
Sorcery / Traditions / Wizardry

Wizardry is the magic of numbers, ideas and philosophy. Wizards observe "ideal forms" in astral space, and then use their magic to bring those shapes into reality.

This tradition is often based on the work of some great philosopher – on Earth this would be Euclid or Plato.

Wizardry is not very practical or down-to-earth. Wizards see correspondences between the natural and supernatural worlds in numbers, relative positions and geometrical figures, not in simple things like form or substance. They are easily able to overcome limitations such as space and time, but have a hard time manipulating physical reality.

There are many sub-branches of wizardry. Some are significant enough to count as magic traditions in their own right, such as Astrology, as NamingMagic, and as Mysticism. Others approach these other traditions, but remain Wizardly in nature and limitations.

Examples and References



Wizards become absent minded over time, because so much of their attention is focused on astral space. They also become conduits for astral energy, and must concentrate in order not to work magic. When they strain their abilities or when fatigue reduces their watchfullness, things manifest out of astral space without their will. Their failed spells also have a tendency to manifest erroneously.

Hocus Pocus

Wizards use mystic symbols, abaci, charts, calculations and circles drawn on every flat surface as props. They prefer to embroider their clothes with sigils and signs to ward them form danger.

Common Schticks

Rare or prohibited Schticks


Classical supernatural creatures, such as demons, devils and virtues.