
Sorcery / Traditions / The Force

As life develops, it surrounds itself with an intangible energy field known as The Force. This energy can be tapped and used by certain individuals to manifest great powers. But this is dangerous, because there is a seductive, violent side to the force, that tries to seduce force users to submit to it and invoke its powers for destruction instead of preservation.

This represents the final development of psionics,when it has passed through the initial WildPsionics and the more developed Psionics into a fully mature mystical movement, almost a religion.

Force powers also manifest as Fu schticks, and many force users also know Fu.

Examples and References

Star Wars.


Faith (Jedi)

A jedi must never act rashly, and must never be motivated by fear or anger. It is better to react than to act. Healing and advice is better than rash actions. A jedi goes where the force leads him, without trying to wrestle with the universe around him. Harmony is the key.

Failing to uphold this code inevitably leads to corruption. Trying to gain control of the world around you, even to good ends, feeds the streak of dominance in your soul and paves the path for the dark side. And once gone over, there is precious little help; you will slide deeper and deeper into darkness and soon perform unspeakable acts of cruelty and destruction. Only an act of ultimate sacrifice can lead to salvation.

Echoes (Sith)

Sith, those who use the dark side of the force, have no faith limitation. Instead, they must contend with the dark side itself, which inevitably turns upon the user, first forcing him to be overly destructive, then slowly turns upon itself and destroys the user. This is akin to Echoes, but work on the dark force user's personality more than on physical reality - making the sith act awful stupid sometimes, just in order to maximize evil. Unlike Faith, it is not a matter of choice but a result of the intoxicating corruption of the Dark Side.

World Wrenching

A force user can feel it when the force is activated, even if this happens far away. Over close distances, they can feel each other's presence even when not using the force. Using the force when among enemies is certainly very dangerous.

Common Schticks

Rare or Prohibited Schticks


Summoning is not used by either jedi or sith. Certain old masters of the force can manifest as ghosts, but these are very intangible and the living have no special power over them. Perhaps such powers could be developed if force ghosts ever became commonplace.

Only the most twisted and mad force-users use Summoning, but when they do, they bring things into existence from their own subconscious - terrible nightmares out of their own twisted dreams.