiative checks and a a -5 penalty on Perception checks. The advice they give always follow the ideals of your alignment, and they urge you to act fastidiously according to your ideals. At least once per session, they should urge you to go to extreme lengths in pursuit of your ideals or faith. You can role-play this, and the GM should voice this advice at least once per session. Sometimes the voices have a long-term agenda they might lead you on, in other cases they just advocate a very pious life. The voices are not immediately aware of your surroundings, taking a few rounds to take in a situation; they will not warn you if you are about to suddenly do something stupid or improper unless you ask. Not following the advice of your voices is a breach of faith, but you can argue with them if you do not agree with their advice. In extreme cases disagreement with your voices will cause you to become staggered for a period depending on the severity of the issue; from a minute to the rest of the day. Your voices have a skill bonus in Knowledge (local) of 10 + your level. Conversing with your voices (and not merely listening) is a standard action.

At level 5 you gain a +4 bonus on saving throws against all mind-affecting effects.

At level 10 the voices help you control yourself. You can make an additional saving throw each round to break out of a lasting mind-affecting effect that allows a Will saving throw.

At level 15, you can use contact other plane at will as a spell-like ability. Doing so takes an hour of intense communication with your voices.

Wasting Doom

Source PRG:APG

Your body is slowly rotting away.

You take a –4 penalty on Charisma-based skill checks, except for Intimidate. You gain a +4 competence bonus on saves made against disease.

At 5th level, you are immune to the sickened condition (but not nauseated).

At 10th level, you gain immunity to disease.

At 15th level, you are immune to the nauseated condition.

Wrecker Doom

Source PPC:BoF

The destructive power of your curse seeps from your very pores and into your belongings and surroundings.

Held objects gain the broken condition when you use or equip them but regain their actual condition if employed by anyone else. If a held item is restored to unbroken condition, it becomes broken again the following round. Disable Device becomes a class skill for you and you can make Disable Device checks to destroy non-magical traps as a move action without the need to use tools or take any action beyond simply touching it.

At 5th level, whenever you attempt to damage an object with a melee attack, reduce its hardness by an amount equal to your oracle level before determining the damage you deal with that attack.

At 10th level, any attacks you make against objects and constructs automatically bypass any damage reduction they may possess except epic.

At 15th level, whenever you are dealt damage by an attack with a manufactured weapon, you can require the weapon’s wielder to make a Reflex save (DC 10 +1/2 your oracle level + your Charisma modifier) to avoid having the weapon collapse into dust immediately after striking you (magical weapons receive an additional saving throw against this effect).

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