
Sorcery / Traditions / Techno Occultism

Once upon a time, magicians had to rely on choirs chanting mantras, heavy props, arcane scriptures in huge tomes, and other cumbersome tools. No longer! The modern wizard can easily start up a holographic altar and perform a virtual sacrifice accompanied by perfectly-pitched recorded hymns. Welcome to the magic of tomorrow!

Technomagic comes in two main schools – occultech and virtual magic.

Occultech is traditional magic combined with technology. Neon pentagrams, holographic force field, pools full of bioengineered blood and sampled incantations repeated endlessly through a PA system create a strange blend of medieval magic and state-of-the-art technology. Occultech is related to Arcanotech, but they are not the same thing.

Virtual magic uses the powers of computers and virtual reality to work magic. By accustoming yourself to a virtual world where you can overcome the limitations of mundane reality, you train your mind to do the same in real life. By altering the perception of the masses through the media, you change what reality is. A change created in virtual reality soon becomes real. Virtual reality is a technological version of the astral space of Wizardry.

Examples and References

Virtual Adepts from MAGE. Some of the things done on the Holodeck of Star Trek. Ottoman from Warrior Nun Areala.


Hocus Pocus

Techno Occultists need their gear. Holographic cabala symbols or virtual reality goggles all do the same thing, they focus your magic. In visible ways.


All the electronic junk you use for your magic runs off computers, and computers can be hacked. If your magical glyph machines and automated orchestras are reprogrammed, your powers will fail. If an electromagnetic shock wipes out your electronics, it can’t help you work magic. And if the power of your batteries runs out and there is no power connection nearby, you are simply out of luck.

Common Schticks

Rare or prohibited Schticks


Occultechnicians summon all sorts of techno demons and holographic constructs.