Atlantic Coalition

  1. FASA/Microsoft.
  2. Greater Nashua Air Defense Zone.

Composed of the states of Connecticut, Rhode Island and Massachusetts. It is a wet state. The capital is Boston.

The Atlantic Coalition is surprisingly advanced technologically, but very secretive about what they have. Atlantic Aviation and The Insight Foundation are two powerful organizations based here.

In some ways, the Atlantic Coalition can be said to be a satellite state of the Empire State, but they have many differences, the first being the natural animosity between a wet and a dry nation.

The Maritime Provinces, on the other hand, is financially dependent on the Atlantic Coalition. After the St Lawrence crisis of '37, the Maritime Provinces is a virtual sattelite of the Atlantic Coalition.

The Atlantic Coalition have put a lot of money into arctic research, and have several research and prospecting expeditions out north, creating the Northern Disputed Territories. It is rumored they have actually found Helium deposits under the ice. There have even been some conflict with Denmark over Greenland, as the Atlantic Coalition refuse to acknowledge Denmark's claim to this wast and largely uncharted land. Similar conflicts with the Commonwealth have been avoided only due to the chaos in Canada. The Atlantic Coalition have few friends outside the continent.


Copyright © 1998 and onwards, Carl Cramér. Last update Sun, Oct 29, 2000.