
Sorcery / Traditions / Power Incarnate

By accident, heritage or design, you have gained the ability to mainipulate reality to a certain degree. This control is strong and direct, but very focused. This is common among Supers, but also exists among so-called natural talent magicians in fantasy worlds.

All Innate Power magicians are very foccused. They have some aspect of reality that they can manipulate, but outside this narrow sphere they have no power art all. At the same time, they are pretty versatile in the use of thei powers; for someone who has a few rote effects but no flexibility, Creatures or Super powers might work better.

Examples and References

Versatile superheroes like Iceman and Magneto, diverse gods.



You must be in your heroic identity to use Sorcery. You must dress up appropriately; either as a legendary being or in an established heroic identity. You must be using any props connected to this identity. If you have Supers powers and Limitations that limit them, your sorcery is also affected by these limitations.


Your powers work with direct, unsubtle manifestations. Some users have a power signature; for others the powers are obvious in and of themselves.

Common Schticks

Rare or prohibited Schticks


Gods and spirits can have specific servants they call again or again, while a few of them actually use summoning to summon the regular host of demons and spirits of their mythology.