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== Expanded Plant Powers ==
== Expanded Plant Powers ==
Expanded descriptions of effects that differ significantly from [[Powers (FiD)#Typical Powers and How to Use Them|Typical Powers]].
=== Attune ===
Connect with the natural world and harness the power of plants for various purposes.
'''Sense Sprout'''
You can detect plants and plant powers.
'''Banish Bud'''
You can force a plant creature that is native to another plane of existence to return to that plane, or to end the operation of an ability of the plant power.
You can call a plant creature from a different plane. Summoning plant usually animates existing plants; summoning creatures from nothing gives a worse position.
'''Gateway of Growth'''
You can create a portal that allows travel to and from the plane of plants for a limited time.
=== Command ===
Exert authority over plant life and direct their actions to serve your purposes.
'''Petal Proclamation'''
You can command plant creatures even they can't understand you, but you gain no additional comprehension of them.
'''Leafy Language'''
You and allies can talk to plant creatures.
'''Leafy Leadership'''
You can give commands to plant creatures, as if you were their superior. This does not remove existing loyalties, which can lead to conflicts.
'''Petal Potentate'''
You can permanently bind plant creatures to service. Unless affected by other powers, they will stay in one location and act according to your instructions, as very loyal and literal-minded goons.
=== Consort ===
Merge with the flora and manipulate plant life to your advantage.
'''Floral Fashion'''
You can change clothes and accessories by adding plants. This can mask identity or create fabulous outfits.
'''Verdant Visage'''
You assume the form of a plant creature. Add 1d to one action and subtract 1d from all actions covered by an attribute except if you just raised one of them.
'''Plant Polymorphism'''
You can shapechange a willing or helpless creature into a plant creature. This can be a curse, it can be broken but it is not easy. You can easily break the effect.
'''Chlorophyll Command'''
You can transform a large number of willing or non-sentient creatures into plant creatures and give them a simple instruction, typically someone for them to hunt.
=== Finesse ===
Manipulate plants with finesse and precision for various tasks and combat.
'''Green Gallop'''
If there is a plant mount or vehicle, you can ride it as if it was domesticated and you have the keys. You can breathe while inside plants.
'''Thorn of the Rose'''
You can use plants as a fine and potent close-range attack, similar in effect to a fine potent dueling sword or pistol, or you can give your friends the Green Gallop ability for the duration of a score.
'''Precise Prickle'''
Fine control of plants, you can do small and exact manipulations at range. This allows you to push buttons, manipulate mechanisms, or move plant objects about, as long as there are plants to work with.
'''Bowery's Barrage'''
Your power manifests like a storm of thorns, suppressing the effect of multiple opponents and acting as a fine potent weapon.
=== Hunt ===
Track, hunt, and manipulate plant life to your advantage in various situations.
'''Plant Pursuer'''
You can track plant creatures and creatures moving through or across plants, even if the target does not leave any mundane trail or clues.
'''Petal Projectile'''
You can fling plants to attack, similar in effect to a fine and potent rifle.
'''Vine Volley'''
You can plants to attack similar to a fine and potent grenade. This allows you to fight many creatures in the same area very effectively, but there is a risk of collateral damage.
'''Bloom Barrage'''
You call down the equivalent of a fine potent artillery barrage, attacking everything and everyone in a wide area. This can raze buildings and create rubble. Usually enough to provide cover for any escape.
=== Prowl ===
Move stealthily through plant environments and manipulate them to your advantage.
'''Stealthy Stalk'''
You can hide in overgrown areas even when the growth is not enough to cover you. You gain advantage when sneaking on plant creatures.
'''Plant Pathway'''
You can move on and through plant environments. This allows you to climb on plants, even those with no handholds or unable to bear your weight.
'''Foliage Ferry'''
You can bring allies along when you use Stealthy Stalk and Plant Pathway.
'''Plant Portal'''
You and allies can teleport from one overgrown area to another. This is regional travel, you stay within the same city or region, but it is generally sufficient to enter or escape any situation.
=== Skirmish ===
Engage in combat using plant-based weaponry and tactics.
'''Leafy Lash'''
You can use plants as a close-range attack, similar in effect to a melee weapon or pistol.
'''Thorn Thrust'''
You can use plants as a fine and potent close-range attack.
'''Thorny Thicket'''
Create plant obstructions that prevent the enemy from benefiting from numbers and otherwise works as a fine potent weapon.
'''Thorny Tempest'''
Your power strikes out in all directions, attacking all enemies in a wide area.
=== Study ===
Gain insight into plant life and use that knowledge to your advantage.
'''Leafy Learning'''
You can identify plant powers, objects, and creatures. Plants can report recent nearby events.
'''Leaf Lore'''
You learn the abilities of a vegetal object, plant power, or plant creature you analyze.
'''Root Revelation'''
You can read the past events of a plant or vegetal object. This includes previous owners and how the object has been moved around as well as significant scenes.
'''Wisdom of the Wood'''
You research everything in a wide area. This is easy to do where you are, more difficult at range. You can then use hindsight on some of these targets.
=== Survey ===
Monitor and perceive plant life and their surroundings.
'''Sense Stem'''
You can sense plant creatures and powers at a distance and understand their general nature. This works even when you can't see the target, but both range and information suffer.
'''Plant Perception'''
Choose a plant that you know of; you can perceive as if you were at that spot.
'''Verdant Vigilance'''
Choose a location or creature. You gain a sensor at the nearest plant, which is often close enough to perceive the target.
'''Woodland Watch'''
You perceive from all plants at once over a wide area. As long as you concentrate you retain this perception and can report what you see to others.
=== Sway ===
Influence and communicate with plant life to achieve your goals.
'''Petal Patter'''
You can understand what plant creatures say and their general objective. They do not gain the ability to understand you.
'''Verdant Vocabulary'''
You and allies can talk to plant creatures. You can also make folk more stoic.
'''Rose's Rhetoric'''
Post suggestions in the mind of a plant creature, which will be triggered under conditions you specify. Common suggestions are to steal something, attack someone, or ignore some event. This is a subtle power, but easier to spot once triggered.
'''Orchid Oratory'''
You change the personality and motivations of plant creatures. This power is permanent, but blatant. The target remembers their past but regards it as unimportant compared to their new motivations.
=== Tinker ===
Manipulate and craft with plant-based materials to create tools and devices.
'''Leafy Loom'''
You can handle plants and vegetal matter as if you had the appropriate tools and protective devices. This can create tripwire alarms and snares.
'''Floral Forge'''
You can shape plants and vegetal matter as if they were of clay, and they will retain their new shape.
'''Thorny Transformation'''
Create vegetal matter out of nothing, or transform an object from one material to another as long as you know the power for both the starting and final form. Can create complex tools, such as fine and potent items.
'''Botanical Build'''
This is similar to create, above, but you mass produce objects, even a set of different objects. You can also make something large, such as a vehicle or building.
=== Wreck ===
Destroy and dismantle using the power of plants.
'''Vandal Vines'''
You can jimmy plants and things made of plants much like a sledgehammer. Noisy and leaves a twisted object in place.
'''Stem Slam'''
Similar to Vandal Vines. When smashing plants and things made of plants, you to affect hard objects as if they were brittle wood. Works as a fine potent sledgehammer in combat.
'''Quick Compost'''
Similar to Stem Slam, but destroyed targets silently disappear or are reduced to a fine dust. You can also sabotage things by entangling them with plants.
'''Thicket Torrent'''
Similar to Stem Slam, but over a large area. This can level a city block of wood buildings, fill a canal system with vines, and similar massive destruction.

Revision as of 22:42, 28 July 2024

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Governs plants and dead plant matter, including fungi.

Plant governs the majority of all life, things that do not act or move but only grow. Plant powers can accelerate and empower normally inanimate plants as barriers, tools, and weapons. Some plants do move, animate plants that act as other creatures do, but these are the exception.

Plant attacks are poison, infiltrating roots, and shooting seeds and barbs. These are effective against living things, but slow to damage objects.

Plant elementals are animated trees or masses of vegetation. Plant creatures are all kinds of plants capable of action. Learning who to summon may require study or be a a score in itself.

Plant Power Effects

Summon a plant creature. Summoning plant usually animates existing plants.

Stem Slam
Smash vegetal matter as if it was brittle. Make plants grow to constrict things.

Action Basic
No minimum
3 Stress
Minimum 2 Dice
5 Stress
Minimum 4 Dice
7 Stress
Minimum 6 Dice
13 Stress
Attune Sense Sprout
Detect plants and plant powers.
Banish Bud
Dismiss a plant creature. End a plant power.
Summon a plant creature.
Gateway of Growth
Create a portal to a plane of plants.
Command Petal Proclamation
Command plant creatures. You don't understand them.
Leafy Language
You and allies can talk to plant creatures.
Leafy Leadership
Command to plant creatures as a superior.
Petal Potentate
Permanently bind plant creatures to service.
Consort Floral Fashion
Change clothes and accessories by adding plants.
Verdant Visage
Assume the form of a plant creature.
Plant Polymorphism
Verdant Visage a willing or helpless creature.
Chlorophyll Command
Turn mooks into plant servants.
Finesse Green Gallop
You can ride any plant mount or vehicle.
Thorn of the Rose
Fine and potent close-range attack.
Precise Prickle
Fine control of plants at range.
Bowery's Barrage
A storm of thorns, suppressing scale.
Hunt Plant Pursuer
Track using plants.
Petal Projectile
Attack similar to a fine and potent rifle.
Plant Palisade
Control and grow plants to change the terrain.
Vine Volley
Plants attack similar to a fine and potent grenade.
Prowl Stealthy Stalk
Hide in overgrowth.
Plant Pathway
Move on and through plants.
Foliage Ferry
Crew Stealthy Stalk or Plant Pathway.
Plant Portal
Crew teleport between overgrown areas.
Skirmish Thorn Thicket
Absorb plant damage.
Thorn Thrust
Fine and potent close-range attack.
Thorny Thicket
Fine control of vegetation.
Thorny Tempest
Attack all enemies in area.
Study Leafy Learning
Identify plant powers, objects, and creatures.
Leaf Lore
Learn the abilities plant powers, objects, and creatures.
Root Revelation
Read the past events of a plant or vegetal object.
Wisdom of the Wood
Leaf Lore within sight then three times Root Revelation.
Survey Sense Stem
Sense powers, objects, and creatures.
Plant Perception
Choose a plant that you know of, perceive from there.
Verdant Vigilance
Choose a location or creature. Gain sensor at nearest plant.
Woodland Watch
Perceive from all plants at once over a wide area.
Sway Petal Patter
Understand plant creature speech and objective. They cannot understand you.
Verdant Vocabulary
You and allies can talk to plant creatures. You can also make folk more stoic.
Rose's Rhetoric
Post suggestions in the mind of a plant creature.
Orchid Order
Permanently change the personality and motivations of a plant creature.
Tinker Leafy Loom
Handle vegetal matter as if you had appropriate tools and protective devices.
Floral Forge
Shape plants and vegetal matter as if they were of clay.
Thorny Transformation
Create vegetal matter out of nothing. Transform vegetal matter into another power.
Botanical Build
Floral Forge mass produce or make something large, such as a vehicle or building.
Wreck Vandal Vines
Noisily bash like a wooden hammer.
Stem Slam
Smash vegetal matter as if it was brittle.
Quick Compost
Stem Slam but silent and no traces.
Thicket Torrent
Stem Slam over a large area.

Expanded Plant Powers