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Creatures mutated by arcanowave to the degree that their supernatural essence has changed, forever marking them unnatural and unwholesome beyond even normal supernatural creatures Just as normal humans fear and loathe the supernatural, supernatural creatures are spooked by abominations. They are tied to their arcanowave implants and thus to their physical form.


Shoggoths are huge amoeba-like arcanowave creatures, who are quite common in the 1990s. They are semitransparent, slightly slimy, giant amobaoids that can shift form to create appendages or sensory organs. They can even divide and combine, to form new shoggoths or absorb other shoggoths into themselves. Their substance can be refined into ARB and they can perform simple tasks as if they were industrial machines. When left to themselves, shoggoths usually just lie there and shudder. They are not much use in combat, though some bio-weapon variants are known to exist.

Typical Shoggoth

Body 20, Chi 3, Mind 1, Reflexes 3

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Copyright © 1998 and onwards, Carl Cramér. Page downloaded times. Last update Mon, Aug 16, 1999.