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Path of the Passive Wings

A beautiful, stylized art, but nonetheless full of power and vitality. This path is associated with dance, and is common among dancers and courtiers. It is considered feminine and passive in some circles.

Crane Stance

Fu: 1, Shot: 1

If the opponent attempting to hit you has a Perception rating lower than your Agility rating, your Martial Arts Dodge or Parry increases by 5. Otherwise the bonus is the standard +3. Using Crane Stance is a defensive action.

Wing of the Crane

Fu: 2, Shot: 1

Until the end of the sequence you may substitute your usual Fu rating (not your number of unspent Fu points in the current Sequence) for your Strength rating when making any tests that require it, including damage determinations. The Strength gained is in your hands and feet; it is no good for tasks made with the whole body, such as carrying loads.

Beak of the Crane

Fu: 1, Shot: 3

On a successful Martial Arts task check you may place an opponent in a hold that renders him immobile. The only physical action he may make while held is a Strength task check with your Martial Arts Action Value as the Difficulty; if he succeed, he breaks free from the hold. If you do any physical action other than passively dodge, he also breaks free of the hold. If you voluntarily release your victim in order to attack him, his Dodge against that attack is equal to his Agility.

Physical actions includes all attacks and most spells, creature powers and stunts. Social interactions are still possible, but a held target is at a natural disadvantage that gives them a -5 penalty. Internal powers of body control (such as Enhancement or Transformation) may be used to substitute for Strength when trying to escape.

Talon of the Crane

Fu: 3, Shot: 3

This is identical in effect to Beak of the Crane, above, except that every time the opponent makes the Strength check or tries to take any other action he suffers 5 Wound Points

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Copyright © 1998 and onwards, Carl Cramér. Page downloaded times. Last update Saturday, September 13, 2003.