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Steam Engine-Era Vehicles

Tugboat (3/20)

Big, slow, powerful, used for moving barges around. Really, is there anything else you need to know? They get a +5 Toughness on Rams, because they are so insanely powerful. (Rich to own, Working Stiff to operate)

River Steamer (5/16)

You find these plying the rivers of China in 1850, propeller-driven craft (few paddle wheelers in these parts) that rule the river as long as there is no gunboat around. A larger steamer carries more cargo, but since all you need to do to cripple her is to hole the hull, they don't have more Toughness. (Rich to own, Working Stiff to be the captain, Poor to be crew)

Gunboat (4/15)

These are the reason Europeans rule the waterways of China in 1850. Small, lightly armored but with a sizeable gun, that does 15 damage AP or HE. This gun takes 9 to 25 shots to reload, depending on type. (Rich to commandeer one, Working Stiff to be the captain, Poor to be crew)


Trains are in their heyday in 1850; in the contemporary and 2056 junctures, they are technological marvels but not very exiting. A train can never chase any other type of vehicle (they must go where the tracks go, right), but they can be chased and chase each other. Because of the tracks, they get a +3 bonus on any Get Back on Track stunt.

Rail Car (-/20)

These are the cars that engines pull, either full of heavy cargo or screaming passengers.

Trolley (5/18)

A typical streetcar or suburban commuter train, these exist in 1850 and all later junctures. Other than the amount of smoke and noise they generate, and for the fact that the doors close automatically from 1950 or so, they all work the same way. The older ones have the advantage that it's easier to hang on to the outside.

American Engine (6/23)

This is the engine that won the west; big, black and smoke-belching, you can see it in any number of westerns. Similar trains ply the rails all over the world in 1850.

Slow Train (7/25)

A modern-day or 2056 engine used in rail yards or in tandem to pull freight trains. These are much more common than fast trains, and are usually disel-powered, which means they're not dependent on electricity, which can be cut.

Fast Train (8/24)

Big engines used to pull passenger trains, these are the queens of the rail. Basically unchanged statistics-wise from the looong, cool steamers of1880s to the boxy electric engines of 2056. Bullet trains are even faster, but can only run on specially-made tracks with slow bends and smooth tracks.

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Copyright © 1998 and onwards, Carl Cramér. Page downloaded times. Last update Tue, Feb 1, 2000.