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The phoenix is a mythical animal, who exist only in mythical and very highly magical worlds. A few still survive in transformed shapes. In many ways it is similar to the dragon.

Phoenixi are particularly vulnerable to reversion. They adopted human form because they require levels of magic found only in legendary times to survive in their original forms. A Phoenix who revert in an environment with a Sorcery Juncture Modifier of +4 or less dies immediately because the magical energy in the environment is not enough to support their phoenix form.

Using Temporal Reversion to change into a phoenix at any juncture with magic action value modifier +4 or less is instantly fatal.

Typical Phoenix

Body 9, Chi 13, Mnd 11, Ref 11
Attack +2/11

Typical Transformed Phoenix

Bod 7, Chi 7, Mnd 9, Ref 9



A phenix can, in the course of the game, acquire any animal schtick available to any other transformed animal package.

These cost to the master shapeshifter character is (12 + x) experience points where x = The number of transformed animal schticks the character will have once he acquires the new one.

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Copyright © 1998 and onwards, Carl Cramér. Page downloaded times. Last update Wed, Aug 11, 1999.