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Present-Day Gadgets

Light Amplifier Goggles


Light Amplifier Goggles are lightweight night-vision goggles. They are an electronic light amplification system which looks like an unusual pair of ski goggles. During the darkest night, the Light Amplifier Goggles will give the impression of twilight, extending the range of vision to 150 meters. This is an hi-tech variant of the Nitefinder goggles.

Smoke Screen Mask


A Smoke Screen Mask is an air filter and a pair of light amplification goggles tuned to a specific frequency of light. Smoke screens can be tailored to block all light except this specific frequency, so a character using a Smoke Screen Mask can see through his own smoke screens and those designed to be compatible with his mask.

Wrist Holster

A pistol holster strapped to the user's forearm. It can be activated through a cybernetic connection or simply by forming the hand to receive the gun, instantly placing the gun in your hand, ready to fire. An experienced user can draw the gun without expending any shots to do so.

The bulk of the device increases the concealability of your weapon by one category, for example from Pocket to Jacket.

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Copyright © 1998 and onwards, Carl Cramér. Page downloaded times. Last update 99-05-29.