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Good Looks

You look great. This is not merely a matter of charisma or seduction skill, you can be obnoxious and rude, but there is something special about how you look. This could also be animal magnetism or whatever. You never have any trouble getting into private parties or clubs, and can get close to people simply because they like to have you around. Everyone will consider you beautiful, but some people really fall for you. The GM may use this as he sees fit, but if you want a rule, you may roll a Charisma roll whenever you initially meet somebody who might fall for your charm. You can spend fortune on this roll. If the result is exactly equal to their Charisma, they fall for you. This is not seduction, you need not play up to them at all.

Good Looks may not be turned off, and can sometimes give you trouble. An additional schtick pick lets you turn your good looks off.

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Copyright © 1998 and onwards, Carl Cramér. Page downloaded times. Last update Sun, Apr 2, 2000.