Move Water (Action Powers)

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Select a water vehicle or swimming you touch; its Move is increased by +2 when in water. You need not continue to touch it to maintain the stance.

Floating Reservoir

Limit Break

You can collect and move a reservoir of water drawn from the surroundings. The collection of water is normally instant, but dries out the environment and might deplete the water table. In arid locales, you only get a fraction of the water you'd normally collect. The largest reservoir possible is a sphere with a diameter equal to your Mind, but you can choose to make it smaller and take any shape as long as no two points of it are more than your Mind meters apart.

The Floating Reservoir has a Body equal to your Ride plus your Mind, a Move of 2 and carries things like a creature of this strength. If you ride in the reservoir it works like a vehicle or it can follow a simple navigational directions. You can dispel it as a Limit Break and it falls apart if you create a new one. It will slowly evaporate over time if not replenished.

Ranged Attacks are deflected when passing through the walls of the reservoir but can certainly harm the Floating Reservoir.

Underwater, this power can be used to create a similar large bubble of self-replenishing air or to lift heavy objects.