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''The ancient lands of the desert are rife with aged ruins guarded by stony sentinels from bygone days, whose implacable gaze can still the heart of a miscreant or scare off a would-be tomb robber. The ancient race of sphinxes is said to have endowed the first ren monoliths with their powers, raising statues to a semblance of life, but today, most of these paragons of justice are mortals who willingly take on the mantle of immortal warriors through ritual and devotion, imbuing themselves with the patience and eternal strength of stone. The ren monolith is a living monolith of the scribe caste.  
''The ancient lands of the desert are rife with aged ruins guarded by stony sentinels from bygone days, whose implacable gaze can still the heart of a miscreant or scare off a would-be tomb robber. The ren monolith is a living monolith of the scribe caste, a wielder of mystic power. The ancient race of sphinxes is said to have endowed the first ren monoliths with their powers, raising statuettes to a semblance of life, but today, most of these paragons of justice are mortals who willingly take on the mantle of immortal guardians through ritual and devotion, imbuing themselves with the patience and eternal strength of stone.  
''There is also a curse to create a living monolith, as described in Warrior Prestige Archetypes, also by Purple Duck Games.
== Class Information ==
== Class Information ==
This is a [[Prestige Archetypes (Apath)|prestige archetype]].
This is a [[Prestige Archetypes (Apath)|prestige archetype]]. Ren monoliths are immortal spellcasters with the might and resilience of stone.
'''Prestige Class: ''' [http://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/prestige-classes/other-paizo/i-m/living-monolith Ren monolith].  
Purple Duck Games.  
'''Build Classes: ''' Wizard.  
'''Prestige Class: ''' [http://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/prestige-classes/other-paizo/i-m/living-monolith Living monolith] from Pathfinder Player Companion: People of the Sands.  
Ren monoliths are immortal wizards with the might and resilience of stone.
'''Build Classes: '''
is built on the [http://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/core-classes/wizard wizard], but the following optional build classes are described below:
[http://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/hybrid-classes/arcanist arcanist],
[http://www.d20pfsrd.com/occult-adventures/occult-classes/psychic psychic],
[[Sacerdote_(Apath) | sacerdote]],
[http://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/core-classes/sorcerer sorcerer], or
[http://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/base-classes/witch witch].
'''Role:''' Ren monoliths are sacred guardians, using magical powers to hinder and destroy tomb robbers. In a party, their role is essentially the same, to anticipate and destroy the enemies of the team.  
'''Role:''' Ren monoliths are sacred guardians, using magical powers to hinder and destroy tomb robbers. In a party, their role is essentially the same, to anticipate and destroy the enemies of the team.  
'''Alignment:''' Any. Their alignment is generally similar to that of the noble whose tomb they guard. There are more lawful and good monoliths than chaotic and evil ones, because those taking up the task voluntarily are usually lawful and evil nobles tend to prefer undead guardians. Adventuring living monoliths need some unusual motivation to plunder tombs rather than protecting them.
'''Alignment:''' Any. Alignment is generally similar to that of the noble whose tomb they guard. There are more lawful and good monoliths than chaotic and evil ones, because those taking up the task voluntarily are usually lawful and evil nobles tend to prefer undead guardians. Adventuring living monoliths need an explanation why they are no longer guardians—usually because the guarded tomb was despoiled.
'''Bonus Language:''' Sphinx. A ren monolith can pick sphinx as a bonus language, in addition to those allowed by her race.
'''Bonus Language:''' Sphinx. A ren monolith can pick sphinx as a bonus language, in addition to those allowed by his race.
'''Hit Die:''' d6.
'''Hit Die:''' d6.
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== Class Features ==
== Class Features ==
These are all the class features of the ren monolith.
These are all the class features of the ren monolith.  
=== Fortified Flesh (Ex) ===
===Weapon and Armor Proficiency ===
At 1st level, the flesh of a ren monolith takes on the hardness of stone. A ren monolith gains DR 1 and 10% immunity to critical hits and sneak attacks (as if wearing ''fortification'' armor). At 4th level and every three levels thereafter, this DR increases by 1 and the immunity to critical hits increases by 10%. When a ren monolith uses his ren stone to increase his size, these defenses temporarily increase by an additional 1 and 10%, respectively.  
Ren monoliths are proficient with the club, dagger, dart, mace (light), sling, and quarterstaff, but not with any type of armor or shield. Armor interferes with a ren monolith's movements, which can cause his arcane spells with somatic components to fail.  
=== Spells ===
The ren monolith learns and casts spells exactly like a wizard, including using arcane magic, the effect of Intelligence on spellcasting, spellbooks, automatically learned spells, and cantrips.
===Weapon and Armor Proficiency ===
=== Build Class ===
Ren monoliths are proficient with the club, dagger, heavy crossbow, light crossbow, and quarterstaff, but not with any type of armor or shield. Armor interferes with a ren monolith's movements, which can cause his spells with somatic components to fail.
The wizard monolith can meld his spellbook with his ren stone, causing it to disappear and become inaccessible and indestructible. Many wizard monoliths scribe their spells on individual rolls of papyrus or stone tablets, and only need to take out the tablets for the spells they actually study. Melding or taking out the spell book is a move action. If the wizard monolith is dead or unconscious (sleep does not count), the spellbook immediately materializes.
=== Ren Stone (Su) ===
=== Ren Stone (Su) ===
During his induction into this prestige class, a ren monolith has a stone scarab embedded in his forehead, often set with gems or inlaid with precious metals. This stone is inscribed on its inner side with the monolith's true name and his oaths to the gods and pharaohs. It cannot be removed without his permission, cannot be dispelled (though it does not function in areas where magic does not work), and does not use a magic item slot.  
During his induction into this class, a ren monolith has a stone scarab embedded in his forehead, often set with gems or inlaid with precious metals. This stone is inscribed on its inner side with the monolith's true name and his oaths to the gods and pharaohs. It cannot be removed without his permission, cannot be dispelled (though it does not function in areas where magic does not work), and does not use a magic item slot.  
The soul stone grants the ren monolith a +2 bonus on saving throws against death effects, mind-affecting effects, effects that grant negative levels, and on saves to overcome negative levels.
The soul stone grants the ren monolith a +2 bonus on saving throws against death effects, mind-affecting effects, effects that grant negative levels, and on saves to overcome negative levels.
A ren monolith can invoke the power of his ren stone 3 times per day as a swift action, enabling him to grow in size as if using ''[http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/e/enlarge-person enlarge person]'' (even if he is not a humanoid).
Additionally, a ren stone can be used once per day to cast any one spell that the ren monolith has in his spell list and of a level he is capable of casting. The ren monolith doesn't need to know the spell.
This spell is treated like any other spell cast by the ren monolith, including casting time, duration, and other effects dependent on the ren monolith's level. This spell cannot be modified by metamagic feats or other abilities.
Additionally, a ren stone can be used once per day to cast any one spell that the ren monolith has in his spellbook and is capable of casting, even if the spell is not prepared. This spell is treated like any other spell cast by the ren monolith, including casting time, duration, and other effects dependent on the ren monolith's level. This spell cannot be modified by metamagic feats or other abilities.  
=== Scribe Scroll ===
At 1st level, a ren monolith gains Scribe Scroll as a bonus feat.
=== Spells ===
=== Armor Bonus (Ex) ===
A ren monolith casts arcane spells drawn from the sorcerer/wizard spell list. A ren monolith must choose and prepare his spells ahead of time.
At 2nd level, a ren monolith receives +4 armor bonus to AC as a result of their ongoing petrification. This is an armor bonus (not natural armor) and does not stack with armor worn or effects that give an armor bonus, like ''mage armor''.
To learn, prepare, or cast a spell, the ren monolith must have an Intelligence score equal to at least 10 + the spell level. The Difficulty Class for a saving throw against a ren monolith's spell is 10 + the spell level + the ren monolith's Intelligence modifier.
=== Fortified Flesh (Ex) ===
At 3rd level, the flesh of a ren monolith takes on some of the hardness of stone. A ren monolith gains DR 1 and 10% immunity to critical hits and sneak attacks (as if wearing ''fortification'' armor). At 7th level and every four levels thereafter, this DR increases by 1 and the immunity to critical hits increases by 10%.
A ren monolith can cast only a certain number of spells of each spell level per day. His base daily spell allotment is given on Table: Ren monolith. In addition, he receives bonus spells per day if he has a high Intelligence score (see Table: Ability Modifiers and Bonus Spells).
=== Figurine (Sp) ===
At 4th level a ren monolith can invoke the power of his ren stone 3 times per day as a standard action, enabling him to shrink to Tiny size as if using ''[http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/r/reduce-person reduce person]'' (even if he is not a humanoid or larger than Small in his natural form). This effect lasts until dispelled or dismissed by the ren monolith.
A ren monolith may know any number of spells. He must choose and prepare his spells ahead of time by getting 8 hours of sleep and spending 1 hour studying his spellbook. While studying, the ren monolith decides which spells to prepare.
=== Tombsight (Su) ===
At 5th level, a living monolith can perceive the balance of life and death, as if using ''[http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/d/deathwatch deathwatch]'' and ''[http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/d/detect-undead detect undead]'' simultaneously.  
'''Spellbook:''' A ren monolith begins play with a spellbook containing all 0-level ren monolith spells (except those from his opposed schools, if any; see Arcane Schools) plus three 1st-level spells of his choice. The ren monolith also selects a number of additional 1st-level spells equal to his Intelligence modifier to add to the spellbook. At each new ren monolith level, he gains two new spells of any spell level or levels that he can cast (based on his new ren monolith level) for his spellbook. At any time, a ren monolith can also add spells found in others' spellbooks to his own (see Magic).
This power can be used at will and lasts as long as the living monolith concentrates.
=== Scribe Scroll ===
At 1st level, a ren monolith gains Scribe Scroll as a bonus feat.
=== Stone Blood (Ex) ===
=== Stone Blood (Ex) ===
At 2nd level, the vital fluids and tissues of a ren monolith can selectively petrify in response to injury. A ren monolith automatically stabilizes when at negative hit points and is immune to continuous damage from bleed attacks (including weapons with the ''wounding'' special ability) and ability damage from blood drain.
At 6th level, the vital fluids and tissues of a ren monolith can selectively petrify in response to injury. A ren monolith automatically stabilizes when at negative hit points and is immune to continuous damage from bleed attacks (including weapons with the ''wounding'' special ability) and ability damage from blood drain
=== Armor Bonus (Ex) ===
At 3rd level, a ren monolith receives +4 armor bonus to AC as a result of their ongoing petrification. This is an armor bonus (not natural armor) and does not stack with armor worn. It can be improved with ''magic vestment'' and similar armor enhancements.
=== Stability (Ex) ===
=== Stability (Ex) ===
At 5th level, a ren monolith becomes exceptionally stable on his feet, gaining a +4 bonus to his CMD when he resists a bull rush or trip attempt while standing on the ground. This stacks with a dwarf 's stability trait and similar abilities.
At 8th level, a ren monolith becomes exceptionally stable on his feet, gaining a +4 bonus to his CMD when he resists a bull rush or trip attempt while standing on the ground. This stacks with a dwarf's stability trait and similar abilities.
=== Tombsight (Su) ===
At 6th level, a living monolith can perceive the balance of life and death within those he sees, as if using ''[http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/d/deathwatch deathwatch]'' and ''[http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/d/detect-undead detect undead]'' simultaneously.
This power can be used at will and lasts as long as the living monolith concentrates.
=== Attunement to Stone (Sp) ===
At 9th level, a ren monolith can use ''[http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/m/meld-into-stone meld into stone]'' at will. The duration of this ability can be freely extended, and the ren monolith does not age, eat, drink, breathe, or need to sleep while so melded.
=== Immune to Disease ===
=== Immune to Disease ===
At 8th level, a living monolith becomes immune to all diseases, including supernatural and magical diseases (such as mummy rot).
At 10th level, a living monolith becomes immune to all diseases, including supernatural and magical diseases (such as mummy rot). He is also immune to parasitic infestation and swarm attacks.
=== Attunement to Stone (Sp) ===
At 10th level, a ren monolith can use ''[http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/m/meld-into-stone meld into stone]'' at will. The duration of this ability can be freely extended, and the ren monolith does not age, eat, drink, breathe, or sleep while so melded.
=== Summon Sphinx (Sp) ===
=== Summon Sphinx (Sp) ===
At 12th level the ren monolith gains a +4 bonus on Diplomacy checks to influence sphinxes, and can call upon the aid of the sphinxes. Once per day, the ren monolith can call a sphinx to his presence and bargain for its services as if using ''[http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/p/planar-ally planar ally]'' to call upon an outsider. At 17th level, this ability functions as ''[http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/p/planar-ally greater planar ally]''.
At 12th level the ren monolith gains a +4 bonus on Diplomacy checks to influence sphinxes, and can call upon the aid of the sphinxes. Once per day, the ren monolith can call a sphinx to his presence and bargain for its services as if using ''[http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/p/planar-ally planar ally]'' to call upon an outsider. At 16th level, this ability functions as ''[http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/p/planar-ally greater planar ally]''.
=== Communion with Stone (Su) ===
=== Communion with Stone (Su) ===
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=== Assumption of Stone (Sp) ===
=== Assumption of Stone (Sp) ===
At 16th level a living monolith becomes immune to petrification.
At 16th level a living monolith becomes immune to petrification.
Also, he may use ''[http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/s/statue statue]'' as a spell-like ability with a range of personal at will. Add any damage reduction the living monolith has to its hardness in ''statue'' form. The duration of this ability can be freely extended, and the living monolith does not age, eat, drink, breathe, or sleep while using it. If he is using his ka stone to enlarge himself, the duration of that ability does not count time in ''statue'' form against its duration.
Also, he may use ''[http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/s/statue statue]'' (sp) with a range of personal at will. Add any damage reduction the living monolith has to its hardness in ''statue'' form. The duration of this ability can be freely extended, and the living monolith does not age, eat, drink, breathe, or sleep while using it. Time in statue form does not count against the duration of any spell or spell-like ability the ren monolith has cast on himself, and all such spells are suspended for the duration. This allows the ren monolith to leave statue form and instantly be buffed and ready for combat.
=== Judgment of the Monolith (Sp) ===
=== Judgment of the Monolith (Sp) ===
At 18th level, a living monolith gains the divine authority to demand truthful answers. Once per day, a living monolith can conduct a ritual of inquisition. If performed on a dead body, this functions as ''[http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/s/speak-with-dead speak with dead]''. Upon a living creature, it functions as a ''[http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/m/mark-of-justice mark of justice]'' that activates if the target lies to the living monolith. A living monolith can also use this power to entreat the spirits of the living and the dead to answer questions as if using ''[http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/c/contact-other-plane contact other plane]'' (treat as contacting a lesser deity).
At 17th level, a living monolith gains the divine authority to demand truthful answers. Once per day, a living monolith can conduct a ritual of inquisition. If performed on a dead body, this functions as ''[http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/s/speak-with-dead speak with dead]''. Upon a living creature, it functions as a ''[http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/m/mark-of-justice mark of justice]'' that activates if the target lies to the living monolith.  
=== Lore of Stone (Sp) ===
At 18th level a living monolith can use this power to entreat the spirits of the living and the dead to answer questions as if using ''[http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/c/contact-other-plane contact other plane]'' (treat as contacting a lesser deity).
=== Ageless Stone (Ex) ===
=== Ageless Stone (Ex) ===
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== Table: Ren Monolith ==
== Table: Ren Monolith ==
|rowspan=2|''' Level'''||rowspan=2|''' Base Attack Bonus'''||rowspan=2|''' Fort Save'''||rowspan=2|''' Ref Save'''||rowspan=2|''' Will Save'''||rowspan=2|''' Special'''||colspan=10 align=center|'''Spells per Day'''
|rowspan=2 valign=bottom |'''Class <br>Level'''||rowspan=2 valign=bottom |''' Base <br>Attack <br>Bonus'''||rowspan=2 valign=bottom |''' Fort <br>Save'''||rowspan=2 valign=bottom |''' Ref <br>Save'''||rowspan=2 valign=bottom |''' Will <br>Save'''||rowspan=2 valign=bottom |''' Special'''||colspan=10 align=center valign=bottom |'''Spells per Day'''
|valign="top"| 1st ||valign="top"| +0 ||valign="top"| +0 ||valign="top"| +0 ||valign="top"| +2 ||valign="top"| Cantrips, fortified flesh 1, ren stone, Scribe Scroll ||valign="top"| 3 ||valign="top"| 1 ||valign="top"| — ||valign="top"| — ||valign="top"| — ||valign="top"| — ||valign="top"| — ||valign="top"| — ||valign="top"| — ||valign="top"| —
|valign="top"| 1st ||valign="top"| +0 ||valign="top"| +0 ||valign="top"| +0 ||valign="top"| +2 ||valign="top"| Build class, ren stone, Scribe Scroll ||valign="top"| 3 ||valign="top"| 1 ||valign="top"| — ||valign="top"| — ||valign="top"| — ||valign="top"| — ||valign="top"| — ||valign="top"| — ||valign="top"| — ||valign="top"| —
|valign="top"| 2nd ||valign="top"| +1 ||valign="top"| +0 ||valign="top"| +0 ||valign="top"| +3 ||valign="top"| Stone blood  ||valign="top"| 4 ||valign="top"| 2 ||valign="top"| — ||valign="top"| — ||valign="top"| — ||valign="top"| — ||valign="top"| — ||valign="top"| — ||valign="top"| — ||valign="top"| —
|valign="top"| 2nd ||valign="top"| +1 ||valign="top"| +0 ||valign="top"| +0 ||valign="top"| +3 ||valign="top"| Armor bonus +4 ||valign="top"| 4 ||valign="top"| 2 ||valign="top"| — ||valign="top"| — ||valign="top"| — ||valign="top"| — ||valign="top"| — ||valign="top"| — ||valign="top"| — ||valign="top"| —
|valign="top"| 3rd ||valign="top"| +1 ||valign="top"| +1 ||valign="top"| +1 ||valign="top"| +3 ||valign="top"| Armor bonus +4 ||valign="top"| 4 ||valign="top"| 2 ||valign="top"| 1 ||valign="top"| — ||valign="top"| — ||valign="top"| — ||valign="top"| — ||valign="top"| — ||valign="top"| — ||valign="top"| —
|valign="top"| 3rd ||valign="top"| +1 ||valign="top"| +1 ||valign="top"| +1 ||valign="top"| +3 ||valign="top"| Fortified flesh 1 ||valign="top"| 4 ||valign="top"| 2 ||valign="top"| 1 ||valign="top"| — ||valign="top"| — ||valign="top"| — ||valign="top"| — ||valign="top"| — ||valign="top"| — ||valign="top"| —
|valign="top"| 4th ||valign="top"| +2 ||valign="top"| +1 ||valign="top"| +1 ||valign="top"| +4 ||valign="top"| Fortified flesh 2||valign="top"| 4 ||valign="top"| 3 ||valign="top"| 2 ||valign="top"| — ||valign="top"| — ||valign="top"| — ||valign="top"| — ||valign="top"| — ||valign="top"| — ||valign="top"| —
|valign="top"| 4th ||valign="top"| +2 ||valign="top"| +1 ||valign="top"| +1 ||valign="top"| +4 ||valign="top"| Figurine ||valign="top"| 4 ||valign="top"| 3 ||valign="top"| 2 ||valign="top"| — ||valign="top"| — ||valign="top"| — ||valign="top"| — ||valign="top"| — ||valign="top"| — ||valign="top"| —
|valign="top"| 5th ||valign="top"| +2 ||valign="top"| +1 ||valign="top"| +1 ||valign="top"| +4 ||valign="top"|Stability    ||valign="top"| 4 ||valign="top"| 3 ||valign="top"| 2 ||valign="top"| 1 ||valign="top"| — ||valign="top"| — ||valign="top"| — ||valign="top"| — ||valign="top"| — ||valign="top"| —
|valign="top"| 5th ||valign="top"| +2 ||valign="top"| +1 ||valign="top"| +1 ||valign="top"| +4 ||valign="top"| Tombsight ||valign="top"| 4 ||valign="top"| 3 ||valign="top"| 2 ||valign="top"| 1 ||valign="top"| — ||valign="top"| — ||valign="top"| — ||valign="top"| — ||valign="top"| — ||valign="top"| —
|valign="top"| 6th ||valign="top"| +3 ||valign="top"| +2 ||valign="top"| +2 ||valign="top"| +5 ||valign="top"| tombsight  ||valign="top"| 4 ||valign="top"| 3 ||valign="top"| 3 ||valign="top"| 2 ||valign="top"| — ||valign="top"| — ||valign="top"| — ||valign="top"| — ||valign="top"| — ||valign="top"| —
|valign="top"| 6th ||valign="top"| +3 ||valign="top"| +2 ||valign="top"| +2 ||valign="top"| +5 ||valign="top"| Stone blood ||valign="top"| 4 ||valign="top"| 3 ||valign="top"| 3 ||valign="top"| 2 ||valign="top"| — ||valign="top"| — ||valign="top"| — ||valign="top"| — ||valign="top"| — ||valign="top"| —
|valign="top"| 7th ||valign="top"| +3 ||valign="top"| +2 ||valign="top"| +2 ||valign="top"| +5 ||valign="top"| Fortified flesh ||valign="top"| 4 ||valign="top"| 4 ||valign="top"| 3 ||valign="top"| 2 ||valign="top"| 1 ||valign="top"| — ||valign="top"| — ||valign="top"| — ||valign="top"| — ||valign="top"| —
|valign="top"| 7th ||valign="top"| +3 ||valign="top"| +2 ||valign="top"| +2 ||valign="top"| +5 ||valign="top"| Fortified flesh 2 ||valign="top"| 4 ||valign="top"| 4 ||valign="top"| 3 ||valign="top"| 2 ||valign="top"| 1 ||valign="top"| — ||valign="top"| — ||valign="top"| — ||valign="top"| — ||valign="top"| —
|valign="top"| 8th ||valign="top"| +4 ||valign="top"| +2 ||valign="top"| +2 ||valign="top"| +6 ||valign="top"| Immune to disease  ||valign="top"| 4 ||valign="top"| 4 ||valign="top"| 3 ||valign="top"| 3 ||valign="top"| 2 ||valign="top"| — ||valign="top"| — ||valign="top"| — ||valign="top"| — ||valign="top"| —
|valign="top"| 8th ||valign="top"| +4 ||valign="top"| +2 ||valign="top"| +2 ||valign="top"| +6 ||valign="top"| Stability ||valign="top"| 4 ||valign="top"| 4 ||valign="top"| 3 ||valign="top"| 3 ||valign="top"| 2 ||valign="top"| — ||valign="top"| — ||valign="top"| — ||valign="top"| — ||valign="top"| —
|valign="top"| 9th ||valign="top"| +4 ||valign="top"| +3 ||valign="top"| +3 ||valign="top"| +6 ||valign="top"| ||valign="top"| 4 ||valign="top"| 4 ||valign="top"| 4 ||valign="top"| 3 ||valign="top"| 2 ||valign="top"| 1 ||valign="top"| — ||valign="top"| — ||valign="top"| — ||valign="top"| —
|valign="top"| 9th ||valign="top"| +4 ||valign="top"| +3 ||valign="top"| +3 ||valign="top"| +6 ||valign="top"| Attunement to stone ||valign="top"| 4 ||valign="top"| 4 ||valign="top"| 4 ||valign="top"| 3 ||valign="top"| 2 ||valign="top"| 1 ||valign="top"| — ||valign="top"| — ||valign="top"| — ||valign="top"| —
|valign="top"| 10th ||valign="top"| +5 ||valign="top"| +3 ||valign="top"| +3 ||valign="top"| +7 ||valign="top"| Fortified flesh 4  ||valign="top"| 4 ||valign="top"| 4 ||valign="top"| 4 ||valign="top"| 3 ||valign="top"| 3 ||valign="top"| 2 ||valign="top"| — ||valign="top"| — ||valign="top"| — ||valign="top"| —
|valign="top"| 10th ||valign="top"| +5 ||valign="top"| +3 ||valign="top"| +3 ||valign="top"| +7 ||valign="top"| Immune to disease ||valign="top"| 4 ||valign="top"| 4 ||valign="top"| 4 ||valign="top"| 3 ||valign="top"| 3 ||valign="top"| 2 ||valign="top"| — ||valign="top"| — ||valign="top"| — ||valign="top"| —
|valign="top"| 11th ||valign="top"| +5 ||valign="top"| +3 ||valign="top"| +3 ||valign="top"| +7 ||valign="top"| Attunement to stone  ||valign="top"| 4 ||valign="top"| 4 ||valign="top"| 4 ||valign="top"| 4 ||valign="top"| 3 ||valign="top"| 2 ||valign="top"| 1 ||valign="top"| — ||valign="top"| — ||valign="top"| —
|valign="top"| 11th ||valign="top"| +5 ||valign="top"| +3 ||valign="top"| +3 ||valign="top"| +7 ||valign="top"| Fortified flesh 3 ||valign="top"| 4 ||valign="top"| 4 ||valign="top"| 4 ||valign="top"| 4 ||valign="top"| 3 ||valign="top"| 2 ||valign="top"| 1 ||valign="top"| — ||valign="top"| — ||valign="top"| —
|valign="top"| 12th ||valign="top"| +6/+1 ||valign="top"| +4 ||valign="top"| +4 ||valign="top"| +8 ||valign="top"| summon sphinx ||valign="top"| 4 ||valign="top"| 4 ||valign="top"| 4 ||valign="top"| 4 ||valign="top"| 3 ||valign="top"| 3 ||valign="top"| 2 ||valign="top"| — ||valign="top"| — ||valign="top"| —
|valign="top"| 12th ||valign="top"| +6/+1 ||valign="top"| +4 ||valign="top"| +4 ||valign="top"| +8 ||valign="top"| Summon sphinx ||valign="top"| 4 ||valign="top"| 4 ||valign="top"| 4 ||valign="top"| 4 ||valign="top"| 3 ||valign="top"| 3 ||valign="top"| 2 ||valign="top"| — ||valign="top"| — ||valign="top"| —
|valign="top"| 13th ||valign="top"| +6/+1 ||valign="top"| +4 ||valign="top"| +4 ||valign="top"| +8 ||valign="top"| Fortified flesh 5  ||valign="top"| 4 ||valign="top"| 4 ||valign="top"| 4 ||valign="top"| 4 ||valign="top"| 4 ||valign="top"| 3 ||valign="top"| 2 ||valign="top"| 1 ||valign="top"| — ||valign="top"| —
|valign="top"| 13th ||valign="top"| +6/+1 ||valign="top"| +4 ||valign="top"| +4 ||valign="top"| +8 ||valign="top"| Assumption of stone ||valign="top"| 4 ||valign="top"| 4 ||valign="top"| 4 ||valign="top"| 4 ||valign="top"| 4 ||valign="top"| 3 ||valign="top"| 2 ||valign="top"| 1 ||valign="top"| — ||valign="top"| —
|valign="top"| 14th ||valign="top"| +7/+2 ||valign="top"| +4 ||valign="top"| +4 ||valign="top"| +9 ||valign="top"| Communion with stone ||valign="top"| 4 ||valign="top"| 4 ||valign="top"| 4 ||valign="top"| 4 ||valign="top"| 4 ||valign="top"| 3 ||valign="top"| 3 ||valign="top"| 2 ||valign="top"| — ||valign="top"| —
|valign="top"| 14th ||valign="top"| +7/+2 ||valign="top"| +4 ||valign="top"| +4 ||valign="top"| +9 ||valign="top"| Communion with stone ||valign="top"| 4 ||valign="top"| 4 ||valign="top"| 4 ||valign="top"| 4 ||valign="top"| 4 ||valign="top"| 3 ||valign="top"| 3 ||valign="top"| 2 ||valign="top"| — ||valign="top"| —
|valign="top"| 15th ||valign="top"| +7/+2 ||valign="top"| +5 ||valign="top"| +5 ||valign="top"| +9 ||valign="top"| Assumption of stone ||valign="top"| 4 ||valign="top"| 4 ||valign="top"| 4 ||valign="top"| 4 ||valign="top"| 4 ||valign="top"| 4 ||valign="top"| 3 ||valign="top"| 2 ||valign="top"| 1 ||valign="top"| —
|valign="top"| 15th ||valign="top"| +7/+2 ||valign="top"| +5 ||valign="top"| +5 ||valign="top"| +9 ||valign="top"| Fortified flesh 4 ||valign="top"| 4 ||valign="top"| 4 ||valign="top"| 4 ||valign="top"| 4 ||valign="top"| 4 ||valign="top"| 4 ||valign="top"| 3 ||valign="top"| 2 ||valign="top"| 1 ||valign="top"| —
|valign="top"| 16th ||valign="top"| +8/+3 ||valign="top"| +5 ||valign="top"| +5 ||valign="top"| +10 ||valign="top"| Fortified flesh 6  ||valign="top"| 4 ||valign="top"| 4 ||valign="top"| 4 ||valign="top"| 4 ||valign="top"| 4 ||valign="top"| 4 ||valign="top"| 3 ||valign="top"| 3 ||valign="top"| 2 ||valign="top"| —
|valign="top"| 16th ||valign="top"| +8/+3 ||valign="top"| +5 ||valign="top"| +5 ||valign="top"| +10 ||valign="top"| Summon sphinx (greater) ||valign="top"| 4 ||valign="top"| 4 ||valign="top"| 4 ||valign="top"| 4 ||valign="top"| 4 ||valign="top"| 4 ||valign="top"| 3 ||valign="top"| 3 ||valign="top"| 2 ||valign="top"| —
|valign="top"| 17th ||valign="top"| +8/+3 ||valign="top"| +5 ||valign="top"| +5 ||valign="top"| +10 ||valign="top"| Summon sphinx (greater)  ||valign="top"| 4 ||valign="top"| 4 ||valign="top"| 4 ||valign="top"| 4 ||valign="top"| 4 ||valign="top"| 4 ||valign="top"| 4 ||valign="top"| 3 ||valign="top"| 2 ||valign="top"| 1
|valign="top"| 17th ||valign="top"| +8/+3 ||valign="top"| +5 ||valign="top"| +5 ||valign="top"| +10 ||valign="top"| Judgment of the monolith ||valign="top"| 4 ||valign="top"| 4 ||valign="top"| 4 ||valign="top"| 4 ||valign="top"| 4 ||valign="top"| 4 ||valign="top"| 4 ||valign="top"| 3 ||valign="top"| 2 ||valign="top"| 1
|valign="top"| 18th ||valign="top"| +9/+4 ||valign="top"| +6 ||valign="top"| +6 ||valign="top"| +11 ||valign="top"| judgment of the monolith  ||valign="top"| 4 ||valign="top"| 4 ||valign="top"| 4 ||valign="top"| 4 ||valign="top"| 4 ||valign="top"| 4 ||valign="top"| 4 ||valign="top"| 3 ||valign="top"| 3 ||valign="top"| 2
|valign="top"| 18th ||valign="top"| +9/+4 ||valign="top"| +6 ||valign="top"| +6 ||valign="top"| +11 ||valign="top"| Lore of stone ||valign="top"| 4 ||valign="top"| 4 ||valign="top"| 4 ||valign="top"| 4 ||valign="top"| 4 ||valign="top"| 4 ||valign="top"| 4 ||valign="top"| 3 ||valign="top"| 3 ||valign="top"| 2
|valign="top"| 19th ||valign="top"| +9/+4 ||valign="top"| +6 ||valign="top"| +6 ||valign="top"| +11 ||valign="top"| Fortified flesh ||valign="top"| 4 ||valign="top"| 4 ||valign="top"| 4 ||valign="top"| 4 ||valign="top"| 4 ||valign="top"| 4 ||valign="top"| 4 ||valign="top"| 4 ||valign="top"| 3 ||valign="top"| 3
|valign="top"| 19th ||valign="top"| +9/+4 ||valign="top"| +6 ||valign="top"| +6 ||valign="top"| +11 ||valign="top"| Fortified flesh 5 ||valign="top"| 4 ||valign="top"| 4 ||valign="top"| 4 ||valign="top"| 4 ||valign="top"| 4 ||valign="top"| 4 ||valign="top"| 4 ||valign="top"| 4 ||valign="top"| 3 ||valign="top"| 3
|valign="top"| 20th ||valign="top"| +10/+5 ||valign="top"| +6 ||valign="top"| +6 ||valign="top"| +12 ||valign="top"| Ageless stone ||valign="top"| 4 ||valign="top"| 4 ||valign="top"| 4 ||valign="top"| 4 ||valign="top"| 4 ||valign="top"| 4 ||valign="top"| 4 ||valign="top"| 4 ||valign="top"| 4 ||valign="top"| 4
|valign="top"| 20th ||valign="top"| +10/+5 ||valign="top"| +6 ||valign="top"| +6 ||valign="top"| +12 ||valign="top"| Ageless stone ||valign="top"| 4 ||valign="top"| 4 ||valign="top"| 4 ||valign="top"| 4 ||valign="top"| 4 ||valign="top"| 4 ||valign="top"| 4 ||valign="top"| 4 ||valign="top"| 4 ||valign="top"| 4
== Alternate Build Classes ==
The ren monolith can be built on these alternate classes:
[http://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/hybrid-classes/arcanist arcanist],
[http://www.d20pfsrd.com/occult-adventures/occult-classes/psychic psychic],
[[Sacerdote_(Apath) | sacerdote]],
[http://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/core-classes/sorcerer sorcerer], or
[http://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/base-classes/witch witch].
A ren monolith learns and casts spells exactly like the build class, including type of magic (arcane, divine, or psychic), the effect of ability scores on spellcasting and cantrips, knacks or orisons. He only suffers arcane spell failure in armor if he casts arcane spells.
In addition, the ren monolith inherits the following class features from the build class. This replaces the build class feature, above.
'''[http://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/hybrid-classes/arcanist Arcanist]
Same as the build class ability of the wizard, above.
'''[http://www.d20pfsrd.com/occult-adventures/occult-classes/psychic Psychic]
The psychic monolith gains the [http://www.d20pfsrd.com/occult-adventures/occult-classes/psychic#TOC-Psychic-Discipline-Ex-or-Sp- psychic discipline] class feature, including discipline spells and discipline powers. Because he lacks a phrenic pool, certain discipline powers do not work, notably those of the Enlightenment discipline.
'''[[Sacerdote_(Apath) | Sacerdote]]
The sacerdote monolith keeps the advanced spellcasting, bonus languages, chaotic evil good and lawful spells, divine focus, divine wrath, and manifestation class features.
''This class is from Legendary Classes: Sacerdote, also by Purple Duck Games.''
'''[http://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/core-classes/sorcerer Sorcerer]
The sorcerer monolith gains [http://www.d20pfsrd.com/feats/general-feats/eschew-materials---final Eschew Materials] as a bonus feat at level 1. He selects a bloodline, but gains only bloodline spells, bloodline arcana , and the bloodline skill from the bloodline; the rest of his power is channeled into the ren stone. Most sorcerer monoliths have bloodlines related to earth or the dead.
'''[http://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/base-classes/witch Witch]
A witch monolith has no familiar and stores his spells in his ren stone. He gains patron spells; most witch monoliths have patrons related to earth or the dead.
== Favored Class Bonuses ==
Instead of receiving an additional skill rank or hit point whenever they gain a level in a favored class, some races have the option of choosing from a number of other bonuses, depending upon their favored classes. The following options are available to the listed race who have ren monolith as their favored class, and unless otherwise stated, the bonus applies each time you select the listed favored class reward.
* ''' Dwarf: ''' Gain a +1/5 bonus on saving throws against poison, spells, and spell-like abilities.
* ''' Gnome: ''' When casting  illusion spells, add +1/2 round to the duration of the spell. This does not apply to spells with a duration of instantaneous or permanent.
* '''Half-Elf:''' When casting  enchantment spells, add +1/3 to the effective caster level of the spell, but only to determine the spell’s duration.
* '''Half-Orc:''' Add 1 to your Constitution score, but only when calculating how many negative hit points you can suffer before you die.
* '''Halfling :''' Add +1/2 dodge bonus to your AC against attacks of opportunity triggered by casting spells.
* ''' Human: ''' Increase the armor bonus by 1/5.
* ''' Anpur: ''' <sup><sup><sup>[[#Heroes of the Siwathi Desert | HSD ]]</sup></sup></sup> Add 1/2 to your Perception skill modifier when inside a stone building (including underground).
* ''' Dhamphir: ''' <sup><sup><sup>[[#Advanced Class Guide | ACG]]</sup></sup></sup> Add 1 to your class level to qualify for tombsight and add 1 ft. to the range.
* ''' Eventual: ''' <sup><sup><sup>[[#Fehr's Ethnology Complete | FEC]]</sup></sup></sup> Gain +1/4 to Will saves when inside a stone building (including underground).
* ''' Oread: ''' <sup><sup><sup>ARG</sup></sup></sup> Increase the armor bonus by 1/5.
* ''' Xesa: ''' <sup><sup><sup>[[#Fehr's Ethnology Complete | FEC]]</sup></sup></sup> Add 1/4 to concentration checks.
* ''' Zendiqi: ''' <sup><sup><sup>[[#Fehr's Ethnology Complete | FEC]]</sup></sup></sup> Add a spell from your spell list to your familiar, known spells, or spellbook that has the air, earth, fire, or water descriptor and is at least one level lower than the highest level spell you can cast.
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<noinclude>== Open Game License ==
=== Section 15 Addendum ===
''Pathfinder Player Companion: People of the Sands
© 2013, Paizo Publishing, LLC; Authors: Shaun Hocking, Rob McCreary, and Jason Nelson. </noinclude>

Latest revision as of 08:57, 23 July 2020

ApathApath Logo
Unofficial rules compendium

The ancient lands of the desert are rife with aged ruins guarded by stony sentinels from bygone days, whose implacable gaze can still the heart of a miscreant or scare off a would-be tomb robber. The ren monolith is a living monolith of the scribe caste, a wielder of mystic power. The ancient race of sphinxes is said to have endowed the first ren monoliths with their powers, raising statuettes to a semblance of life, but today, most of these paragons of justice are mortals who willingly take on the mantle of immortal guardians through ritual and devotion, imbuing themselves with the patience and eternal strength of stone.

There is also a curse to create a living monolith, as described in Warrior Prestige Archetypes, also by Purple Duck Games.

Class Information

This is a prestige archetype. Ren monoliths are immortal spellcasters with the might and resilience of stone.

Publisher: Purple Duck Games.

Prestige Class: Living monolith from Pathfinder Player Companion: People of the Sands.

Build Classes: is built on the wizard, but the following optional build classes are described below: arcanist, psychic, sacerdote, sorcerer, or witch.

Role: Ren monoliths are sacred guardians, using magical powers to hinder and destroy tomb robbers. In a party, their role is essentially the same, to anticipate and destroy the enemies of the team.

Alignment: Any. Alignment is generally similar to that of the noble whose tomb they guard. There are more lawful and good monoliths than chaotic and evil ones, because those taking up the task voluntarily are usually lawful and evil nobles tend to prefer undead guardians. Adventuring living monoliths need an explanation why they are no longer guardians—usually because the guarded tomb was despoiled.

Bonus Language: Sphinx. A ren monolith can pick sphinx as a bonus language, in addition to those allowed by his race.

Hit Die: d6.

Class Skills

Appraise (Int), Craft (Int), Intimidate (Cha), Knowledge (all) (Int), Linguistics (Int), Profession (Wis), and Spellcraft (Int).

Skill Ranks Per Level: 2 + Int modifier.

Class Features

These are all the class features of the ren monolith.

Weapon and Armor Proficiency

Ren monoliths are proficient with the club, dagger, dart, mace (light), sling, and quarterstaff, but not with any type of armor or shield. Armor interferes with a ren monolith's movements, which can cause his arcane spells with somatic components to fail.


The ren monolith learns and casts spells exactly like a wizard, including using arcane magic, the effect of Intelligence on spellcasting, spellbooks, automatically learned spells, and cantrips.

Build Class

The wizard monolith can meld his spellbook with his ren stone, causing it to disappear and become inaccessible and indestructible. Many wizard monoliths scribe their spells on individual rolls of papyrus or stone tablets, and only need to take out the tablets for the spells they actually study. Melding or taking out the spell book is a move action. If the wizard monolith is dead or unconscious (sleep does not count), the spellbook immediately materializes.

Ren Stone (Su)

During his induction into this class, a ren monolith has a stone scarab embedded in his forehead, often set with gems or inlaid with precious metals. This stone is inscribed on its inner side with the monolith's true name and his oaths to the gods and pharaohs. It cannot be removed without his permission, cannot be dispelled (though it does not function in areas where magic does not work), and does not use a magic item slot.

The soul stone grants the ren monolith a +2 bonus on saving throws against death effects, mind-affecting effects, effects that grant negative levels, and on saves to overcome negative levels.

Additionally, a ren stone can be used once per day to cast any one spell that the ren monolith has in his spell list and of a level he is capable of casting. The ren monolith doesn't need to know the spell. This spell is treated like any other spell cast by the ren monolith, including casting time, duration, and other effects dependent on the ren monolith's level. This spell cannot be modified by metamagic feats or other abilities.

Scribe Scroll

At 1st level, a ren monolith gains Scribe Scroll as a bonus feat.

Armor Bonus (Ex)

At 2nd level, a ren monolith receives +4 armor bonus to AC as a result of their ongoing petrification. This is an armor bonus (not natural armor) and does not stack with armor worn or effects that give an armor bonus, like mage armor.

Fortified Flesh (Ex)

At 3rd level, the flesh of a ren monolith takes on some of the hardness of stone. A ren monolith gains DR 1 and 10% immunity to critical hits and sneak attacks (as if wearing fortification armor). At 7th level and every four levels thereafter, this DR increases by 1 and the immunity to critical hits increases by 10%.

Figurine (Sp)

At 4th level a ren monolith can invoke the power of his ren stone 3 times per day as a standard action, enabling him to shrink to Tiny size as if using reduce person (even if he is not a humanoid or larger than Small in his natural form). This effect lasts until dispelled or dismissed by the ren monolith.

Tombsight (Su)

At 5th level, a living monolith can perceive the balance of life and death, as if using deathwatch and detect undead simultaneously.

This power can be used at will and lasts as long as the living monolith concentrates.

Stone Blood (Ex)

At 6th level, the vital fluids and tissues of a ren monolith can selectively petrify in response to injury. A ren monolith automatically stabilizes when at negative hit points and is immune to continuous damage from bleed attacks (including weapons with the wounding special ability) and ability damage from blood drain

Stability (Ex)

At 8th level, a ren monolith becomes exceptionally stable on his feet, gaining a +4 bonus to his CMD when he resists a bull rush or trip attempt while standing on the ground. This stacks with a dwarf's stability trait and similar abilities.

Attunement to Stone (Sp)

At 9th level, a ren monolith can use meld into stone at will. The duration of this ability can be freely extended, and the ren monolith does not age, eat, drink, breathe, or need to sleep while so melded.

Immune to Disease

At 10th level, a living monolith becomes immune to all diseases, including supernatural and magical diseases (such as mummy rot). He is also immune to parasitic infestation and swarm attacks.

Summon Sphinx (Sp)

At 12th level the ren monolith gains a +4 bonus on Diplomacy checks to influence sphinxes, and can call upon the aid of the sphinxes. Once per day, the ren monolith can call a sphinx to his presence and bargain for its services as if using planar ally to call upon an outsider. At 16th level, this ability functions as greater planar ally.

Communion with Stone (Su)

At 14th level, a living monolith achieves a unique communion with the earth, gaining tremorsense to a range of 30 feet. Once per day, the living monolith can communicate with rock and stone as if using stone tell. He gains Terran as a bonus language.

Assumption of Stone (Sp)

At 16th level a living monolith becomes immune to petrification. Also, he may use statue (sp) with a range of personal at will. Add any damage reduction the living monolith has to its hardness in statue form. The duration of this ability can be freely extended, and the living monolith does not age, eat, drink, breathe, or sleep while using it. Time in statue form does not count against the duration of any spell or spell-like ability the ren monolith has cast on himself, and all such spells are suspended for the duration. This allows the ren monolith to leave statue form and instantly be buffed and ready for combat.

Judgment of the Monolith (Sp)

At 17th level, a living monolith gains the divine authority to demand truthful answers. Once per day, a living monolith can conduct a ritual of inquisition. If performed on a dead body, this functions as speak with dead. Upon a living creature, it functions as a mark of justice that activates if the target lies to the living monolith.

Lore of Stone (Sp)

At 18th level a living monolith can use this power to entreat the spirits of the living and the dead to answer questions as if using contact other plane (treat as contacting a lesser deity).

Ageless Stone (Ex)

At 20th level, a living monolith becomes immortal. He ceases aging (though any aging effects already accrued remain in place) and becomes immune to energy drain and death effects, though he can still be killed by other means.

Table: Ren Monolith

Special Spells per Day
0 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th
1st +0 +0 +0 +2 Build class, ren stone, Scribe Scroll 3 1
2nd +1 +0 +0 +3 Armor bonus +4 4 2
3rd +1 +1 +1 +3 Fortified flesh 1 4 2 1
4th +2 +1 +1 +4 Figurine 4 3 2
5th +2 +1 +1 +4 Tombsight 4 3 2 1
6th +3 +2 +2 +5 Stone blood 4 3 3 2
7th +3 +2 +2 +5 Fortified flesh 2 4 4 3 2 1
8th +4 +2 +2 +6 Stability 4 4 3 3 2
9th +4 +3 +3 +6 Attunement to stone 4 4 4 3 2 1
10th +5 +3 +3 +7 Immune to disease 4 4 4 3 3 2
11th +5 +3 +3 +7 Fortified flesh 3 4 4 4 4 3 2 1
12th +6/+1 +4 +4 +8 Summon sphinx 4 4 4 4 3 3 2
13th +6/+1 +4 +4 +8 Assumption of stone 4 4 4 4 4 3 2 1
14th +7/+2 +4 +4 +9 Communion with stone 4 4 4 4 4 3 3 2
15th +7/+2 +5 +5 +9 Fortified flesh 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 2 1
16th +8/+3 +5 +5 +10 Summon sphinx (greater) 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 3 2
17th +8/+3 +5 +5 +10 Judgment of the monolith 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 2 1
18th +9/+4 +6 +6 +11 Lore of stone 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 3 2
19th +9/+4 +6 +6 +11 Fortified flesh 5 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 3
20th +10/+5 +6 +6 +12 Ageless stone 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4

Alternate Build Classes

The ren monolith can be built on these alternate classes: arcanist, psychic, sacerdote, sorcerer, or witch.

A ren monolith learns and casts spells exactly like the build class, including type of magic (arcane, divine, or psychic), the effect of ability scores on spellcasting and cantrips, knacks or orisons. He only suffers arcane spell failure in armor if he casts arcane spells.

In addition, the ren monolith inherits the following class features from the build class. This replaces the build class feature, above.

Arcanist Same as the build class ability of the wizard, above.

Psychic The psychic monolith gains the psychic discipline class feature, including discipline spells and discipline powers. Because he lacks a phrenic pool, certain discipline powers do not work, notably those of the Enlightenment discipline.

Sacerdote The sacerdote monolith keeps the advanced spellcasting, bonus languages, chaotic evil good and lawful spells, divine focus, divine wrath, and manifestation class features. This class is from Legendary Classes: Sacerdote, also by Purple Duck Games.

Sorcerer The sorcerer monolith gains Eschew Materials as a bonus feat at level 1. He selects a bloodline, but gains only bloodline spells, bloodline arcana , and the bloodline skill from the bloodline; the rest of his power is channeled into the ren stone. Most sorcerer monoliths have bloodlines related to earth or the dead.

Witch A witch monolith has no familiar and stores his spells in his ren stone. He gains patron spells; most witch monoliths have patrons related to earth or the dead.

Favored Class Bonuses

Instead of receiving an additional skill rank or hit point whenever they gain a level in a favored class, some races have the option of choosing from a number of other bonuses, depending upon their favored classes. The following options are available to the listed race who have ren monolith as their favored class, and unless otherwise stated, the bonus applies each time you select the listed favored class reward.

  • Dwarf: Gain a +1/5 bonus on saving throws against poison, spells, and spell-like abilities.
  • Gnome: When casting illusion spells, add +1/2 round to the duration of the spell. This does not apply to spells with a duration of instantaneous or permanent.
  • Half-Elf: When casting enchantment spells, add +1/3 to the effective caster level of the spell, but only to determine the spell’s duration.
  • Half-Orc: Add 1 to your Constitution score, but only when calculating how many negative hit points you can suffer before you die.
  • Halfling : Add +1/2 dodge bonus to your AC against attacks of opportunity triggered by casting spells.
  • Human: Increase the armor bonus by 1/5.

  • Anpur: HSD Add 1/2 to your Perception skill modifier when inside a stone building (including underground).
  • Dhamphir: ACG Add 1 to your class level to qualify for tombsight and add 1 ft. to the range.
  • Eventual: FEC Gain +1/4 to Will saves when inside a stone building (including underground).
  • Oread: ARG Increase the armor bonus by 1/5.
  • Xesa: FEC Add 1/4 to concentration checks.
  • Zendiqi: FEC Add a spell from your spell list to your familiar, known spells, or spellbook that has the air, earth, fire, or water descriptor and is at least one level lower than the highest level spell you can cast.

Open Game License

OGL logo.png The text in this article is Open Game Content. It is covered by the Open Game License v1.0a, rather than the Action copyright. To distinguish it, these items will have this notice. If you see any page that contains OGL material and does not show this license statement, please contact one of the Action administrators. Please note that images used in article may have different copyright than the text.

Section 15 Addendum

Pathfinder Player Companion: People of the Sands © 2013, Paizo Publishing, LLC; Authors: Shaun Hocking, Rob McCreary, and Jason Nelson.