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Floating Citadel


Name Regency Gold Duration Req'd
Level Reference Summary
Floating Citadel level*4 1 domain turn 1/level alteration (earth)-2 *level Starfox's Castle floats in the air

Using powerful magic of earth and sky, the spellcaster is capable of uprooting a citadel and cause it to fly through the air. It can then be used as a mobile base, or it can be landed and continue to function as a regular castle in it's new province.

The 'level' notation in the regency, source and level categories refers to the level of the fortification. The spell normally lasts one war move, but it can be extended by paying a regency cost equal to the level of the fortification over again in later war moves. It costs no GB to move the citadel or it's inhabitants, but each province moved requires the caster to pay a regency cost equal to the level of the fortification. This requires a source level equal to the regency points spent. If it moves away from your sources, it will land at the end of the war move.

The citadel functions as a normal castle during the whole ride, except that attacks against it cannot be initiated by ground troops, and that it can actually be used as extra terrain by the attacker. It cannot move during a battle. It has a strategic movement allowance of four and is not obliged to stop when encountering hostile troops. Up to two military units per level of fortification can ride in it.

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Copyright © 1998 and onwards, Carl Cramér. Last update Wed, Feb 28, 2001.