
Vehicles / Schticks / Surprise Special

You love to fill your car with nifty gadgets. These vary from occasion to occasion, but you have a knack for having just the right gadget for each situation.

A number of times each session equal to your schtick picks in Surprise Special, you can activate strange and wondrous gadgets in your car. You don't need to decide which gadgets you have beforehand; you just activate any gadget of your choice at any time. Activating a gadget takes but a single shot, and this includes any stunt roll.

Example gadgets

You can invent more gadgets on the spot, as long as the GM approves each one. In general, these either give a special 1-shot stunt or give a +3 bonus to some value or for a short while. Go watch armor of God by Jackie Chan, and perhaps a few James Bond movies.