Bloodmage (Apath)

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Obsessed with the study of the effects of blood and bloodlines on arcane magic, bloodmages replicate the powers of sorcerer bloodlines by consuming the blood of sorcerers and magical creatures. Though the bloodmage gains no physical nourishment from drinking blood, this practice is likely responsible for many of the stories linking bloodmages and vampires.

Class Information

This is a prestige archetype. Bloodmages use their own blood as a magical laboratory.

Prestige Class: Bloatmage and the Bloatmage Initiate feat from Pathfinder Chronicles: City of Strangers.

Build Classes: Arcanist, sorcerer witch, or wizard.

Role: Bloodmages are coldly calculating, seeking the perfect point at which to overwhelm their opposition with an unexpected blood surge.

Alignment: Any. Bloodmages gain their powers through careful study, but obtaining samples to study often forces them to go outside codes of ethics and law.

Hit Die: d6.

Class Features

These are all the class features of the bloodmage. The prestige archetype is open to many classes, with slight modifications. It replaces all of the class features of whatever class it is taken with, except as noted below under weapon and armor proficiency, spells, and build class.

Weapon and Armor Proficiency

A bloodmage is proficient with the Blowgun, crossbow (hand, light, and heavy), dagger, gauntlet (spiked), knife (butterfly and switchblade) AA, quadrensUC. The bloodmage is not proficient with any armor or shields, and casting arcane spells in armor risks arcane spell failure.


The bloodmage learns and casts spells exactly like the build class, including the effect of ability scores on spellcasting and cantrips, orisons, or knacks. Since the number of spells per day, spell slots, and known spells depend on the build class, these numbers are not given in Table: Bloodmage.

Blood Familiar (Ex)

At third level, the bloodmages blood can bind a familiar by feeding an animal some of his blood. This is the same as the familiar from the wizard's arcane bond class feature, except it has no gold piece cost and instead costs one point from the bloodmage's blood pool. By expending one point from the blood pool and 200 gp per level, the bloodmage can instead create a homunculus or gain the alchemist's parasitic twinUM discovery.

Blood Pool (Su)

A bloodmage has a pool of blood points, representing an overload of his system with excess blood to extend his arcane abilities beyond their normal level. A bloodmage’s normal pool of blood points is equal to half his bloodmage level (minimum 1).

Blood points can be spent at the time of casting to cast a spell without expending the prepared spell. The spell (or spell slot for an arcanist or sorcerer) is retained as if it had not been cast. Retaining a spell in this manner costs a number of blood points equal to the spell’s level, and these points must be spent at the time of casting.

In addition, the bloodmage may push himself via his bloodsurge ability in order to gain a number of extra blood points, but such exertion is a dangerous gamble. If the bloodmage’s current number of blood points is greater than half his blood pool but less than or equal to his class level, he gains the sickened condition. If his exertions push his blood pool beyond his class level, he immediately flies into a homicidal rage, striking out randomly with his most damaging attacks and abilities at friends and foes alike for 1d6 rounds or until his blood pool is reduced to 0 (whichever comes first). At the end of the rage, his blood points and hit points both drop to 0.

Each day, when the bloodmage rests to regain spells, he regains blood points up his normal blood pool but not beyond. If he has more blood points than his normal blood pool, there is no change. Example: A level of 10 bloodmage normally has 5 blood points, but if the bloodmage has 8 points when he prepares spells, he remains at 8.

Some bloodmages conduct constant rituals involving leeches or exsanguination in an attempt to regulate their systems. These rituals, which must be undertaken daily during spell preparation, give the bloodmage the option of subtracting 1 point from any surging rolls (see below) after the results are known, but at the price of a non-cumulative –2 penalty to Constitution. This penalty cannot be removed, save by the bloodmage abandoning the rituals for a day (also during spell preparation), which removes it immediately.

Bloodsurge (Ex)

A bloodmage can exert himself as a free action to instantly gain extra blood points, but doing so puts himself at risk of a dangerous collapse. At 1st level, the bloodmage can bloodsurge once per day to gain 1 blood point. At 4th level he can bloodsurge 2/day to gain 1d4 points. At 8th, he can surge 3/day per day, and the die roll becomes 1d8. At 12th, he can surge 4/day, and the roll becomes 1d12. At 20th, he can bloodsurge 5/day for d20 blood points.

Build Class

The bloodmage inherits just a few class features from the build class, as follows.

Arcanist None.

Psychic The blood psychic gains the psychic's psychic discipline class feature, including discipline spells and discipline powers. The blood psychic gains and spends points from her blood pool instead of phrenic pool. The psychic discipline does not change the size of his blood pool.

Sacerdote The sacerdote keeps the advanced spellcasting, bonus languages, calculated targeting, chaotic evil good and lawful spells, divine focus, domains, divine wrath, and manifestation class features. The sacerdote is from Legendary Classes: Sacerdote also by Purple Duck Games.

Sorcerer The sorcerer bloodmage gains Eschew Materials as a bonus feat at level 1. She chooses a bloodline and gains the bloodline spells and bloodline arcana, but no other benefits.

Witch A blood witch gains the patron spells class feature. She stores her spells in her own blood, but needs a familiar or parasitic familiar to prepare spells. If her familiar dies, a replacement familiar gains the same spells her old familiar had.

Wizard None.

Absorb Bloodline

Table: Creature Type to Bloodline
Creature Type Bloodline
Aberration, otyugh Otyugh MB1
Aberration, flumph* Flumph MB2
Aberation, starspawn* Starspawn MB4
Aberration, other Aberrant
Animal Animal MB5
Construct Artifice MB5
Dragon* Draconic
Fey, gremlin* Pugwampi MB2
Fey, other* Fey
Humanoid, android Nanite PoR
Humanoid, aquatic Aquatic IYB
Humanoid, dwarf Deep Earth APG
Humanoid, giant* Giant MB5
Humanoid, giant (cyclops)* Cyclopean MB1
Humanoid, gnome* Fey
Humanoid, human* Imperious ARG
Humanoid, kobold* Kobold ARG
Humanoid, orc* Orc OoG
Humanoid, reptilian* Serpentine APG
Humanoid, shapeshifter* Shapeshifter MB5
Humanoid, arcane caster* Arcane
Humanoid, divine caster* Divine MB5
Humanoid, psychic caster* Psychic OA
Humanoid, other* Maestro UM
Magical beast, aranea* Aranea MB3
Magical beast, behemoth* Behemoth MB3
Magical beast, flail snail* Flail Snail MB2
Magical beast, phoenix* Phoenix MB2
Magical beast, sphinx* Sphinx MB1
Magical beast, stirge Stirge MB1
Magical beast, unicorn* Unicorn MB1
Magical beast, other Destined
Monstroud humanoid, lamia* Lamia MB3
Monstroud humanoid, medusa* Medusan MB1
Monstrous Humanoid, other* Accursed UM
Ooze Decay MB5
Outsider, asura* Aranea MB3
Outsider, elohim* Elohim MB4
Magical beast, aranea* Aranea MB3
Outsider, kami* Kami MB3
Outsider, kyton* Kyton MB4
Outsider, oni* Oni DEP
Outsider, psychopomp* Psychopomp MB4
Outsider, rakshasa* Rakshasa UM
Outsider, chaotic evil* Abyssal
Outsider, chaotic neutral* Protean APG
Outsider, elemental* Elemental
Outsider, good* Celestial
Outsider, neutral* Impossible CoB
Outsider, lawful neutral* Inevitable MB1
Outsider, lawful evil* Infernal
Outsider, neutral evil* Daemon BoF
Plant, mi-go* Mi-go MB3
Plant, fungus* Fungal MB4
Plant, other Verdant APG
Undead, nosferatu* Nosferatu MB4
Undead, other Undead
Vermin Insect MB5

APG = Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: Advanced Player’s Guide
ARG = Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: Advanced Race Guide
BM = Monstrous Bloodlines for Sorcerers 1-4 © Purple Duck Games
DM = Deep Magic © 2014 Open Design LLC.
UM = Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: Ultimate Magic
OoG = Orcs of Golarion
IYB = In your blood
BoF = Blood of Fiends
P029 = Pathfinder 29: Mother of Flies. Copyright 2010, Paizo Publishing, LLC;
PoR = People of the River
* = Usually intelligent and an evil act to kill for power gain.

At 2nd level the bloodmage learns how to absorb bloodlines. By drinking 1 pint of fresh blood (which inflicts 1 point of Constitution damage on the donor and can be begun no later than 1 minute after death) from a sorcerer with the given bloodline or from a creature affiliated with that bloodline, the bloodmage gains limited access to that bloodline for one hour. This ability is usable once per day at second level and an additional time per day at level six and every four levels thereafter. Drinking the blood normally requires a full minute, but bloodmages with the Brew Potion feat can distill the blood into a potion-sized draught that can be stored and consumed as a standard action. Making such a potion is ten minutes of work and must be begun right after the blood is tapped. Gentle repose can be used to preserve a corpse for later bloodtapping.

In addition to sorcerers of the given bloodline, Table: Creature Type to Bloodline presents examples of creatures whose blood is considered affiliated to a bloodline. There may be others who work equally well, at the GM’s discretion. The creature must be corporeal and have blood for this ability to work. Consuming the blood of summoned creatures give no benefit.

At 2nd level, a bloodmage can temporarily access the bloodline powers of an absorbed sorcerer bloodline as if he were a sorcerer of his bloodmage level. Bloodline abilities that can only be used a limited number of times per day count separately for each absorbed bloodline, but if the same bloodline is repeatedly absorbed previous uses carry over.

At 6th level, the bloodmage can access any bloodline spell of a level he can cast, at the cost of one blood point per spell level. He can access bloodline spells from any bloodline he has absorbed. The blood points are expended as a part of the action to cast the spell. Powers that grant a familiar or companion do so immediately, the companion is made out of the bloodmage's blood but other than appearance it functions normally. If the blood mage already has a familiar, his normal familiar disappears for the duration. Note that a bloodmage with a familiar can drink the familiar's blood to absorb its bloodline.

At 14th level, a bloodmage can temporarily access an absorbed bloodline's bloodline arcana.

Spell Focus

At 2nd level bloodmages gain Spell Focus as a bonus feat.

Hemophilia (Ex)

At 3rd level bloodmages become particularly susceptible to bleed effects, and the DC of any Heal check made to stop a bleed effect is 5 higher than normal. In addition, anytime a bleeding wound is inflicted on a bloodmage, he loses 1 blood point. This loss of blood points is cumulative for multiple bleed attacks, but not each time he takes damage from the same attack.


At 5th level a bloodmage swells up, his body holing a copious amount of blood. This blood empowers his spells, any spell from a school in which he possesses the Spell Focus feat is cast at +1 caster level. As a side effect he is constantly under the effects of a medium load—his maximum bonus to AC from Dexterity is +3, he gains an armor check penalty of –3, and his speed decreases as appropriate (generally from 30 feet to 20 feet for a Medium creature).

At 10th level, a bloodmage becomes so massive that his rolls of fatty, blood-laden flesh grant him a +1 bonus to natural armor.

At 16th level the bonus to natural armor increases to +2 but reduces his speed by 10 feet. This penalty stacks with the penalty from the level 10 ability. This reduction in speed can never reduce the bloodmage’s speed below 5 feet, nor does it affect magical movement. A dwarf bloodmage is immune to this speed reduction.

Table: Bloodmage

1st +0 +0 +0 +2 Blood familiar, blood pool, bloodsurge (1/day), build class
2nd +1 +0 +0 +3 Absorb bloodline (powers), Spell Focus
3rd +1 +1 +1 +3 Absorb bloodline (power), hemophilia
4th +2 +1 +1 +4 Bloodsurge (2/day d4)
5th +2 +1 +1 +4 Corpulence (1 caster level, medium encumbrance)
6th +3 +2 +2 +5 Absorb bloodline (spells)
7th +3 +2 +2 +5
8th +4 +2 +2 +6 Bloodsurge (3/day d8)
9th +4 +3 +3 +6 Absorb bloodline (power)
10th +5 +3 +3 +7 Corpulence (+1 AC)
11th +5 +3 +3 +7
12th +6/+1 +4 +4 +8 Bloodsurge (4/day d12)
13th +6/+1 +4 +4 +8
14th +7/+2 +4 +4 +9 Absorb bloodline (arcana)
15th +7/+2 +5 +5 +9 Absorb bloodline (power)
16th +8/+3 +5 +5 +10 Corpulence (+2 AC, -20 speed)
17th +8/+3 +5 +5 +10
18th +9/+4 +6 +6 +11 Absorb bloodline (arcana)
19th +9/+4 +6 +6 +11
20th +10/+5 +6 +6 +12 Absorb bloodline (power), bloodsurge (5/day d20)
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