Move Plant (Action Powers)

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Forest Shortcut

Limit Break

You can teleport a number of creatures willing to follow your directions equal to your Mind from one forest location to another. You must guide the travels of this group, either by accompanying them or by giving them travel directions to follow. Both the start and end of the teleport must not observed by any intelligent creature that are not among those teleported. You need not know of an empty forest location to teleport to; just specify where you want to go, and the power picks a suitable location close by. The teleport is subtle, targets will often be surprised that they arrived so soon. A Spot roll can detect that something odd happened.

Plant Path


Plants part to allow passage to you an those who walk in your footsteps. You are immune to Plant powers that impede movement as long as the power-user's Mind is less than your Ride. So is anyone else you lead about (a standard action).

Overland, you can lead a group of people up to your Ride trough overgrown terrain and not suffer any terrain penalties; the plants will not only part to allow passage, they also bridge obstacles. A vehicle conts as a number of people equal to its normal passenger capacity; a truck counts as 10 to 20 people depending on size.

You can also use this to lead a larger force trough rough terrain at half normal rate, even in circumstances where movement would normally be much slower than that.

Tree Trap

Trigger Action (Finisher)

You trap your target inside a living tree (or other plant) within Mind meters. At your option, the target can be completely encased or partially exposed. Exposed parts of the target are awake and aware, while hidden parts are in suspended animation. You can shape the tree after it has imprisoned the target, and so can anyone who can manipulate living trees.

The targets life force is tied to that of the tree; as long as the tree is alive, the target survives. It might be possible to separate the target from the tree, but encased parts remain encased. Truly freeing the targets requires breaking a Curse.