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Path of the Falling Leaf

This path emulates the slow swaying of trees and the uncertainty of the falling leaf, combining subtle defenses with sudden and tricky attacks. Practitioners often use weapons, and advanced techniques use two weapons moving independently like tree branches in the storm.

Willow Strike

Fu: 1, Shot: 3

An extended attack, adding +3 to the action value. You cannot expend any shots or Fu until your next shot comes up.

Willow Stance

Fu: 2, Shot: 0

Make an attack against an opponent who has just missed you with a melee attack. This has no effect on your current shot. You cannot counterattack against a counterattack.

Branches in the Wind

Fu: 1, Shot: 0

Improve your Dodge by +3 for the current shot, against melee attacks only. This counts as an active defense, and is not cumulative with other active defenses.

Storm of Branches

Fu: 2, Shot: 0

Use just after you have made an unsuccessful Martial Arts attack. Make another attack against the same target, but with a different weapon or limb. No active defense or other defensive modifiers work against Storm of Branches, the difficulty is always the target's base Dodge.

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Copyright © 1998 and onwards, Carl Cramér. Page downloaded times. Last update Saturday, September 13, 2003.