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Ritual Spell

Name Regency Gold Duration Req'd
Level Reference Summary
Ritual Spell level Instant level as normal-level Starfox's Ritually cast spell

Normal spellcasting is fast and expedient. But sometimes, you need to cast higher level spells than you are normally capable of. Some spells also have experience point requirements you would rather avoid. At such times, this realm spell comes in handy, if a month-long ritual tapping the power of the land can be called handy.

Using Ritual Spell, you can cast a normal spell, even you would normally be incapable of casting, or one for which you would rather not pay the costs in experience or other effects. The spell must be in your spell list, and a wizard must still have learned the spell normally.

The spell can be released at any time up till one month after the realm action is complete.

The regency point cost depends on several factors:

  1. The base regency cost is one per spell level. Your effective caster level is twice the number of regency points you spend. You may wish to overspend on regency points in order to increase the power of the spell.
  2. If you want to avoid paying an XP component of the spell, this costs an additional RP per 1,000 XP you would normally have to pay.
  3. It is possible to increase the duration of the spell by one category by spending one additional regency point. You can do this several times if you wish. The categories are rounds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, years, decades, centuries, millenia.

You cannot spend more regency points in one casting of the spell than you have spellcasting levels or source levels, whichever is less. For a spell that you can normally cast, you can ignore the first case under regency point costs, above.

This is most commonly done for high-level clerical healing and/or atonement spells.

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Copyright © 1998 and onwards, Carl Cramér. Last update Wed, Feb 28, 2001.