
Sorcery / Traditions / Psionics

Pisons use their own inner powers to create magical effects. This is a sorcerer from a mature psionic trafition, without the random mayhem of Wild Psionics or the mystic connotations of The Force.

Examples and References



Psionics is the power of the mind. It can cause telekinetic effects, and it can transform creatures freely and objects in a minor way. However, it cannot create large amounts of elemental matter, nor can it have lasting effects much beyond the concentration of the psion. When the psion ceases to spend attention on same power, that power fails. Permanent psionic items are still possible, but those require an investment, a small part of the psions soul, and this is neither quick nor cheap.


Psionic powers channel energies through astral space, and these energies leave ectoplasmic trails or cause other side effects such as phantasmal sounds or smells.

Common Schticks

Rare or prohibited Schticks


Few psions summon things - they more commonly create them using Polymorpism. Only mad psions use such powers. But when the do summon, it is usually horrific creatures from nightmares and beyond.