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Festive Lights

Name Regency Gold Duration Req'd
Level Reference Summary
Festive Lights 2 1 3 months 0 Dancing Lights Starfox's Illuminates province

This spell creates a great number of disembodied lights, similar to those created by the dancing lights spell. These will float freely over a holding, generally illuminating things in a ghostly fashion and accompanying people as they go about their tasks, following simple mental directions from anyone in the area. They are otherwise completely harmless, and any particular light can be dispelled by anyone through an act of will.

This spell is usually cast on festive occasions, to illuminate a city for a great celebration more cheaply than regular light-bearers. This will save the caster 5 GB from the cost of maintaining a Law holding, throwing a party or maintaining a court, but no more than half the normal expenditure on such things. The spell only affects holdings in one province.

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Copyright © 1998 and onwards, Carl Cramér. Last update Wed, Feb 28, 2001.