
Super / Origin / Magic

Your powers are mystical in nature. Magic heroes are generally either magicians themselves, magical beings, use magic items, or are champions granted magic powers to fight for a cause.

Magic heroes usually have Items, Pulp, Races, Sorcery, and Super schticks.

Magic in City of Heroes

The two prime magic groups are the Circle of Thorns and the Banished Pantheon. MU mystics comprise a third group, closely allied to arachnos.

Circle of Thorns

The Circle of Thorns are the disembodied survivors of a past civilization. Their culture is very different from that of contemporary Earth. Their society is strictly divided into two classes; mundanes and magicians. Both of these exist in spirit form and can be bound into a living host. A mundane bound into a host actually becomes weaker, but at the same time they become more versatile and better servants. The mages are the absolute rulers of the Circle of Thorns. In spirit form they cannot use spells, so they gain considerably in power by possessing a host. In addition to this, there are a host of Circle of Thorns demons; these are not part of the nation proper, instead being summoned and either bound or bargained with to serve.

Banished Pantheon

The Banished Pantheon is led by spirits and the shamans who serve them. They lack free-willed foot soldiers, relying on zombies for menial tasks. Unlike the Circle of Thorns, they are more a cult than a nation. Their magic is also less versatile than the Circle's, though every bit as strong.

Mu Adepts

The Mu Adepts form a school of magic in service to arachnos. Some ancient mages of MU have been revived and now train those of the MU bloodline in the use of magic. Today this magic is very strict, requiring a very strict regimen and giving pretty specific powers. Once upon the time when MU defeated the Circle of Thorns, they were a thriving magical culture with many diverse abilities; today's adepts represent only one magic school from old MU. Theirs was a classic fantasy culture, where magic power was used by most everybody to do every imaginable task. Most magic heroes are tied to or descended from MU in some way or another.


There is a brisk trade in magic items, centered in Talos Island. The Warriors, Tsoo, and Hellions are all heavily involved in this. But this is pushing, not using; most of the items traded with are cursed in some way. Many supers, both villains and heroes, got their first powers from such items. The only gang that actually uses magic, and only in the leadership, are the Hellions. A combination of magic items and contracts with infernal entities give the Damned their power.

Legacy Chain

A semi-religious fighting order devoted to policing magic, the Legacy Chain has many members who are not magicians, but the goals and methods of the group are centered on magic. This dedication to magic makes them avoid modern weapons and equipment.