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''Favored Tavern (Ex):'' The mariner is famous enough that she can get others to pick up her tab. The mariner designates one tavern per mariner level as a “favored tavern.” When in a favored tavern, the mariner drinks for free. In addition, she gains a +4 circumstance bonus on Diplomacy and Intimidate checks within a favored tavern. A mariner with this trick gains an additional favored tavern at level 4 and every two levels thereafter, taking this at level four and above instantly grants these favored taverns.
''Favored Tavern (Ex):'' The mariner is famous enough that she can get others to pick up her tab. The mariner designates one tavern per mariner level as a “favored tavern.” When in a favored tavern, the mariner drinks for free. In addition, she gains a +4 circumstance bonus on Diplomacy and Intimidate checks within a favored tavern. A mariner with this trick gains an additional favored tavern at level 4 and every two levels thereafter, taking this at level four and above instantly grants these favored taverns.
''Gunner (Ex)'': A gunner becomes proficient in all Large and Huge siege weapons.
''Hide Ship (Ex)'':  
''Hide Ship (Ex)'':  

Revision as of 11:04, 29 June 2017

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Unofficial rules compendium

This is a merger of the Inner Sea Pirate and Shackles Pirate prestige classes.

An adventurer of the great blue, the mariner sees herself as a daredevil champion of freedom, but many of them are little more than thugs of the sea. Mariners sail many different bodies of water in search of plunder, from pirates to privateers, slave hunters, and slave-trader hunting abolitionists. Mariners are adept at both sailing and sword fighting, and most have looked death in the face more than once. They possess a variety of skills that prove useful when sailing, and two mariners might be quite different from each other.

Some heroic mariners prowl waters near natural hazards, stormy seas, fairy bogs, and mist-shrouded reefs. They mix the practical skills with a mystic understanding of their environs, and legends among them can harness the power of nature for their own benefit. Such brave souls can learn tricks that utilize their supernatural environment.

Class Information

This is a prestige archetype, a rogue of the high seas.

Prestige Class: Inner Sea Pirate from Pathfinder Player Companion: Pirates of the Inner Sea and Shackles pirate from Pathfinder Chronicles Campaign Setting.

Build Classes: Rogue.

Role: While there are many sailors, those in this class show more talent than do common deck hands. Mariners often captain their own ships; those who do not usually serve as officers or aboard notorious ships under accomplished captains. Legendary mariners not only brave natural danger, they thrive of them, seeking out dangerous situations others cannot handle to gain an advantage. At higher levels, they can call on these natural hazards for aid.

Alignment: Any. Mariners often have a hard time dealing with the life on shore. Legendary mariners often use and champion some natural phenomenon, making them friendly to druids.

Hit Die: d8.

Class Skills

The mariner's class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Acrobatics (Dex), Appraise (Int), Bluff (Cha), Climb (Str), Craft (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Disable Device (Dex), Disguise (Cha), Escape Artist (Dex), Intimidate (Cha), Knowledge (Geography) (Int), Knowledge (Local) (Int), Knowledge (Nature) (Int), Perception (Wis), Perform (Cha), Profession (Wis), Sense Motive (Wis), Sleight of Hand (Dex), Stealth (Dex), Survival (Wis), Swim (Str), and Use Magic Device (Cha).

Skill Ranks at Each Level: 8 + Int modifier.

Class Features

The mariner has the class features of the rogue, except as follows.

Weapon and Armor Proficiency

Mariners are proficient with all simple weapons, plus the boarding gaff, cat-o’-nine-tails, cutlass, grappling hook, hand crossbow, handaxe, hook hand, knife (butterfly, switchblade), rapier, sap, short sword, and shortbow. They are proficient with light armor, but not with shields.

Marine Specialty (Ex)

Shipboard life is quite specialized, with crew holding the same position on each ship throughout their career. A first level mariner chooses a marine specialty, that adds an additional edge to her skills. This choice can never be changed. Note that only a few ships have mariners in every position, many make do with experts or hire skilled landlubbers.

Engineer: An engineer is responsible for the ship's siege weapons and for any other complex systems carried on the ship. If the ship has an unconventional propulsion, the engineer is responsible for this as well. Only warships or exceptional vessels normally carry engineers. An engineer adds half her level (minimum +1) to Disable Device, Knowledge (engineering), and Use Magic Device checks. At level 1, and every two levels thereafter, an engineer gains proficiency with one type of siege weapon.

Navigator: Navigators are educated specialists able to navigate on the high seas, and are often the captains of oceangoing ships. Navigators add half their class level (minimum +1) to Intimidation, Knowledge (engineering, geography, history, local, nature, and nobility), and Profession (sailor) checks.

Pilot: A pilot is an expert at crossing guarded or hazardous waters. Many pilots work the same stretch of coast all their lives, guiding ship after ship past the same obstacles. Others enlist on tall ships and become explorers, coastal raiders, or run naval blockades. A pilot adds half her level (minimum +1) to Knowledge (geography, nature), Perception, and Profession (sailor) skill checks.

Seaman: Able seamen are the senior crew of a water vessel. They lead unskilled seamen and know the operation of the various systems and devices aboard a ship. The senior seaman is the boatswain, seamen are rarely officers except on the smallest of ships. Seamen add half their class level (minimum +1) to Acrobatics, Bluff, Climb, and Profession (sailor) checks. An able seaman can find employment on almost any vessel at any time; there is always a shortage of good seamen.

Specialist: A ship can benefit from a variety of specialized skills, but true marine specialists are quite rare. A mariner specialist adds half her class level (minimum +1) to Diplomacy, Craft, Heal, and Profession skill checks.

Supercargo: The supercargo is responsible for cargo and provisions. On trading ships, she is responsible for selecting what cargo to carry and might be or represent the owner of the ship. A supercargo adds half her class level (minimum +1) on on all Appraise, Diplomacy, Knowledge (local), and Sense Motive checks. A supercargo can use Diplomacy to gather information in ports and on ships at no cost in gold and without attracting attention, this is a normal part of her job.

Adventuring Tricks

Mariners are also adventurers, and learn tricks that let them survive and prosper in all kinds of dangerous situations.

Alchemist Discovery: The mariner learns an alchemist discovery. Mariner levels count as alchemist levels to use qualify for rogue talents. The mariner must be 4th level and have the alchemy career focus to select this trick. She cannot select discoveries that work with alchemist abilities she does not have, such as elixirs or mutagen. She can select this trick multiple times.

Classic Duelist (Ex): The mariner gains a +1 bonus on attack rolls made with a cutlass, rapier, or short sword.

Fearsome Advance (Ex): At the end of a turn in which the mariner deals damage, she can make an Intimidate check as an immediate action to demoralize every damaged opponent.

Foot Sweep (Ex): The mariner has learned to sweep her opponents’ legs when they are reeling from the pain of her precise attacks. If the mariner deals damage with a melee attack, she can make a trip attack against the damaged opponent as an immediate action that does not trigger an attack of opportunity. All the usual rules for trip attacks apply, and feats such as Improved Trip modify the attack normally.

Grim Resolve (Ex): A mariner has seen more suffering aboard a single slave ship than many will in their entire lives, but this only hardens his resolve—he knows all too well that there are fates worse than death. The mariner becomes immune to fear effects and adds his Wisdom bonus to attempts to stabilize when his hit points are reduced to below 0.

Grudge (Ex): Select one seafaring organization or a type of creature (except humanoid or outsider). Slavers, pirates, smugglers, and the fleet of Nondor are typical examples. The mariner holds a bitter grudge against this group and gains a +2 bonus on weapon attack and damage rolls against targets she knows to be of this group. The mariner automatically confirms critical threats against such targets. This trick can be chosen several times, each time selecting a new group. The benefits do not stack.

Gunner (Ex) The mariner gains proficiency with all firearms and the gunslinger's gunsmith ability.

Hand Stab (Ex): The mariner can weaken an opponent’s weapon hand with an attack. When she deals damage against an opponent, she can make a disarm attack against the damaged opponent as an immediate action that does not trigger an attack of opportunity. All the usual rules for disarm attacks apply, and feats such as Improved Disarm modify the attack normally.

Hatred (Ex) The bonus from any grudge tricks the mariner knows is increased to +4. The mariner must be at least level 10 and have the grudge trick at least once to learn this trick.

Magic of the Sea (Ex): When both the mariner and the target(s) of her spell are within 100 ft. of a body of water large enough to carry a boat, the save DC of all the mariner's spells increases by 2.

Quick Appraise (Ex): The mariner must at times quickly select the most valuable items to spirit away. She appraises an item as a move action and can determine the most valuable item visible to her in a 60 ft. radius as a standard action.

Rogue Talent: The mariner can pick a rogue talent instead of a mariner trick. Mariner levels count as rogue levels to use and qualify for rogue talents. The mariner must have the skulduggery career focus to select this trick. When the mariner reaches level 12, she can select advanced rogue talents.

Telling Shot (Ex): Select one type of crossbow or firearm. When using this weapon, the mariner can add her Dexterity bonus to damage. The mariner must be level 5 and know Precise Shot and Deadly Aim to take this trick.

Telling Strike (Ex): Select one weapon the marine can use with Weapon Finesse. When attacking with this weapon, the mariner adds her Dexterity bonus to damage instead of her Strength bonus. Anything that would cause the mariner to lose some or all of her Strength bonus to damage instead reduces Dexterity bonus to damage. The mariner must be level 5 and must know Weapon Finesse to select this trick.

Treasure Finder (Ex): The mariner is an expert at finding buried treasures and hidden cargoes. She gains a +2 bonus on Disable Device checks and Perception checks to notice hidden doors, objects, and traps. She can use Disable Device to disable magical trap, like a rogue with Trapfinding.

Career Focus

At 1st level, a mariner chooses a focus for her adventurer abilities. Select one career focus from the list below.

  • Alchemy: The mariner gains a competence bonus on Craft (alchemy) checks when creating alchemical items equal to their class level, can identify potions like an alchemist, and can create and use bombs, as the alchemist's alchemy class feature. The mariner alchemist cannot create extracts or mutagens. Finally she gains the alchemist's throw anything class feature,
  • Arcanism: The mariner learns, prepares, and casts arcane spells as a magus. This includes the effects of Intelligence on spellcasting, spells per day, avoiding arcane spell failure in light armor, cantrips, spellbook, and free spells.
  • Chaplain: A marine chaplain learns and casts divine spells as a cleric. This includes the effects of Wisdom on spellcasting, spell list and spells per day. She selects one domain her patron offers and gains the domain powers of this domain as a cleric of her mariner level. She has no domain spell slots, instead she adds the spells of her chosen domain to her cleric spell list.
  • Martial: A mariner with a martial focus gains proficiency with all martial weapons and with medium armor at level 1 and a bonus combat feat at level 2 and every 2 levels thereafter. She must fulfill the prerequisites of these feats, but counts mariner levels as fighter levels for feat prerequisites.
  • Mesmerist: The mariner learns and casts psychic spells as a mesmerist. This includes the effects of Charisma on spellcasting, spell list, spells known, and spells per day.
  • Chaplain: A marine chaplain learns and casts divine spells as a cleric. This includes the effects of Wisdom on spellcasting, spell list and spells per day. She selects one domain her patron offers and gains the domain powers of this domain as a cleric of her mariner level. She has no domain spell slots, instead she adds the spells of her chosen domain to her cleric spell list.
  • Sea-Speaker: A sea-speaker learns and casts divine spells as a druid. This includes the effects of Wisdom on spellcasting, spell list and spells per day. She selects one domain available to druids and gains the domain powers of this domain as a druid of her mariner level. She has no domain spell slots, instead she adds the spells of her chosen domain to her druid spell list.
  • Shanties: The mariner knows how to use performance to entertain and inspire her fellow seafarers. She gains the bard's bardic performance class feature, counting mariner levels as bard levels. This includes rounds per day and all bardic performances. In addition, when using inspire competence to improve certain shipboard skills, the range improves to 100 ft. and she can inspire a number of creatures (including herself) equal to her skill modifier in the corresponding type of performance, according to this list: Act (Diplomacy), Comedy (Bluff), Dance (Acrobatics), Keyboard Instruments (Knowledge [any]), Oratory (Sense Motive), Percussion (Intimidate), Sing (Profession [sailor]), String (Climb), and Wind (Perception).
  • Skulduggery: The mariner gains certain rogue class features as she advances in level: sneak attack at level 1, uncanny dodge at level 4, evasion at level 7, improved uncanny dodge at level 10, and improved evasion (as the advanced rogue talent) at level 13. She uses these abilities as a rogue of her mariner level, including increasing sneak attack damage.

Marine Tricks

A mariner is a consummate seaman, and learns various tricks that goes beyond normal maritime skill. Starting at 2nd level, a mariner gains one mariner trick. She gains an additional mariner trick for every 2 levels of mariner attained after 2nd level. When a talent mentions drive skill, it is Diplomacy or Intimidate for rowing craft or Knowledge (nature) or Profession (sailor) for sailing craft).

Bilge Rat (Ex): The mariner is inured to the dangers of the bilge and hidden places on a ship. She gains a +2 bonus on Escape Artist checks and on saving throws against curse, disease, and poison effects.

Bogstep (Ex): The mariner learns how to move quickly through treacherous bog terrain. She moves through shallow bogs normally, and it costs her 2 squares of movement to move into a square with a deep bog. She can use Acrobatics to tumble through shallow bogs with no penalty and can tumble through deep bogs with a –4 penalty (see Marsh Terrain for more information regarding bogs and swamps.) She ignores the increased Acrobatics difficulty for water or slippery surfaces.

Bribery (Ex): The mariner knows how to smooth over interactions with customs and other officials. When dealing with officials working at a checkpoint, conducting an inspection, or performing another such activity, the mariner can make a Sense Motive check (DC 10 + 2x the official's Will save bonus) to understand in the official can be bribed, what kind of bribe is needed, and how to present the bribe. A normal bribe is 1d6 gp per level of the official, but lawful officials are harder to bribe and might require twice as much gold or some special favor.

Deep Breath (Ex): The mariner can hold her breath for a number of rounds equal to four times her Constitution score before she must start making Constitution checks.

Distraction (Ex): The mariner can use patter and body language to deflect searchers from hidden items. She may make a Bluff check when a searcher looks for secret compartments and hidden items, if the result is higher than the normal Perception DC to spot the item, use the Bluff check as the DC of the Perception check.

Favored Port (Ex): Mariners build alliances and friendships that last lifetimes. A mariner can pick any coastal settlement as a favored port. While in that settlement, a mariner gains a +2 bonus on all Bluff, Diplomacy, Intimidate, and Knowledge (local) checks, as well as on initiative checks and Will saving throws. A mariner also gains his favored port bonuses when aboard any ship whose home port is one of his favored ports. A mariner with this trick gains an additional favored port at level 6 and every four levels thereafter, taking this at level six and above instantly grants these favored ports.

Favored Tavern (Ex): The mariner is famous enough that she can get others to pick up her tab. The mariner designates one tavern per mariner level as a “favored tavern.” When in a favored tavern, the mariner drinks for free. In addition, she gains a +4 circumstance bonus on Diplomacy and Intimidate checks within a favored tavern. A mariner with this trick gains an additional favored tavern at level 4 and every two levels thereafter, taking this at level four and above instantly grants these favored taverns.

Gunner (Ex): A gunner becomes proficient in all Large and Huge siege weapons.

Hide Ship (Ex): A Mariner with this talent gains a +10 modifier on drive rolls to hide her ship (see the rules section, below).

Horizon Spell (Su)': When the mariner casts a spell when both she and her target is within 50 ft of a body of water, but not underwater, the range of the spell is tripled. This does not apply to spells with a range of personal or touch.

Lookout (Ex): A mariner with this ability has an amazing ability to spot other ships. When her ship first comes within sight of another ship, she can make an opposed Perception check against the best Perception skill on that ship (both sides ignore distance modifiers for this roll). On a success, she notices the other ship before they notice hers and her ship stays unobserved for a number of minutes equal to the difference between the Perception checks (minimum 1 minute). This is usually enough to disappear behind some concealment, such as under the horizon. If she or her shipmates attack during this time, they have surprise.

Rigging Monkey (Ex): Some mariners become skilled at climbing on ropes and rigging. This ability grants the mariner a climb speed equal to her land speed and needs only one hand free to do so. She does not gain the usual +8 bonus on Climb checks, so she is restricted to relatively easy climbs, such as masts and rigging. The mariner does not lose her Dexterity bonus to AC when climbing.

Sounding (Ex): As a full-round action while at the bow of a ship or boat, the mariner can find the depth and composition of the sea floor. This allows a Perception check with a +8 circumstance bonus on Perception checks do discover things underwater, such as reefs and wrecks. A stationary ship allows sounding depths down to 100 ft., reduce this depth by the speed the ship moves at. Sounding can also be used as aid other to driving checks to avoid running aground, giving a bonus of +1 per 10 points rolled on the Perception check (this includes the +8 bonus). A character lacking this talent can make a sounding check in one minute, with a penalty based on how far their ship moved in this minute.

Storm Sailor (Ex): The mariner treats all storms as if they were one category less severe for the purposes of sailing and navigation. (This benefit stacks with other effects related to wind conditions.) She does not fall prone when she fails an Acrobatics check to move across uneven ground, instead she merely fails to move. She does not take a penalty on any Acrobatics checks due to slightly slippery, slightly unsteady, or moderately unsteady conditions.

Swinging (Ex)': When on a masted ship or similar environment with plenty of ropes or vines, the mariner gains an effective fly speed equal to her land speed, using the Acrobatics skill instead of the Fly skill. Each round spent swinging inflicts 1d6 damage to a ship's rigging. The mariner must know the rigging monkey trick to learn this trick.

Weather Eye (Ex): The mariner is sensitive to weather changes. She can use Knowledge (nature) to predict weather as if it was Survial. When informing the captain of his ship of a successful weather prediction, the ship gains a +2 bonus on Initiative checks in ship combat and reduces the drive skill penalty of wind-powered vehicles by 5.

Windrigger (Ex): The mariner has learned the tricky art of tacking. With a DC 15 Profession (sailor) check, she increases her ship’s base movement by 5 feet for 1 hour, until her ship changes heading by 90 degrees, or the wind changes. If she beats DC 30, the bonus is 10 ft. of speed, 45 gives +15 ft. speed, and so on. She can try this roll once per hour. The mariner has also learned to coax speed out of her ship when it really counts. With a DC 20 Profession (sailor) check, she doubles her ship’s base movement for 1 round, but on a failed roll her ship's speed is reduced to half. She must be in command of her ship to use this ability. This can be a temporary command, she need not be the captain.

Advanced Mariner Tricks

At 10th level, and every two levels thereafter, a mariner can choose one of the following advanced mariner tricks in place of a normal mariner trick. As a mariner’s connection to the sea grows stronger, she learns to perform tasks impossible by normal means.

Breathe Easy (Sp): The mariner can help allies who fall overboard to stay alive until they can be plucked from the waves. She can cast water breathing once per day as a spell-like ability (CL = the mariner’s class level). The mariner can use this ability as a standard action, move action, or immediate action. When used as a standard action, it has the normal effect. When used as a move action, the ability can affect only one creature, but can do so at a range of 120 feet. When used as an immediate action, the ability can affect only one creature, but can do so at a range of 60 feet, and its duration is reduced to 1 minute per level. A mariner can use this ability an additional time per day for every 3 levels after level 10.

Grapple Ship (Su): The mariner gains the ability to stop another ship dead in the water for a short time. To use this ability, the mariner must hurl a grappling hook at the target ship. The mariner is considered proficient with the grappling hook, and she throws it with a 30-foot range increment and can throw it up to ten range increments. If the mariner hits the target ship, she then makes an opposed Profession (Sailor) check against the ship's commanding officer. For every point by which the mariner wins the check, she halts its progress for 1 round. It is possible for up to four creatures to use the Aid Other action for this, but the DC to do so is 20.

Shipboard Authority (Ex): As a full-round action on board a ship, the mariner can shout orders to her crew. All allies within 150 feet of the mariner who can hear her gain a +2 morale bonus on attack rolls or on a particular skill check for 1 round per the mariner’s level. If these allies coordinate on a single task—such as a very hard Strength check to tow a ship or Profession (sailor) check to make a difficult maneuver, use the highest bonus in the group with an additional +1 for every member of the group who has the relevant skill or ability. The mariner specifies which bonus applies when she uses this ability and may not change the bonus except by using the ability again.

Legendary Mariner Tricks

At 16th level, and every two levels thereafter, a mariner can choose one of the following legendary mariner tricks in place of a normal mariner trick.

Table: Fogcraft
Fogcraft Type Size Complement Duration Stealth
Raft Large 4 10 hours +12
Rowboat Large 6 10 hours +12
Barge Huge 60 8 hours +8
Skiff Gargantuan 80 6 hours +4
Keelboat Gargantuan 115 6 hours +4
Longship Colossal 170 4 hours +0
Sailing ship Colossal 220 4 hours +0
Warship Colossal 240 2 hours +0
Galley Colossal 450 2 hours +0

Fogcraft (Su) The mariner has the incredible power to shape a vessel out of sea spray, fog, or mist. This ability functions only in mist, fog, or thick spray (as is common near navigational hazards) and is usable once per day. A fogcraft appears made of swirling gray mist but feels solid to the touch. Its unique composition can make it difficult to spot, and the craft makes no sound, but it does not baffle sounds made by its crew. A fogcraft has a carrying capacity equal to an ordinary ship of its type, but its impermanence makes it a poor cargo ship. It requires no crew. A fogcraft possesses speed and maneuverability equal to that of an ordinary ship of its type, but unlike ordinary ships, a fogcraft cannot run aground and can sail over reefs and through bogs. When a mariner creates a fogcraft, she can chose its size from any of the table. With larger ships comes a trade-off in stealth and duration. "Complement" in the table is how many medium-sized humanoids the fogcraft can carry, including the mariner herself. Forming a craft takes 10 minutes, and the craft’s duration lasts for a variable number of hours depending on its size. It is also possible to turn an existing boat or ship into a fogcraft of the same type, this works the same way but takes only a minute to do. Such a craft reverts to normal at the end of the duration.

Grant Freedom (Sp): The mariner gains the effects of freedom of movement as a constant spell-like ability (his effective caster level equals his class level). As a swift action, he can transfer this effect to a creature by touch, but in this case the effect persists for only 1 round. When he does so, he regains the benefits at the end of the 1 round duration and can confer it to a new creature.

Into the Maelstrom (Sp): Once per day, the mariner can make her ship seemingly flounder while really emerging in another plane. This works like plane shift cast by a sorcerer of the mariner's level, except the entire ship and crew moves into another plane. Unwilling passengers can make a Will save to avoid this effect. Creatures observing the event can make a DC 22 Spellcraft check to realize what is really happening.

Maelstrom Ally (Sp): The mariner can cast summon nature's ally VII once per day, but only to summon creatures in water or bogs. This spell-like ability has a duration of concentration, plus 1 minute/level after the mariner stops concentrating to maintain it.

Master Shot (Ex): When firing a siege engine at another water vehicle and the attack roll matches the target ship's captain's piloting skill the target ship is rendered immobile for one minute.

Shipmind (Su): Once per day as a standard action, the mariner can control her ship with a thought. The mariner must be on the deck of the ship she wishes to control and she must be conscious. Once the mariner activates her shipmind, she can feel the ship as if it were an extension of her body. She can “see” from the ship anywhere she wants, and adjusting her point of view is a free action. The mariner can move the ship as if it were her own body, and it moves over water at her base move or the ship’s normal speed, whichever is preferred. If she moves the ship at her own speed, it moves as a character, not a vehicle, which means it has no facing and can make unlimited turns. The ship can only move along the surface this way, and can move at either the mariner's land or swim speed. While the mariner uses her shipmind ability, her body appears paralyzed and unresponsive. She is considered helpless and cannot defend herself, but she retains an awareness of what goes on around her body (and can see her body from her perspective on the ship if she wishes). She may end the shipmind effect as an immediate action. This ability lasts for 1 round per class level.

Whisk to Freedom (Sp): A mariner spends enough time harnessing the wind that he learns to become one with it. The mariner gains wind walk at will and word of recall once per day as spell-like abilities (caster level equals her mariner level). Word of recall must return the mariner to a ship he owns or serves on.

Table: Mariner

Level Base Attack Bonus Fort Save Ref Save Will Save Special
1st +0 +0 +2 +0 Finesse training, sneak attack +1d6, trapfinding
2nd +1 +0 +3 +0 Evasion, mariner trick
3rd +2 +1 +3 +1 Finesse training, sea sense +1, sneak attack +2d6
4th +3 +1 +4 +1 Debilitating injury, mariner trick, uncanny dodge
5th +3 +1 +4 +1 Rogue's edge, sneak attack +3d6
6th +4 +2 +5 +2 Mariner trick, sea sense +2
7th +5 +2 +5 +2 Sneak attack +4d6
8th +6/+1 +2 +6 +2 Improved uncanny dodge, mariner trick
9th +6/+1 +3 +6 +3 Sea sense +3, sneak attack +5d6
10th +7/+2 +3 +7 +3 Advanced tricks, mariner trick, rogue's edge
11th +8/+3 +3 +7 +3 Finesse training, sneak attack +6d6
12th +9/+4 +4 +8 +4 Mariner trick, sea sense +4
13th +9/+4 +4 +8 +4 Sneak attack +7d6
14th +10/+5 +4 +9 +4 Mariner trick
15th +11/+6/+1 +5 +9 +5 Rogue's edge, sea sense +5, sneak attack +8d6
16th +12/+7/+2 +5 +10 +5 Legendary tricks, mariner trick
17th +12/+7/+2 +5 +10 +5 Sneak attack +9d6
18th +13/+8/+3 +6 +11 +6 Mariner trick, sea sense +6
19th +14/+9/+4 +6 +11 +6 Finesse training, sneak attack +10d6
20th +15/+10/+5 +6 +12 +6 Master strike, mariner trick, rogue's edge

New Rule: Vehicles and Stealth

Any driver can hide her vehicle from prying eyes, as long as the vehicle has cover (such as from intervening terrain or sufficiently large creatures or objects) or concealment (commonly from darkness, foliage, or weather conditions). The driver uses the drive skill as if it was the Stealth skill and suffers the normal Stealth penalties for the size of the vehicle (Large -4, Huge -8, Gargantuan -12, Colossal -16). Instead of the normal movement penalties to stealth, the driver suffers a -10 penalty for every 30 ft. the vehicle moves.

Summary of Changed Class Abilities

These abilities of the rogue are lost or modified in this archetype:

See Also

Prestige archetype variants of the two separate mariner prestige classes.

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