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Mistress Adele of the Academy of Stargazers 

The Academy of Stargazers is an all-female, all-virgin guild of astrologers and mystics, devoted to knowledge, study and truth. Their outpost in the middle of the marshes is not only secluded, but also a bastion against the evil powers of the mere.

Mistress Adele appeared out of nowhere with her Stargazers in 1493,and established an academy where she educates young women of both noble and common blood. Some students come only to learn the basic skills of scribing, scholarship and lerrser magic, while others stay on to become star sisters, as the adepts of the order are known. Star sisters are powerful wizardesses and sworn to chastity for life.

The academy is housed in the partially restored ruins of Castle Naerytar, in Bogsend. The castle is situated in some of the worst bogs in the county, surrounded by monsters, and is inaccessible during much of the year, but the sisters consider this seclusion desirable. Few pupils ever escape, despite the harsh discipline, and many of those who do are never found again.

Source: Dungeon #72.

Mistress Adele (FA, W14, Vo, Minor 12)
An accomplished wizardess of simple blood. Besides her service as a tutor, she is also a famous astrologer. She rarely leaves the academy.

Star-sister Almeira (FA, W7, An, Minor 6)
A hard and aloft teacher and disciplinarian despite her plump but pretty face.

Star-sister Pernasia (FKh, W6, Ba, Minor, 11)
A charismatic khinansi lady, often out recruiting for the order.

Star-sister Bernadette (FA, W6, Vo, Tainted, 03)
A striking and kind woman in her fifites who stays at the academy teaching.

Star-sister Hendris (FA, W5, Az, Tainted, 11)
A willowry and well-spoken lady who is often out recruiting or giving consultations and advice.

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