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Enchant Item

Name Regency Gold Duration Req'd
Level Reference Summary
Enchant Item 1/5,000 instant 1/10,000 special Starfox's Creates magic item

Turning mebhaighl into magic items is more complex; it requires the spellcaster to use this domain spell. One casting of the spell creates magical items with a total worth of 5,000 gp times the number of regency points spent. You cannot spend more regency points in one casting of the spell than you have spellcasting levels or twice as many as you have source levels, whichever is less.

This is a way to avoid the usual procedure of spending feats, time, money and experience on item creation, spending a realm action and regency points instead. You must still fulfill any normal prerequisites to create the item, such as level, spells known and so on, though you need not bother with special components.

Arranging for the purchase or selling of a magical item requires a diplomacy realm action. The usual price in these circumstances is one GB for every regency point invested in the item (that is, twice the item's usual gp price). But finding a seller or customer might not be so easy.

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Copyright © 1998 and onwards, Carl Cramér. Last update Wed, Feb 28, 2001.